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Which image converter???

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Glenn M. Saunders

Dec 10, 1994, 7:13:42 PM12/10/94

I need to decide on what to get for an image converter package.

It doesn't have to handle EVERYTHING, just a few different things. Sure,
I might need more as time goes on, but I don't have the budget for the
kitchen sink.

iff24 > ham8 (I realize some do a better job of HAM8 than others)
iff24 > dctv
iff24 > jpg

As you can see, I'm looking for something to post-process my Lightwave
renderings. Most likely, I will not have the disk space to allow a full
render in iff24, let alone both iffs and the converted pix. Therefore
the conversion package must act as a sentry to convert files as they
appear and delete their old incarnation.

I realize that AdPro 2.5 will do just that, act as a sentry, but I would
find it very hard to justify a $150+ purchase just for these limited

Imagemaster R/T 1.5 , at around $70, looks a lot more like what I should
get, as long as it will handle the above format the way I need it to
operate. Suggestions???

Oh, and if there is any shareware out there that will do the job in a
'sentry' fashion (probably via Arexx) I would appreciate being pointed
towards it.

David Ingebretsen

Dec 10, 1994, 9:32:02 PM12/10/94
Glenn M. Saunders ( wrote:

: I need to decide on what to get for an image converter package.

I have and love Pegger. It will "snoop" a program or directory and
automatically JPEG compress/decompress any 24 bit, Framestore, DCTV, or 8
bit image. You can decompress images to IFF 24, IFF 8, Targa, DCTV 4 DCTV
4 filter, DCTV 3, DCTV 3 filter, framestore, Ham 8, and RGB 8

The cost is reasonable and unlike Elastic Reality and Black Belt, the
authors of Pegger are still actively developing and supporting PEGGER.

I would look at Pegger and see if it will do exactly what you want.

David M. Ingebretsen *** Binary Illusions / 3D Physics *** *** Animation and more ***

Kermit Royce Woodall

Dec 10, 1994, 10:21:59 PM12/10/94
>I need to decide on what to get for an image converter package.
>It doesn't have to handle EVERYTHING, just a few different things.
>Sure, I might need more as time goes on, but I don't have the
>budget for the kitchen sink.
>iff24 > ham8 (I realize some do a better job of HAM8 than others)
>iff24 > dctv
>iff24 > jpg
>As you can see, I'm looking for something to post-process my
>Lightwave renderings. Most likely, I will not have the disk space
>to allow a full render in iff24, let alone both iffs and the
>converted pix. Therefore the conversion package must act as a
>sentry to convert files as they appear and delete their old

You might check REND24 out. It handles most of this. It's a shareware
program by the same guy who works full time on our ImageFX package which
can also do everything you need and much much more.

Kermit Woodall
Nova Design, Inc.

Glenn Nielsen

Dec 11, 1994, 8:52:19 PM12/11/94
In <3cdg7m$>, (Glenn M. Saunders)

Take a look at PEGGER. It can sit in the background and allow graphics
programs (including lightwave) to load and save JPEG files by transparently
converting IFF24, HAM8, DCTV, Targa, Framestore, RGB8 images to/from JPEG. Most
recent street price I saw was $44 mail order.

---------------- Glenn Nielsen ------------------
-< Life is too short for a dull computer, Amiga >-
CIS: 75115,444 BIX: expressway PORTAL: Glenn-EWS

Nov 29, 2012, 4:52:57 AM11/29/12

Hari Seldon

Nov 30, 2012, 10:21:37 PM11/30/12
Hi Glenn M. Saunders,

Isn`t AdPro on Aminet? Or maybe it was released as a full, working
program on a magazine cover disk? I should still have that, but no
floppy in this AMD box, so I would have to mess about with the a1200
where the Blizz died, so the installed OS3.5 refuses to boot. Not enough
memory - need to re-install OS3.1 first. And I definitely have Art
Department Pro v2.5.0 installed here - on UAE now - so perhaps it would
be possible to just arc up its folder and check all EnvVars or assigns
in user-startup - do you want to try that? I can then attach it for you
and take you through the steps via email or even skype...

There were also GfxCon that I used at times, but it has no batch
processing. Maybe ArtEffect does - I have v1.5 though rarely used it.
There is also Photogenics, which was supposed to be good too...


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