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ADPRO 2.5: Online Tutorial, Please?

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John Skoll

Feb 11, 1994, 6:03:06 PM2/11/94
I've just downloaded and installed the six-disk set which comprises
the latest version of Art Department Professional, which is V2.5.

This looks like a very good product, and I may purchase it if it
proves to be very useful to my personal/business needs. Please,
folks, don't go ballistic about piracy, I'm only ascertaining the
value of this merchandise, so moralizing will be wasted upon me.

I'm looking for any reviews, and, more hopefully, a step-by-step
tutorial on how to process images in many different ways with this
program, as well as an indication on how useful the new features
are. So, any hints, tips or documentation would be sorely
appreciated. As I am not a selfish fellow, it would be beneficial
to a "silent majority" here if any and all positive responses could
be posted publicly.


P.S. In case anyone's curious, I downloaded this superb release from
an elite BBS in New York City called REIGN IN BLOOD. They carry
the latest releases, and have very reliable high-speed modem
lines which operate 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. I would
post the number, but the sysop has informed his users (like
myself) that only elite modemtraders and verifiable couriers can
gain high access, so the number must be obtained via underground
contacts. I don't fit either category above, as I pay for my

Edith D Goldstein

Feb 11, 1994, 8:15:46 PM2/11/94



Bandes Dessinee

Feb 11, 1994, 11:36:47 PM2/11/94
John Skoll requests us to kindly 'not go ballistic about piracy',
then asks for step-by-step instructions to a program he pirated?

Sure, I'm just fanning the flames higher, I know. But this
is just too good to pass up.

I bought my ADPro, I bought my ADPro upgrade. And you know, really
I'm not so offended by the thought of someone pirating the software,
but it's REALLY irritating to hear someone ask those of us who laid out a
lot of money for a program to be asked to teach a pirate.

John, one of the things you get with purchased software is the manual.
And tech support. I will not give you either of the above, and I hope
and trust that no one else here will either. Spend some time with your pirated
program, maybe you'll learn that it's worth your money. Maybe you'll get frustrated
with it, and give up - it's big and complex without a manual. Either way, I don't
want to hear about it.

Bandes Dessinee C-Art Founder
Zum Gali Gali Rubber Stamps "When in doubt, draw a frog."

J Eric Chard

Feb 12, 1994, 4:18:57 AM2/12/94
>I've just downloaded and installed the six-disk set which comprises
>the latest version of Art Department Professional, which is V2.5.

How 'bout you go fuck yourself, asshole?

Jim Perkowski

Feb 12, 1994, 9:53:15 AM2/12/94
In article <MJw6C...@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> j...@curry.edschool.Virginia.EDU (John Skoll) writes:
> I've just downloaded and installed the six-disk set which comprises
> the latest version of Art Department Professional, which is V2.5.
> This looks like a very good product, and I may purchase it if it
> proves to be very useful to my personal/business needs. Please,
> folks, don't go ballistic about piracy, I'm only ascertaining the
> value of this merchandise, so moralizing will be wasted upon me.
> I'm looking for any reviews, and, more hopefully, a step-by-step
> tutorial on how to process images in many different ways with this
> program, as well as an indication on how useful the new features
> are. So, any hints, tips or documentation would be sorely
> appreciated. As I am not a selfish fellow, it would be beneficial
> to a "silent majority" here if any and all positive responses could
> be posted publicly.
> john

[Pirate bbs ad deleted.]

It's people like you who have made the Amiga what it is today, on
the edge. No wonder companies don't want to develope new software
or upgrade older programs when they read this kind of thing on the net.
You are not only stealing from ASDG, you are stealing from all Amiga
users. I hope ASDG files charges against you.

Jim Perkowski


Please use the below address when
sending mail.

Feb 12, 1994, 9:56:13 AM2/12/94
Wasted or not, it's people like you that hurt my sizable investment in
computer equipment. I need good software to make my business competitive and
if the software companies can't make a living they don't provide it. You've
got balls asking for docs, do you also want us to fly out there and tutor
you, how about let's upgrade your machine for free.

If you really aren't a
"selfish fellow" then call the software piracy association, give them the
pirate board number and help them nail that Sysop.

John Collier - FAT AGNUS BBS 914-429-7765

J Eric Chard

Feb 12, 1994, 12:36:33 PM2/12/94
>I've just downloaded and installed the six-disk set which comprises
>the latest version of Art Department Professional, which is V2.5.

How 'bout you go fuck yourself, asshole?

Judge ATomek

Feb 12, 1994, 7:37:51 PM2/12/94

> I've just downloaded and installed the six-disk set which comprises
> the latest version of Art Department Professional, which is V2.5.

[stuff deleted...]

> I'm looking for any reviews, and, more hopefully, a step-by-step
> tutorial on how to process images in many different ways with this
> program, as well as an indication on how useful the new features
> are. So, any hints, tips or documentation would be sorely
> appreciated.

[more stuff deleted...]

How would you like me to send you a photocopy of the original manual? Then you wouldn't
have to buy anything at all. Nice try mate!


| /\ tm |
| /--\TOMEK <-- New Zealand |

George Dalton Madison

Feb 12, 1994, 8:53:33 PM2/12/94
j...@curry.edschool.Virginia.EDU (John Skoll) writes:
>I've just downloaded and installed the six-disk set which comprises
>the latest version of Art Department Professional, which is V2.5.

OK; so we establish from the outset you're a thieving scum.

>This looks like a very good product, and I may purchase it if it
>proves to be very useful to my personal/business needs. Please,
>folks, don't go ballistic about piracy, I'm only ascertaining the
>value of this merchandise, so moralizing will be wasted upon me.

Correction: you're an *AMORAL* thieving scum.

If you wanted to "preview" the software, try a friend who has it,
or an Amiga dealer, or a user's group.

>I'm looking for any reviews, and, more hopefully, a step-by-step
>tutorial on how to process images in many different ways with this

Fuck off, sewage-head. Part of what you pay for is *support* and
*documentation*, and I certainly hope you don't get either --
UNTIL you pay for the software.

[> George D. Madison <|> <|> Just say NO to razors! <]

Maxwell A Daymon

Feb 12, 1994, 10:04:44 PM2/12/94
How incredibly sad... The Amiga is dead - now you know who is
doing the stabbing...


Feb 13, 1994, 4:39:14 AM2/13/94
In article <MJw6C...@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>, j...@curry.edschool.Virginia.EDU
(John Skoll) says:

[request for help with pirated ADPro deleted]

>P.S. In case anyone's curious, I downloaded this superb release from
>an elite BBS in New York City called REIGN IN BLOOD. They carry
>the latest releases, and have very reliable high-speed modem
>lines which operate 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. I would
>post the number, but the sysop has informed his users (like
>myself) that only elite modemtraders and verifiable couriers can
>gain high access, so the number must be obtained via underground
>contacts. I don't fit either category above, as I pay for my

Gee, wouldn't it be a surprise if "John Skoll" turned out to be the SYSOP
of that BBS. Very clever advertisement.


Dan J. Rockwell

Feb 13, 1994, 9:24:13 AM2/13/94
John Skoll (j...@curry.edschool.Virginia.EDU) wrote:
: I've just downloaded and installed the six-disk set which comprises

: the latest version of Art Department Professional, which is V2.5.

John, are you new here? Oh really, 2.5 is out! Already? Hey wow
way to go to support the guys who made the program.

: This looks like a very good product, and I may purchase it if it

: proves to be very useful to my personal/business needs. Please,
: folks, don't go ballistic about piracy, I'm only ascertaining the
: value of this merchandise, so moralizing will be wasted upon me.

Sorry you asked for it...

: I'm looking for any reviews, and, more hopefully, a step-by-step

: tutorial on how to process images in many different ways with this
: program, as well as an indication on how useful the new features
: are. So, any hints, tips or documentation would be sorely
: appreciated. As I am not a selfish fellow, it would be beneficial
: to a "silent majority" here if any and all positive responses could
: be posted publicly.

"selfish fellow" ? Well John the only tip I can give you is, BUY IT!
Or call tech support at ASDG, tell them you just downloaded it, can't fiqure
it out, and need some assistance es-pronto! I'm sure they'll help.

: john

: P.S. In case anyone's curious, I downloaded this superb release from

Ahh it's superb, yet not worth buying eh? It will increase your profits,
but hey #$&! the manufacture.

: an elite BBS in New York City called REIGN IN BLOOD. They carry

: the latest releases, and have very reliable high-speed modem
: lines which operate 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. I would
: post the number, but the sysop has informed his users (like
: myself) that only elite modemtraders and verifiable couriers can
: gain high access, so the number must be obtained via underground
: contacts. I don't fit either category above, as I pay for my
: subscription.

Man you must be new on the planet... John "BALLS" Selfishman.

Sorry fellow neters, I couldn't resist. John, may you be flamed, and flamed
and I hope you never fiquire out the full potenial of ASDG's Art Department
2.5, and what ever else you "paid" for via REIGN OF BLOOD.

I must say, you do have "balls" though...


Jeff Hanna

Feb 13, 1994, 1:00:17 PM2/13/94
>I've just downloaded and installed the six-disk set which comprises
>the latest version of Art Department Professional, which is V2.5.

John, John, John, BAD MOVE DUDE! Did it ever occur to you that ASDG (the
people who make the program you just STOLE) are online here? Now they
have your name, your email, and a posting from you admitting that you STOLE
their product! I really hope you get contacted by the authorities.

>This looks like a very good product, and I may purchase it if it
>proves to be very useful to my personal/business needs. Please,
>folks, don't go ballistic about piracy, I'm only ascertaining the
>value of this merchandise, so moralizing will be wasted upon me.

No, I -WILL- go balistic on you! You see, I am a -paying- customer of ASDG.
I own ADPro 2.3. I've ordered 2.5, but it hasn't arrived yet. So, not only
would I like to see your balls separated from your body for STEALING software
I paid for, but I would also like to see you skinned alive and thrown in
a vat of salt for getting software I PAID for BEFORE me!!!! You amoral

>I'm looking for any reviews, and, more hopefully, a step-by-step
>tutorial on how to process images in many different ways with this
>program, as well as an indication on how useful the new features
>are. So, any hints, tips or documentation would be sorely
>appreciated. As I am not a selfish fellow, it would be beneficial
>to a "silent majority" here if any and all positive responses could
>be posted publicly.


Perry, Jeff, and anybody else at ASDG, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE nail this
bastard to the wall for this. One letter to postm...@curry.edschool.virginia.
edu stating what is going on and I am sure they will help you find this

Not only would I like to see it done because he is a thief, I would like to
see it done because I am paying customer for your outstanding products.

Jeff Hanna

Jim - Norris

Feb 13, 1994, 5:38:42 PM2/13/94
I suspect our 'pirate' is just a red-herring... perhaps a terminal
left open and logged on, or maybe a Marc Barrett type with an axe to grid..
After all, people don't usually start confessing felonies without good reason,
especially with thier names and Email addresses attached. Think about it.. if
you want to take a potshot at the Amiga, this is a great way...

Jim N

Bruno Fernandes

Feb 14, 1994, 6:08:56 PM2/14/94
Haha. It was flame-bait. And I'm sure the actual poster is reading with
some other account laughing at some of you going "ballistic." Every
program I own (hell, every program you all own) has been pirated. Period.
That's a fact. It's also a fact that it does not happen more often on the
Amiga than on any other given platform. I would be willing to bet that
percentage-wise it happens far more on the MS-DOS clone market (but there
are millions and millions of those things around to still haul in some
major bucks).

Even if this John Skoll posted under his real identity, there is nothing
to be done about it except informing his postmaster. And I don't recall
anyhting he wrote giving grounds for the suspension of his account.
Certainly nothing tangible for any sort of prosecution in any form either.

It's sad but that's all it is. Just don't give him a tutorial. Maybe
he'll grace us with another post asking why we won't help him out.


Hybrid Developments.

"Also believe that peanut butter | The ideas expressed may very well be my
and bacon have been neglected as | own - or they may be stolen from others.
food groups, particularly when |
eaten together." - D. Cooper |

Feb 14, 1994, 10:27:40 PM2/14/94
In article <>, e0f1...@tuzo.erin (Bruno Fernandes) writes:
> Haha. It was flame-bait. And I'm sure the actual poster is reading with
> some other account laughing at some of you going "ballistic." Every
> program I own (hell, every program you all own) has been pirated. Period.
> That's a fact.

Sorry, you little thief but not one of the programs I own has been
pirated. Dont judge other people by the low ethical standards that
you and the pirate trash that you hang out with possess. I have
spent thousands of dollars on Amiga software and you and other
pirate scum are making that investment completely worthless as
your thieving ways force companies out of the Amiga market and
onto other platforms. Even the few, brave companies that have
remained have been forced to turn to copy protection mesasures
like dongles, which greatly incovenience honest users in order to
defend against people like you.

I've always thought that the ease and low risk involved in stealing
computer software and other intangible goods like music were a great
test of a person's sense of ethics. It seems that most people dont
steal because they feel its wrong, instead they dont steal because
they are afraid of getting caught. That's a sad commentary on modern

Scott Corley

Bruce - Dawson

Feb 14, 1994, 11:31:13 PM2/14/94
I, several other programmers, our testing staff and
documentation people sweated blood to get ADPro 2.5 out, and to make
it as good as possible. I'm really choked to see John S. bragging
about the availability of this and other programs on Pirate BBSes.
John - even if you do eventually pay for it (which I doubt), you're
still supporting the pirate industry. Instead of paying for a
subscription to an illegal BBS, why not save your money for buying the
software you use?

Thanks to everyone for universally condemning piracy.

.Bruce Dawson, ASDG.

Bruno Fernandes

Feb 15, 1994, 10:46:52 AM2/15/94
In article <>,

I'm not going to resort to calling you names just because you have not
picked up enough in school to learn how to read. Notice how I said "OWN" ?
This meant as in BOUGHT. So, every program I or anyone else here has
BOUGHT has already been pirated. Period. Not that the software I have or
anyone else has is pirated. Learn to read and use common sense. Why the
hell would I post a message accusing not only myself but everyone else on
here of running all pirated software? I thought I made it quite evident
that I was against that issue, but could not help but laugh at the
original poster. Get a grip.

Feb 16, 1994, 2:34:02 AM2/16/94
It seems that I misinterpreted Bruno Fernandes reply to a message
regarding piracy of AdPro as supporting the piracy. I was wrong
as the reply he wrote did not support piracy. I hereby offer a formal
apology to Bruno Fernandez for calling him a pirate and casting
aspersions on his character.

Sorry Bruno.

Scott Corley

Mario Rhynsburger

Feb 14, 1994, 10:02:29 PM2/14/94

Boys & Girls you should know by know,Its live to the fullest

The Dutchables


NLA 14:101/104.1

Mario Rhynsburger

Feb 14, 1994, 10:02:30 PM2/14/94
Actualy I don't own the program myself <(my compagny does)

But SURE I will give you a online Tutorial,


Lou Joe DiMarco

Feb 16, 1994, 9:26:06 PM2/16/94

> Thanks to everyone for universally condemning piracy.
>.Bruce Dawson, ASDG.

Aha, while I've got you here, I don't have any 24 bit boards, or a
toaster, or any of the other enhancements that you have added support for,
and still, I can't believe the major and minor enhancements that you
added to 2.5 to make it even more of a pleasure to use than previous

The first time I loaded the program, I tried most of the operators that
add affects like ripple, or painterly etc, and eventually crashed the
system. Have you had any other comments along this line. BTW, I have
had no trouble since. I even got the compositor to work finally.

Great job. Was ASDG planning to buy Gold Disk? :)

Jim Perkowski

Feb 17, 1994, 12:48:44 PM2/17/94

I have read another post by John Skoll in which he says he plans to
buy ADPro 2.5 in 2 weeks. Would it be possible for you to let me
know when his registration card shows up? I have a bet with a friend
that you will never see it. Thanks.

Jim Perkowski


Jody Andrew Garnett

Feb 17, 1994, 4:43:46 PM2/17/94

Bruce - Dawson

Feb 24, 1994, 12:11:03 AM2/24/94
Alex says...

> OK, I've just tried to use my Retina in a friends A4000 and ADPro 2.5,
> and the new Retina saver is asking for version 8 of the
> retina.library. The latest version I have is version 7.6 which came
> with version 1.4 of the Retina software. Anybody have and/or know
> where I can get version 8 of the retina.library. Just a quick recap I
> have:
> Retina software disk 1.4
> retina.library 7.6
> ADPro_Retina_Saver 1.4
> ADPro 2.5 has and needs:
> ADPro_Retina_Saver 1.5 (comes with ADPro)
> retina.library 8.? (does NOT come with ADPro)

Sorry about that. MacroSystems gave us the latest library and
we didn't realize it wasn't widely available. MacroSystems has made
the later version of retina.library (some of the features of which we
needed) available on their BBS. Contact them for more information.

.Bruce Dawson - ASDG

John P Sheehy

Feb 24, 1994, 8:27:41 PM2/24/94
Bruce Dawson <> writes:

Have you heard of problems with the Dislays2/Retina module? I've tried
it with retina.library 7.6, 8.2, and 8.5 and I can't get any Highcolor
or Truecolor displays. The cycle gadgets won't even show those words.
When I start up ADPro, snoopdos says the module is loaded O.K., and
there are no error messages. I am not having any other problems with
Retina or it's libraries outside of ADPro. It's not a problem with
background software, because I get the same results if I boot from an
empty but installed floppy and create a minimal environment manually.

Also, I get software error #8000000B whenever I use the compose option
for loading a pic. This is with a stack of 100000, so it's not a stack

>.Bruce Dawson - ASDG

John <>

Bruce - Dawson

Feb 25, 1994, 10:18:06 PM2/25/94
> Have you heard of problems with the Dislays2/Retina module? I've tried
> it with retina.library 7.6, 8.2, and 8.5 and I can't get any Highcolor
> or Truecolor displays. The cycle gadgets won't even show those words.

You're in luck. I know _precisely_ what the problem is, and you can
correct it yourself. Some of the first of the ADPro 2.5s shipped with a
version of Retina that had been compiled with the name retina. Note the
difference in case. The Amiga insists that the name on disk _exactly_
match the internal name. So, all you have to do is rename Retina to

The AmigaDos rename command makes this slightly difficult - it doesn'
support one step case changes, but type this at any shell prompt:

cd adpro:displays2
rename Retina blah
rename blah retina

The case is VERY important on that last command. Now you just have t
flush the old library out (type 'avail flush', or reboot) and all should be

Important note: Most versions of ADPro were shipped with the correct
internal name (Retina). With these versions, it is important not to follow
this step, as it will _stop_ the library from working. Sorry for the
confusion, this HAS been fixed.

.Bruce Dawson - ASDG.

(I confess, it was my fault. I accidentally deleted the makefile, and
didn't quite rebuild it properly)

John P Sheehy

Feb 26, 1994, 4:49:09 PM2/26/94
Bruce Dawson ( writes:

>> Have you heard of problems with the Dislays2/Retina module? I've tried
>> it with retina.library 7.6, 8.2, and 8.5 and I can't get any Highcolor
>> or Truecolor displays. The cycle gadgets won't even show those words.
> You're in luck. I know _precisely_ what the problem is, and you can
>correct it yourself. Some of the first of the ADPro 2.5s shipped with a
>version of Retina that had been compiled with the name retina. Note the
>difference in case. The Amiga insists that the name on disk _exactly_
>match the internal name. So, all you have to do is rename Retina to

O.K., thanks, I got it working. I was kind of disappointed though, to find
that only the render screen could use the new modes. The press releases and
initial comments I read on the net led me to believe that ADPro had developed
a major integration with the more popular third party GFX boards. The only
major difference between the "Displays2" modules and the "Savers2" ones that
I can discern is that the "Displays2" modules save an extra mouse click.
I am kind of disconcerted that ASDG did not put more effort into having _ALL_
of the program written so that it is easily emulated on the third party
boards. Why the panel screen for the backdrop loader? That forces the user
to use the native GFX.

BTW, why is such a high version of retina.library required? I like to use
v 8.2 because it allows larger screens than 8.5. I find it hard to believe
that such a high version is necessary, since all you seem to be doing is
reading the monitors list, opening a screen, copying buffers to the screen,
and closing the screen. That is all old stuff.

Now that the Savers2 problem has been cleared up, have you heard of my
"visual screens" problem? Any time I choose an operator which uses a
visual screen, I get a #8000000B software failure. The same happens when
I use the Compositing mode for loading a file. It happens in both cases
immediately after the screen is opened. In the case of the compositing,
the software error always occurs in the loader module ((IFF, JPEG, GIF, etc.).
This will happen under both my 030 and my 040, with or without a startup-
sequence or a SYS: environment. Guaranteed, every time with the same guru #.

Speaking of the JPEG module, it takes about 5-10 times as long to load a
JPEG into ADPro as it takes for RetinaDisplay to display the same picture
(on the same machine). I've had some take as long as 2 minutes, and the same
files would load into ImageFX or display in retinadisplay in less than ten
seconds. Was there some debugging code left in the module?

> The AmigaDos rename command makes this slightly difficult - it doesn'
>support one step case changes, but type this at any shell prompt:
>cd adpro:displays2
>rename Retina blah
>rename blah retina

Diskmaster's "rename" works just fine though.

> The case is VERY important on that last command. Now you just have t
>flush the old library out (type 'avail flush', or reboot) and all should be
> Important note: Most versions of ADPro were shipped with the correct
>internal name (Retina). With these versions, it is important not to follow
>this step, as it will _stop_ the library from working. Sorry for the
>confusion, this HAS been fixed.
>.Bruce Dawson - ASDG.
>(I confess, it was my fault. I accidentally deleted the makefile, and
>didn't quite rebuild it properly)

John <>

John P Sheehy

Feb 27, 1994, 4:29:36 PM2/27/94
I <> wrote to Bruce Dawson <>:

>Now that the Savers2 problem has been cleared up, have you heard of my
>"visual screens" problem? Any time I choose an operator which uses a
>visual screen, I get a #8000000B software failure. The same happens when
>I use the Compositing mode for loading a file. It happens in both cases
>immediately after the screen is opened. In the case of the compositing,
>the software error always occurs in the loader module ((IFF, JPEG, GIF, etc.).
>This will happen under both my 030 and my 040, with or without a startup-
>sequence or a SYS: environment. Guaranteed, every time with the same guru #.

O.K., I figured out what was wrong. The adpro.prefs file in the ADPro: assign
gets corrupted every so often. I erased it and the visual screens began to
work, and I was also able to emulate the 'Backdrop' screen on the Retina.
You should check the code that updates the 'adpro.prefs'. Something is not
Kosher there. After I first rebuilt my prefs, it got corrupted again. This
times, the entire system froze whenever I hit the 'Set Render Screen' button.
After much trial and error, going into the palette screen and selecting
'reset to defaults' seemed to clear that up. Well now that I've got the
backdrop screen emulated, I was wondering about the palette editor screen.
You seem to be using copper lists for the different rows of palette
registers. If you used Ham (without copper tricks) or dithering, it could
be emulated on the 3rd party boards. I wish software companies would leave
copper tricks to games and euro-demos. I think you will find that more and
more of your users are using the third party boards.

>Speaking of the JPEG module, it takes about 5-10 times as long to load a
>JPEG into ADPro as it takes for RetinaDisplay to display the same picture
>(on the same machine). I've had some take as long as 2 minutes, and the same
>files would load into ImageFX or display in retinadisplay in less than ten
>seconds. Was there some debugging code left in the module?

O.K., I checked again and both modules are about the same speed (ieee and
68881). Does that sound right for an 040? In my own programming I have
found 6888x code to be much faster than ieee.

>John <>

John <>

Jul 10, 2019, 8:57:23 PM7/10/19
I was the sysop of reign in blood bbs msny years ago on my amiga 2000 u need any proof i czn give u the inside details. Ami express by joseph hodge created the bbs software i started w 1 line that had 2 than 3rd private ran for 3 years begore crashed baseline 2091 scoopex w andy!

Perry Kivolowitz

Nov 8, 2020, 11:18:32 PM11/8/20
On Friday, February 11, 1994 at 5:03:06 PM UTC-6, John Skoll wrote:
> I've just downloaded and installed the six-disk set which comprises
> the latest version of Art Department Professional, which is V2.5.

Wow. This would have really pissed me off 26 years ago.

Pinku Basudei

Nov 15, 2020, 5:23:32 AM11/15/20
Because you're the author?


/ Pinku
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