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Amiga games suck!

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Nov 14, 1993, 2:52:45 AM11/14/93
Amiga games really do suck dick!
IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...
"Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."
DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!
Are games install to HDs without the need for shitty/don't work/home made
hd install patches! hahahAHahHAHhhaHAhAHhAha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IBM games have better gfx, better sound, and are just plain awesome!
Amiga games suck because: shitty 32 color max rez, (don't forget your two whole
AGA games! haahah), don't install or play from the HD without sucking down
MASSIVE ammounts of ram, (that kills me, if you can play a game from your shitty
little HDs, you need like an extra 512K of RAM?????? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

ACM - MSU Chapter

Nov 14, 1993, 5:56:19 AM11/14/93
Say, were you drunk while writing that drivel, or what?

Association For Computing Machinery / \ (unix)
"Unleashing the Power of Computing" \__/ cs::ocsacm (VMS)

Roland Knecht

Nov 14, 1993, 1:22:40 PM11/14/93
to wrote:
: Amiga games really do suck dick!

: IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...
: "Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."
: DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!

"...My Graphics-Card doesn't like the Sound-Card when the Joystick-Card is
disturbing the Mouse-Card... So I have just to slow down the
Graphics-speed and to get a special driver for my Soundcard and to make
some changes in the CONFIG.SYS and ...."

: Are games install to HDs without the need for shitty/don't work/home made

: hd install patches! hahahAHahHAHhhaHAhAHhAha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: IBM games have better gfx, better sound, and are just plain awesome!
: Amiga games suck because: shitty 32 color max rez, (don't forget your two whole
: AGA games! haahah), don't install or play from the HD without sucking down
: MASSIVE ammounts of ram, (that kills me, if you can play a game from your shitty
: little HDs, you need like an extra 512K of RAM?????? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

Sure.. You just need 40 MByte HD and 4 or more MByte RAM to play a single
game. And if you want to run 2 progs at the same time a 486, 16 MByte Ram
and 100 Mbyte HD JUST FOR THE OPERATING SYSTEM are required.

And... Amiga-Users are polite enough to answer to such unqualified
statements as yours (even in a foreign language). Would you?

So, and now go back to the kindergarten...


Nov 14, 1993, 1:45:48 PM11/14/93
Ha, take a look at ALien Breed II AGA. Best scrolling, graphics, sound and
playability that I have seen in along time. Ibm games suck! They don't have
any hardware that is good for games! It's True. Thay can't have nice big
colourful sprites, super smooth and fast scolling. They don't have any
hardware good for games. And there are tonnes of AGA games. And Ibm graphics
are horrible! Who the hell wants chunky graphics when they could have planar.
Smartin' up little boy! And maybe go read a little bit about computers.!!

Nov 14, 1993, 3:05:06 PM11/14/93
to writes


I have an A500 with a 512k chip ram upgrade and a 40MB IDE HD with an extra 2MB fast ram, all running under Workbench 1.3; and for greater workability, I have DirOPUS. That gives me TWO operating systems, 3 mb ram, and about DuneII, 688 Attack Sub, Civilization, and two other games with 22 megs left to spare.
The sound and graphics coming from the standard Agnus and Denise chips kick the snot out of the 386's in the hall (most with 120+ mb HD, 4 mb RAM, SoundBlaster and video card). Their HD's are cluttered with the files necessary JUST TO RUN WINDOWS 3.1! Most of their games are on floppy (I think he has 3 games on his HD...).

The bottom line:

Amiga may be a bit more difficult to support, but it doesn't require expensive sound and video cards to operate at an awesome level. It is also more efficient with memory and HD space.

Please read up, maybe you'll convert.

Steven Baumeister

(P.S. The above example is an A500 under WB1.3, an A1200 or A4000 under 2.xx or 3.0 will eat my A500 for a midnight snack... you tell me how that would compare with the IBM's in my dorm!!!)

Nov 14, 1993, 4:40:19 PM11/14/93
First, I do NOT need ANY drivers for my sound card or joystick.
My mouse DOES require a driver and I DO load a VESA driver to get my 24-bit
card to conform to the SVGA VESA standard.
Since I have 1.3 gigs of drive space, I'm not hurting in that dept.
So what if OS2 demands a lot of hardware. Look at the trade off!
I can multitask 99% of ALL of my apps, can you say the same using Workench?
NO, you can NOT!!!!
I have run NUMEROUS programs under OS2 at once!
Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed, and a term. (I was showing off for somebody that
wanted to see a REAL computer multitask!)
Can YOU multitask Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed and a term on ANY amiga??
NOPE! Cause Workbench isn't as good as OS2!

Nov 14, 1993, 4:43:29 PM11/14/93
No, amiga games SUCK!
You use the term 'AGA' when you describe games as if you have 256,000 color
Tell the truth kid, your AGA games are equal to OUR VGA games.
256 colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
About time you caught up to our standard.
When's Ultima Underworld coming out for the amiga? Shadow Caster?
X-WING? Wolf-3D? NEVER!!!
Cause the amiga could never handle the requirements to push gfx around in
those manners.
Face it junior, the amiga has out of date hardware!

Nov 14, 1993, 4:45:08 PM11/14/93
What a junky little system you have!
If this is your BEST argument, please go home.

Derek B Shaffer

Nov 14, 1993, 5:35:13 PM11/14/93
Hmmmmmm...Obnoxious, profane posts from [name]
seems familiar about this. Could it be Mike41 has transformed into
Chris55? I have been wondering what kind of place is anyway
-- maybe it is a preschool or something.

Derek Shaffer
Carnegie Mellon University


Nov 14, 1993, 6:04:57 PM11/14/93
to writes:

>What a junky little system you have!
> If this is your BEST argument, please go home.

I hope that you have fun when IBM changes over to the new chipset that is
completely 0.000000000% compatible with the 80*86 series. I am sure you
will not be the one laughing then.

BTW what "little system" are you refering to. What outdated system are YOU
using? THink about it!

Mozz in the land of Oz

Have a day :-|


Nov 14, 1993, 5:43:22 PM11/14/93
to writes:
: What a junky little system you have!

: If this is your BEST argument, please go home.

Another terminal left open *SIGH*


Nov 14, 1993, 2:02:40 PM11/14/93

Wow. He must make all IBM-PC users proud eh? Amiga users
won't be able to stop such naive crap from the original poster.
Maybe PC-users should write this guy and stop him from making
IBMers from looking like 5year-olds? Just a thought :)


Jean-Guy D. Speton

Nov 15, 1993, 1:30:14 AM11/15/93
Ordinarily I wouldn't dignify this with a response but here goes anyways... wrote:
: Amiga games really do suck dick!

And so does your vocabulary. If you want to get your point across try
proper English, or at least a semblance of it. The impression you give by
your language is of a 12 year old wandering the net aimlessly...

: IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...

: "Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."

Hmm... recent games have gotten much better in this respect. At the least
the ones worth buying, anyways.

: Are games install to HDs without the need for shitty/don't work/home made
: hd install patches! hahahAHahHAHhhaHAhAHhAha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again, things are getting better. The majority of worthwhile games
nowadays HD install. (Team 17, get with it!)

: IBM games have better gfx, better sound, and are just plain awesome!

: Amiga games suck because: shitty 32 color max rez, (don't forget your
: two whole
: AGA games! haahah), don't install or play from the HD without sucking down
: MASSIVE ammounts of ram, (that kills me, if you can play a game from
: your shitty
: little HDs, you need like an extra 512K of RAM?????? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

Uhh.. excuse me? Jibes of RAM eating from a clonehead? How many megs do
YOU need to run the OS you use?

I can run any game from my HD with 1.5M. Most people who have HDs have
at least a few megs of RAM. Where's the problem?

In short, although your 'comments' about the state of Amiga games is
somewhat true, if not dated, your demeanor screams: GROW UP!


Jean-Guy Speton \ "Don't just stand there and shout it, \ \ do something about it..." - ML Gore \ IRC: Spinner

Nov 15, 1993, 1:30:25 AM11/15/93
Who cares what CPU IBM uses.
I'll go to where ever the market is.
If ALL software makers dropped EVERY computer and started writing software for
JUST the Iris Indigo, I'd have one tommorow.

Lars Garden,o93

Nov 15, 1993, 1:52:12 AM11/15/93

And where would you get the money to buy an Indigo??

Abdelkader Benbachir

Nov 14, 1993, 7:31:01 PM11/14/93
By the way ...
The Amiga Colors have always been better than the VGA ones ...
I think VGA use a 256 colors palette for compatibility, that makes sad
colors ... I checked ALien Breed, Pinball Dreams, Shadow Caster ... Really,
I don't like these colors :-) and NOW, we have a 24bit palette ! hahaha !


Mattias Myrberg

Nov 15, 1993, 4:24:54 AM11/15/93
Lars Garden,o93 ( wrote:

Probably from the same place where all those non 320x200 high resolution
PC games with GUS support and NON Sierra reurgitated crap-filled-with-
prequel-we-know-this-but-we-suck-and-have-no-talent-whatsoever come from.


Jonas Flygare

Nov 15, 1993, 4:42:02 AM11/15/93

I'm very sorry to hear that. But don't worry, there's a solution to
your problem. These days the surgeons can make all kinds of transplants.
So instead of sugar and tweezers and occasionally taking your
frustration out on USENET, save money for that operation you've needed
ever since you compared sizes in the locker room.
Jonas Flygare, + You can be young only once,
Wherever I go + but you can be immature forever.
There I am... + /

Roland Knecht

Nov 15, 1993, 4:39:59 AM11/15/93
to wrote:
: First, I do NOT need ANY drivers for my sound card or joystick.

When you want to discuss about things at different prices...

I'm writing this posting on a Silicon Graphics Crimson. Do you have a
flight simulator under OS half that uses real-time rendered 24bit graphics?



Roland Knecht

Nov 15, 1993, 4:52:22 AM11/15/93
to wrote:
: No, amiga games SUCK!

Oh.. again..! Wow!
Do you have other hobbies too?

Ok.. There's no AGA-Mode with 256000 colors. As far as I know there are
262'000 in Ham8, but this mode is difficult to program...

Ultima Underworld -> Amberstar (same 3D Scrolling (without 3000$ Hardware)
X-Wing -> Starglider 2 (since 1989 or so, faster polygons than XW)
(I don't know Wolf or Caster...)

About the graphics.. As far as I know the Amiga is the only computer that
can play Animations in Overscan in Real time.

When a program isn't ported to the Amiga it's mostly no question of
hardware but of economy. The Amiga market is smaller... Sure, games like
Strike Commander that are slow even on 486er would be difficult to port on
a A1200, but a A4000 would have no problems. But as I said, the market is
smaller and Commodore was sleeping too long...

Btw.. Are you able to write without all those


I know you wanted to provocate an this discussion is absolutely sensless,
but try not to express yourself like Hitler would have done (even if you
love "Wolfenstein").



Ekholm Vesa

Nov 15, 1993, 2:57:08 AM11/15/93
Oh no! Just when I thought I was out, the pull me back in!

I wonder, is this guy related to the previous dude who wrote stuff like
that? Well, ignore him. If he writes again, just send post to the guy
who has given him the permission to net and tell that he writes
sick text to newsgroups where he has no place to be.
And guess who gets kicked out of the net? I know I will write if I see
one more stupid text in this .games newsgroup!!

best wishes, vesa
-- - -
- Do not believe in miracles -- rely on them.
- Measure with a micrometer. Mark with a chalk. Cut with an axe.

Garry Marshall

Nov 15, 1993, 5:38:22 AM11/15/93

Hmm, just thought I'd ask, but whats the point of all this raving on and on

I thought we decided ages ago that some people preferred to use PCs (fine) and
others prefer to use amigas (also fine). Being an owner of both systems (PC AND
Amiga), I find it hard to believe that there are some really sad people out
there who cant cope with the idea that other people out there use different
computers than themselves and have to be abusive about it.

If you think your PC is perfect, then fine go ahead and use it, and stop
wasting both the bandwidth for this newsgroup and your "valuable" time, and
go and do something useful instead. Like maybe growing up a little....

Garry C Marshall | Any opinions expressed are my own unless they
Email: | belong to Someone Else.

Nov 15, 1993, 8:21:39 AM11/15/93
In article <> writes:
>Amiga games really do suck dick!
So do you

> IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...
>"Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."
>DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!

But IBM games are mosly crap !!!!!

> Are games install to HDs without the need for shitty/don't work/home made
>hd install patches! hahahAHahHAHhhaHAhAHhAha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> IBM games have better gfx, better sound, and are just plain awesome!

BUt IBM gamesplayers are spotty, ugly, pale , smell like elephants
butts and a just plain stupid!!!

>Amiga games suck because: shitty 32 color max rez, (don't forget your two whole
>AGA games! haahah), don't install or play from the HD without sucking down

Most PC games need 4 Megs of ram so does that shitty windoze you all

>MASSIVE ammounts of ram, (that kills me, if you can play a game from your shitty
>little HDs, you need like an extra 512K of RAM?????? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

You need help!!!!


Nov 15, 1993, 8:33:50 AM11/15/93

Out of date hardware?????? When was the PC designed...1974-6, right???

The amiga cant push grafix?? This bloke has a 486 and then brought am
amiga and sesi soccer...when asked why didnt he buy sensi for his PC the reply

" Sensi soccor dont scroll well on my pC "

What a joke that chris55 is!!!!!

me: see that IBM PC 486?

chris55: yes, I'm aware of the IBM PC 486

me: Thats your best friend that sleep with it you do coz
no woman would, not even a prostitute!!!


Robert Schmidt

Nov 15, 1993, 9:41:30 AM11/15/93
In article <>, writes:
|> In article <>, writes:
|> > Amiga games really do suck dick!
|> > ...
|> > "Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."
|> > DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!
|> > ...

|> Wow. He must make all IBM-PC users proud eh? Amiga users
|> won't be able to stop such naive crap from the original poster.
|> Maybe PC-users should write this guy and stop him from making
|> IBMers from looking like 5year-olds? Just a thought :)
|> James

I agree wholeheartedly. I am a PC-only type-of-guy myself, and this really made an ass out of himself. I prefer my PC
because I feel comfortable using it, which in turn stems from the fact
that the PC is the only modern environment I have any reasonable experience

I, and most computer (PC, Amiga, Mac, C64, whatever) users, will always
be sceptical to other computers, because what we already have represents
a considerable investment in time and money. Noone likes to hear that
they spent money money wrong, that they are wasting their time with
a dying concept. Instead, some spend their time trying to convince *others*
that it's the others that are doing exactly that.

Do the words 'bad circle' or 'recursion' pop up in your heads?

I grew up with a BBC 'B'. Here in Norway, this was a rare machine, and
most of my friends played their games on either C64s or Spectrums.
I kept my BBC, and I liked it, because I *knew* it. It was during this
period that I grew tired of discussions like this thread, and outbursts
like the one at the top.

'My dick's the biggest' is the way of nature and man, I guess we will
always have to live with it.

Sorry if this letter bored some of you... feel free to mail me your

Robert Schmidt - - Buuud@IRC
Ztiff Zox Softwear: fast/tiny utilities, games/graphics programming on
the DOS platform (C/C++/asm). Suggestions welcome!

I'm sure I mean everything I say, I think.

Alex Burmester

Nov 14, 1993, 8:56:58 PM11/14/93
If this guy has 1.3gig and 24bit color why on earth is he boasting
about games? Doesn't he have something better to do with his time?

I wonder how much time he spends using that nice computer of his with
some nice 24bit applications like "real-3d" something that actually
uses 24bit color. Does he make any money with that thing or is he
content showing his friends how he can type up his resume while playing
wolf-3d with his feet? Multitasking two games and a term isn't very
usefull considdering that you can only use one thing at a time.

I'm not going to bag on his system, it sounds cool if you like os2 but
perhaps he should consider getting a life to go along with it.
Go back to


-- SecaII A4000 -Hamster Person-

Ben Marty

Nov 15, 1993, 9:52:32 AM11/15/93
In article <>, writes:
> Amiga games really do suck dick!
> IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...
> "Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."
> DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!
> Are games install to HDs without the need for shitty/don't work/home made
> hd install patches! hahahAHahHAHhhaHAhAHhAha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> IBM games have better gfx, better sound, and are just plain awesome!
> Amiga games suck because: shitty 32 color max rez, (don't forget your two whole
> AGA games! haahah), don't install or play from the HD without sucking down
> MASSIVE ammounts of ram, (that kills me, if you can play a game from your shitty
> little HDs, you need like an extra 512K of RAM?????? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

I could give an excuse to each one, but I'll keep this short and simple... take a look at what you can get for the price. An Amiga 500 (used) that can play most of the games out there can go for about $100 now. Now what do you need to pay to get a raw IBM up to a minimum Amiga sound & graphics capabilities? Remember at least four channel sound and at least a resolution of 640x400x16 on the monitor or 320x400x64 or even 320x400x4096.

William Fang

Nov 15, 1993, 9:51:28 AM11/15/93
Derek B Shaffer ( wrote:
: Hmmmmmm...Obnoxious, profane posts from [name]

: seems familiar about this. Could it be Mike41 has transformed into
: Chris55? I have been wondering what kind of place is anyway
: -- maybe it is a preschool or something.

It's for those who are have the unfortunate afflication of being
blessed with money, but not enough intelligence to get into a
tertiary institution and require the need to buy net-access.

Though, not everyone using Delphi is normally this stupid.

- Jim

Jon Cato Lorentzen

Nov 15, 1993, 10:23:48 AM11/15/93
to writes:

Good Lord, it's Mike41's brother!

Jon C. Lorentzen
University of Oslo

D.J. Wischik

Nov 15, 1993, 10:29:46 AM11/15/93
All right, some people like PCs and some people like Amigas.
(I use a PC and have nothing against Amigas - in fact, some
of my best friends are Amiga-users.)

What really irritates me is people who have TWO computers.

Peter Niel Olafson

Nov 15, 1993, 9:47:52 AM11/15/93
Folks, Childish rants like this one just aren't worth replying to. When a
kid with a grudge can generate 20 replies (make that 21, heh), it only
encourages others to do the same and clutters up the bandwidth with stuff
we -know- to be false. I'm not saying don;t defend your machine. Do,
definitely. But don't give its critics credibility they haven't earned
by replying en masse.

Jeff Hanna

Nov 15, 1993, 11:30:41 AM11/15/93
People, just email POSTM...@DELPHI.COM and reference Chris55's original
post. Most commercial services do not take a light view on their subsrcribers
abusing their Internet privleges.

Remember Mike41 from a few weeks back? He was a Delphi subscriber. He
promply dissapeared after a few of us wrote to the admin at Delphi.

Just tell them that you take offense at members of Delphi belittling
Amiga users. We bought our machines for OUR use and it is not right for
someone to be degrading us because of that choice.

Be nice, be cordial, but be firm. Tell them that it reflects badly on
the Delphi Service if they continue to let this happen.

We will get results, and we will be rid of Chris55.

Write, it works!

Jeff Hanna

Dave A Flanigan

Nov 15, 1993, 12:20:25 PM11/15/93

>What really irritates me is people who have TWO computers.
> ^^^^^^^^

Why? Envious?
I have an Amiga 2000/030 and am very happy with it. Yet,
unfortunatly the Amiga dose not have the support of the IBM, so I
added a 486/dx2. Now I have the best of both worlds. Both are very
nice systems, both have there indivedual strenghts and weakness. I
could not see parting with either one.


Derek B Shaffer

Nov 15, 1993, 2:16:01 PM11/15/93
Ekholm Vesa wrote:
> I wonder, is this guy related to the previous dude who wrote stuff like
> that? Well, ignore him. If he writes again, just send post to the guy

Sure - compare their addresses: (the first one), and (the current one, and possibly the same one, if not
just a close friend). I don't know what is an address for,
but I have several theories:

-an insane asylum
-a preschool
-an office of law
-a school for the mentally challenged
-IBM's PR/marketing office (note that both Mike and Chris enjoy OS2)
-Bloody Wankers Anonymous

I might consider testing some of these as hypothesis, but A) I am too
busy, and B) how the hell would I do it? You could probably guess the
address of someone else at by sending a letter to, the XX being any number from 1-40. Someone else can
try that, though. Anyone know what kind of place is for sure?

-Derek Shaffer, CMU


Nov 15, 1993, 3:06:43 PM11/15/93

|>Amiga games really do suck dick!
|> IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...
|>"Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."

|>DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!

^^^^ The best minds of our generation. . .

|> Are games install to HDs without the need for shitty/don't work/home made
|>hd install patches! hahahAHahHAHhhaHAhAHhAha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
|> IBM games have better gfx, better sound, and are just plain awesome!
|>Amiga games suck because: shitty 32 color max rez, (don't forget your two whole
|>AGA games! haahah), don't install or play from the HD without sucking down
|>MASSIVE ammounts of ram, (that kills me, if you can play a game from your shitty
|>little HDs, you need like an extra 512K of RAM?????? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

Somebody wanna give this guy a complimentary copy of
an old version of BLAZEMONGER? Maybe the self-combustion mode would
come in handy :)

Sam Kimpton - - - - NCSU
Maker of fine, really short sigs . . .


Nov 15, 1993, 3:19:41 PM11/15/93

In article <>, (Roland Knecht) writes:
|>Path: taco!gatech!!!!josef!knecht
|>From: (Roland Knecht)
|>Subject: Re: Amiga games suck!
|>Message-ID: <>
|>Sender: (USENET News Admin)
|>Nntp-Posting-Host: avalon
|>Organization: University of Zurich, Department of Computer Science
|>X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
|>References: <>
|>Date: Sun, 14 Nov 93 13:22:40 EST
|>Lines: 31
|> wrote:
|>: Amiga games really do suck dick!

|>: IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...
|>: "Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."
|>: DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!
|>"...My Graphics-Card doesn't like the Sound-Card when the Joystick-Card is
|>disturbing the Mouse-Card... So I have just to slow down the
|>Graphics-speed and to get a special driver for my Soundcard and to make
|>some changes in the CONFIG.SYS and ...."
|>: Are games install to HDs without the need for shitty/don't work/home made

|>: hd install patches! hahahAHahHAHhhaHAhAHhAha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
|>: IBM games have better gfx, better sound, and are just plain awesome!
|>: Amiga games suck because: shitty 32 color max rez, (don't forget your two whole
|>: AGA games! haahah), don't install or play from the HD without sucking down
|>: MASSIVE ammounts of ram, (that kills me, if you can play a game from your shitty
|>: little HDs, you need like an extra 512K of RAM?????? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)
|>Sure.. You just need 40 MByte HD and 4 or more MByte RAM to play a single
|>game. And if you want to run 2 progs at the same time a 486, 16 MByte Ram
|>and 100 Mbyte HD JUST FOR THE OPERATING SYSTEM are required.
|>And... Amiga-Users are polite enough to answer to such unqualified
|>statements as yours (even in a foreign language). Would you?
|>So, and now go back to the kindergarten...


Chris Clarizio

Nov 15, 1993, 6:55:39 PM11/15/93
to writes:

>No, amiga games SUCK!

What is it about delphi? We seem to get alot of whining PC users from there.

--- Chris Clarizio

Chris Clarizio

Nov 15, 1993, 6:59:18 PM11/15/93
to writes:

>What a junky little system you have!
> If this is your BEST argument, please go home.

He is home. This group is for discussing Amiga games, not PC operating systems.

--- Chris Clarizio

Walter R Francis

Nov 15, 1993, 7:34:30 PM11/15/93
In article <>

Derek B Shaffer <> writes:

>try that, though. Anyone know what kind of place is for sure?

It's a service that you can buy and access Internet through local
phone numbers. Telenet phone numbers, I believe.

It's a DEC system. Rather large, fairly popular. I'm not sure who would
be contacted for reporting this person. So far he hasn't done anything
terrible, however. Simply barged in and spouted silly comments, hasn't
broken any rules as far as I've seen.

--- _
Walter _ // Wa...@UKCC.UKY.EDU AN...@Cleveland.Freenet.EDU
R å©¢/ Fra...@MIK.UKY.EDU
Francis Fra...@UKPR.UKY.EDU

>-Derek Shaffer, CMU

Volvo Man

Nov 15, 1993, 8:48:19 PM11/15/93
In article <>,

What's wrong with owning 2 computers? I own an amiga 2000 and I am
getting ready to purchase a MAC Quadra 605 to do word processing
and spreadsheeting. If I use your "one" computer theory, I'd
have to dump the amiga. I don't want to hear about any emulations
because emulators are slow(and besides, Mac's currently give quite a
bit of bang for the buck!). So I shall keep 2 computers and use the
mac for school and the amiga for everything else! We'll have to wait
and see how good emplant is.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------David Isham
Cal Poly, I love animals,
San Luis Obispo, they're delicious.
CA 93401

Joshua Ian Grant Washington

Nov 15, 1993, 8:42:10 PM11/15/93
to writes:

>Amiga games really do suck dick!
> IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...
>"Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."
>DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!

> Are games install to HDs without the need for shitty/don't work/home made
>hd install patches! hahahAHahHAHhhaHAhAHhAha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> IBM games have better gfx, better sound, and are just plain awesome!
>Amiga games suck because: shitty 32 color max rez, (don't forget your two whole
>AGA games! haahah), don't install or play from the HD without sucking down
>MASSIVE ammounts of ram, (that kills me, if you can play a game from your shitty
>little HDs, you need like an extra 512K of RAM?????? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)


Morten Eriksen

Nov 16, 1993, 3:07:28 AM11/16/93

I've got 3, what does that make me? :-/


Calum F. Benson

Nov 16, 1993, 4:18:59 AM11/16/93
In article <2ca1o0$>, (Morten Eriksen)

"Indescribably and unimaginably rich" is the phrase that springs
to mind. You Norwegians don't know you're living ....


|Calum Benson | email: |
|Logica Cambridge (User Interface Div.) | Tel: (0223) 66343 x4825 |
|Betjeman House +------------------+----------------------------|
|104 Hills Road | " I just couldn't find a single word to say |
|Cambridge CB2 1LQ | If I flattened all my vowels and I threw |
|UK | the R away." (The Proclaimers) |

Morten Eriksen

Nov 16, 1993, 4:31:47 AM11/16/93
In article <>, (Calum F. Benson) writes:
|> In article <2ca1o0$>, (Morten Eriksen)
|> wrote:
|> >
|> > In article <>, (D.J. Wischik) writes:
|> > |> All right, some people like PCs and some people like Amigas.
|> > |> (I use a PC and have nothing against Amigas - in fact, some
|> > |> of my best friends are Amiga-users.)
|> > |>
|> > |> What really irritates me is people who have TWO computers.
|> > |> ^^^^^^^^
|> >
|> > I've got 3, what does that make me? :-/
|> "Indescribably and unimaginably rich" is the phrase that springs
|> to mind. You Norwegians don't know you're living ....

Forgot to mention that the other two (besides my Amiga) is a C64 and a
8086 XT. ;)

I'm a poor student, waiting for someone to register for PicCon...


Colin Smith

Nov 15, 1993, 10:52:45 PM11/15/93
to writes:

Let the flame wars begin!

Colin A4000 040 6megs Zooooooom!

Colin Smith

Nov 15, 1993, 10:58:17 PM11/15/93
to writes:

>No, amiga games SUCK!

> You use the term 'AGA' when you describe games as if you have 256,000 color
> Tell the truth kid, your AGA games are equal to OUR VGA games.
>256 colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>About time you caught up to our standard.
> When's Ultima Underworld coming out for the amiga? Shadow Caster?
>X-WING? Wolf-3D? NEVER!!!
> Cause the amiga could never handle the requirements to push gfx around in
>those manners.
>Face it junior, the amiga has out of date hardware!

IBM = 256 colors out if 256 colors.
AGA= 256 colors out of 16.7million.
You loose.

If AGA continues to take off, AGA games will surpass IBM games in color. Right
now, IBM still holds the lead in Games graphics.

Where are the sprites/bobs in IBM hardware? How come scrolling in the IBM is su
chunky? Have YOU ever seen Beast 1-3 scroll on an Amiga?

John J Smith

Nov 16, 1993, 6:43:32 AM11/16/93
In article <>,
Isn't this guy the one who posts offensive comments just to cause flame
in loads of newsgroups. Think had a compilation
of all such posts from singles, to gays, to videos, all giving outrageous
reasons why they are sad people because they read that newsgroup...

I suspect Chris55 might well be Mike41 too, by the sounds of it... Can't
remember the original posters name tho'.


Kimmo Veijalainen

Nov 16, 1993, 5:40:16 AM11/16/93
to writes:

> Can YOU multitask Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed and a term on ANY amiga??
>NOPE! Cause Workbench isn't as good as OS2!

Nope you fucking moron, it's because most action games disable
multitasking to get most out of all the A500's out there (including mine).

Mike41 == Chris55 ???
_ C=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
_ // K.Veijalainen | Wanted: Cool Quote --------------------> =
\X/ | Real men don't use beam lasers =
Amiga C=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Garry Marshall

Nov 16, 1993, 6:44:07 AM11/16/93



Garry C Marshall | Any opinions expressed are my own unless they
Email: | belong to Someone Else.

Garry Marshall

Nov 16, 1993, 6:48:57 AM11/16/93

If you want to ad in the old stuff like C64s and speccies, I've got about

only 3 of em work tho...


Nov 15, 1993, 9:27:57 PM11/15/93

Charles A. Robertson II

Nov 16, 1993, 1:53:01 PM11/16/93
to (Calum F. Benson) writes

>In article <2ca1o0$>, (Morten Eriksen)
>> In article <>, (D.J. >Wischik) writes:
>> |> All right, some people like PCs and some people like Amigas.
>> |> (I use a PC and have nothing against Amigas - in fact, some
>> |> of my best friends are Amiga-users.)
>> |>
>> |> What really irritates me is people who have TWO computers.
>> |> ^^^^^^^^
>> I've got 3, what does that make me? :-/
>"Indescribably and unimaginably rich" is the phrase that springs
>to mind. You Norwegians don't know you're living ....

Gee, Such envy. And me sitting at home with a Timex Sinclair, a ZX80 (Sherman, set the
wayback machine for the dawn of home computing ;), a Franklin Ace 1000 (Sculley takes a
RIGHT to the Head %\} ) A Yamaha CX5M MSX musicomputer (Gates is wobbly, I dont think he can last the round ) and my buddy, my pal the A500/A530/'882/5meg/170MB master of space and time (THE WINNAH AND STILL CHAMPEEN). And I'm just a Po black man from Philly ;) My secret: DON'T GET RID OF NUFFIN, KEEP IT ALL!!!


p.s Artillerus rules and Chris55 needs a changing.

C.A. Robertson II * Martin Marietta Govt. Electronic Sys. * Moorestown N.J.
------- Assembled in Japan from American Parts ---------------- |Amiga 500| Ask Norm Augustine to speak for Martin|A530,'882| Marietta Corp`cause I won't (unless asked)
Ask Ma Bell for my phone #|170 MB | After all, it's _his_ company

Eric Zolan

Nov 16, 1993, 2:59:29 PM11/16/93
Jeff Hanna ( wrote:
: People, just email POSTM...@DELPHI.COM and reference Chris55's original
: post. Most commercial services do not take a light view on their subsrcribers
: abusing their Internet privleges.

You're right, but I don't think having a poor personality counts.

: Just tell them that you take offense at members of Delphi belittling

: Amiga users. We bought our machines for OUR use and it is not right for
: someone to be degrading us because of that choice.

Oooo. I feel so, so DEGRADED! Somone didn't like my machine! I feel faint.
Well guys, we know what to do about people we don't like. And if
Delphi dosn't pull his account, we're gonna call his mommy!

: Be nice, be cordial, but be firm. Tell them that it reflects badly on

: the Delphi Service if they continue to let this happen.

Yep, and don't forget to have them screen the people they sell the service
to, we wouldn't want anyone not up to standard getting on the net.

: We will get results, and we will be rid of Chris55.

hurmph. hate to tell you, but you can't go around 'silencing' people
who say things you don't like. Well, actually, you can. But then I
would of written your sysadmin long ago.
What do you do when people think your Ameiga sucks in real life?
Or that your car sucks, or your house sucks. Learn to deal with it.


Renato Bugge

Nov 16, 1993, 4:22:39 PM11/16/93


I've got 7, and use them all....


C. Mike Davis

Nov 16, 1993, 6:29:47 PM11/16/93
In article <>,

>In article <>, writes:
>|>Amiga games really do suck dick!
>|> IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...
>|>"Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."
>|>DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!
> ^^^^ The best minds of our generation. . .


> Somebody wanna give this guy a complimentary copy of
> an old version of BLAZEMONGER? Maybe the self-combustion mode would
> come in handy :)

>Sam Kimpton - - - - NCSU
> Maker of fine, really short sigs . . .

Say, isn't this actually one of those virtual messages from an old
version of BLAZEMONGER?

I recall that this was on one of the "asylum" scenarios...


Doc Pierce

Nov 17, 1993, 12:12:22 AM11/17/93
In article <> writes:
>Amiga games really do suck dick!
Hey everyone, please complain to to get this guys
access to this newsgroup revoked, they seem pretty reasonable there...

Chuggles (N.Ashford)

Nov 17, 1993, 2:48:41 AM11/17/93
to writes:

>First, I do NOT need ANY drivers for my sound card or joystick.

I assume your bragging about OS/2's device independent sound, well its not
what it's cracked up to be. Just get a soundblaster 2 and see (opps that
should be hear) what you get, *GARBAGE*. Although you could say its a good
noise generator.

As for you joystck it does require its own port though doesn't it!

>My mouse DOES require a driver and I DO load a VESA driver to get my 24-bit
>card to conform to the SVGA VESA standard.

>Since I have 1.3 gigs of drive space, I'm not hurting in that dept.

I have a quarter of that and I'm not hurting either.

>So what if OS2 demands a lot of hardware. Look at the trade off!

Thats a lot of hardware just so you can play PD and AB. Even an lowly 500 can
do this.

>I can multitask 99% of ALL of my apps, can you say the same using Workench?
>NO, you can NOT!!!!

Sure like all those demos you were crapping on about in .advocacy. Which is
where this post should be.

> I have run NUMEROUS programs under OS2 at once!

So can anyone with an amiga. Straight out of the box even.

>Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed, and a term. (I was showing off for somebody that
>wanted to see a REAL computer multitask!)

Sure PD and AB at the same time, kind of a waste isn't it. If a PC is a REAL
computer doesn't that make the Amiga an UNREAL computer ;-)

> Can YOU multitask Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed and a term on ANY amiga??

Well I don't believe I've seen every PC do this either. Isn't a 386 or above
required to run OS/2. That leaves out a lot of XT and AT users.

>NOPE! Cause Workbench isn't as good as OS2!

Both have their good points and bad points. Workbench is small and quite
effecient, whereas OS/2 is (with all the usual stuff included) quite large but
does more.

| Noel Ashford | _--_|\ | Why are you looking at my sig |
| | / \ | Its mine mine all mine! |
| | \_.--._/ | No! Not the straight jacket |

Chuggles (N.Ashford)

Nov 17, 1993, 3:04:26 AM11/17/93
to writes:

These articles should be moved to advocacy.

>No, amiga games SUCK!
> You use the term 'AGA' when you describe games as if you have 256,000 color

We may not have Ham8 games but we do have Ham6 games. Thats 3840 more colours
that 256.

> Tell the truth kid, your AGA games are equal to OUR VGA games.
>256 colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Umm aren't VGA games 320x200x256? And in terms of game play definitely not.
Most amiga games play better that their PC counter parts. Especially platform

>About time you caught up to our standard.

What? Lets see then standard machine for playing PC games:

486dx33 or higher
VLB Accelerated graphics
340 Meg IDE HD
4 Meg RAM

All this just to play games.

> When's Ultima Underworld coming out for the amiga? Shadow Caster?
>X-WING? Wolf-3D? NEVER!!!

Haven't seen Pinball Phanasties, or Alien Bried II on a PC either! As for
wolf its ok the first or maybe second time but its bloody boring after that.

> Cause the amiga could never handle the requirements to push gfx around in
>those manners.

Excuse me but I believe Legends of Valour uses a similar system.

>Face it junior, the amiga has out of date hardware!

Now thats a joke, sure the amiga has some aging components, but the heart of
the PC has been around since the 70's. Also when you finally get autoconfig,
just remember that the amiga's had it since 85 or so.

MJ Welford

Nov 17, 1993, 9:40:19 AM11/17/93
Ok, lets see what a PC has over a bog standard A500 Amiga for games playing.

Equipment to play a game that can't scroll to save it's life costs about 1000 pounds.

What do you get?

About 40 Meg HDD, 4 Meg of RAM, VGA monitor, Crap keyboard, a few bits of cache here and there - for 1000 pounds, what a rip.
But the games, oh dear me, the games. One of my mates was sad enough to get a PC (PC stands for Piece of Crap) and he ran a few game demos. What a hoot!! He had Body Blows up and, supposedly, running. The scrolling was totally crap compared to my A1200, the sound was that shit stuff straight from the in built soundblaster, apart for some VERY low quality speech. After I had recovered, he
showed me frontier. Bloody hell, can't a PC handle a simple mouse pointer or what? The ship he was in was COMPLETELY unflyable, one minute the pointer was
in one place the next, it had selected some icon. Ok, it was faster that on my computer but when it slows down you can actually see the grahpics being drawn, what total crap!!! I don't know how he can play it. The Amiga version is just so much more PLAYABLE. That's the keyword here, PLAYABLE. Dick head PC owners like you think a game consists of above average graphics and naff built in sound.
So why is it that chess is classed as a game? It has no graphics and no sound just two people playing the GAME on a board. Therefore it is PLAYABLE GAME!!!

I noticed PRIVATEER has come out on the PC. What a typical example of a PC games
player's game. All graphics, great sound - just no game!! It got a crap review
by someone who obviously knows what a GAME is.

One more slag - Zool was also totally crap. Yes the scrolling was crap, but worst of all the control, HA! You could choose cursor keys (or attempt to redefine them) or an analogue joystick. Could you imagine trying to play Zool on an analogue joystick!! No you can't, nomatter how hard you try, but the words impossibly crap, come to mind.

Face it CHRISS55, you bought a PC as a work horse, and now you want to play games but can't afford an Amiga or SNES.

You're deluding yourself (very well actually).

Sverre Brubaek

Nov 17, 1993, 10:01:57 AM11/17/93
After having read this thread a while i feel that i should correct a few
misconseptions about pc's, uttered in response to a witless flamer...

pc's architecture is archaic:
pc architecture is many things there is 4 main types of design:
xt (The original pc from 81 (not 74-76 as one amiga zealot stated)) 8 bit
at/isa the most common type, (84-86 somwhere i don't remember exactly) 24 bit
isa boards with 386/486 CPU's got some 32 bit extensions
eisa Most common in servers but as more and more ppl wants 16++ mb of ram
has it moved over into the mainstream (88/89)
mca ibm proprietary ps/2 architecture.

in addision there is vl bus, a interface standard to the cpu ram path,
and the most recent pci a entirely new bus architecture.

pc's can't operate w.o. large amounts of RAM:

not true, lot's of programs exist for memory constrained enviroments, but since
pc ordinarily got more ram, programs are designed to take advantage of this.

(this argument applies equally to hd usage)

pc's got poor graphics:
Nobody buys a pc anymore w.o. at least a 512kb svga card this is sufficient to
display 800*600 with 8 bit planes from a 18 bit palette, many cards use a 24
bit palette though, more common though is graphics accellerators who got a
dedicated graphics chips on them that can do things like bitblt's line draws
polygon draws, area fills... most of them are a lot faster than the amiga blitter
1mb or 2mb dram or vram is most common on these, a lot of which can display
640*480 or 800*600 in true colour.

pc's got poor sound:
this depends on how much money you want to use anything from a full proteus synth
(ab. the price of an amiga 1200) to a cheap and cheerful opl2 synth (AdLib) for
less than a cheapo game. how much you need to equal an amiga depends on music

pc's is expensive:
Granted yo must pay more to get an entry level pc (486sx 120mb hd 4mb ram)
than an entry level amiga (68c020 no hd 2 mb ram) but you get a lot more with the
pc, and if you decide you want more, then you will find that upgrades is much
cheaper on pc's than on amiga's (if an equivalent amiga upgrade is possible at

f.ex an amiga equivalent to my pc would be imposiible to buy at any price.
(486/66 16mb 535mb hd mach32 2mb vram gfx sb16 sound)
Amiga sound and graphics are simply not expandable.

pc's are problematic to configure:
I can grant you this one, since pc's tend to be mix'n match boxes, with hardware
from many different vendors, you must expect to configure your machine, though
this is only done once (at the shop) + any reconfiguring when you add more
hardware. It may sound intimidating to some, but it isn't really the big problem
some of you try to make it.

Pc.s don't multitask:
the truth: dos don't multitask
desqview and os/2 multitasks (windows multitasks sort of)
we also got some other more exotic options like solaris, NExTstep intel, sco unix,
linux, 386bsd, bsd386 and coherent (unix clones of varius size and capability)
for games, one usually use dos, but again most amiga games kills the os and thus
effectivly turns it into a single tasker.

Flames > dev/null
Sverre Brubaek

Lars Garden

Nov 17, 1993, 9:33:22 AM11/17/93
MJ Welford ( wrote:
: Ok, lets see what a PC has over a bog standard A500 Amiga for games playing.

: Equipment to play a game that can't scroll to save it's life costs about 1000 pounds.

: What do you get?

: showed me frontier. Bloody hell, can't a PC handle a simple mouse pointer or what? The ship he was in was COMPLETELY unflyable, one minute the pointer was

: in one place the next, it had selected some icon. Ok, it was faster that on my computer but when it slows down you can actually see the grahpics being drawn, what total crap!!! I don't know how he can play it. The Amiga version is just so much more PLAYABLE. That's the keyword here, PLAYABLE. Dick head PC owners like you think a game consists of above average graphics and naff built in sound.

Come on. The PC-version of Frontier is not that bad. Run on a 386-20, it
is a bit slower than on the A1200. In fact, I prefer the texturemapped
nebulae of the PC-version.

Des Herriott

Nov 17, 1993, 10:58:40 AM11/17/93

In article <>, (MJ Welford) writes:
>Ok, lets see what a PC has over a bog standard A500 Amiga for games playing.
>Equipment to play a game that can't scroll to save it's life costs about
> 1000 pounds.
>What do you get?
>About 40 Meg HDD, 4 Meg of RAM, VGA monitor, Crap keyboard, a few bits
> of cache here and there - for 1000 pounds, what a rip.

Hmmm? 486SX25, 340MB HD, 8MB RAM, SVGA monitor, nice keyboard, 1MB
graphics card with on-board bit-blitter = 1300UKP. I'm not going to
flame the Amiga (one of my housemates has got a very nice 68030 system
going, although it still can't do Frontier as well as my PC :-)

BUT, please get your facts straight before you post. The system you
describe can be bought for 500-600UKP.

> [ ... ]

>You're deluding yourself (very well actually).


[P.S. Try keeping your line length below 75 characters or so.]

Des Herriott, / As a wise man once said,
Micro Focus, Newbury. /
+44 (0635) 565354 / "It takes a lot of brains to be smart, / but it takes some neck to be a giraffe."

Steven Warne

Nov 17, 1993, 10:55:41 AM11/17/93
to wrote:
: Amiga games really do suck dick!
: IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...

: "Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."
: DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!
: Are games install to HDs without the need for shitty/don't work/home made

: hd install patches! hahahAHahHAHhhaHAhAHhAha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: IBM games have better gfx, better sound, and are just plain awesome!
: Amiga games suck because: shitty 32 color max rez, (don't forget your two whole
: AGA games! haahah), don't install or play from the HD without sucking down
: MASSIVE ammounts of ram, (that kills me, if you can play a game from your shitty
: little HDs, you need like an extra 512K of RAM?????? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

Oh dear.

PC games come in two types:

1) Strategy or Adventures (Good or Bad, there are alot of good ones out there)
2) Platform/Shoot-em ups/Beat-em ups (Uniformly poor)

Sorry PCs may have the power edge over the 1200, just nothing any good as
regards to gameplay and ideas.

Or its case of lets do some fancy graphics, slog the processor until it nearly

Wot no custom chip set???

Also, someone else later on said, 'Amiga grafix are not expandable'.

yeah right, The Toasters a figment of my imagination...



Nov 17, 1993, 12:43:32 PM11/17/93
In article <>,

If they are reasonable, they won't revoke his access.

I would imagine that the drivel-posters thrive on this kind of followup
garbage; thus the responsible thing to do is ignore them (I try, but it
isn't easy some days ;)

Just my 5 cents.


Derek B Shaffer

Nov 17, 1993, 5:58:49 PM11/17/93
Excerpts from 16-Nov-93 Re: Amiga games
suck! by Volvo
> So I shall keep 2 computers and use the
> mac for school and the amiga for everything else! We'll have to wait
> and see how good emplant is.
> dave

Uh, Dave? Emplant has been out for quite a long time now. I am in a
similar situation here at Carnegie Mellon. I have Emplant in my 3000 to
use for school use (That's how I have to be connected to the net - with
appletalk). It really is awsome if you have about 10 megs or more and a
Picasso II or something of the sort. If I had a PII, I would have about
the power of a IIci (otherwise the graphics are a bit slow). That's
just the MacII emulation, which is now 32-bit clean. Soon, the IBM
emulation will accompany the Mac emulation to satisfy my X-Wing needs.
Mail me or someone at .emulations if you want more details.

Derek Shaffer
Carnegie Mellon University

Derek B Shaffer

Nov 17, 1993, 5:47:18 PM11/17/93
Excerpts from 15-Nov-93 Re: Amiga games
suck! by Walter R
> I'm not sure who would
> be contacted for reporting this person. So far he hasn't done anything
> terrible, however. Simply barged in and spouted silly comments, hasn't
> broken any rules as far as I've seen.

Contact Postmaster@delphi to report him (or so I have read). He has
broken the rules with his language, but I sure don't care about that -
just use that to get him booted because he's an a$$hol@! That is, if he
isn't gone already. I would not feel this way if he had just held his
posting to advocacy.

-Derek Shaffer, CMU

Jeff Holinski

Nov 17, 1993, 6:50:54 PM11/17/93
You know, it's funny, for someone who has a machine with the best games known
to mankind you sure seem to have a lot of time to spend in an AMIGA games
group. If IBM games are so great, why aren't you playing one now instad of
bothering the rest of us?
I'll admit there are some nice games available for IBM compatables, but most
of the people here probably use their machines for other things too. You
looked at the prices of software for a clone lately or do you pirate all your
stuff? Is anybody really dumb enough to pay $600 for Word Prefect? How about
$3000 for 3D studio?
Then of course you have the most popular game of all for a clonehead; trying
to free up 600k of base ram so your hot new game will work. (should that
mouse driver go into expanded memory or extended memory? And why does it make
a difference??)

If you're happy with your clone, we're all very happy for you. Why don't you
run along now and play a game and let the adults get back to their

Niels E. Rasmussen

Nov 18, 1993, 6:54:45 AM11/18/93
Thus spoke

>No, amiga games SUCK!
> You use the term 'AGA' when you describe games as if you have 256,000 color

> Tell the truth kid, your AGA games are equal to OUR VGA games.
>256 colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>About time you caught up to our standard.

> When's Ultima Underworld coming out for the amiga? Shadow Caster?
>X-WING? Wolf-3D? NEVER!!!

You're right. They'll probably never be made for the Amiga, but that's
not because they can't BE done, but because the software companies have found
out, that they can't grub enough money from the Amiga market.

Good examples to support my argument are games like Legend of Valour
and Ambermoon, which runs very tolerably even on an A500.

> Cause the amiga could never handle the requirements to push gfx around in
>those manners.

>Face it junior, the amiga has out of date hardware!

I believe you're a PC owner then. You should now all there is to know
about out of date hardware.

--Niels E. Rasmussen.

T. Peers

Nov 18, 1993, 10:13:07 AM11/18/93
In article <>, (Steven Warne) writes:

|> Also, someone else later on said, 'Amiga grafix are not expandable'.
|> yeah right, The Toasters a figment of my imagination...
|> Steve

For older Amiga's, add goodies like Harlequin 24-bit colour boards to that- not
to mention the Screamer for the toaster! (Show me a network of 20 PC's of ANY
configuration that could provide comparable FX to Seaquest DSV and Babylon 5,
which recently won a special FX award!!) The same poster also said Amiga SOUND
was not expandable- obviously this guy has never seen the One Stop Music Shop,
MIDI Interfaces (!), the Miracle keyboard etc......
BTW this is NOT a flame- the other poster was really quite reasonable, if a
little misinformed.
Tim Peers
Only the insane have strength enough to prosper...
Only those who prosper truly judge what is sane.

Stewart McKinnon

Nov 17, 1993, 9:34:40 PM11/17/93
In an article, (Peter Niel Olafson) writes:

>Folks, Childish rants like this one just aren't worth replying to. When a
>kid with a grudge can generate 20 replies (make that 21, heh), it only
>encourages others to do the same and clutters up the bandwidth with stuff
>we -know- to be false. I'm not saying don;t defend your machine. Do,
>definitely. But don't give its critics credibility they haven't earned
>by replying en masse.

Well said. The original poster was lacking in one major field - technical
knowledge. He knew next to nothing about what makes up a basic computer
system - let alone the Amiga. I seriously doubt that he knows much about his
own system, except perhaps the way to boot up the latest mindless
shoot-em-up. He and his ilk are typical of the Know-nothing spouting fools
who go into another computer support base, and attempt to get people upset. I
see 'my-computer-is-better-than-your-computer" wars all the time, and they
are B-O-R-I-N-G.

Kaj Laaksonen

Nov 18, 1993, 6:14:00 AM11/18/93

S>PC games come in two types:

S>1) Strategy or Adventures (Good or Bad, there are alot of good ones out there

>2) Platform/Shoot-em ups/Beat-em ups (Uniformly poor)

Actually, different simulators is first category that comes to mind.
Falcon 3, Flight Simulator 5, F-15 SE III, Aces of the Pacific, Indy Car
Racing and many others are kind of games I enjoy most. There really
isn't that many platform/shoot-em-up/beat-em-up games for PC, even
though I would really enjoy a good action game every once in a while.
Also, all these smooth first-person perspective games are great.
Terminator: Rampage, Wolfenstein 3D and forthcoming DOOM are games to my

S>Sorry PCs may have the power edge over the 1200, just nothing any good
S>as regards to gameplay and ideas.

S>Or its case of lets do some fancy graphics, slog the processor until it nearl

I have to admit this. Especially Origin has released many games with
fancy graphics but very little substance behind the fireworks. Ultima
Underworld series is quite good, though.

Different strokes, I guess. For my money, there are too many platform
and beat-em-up games for Amiga and not enough "serious" simulators and
strategy games.

Anyway, this is not really such a good place to argue pros and cons of
Amiga and PC systems. Live and let live, methinks.


Jeff Kirvin

Nov 19, 1993, 2:59:46 PM11/19/93
I'm not defending Chris55, but...

Chuggles (N.Ashford) ( wrote:
: writes:

: >First, I do NOT need ANY drivers for my sound card or joystick.

: I assume your bragging about OS/2's device independent sound, well its not
: what it's cracked up to be. Just get a soundblaster 2 and see (opps that
: should be hear) what you get, *GARBAGE*. Although you could say its a good
: noise generator.

Sounds great on my machine. There's a bug in the driver that causes it to
buzz until I turn off the FM chip, but bugs have always and will always
exist. Bugs are not biased by platform. I bet even Crays have a few. :^)

: As for you joystck it does require its own port though doesn't it!

I haven't seen a PC that didn't come stock with a game port since my
8MHz 8086 days...

: >I can multitask 99% of ALL of my apps, can you say the same using Workench?
: >NO, you can NOT!!!!

: Sure like all those demos you were crapping on about in .advocacy. Which is
: where this post should be.

Side note: I've noticed people in the Amiga groups are positively obsessed
with pigeon-holing discussions in the "right" group. Why is this? I read
newsgroups regarding Macs, Amigas, OS/2, Windows and every so often Unix
and the Amiga folks are the only ones with a pathological fear of

: > I have run NUMEROUS programs under OS2 at once!

: So can anyone with an amiga. Straight out of the box even.

You'll have to forgive him. We know Amiga's have done this for years, but
a usable PC OS that _really_ multitasks is still less than two years old.
(Actually, I find my 486 w/ 8MB + OS/2 multitasks better than my A500.
The poor wittle Amiga only has 1MB Ram and 1 floppy, tho. I _must_ buy
an IDE controller w/ SIMM slots... Sorry, I'm rambling...)

: >Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed, and a term. (I was showing off for somebody that

: >wanted to see a REAL computer multitask!)

: Sure PD and AB at the same time, kind of a waste isn't it. If a PC is a REAL
: computer doesn't that make the Amiga an UNREAL computer ;-)

Nicely put. :^)

: > Can YOU multitask Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed and a term on ANY amiga??

: ^^^^^^^^^
: Well I don't believe I've seen every PC do this either. Isn't a 386 or above
: required to run OS/2. That leaves out a lot of XT and AT users.

To be honest, 386sx prices are so low now you can pick one up for the
price of a used A500. 8086s and 286s are pretty rare. The limiting
factor as far as OS/2 is not the CPU. Most folks only have 4MB RAM
(or less. Yuch!). OS/2 will run in 4MB, but it won't do much else at
a speed you could deal with. 6MB is generally considered the comfy

: >NOPE! Cause Workbench isn't as good as OS2!

: Both have their good points and bad points. Workbench is small and quite
: effecient, whereas OS/2 is (with all the usual stuff included) quite large but
: does more.

Thank <diety>! A balanced voice of reason! Computers of different platforms
_can_ coexist peacefully! (but can their users?)
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

: | Noel Ashford | _--_|\ | Why are you looking at my sig |

________ | And I ain't in it for the power |
/ \ | And I ain't in it for my health | / /
/- - /-\ | I ain't in it for the glory of | / /
|| ||_ / || | anything at all | / /
|| | | / / | | And I sure ain't in it for the wealth | / /
| - - / --| | But I'm in it till it's over and I | \ \ / /
\ / | just can't stop... | \ X /
\________/ | - Meat Loaf | V V
Jeff Kirvin

These are my opinions. Any connection to the opinions of the Air Force
is coincidental.

Jukka Forsgren

Nov 17, 1993, 6:06:00 PM11/17/93

>hardware but of economy. The Amiga market is smaller... Sure, games like
>Strike Commander that are slow even on 486er would be difficult to port on
>a A1200, but a A4000 would have no problems. But as I said, the market is
Are you kidding? A4000 has bitplanes, SC would propably be dead-slow!
I saw Frontier on 486SX/33 and it was faster than on A4000/040!
Note that the PC version has also texture maps and more colors!

Jukka Forsgren (Helsinki, Finland) -or-
IRC Nick: GraftoN

* Offline Orbit 0.20c (beta) *

Kirk Strauser

Nov 19, 1993, 4:12:21 PM11/19/93
ME> |> What really irritates me is people who have TWO computers.
ME> |> ^^^^^^^^

ME> I've got 3, what does that make me? :-/

ME> Morten

Richer than I! Heh!
Kirk Strauser

Aard Keimpema

Nov 16, 1993, 2:20:10 PM11/16/93
In a message of 14 Nov 93 CHRIS55 wrote to All:

C> What a junky little system you have!
C> If this is your BEST argument, please go home.

Why not try quoting, btw have you ever used a real amiga?

It says that alcohol is a colourless volatile liquid formed by
he fermentation of sugars and also notes its intoxicating effect
on certain carbon-based life forms.

Aard Keimpema

Nov 16, 1993, 2:18:07 PM11/16/93
In a message of 14 Nov 93 CHRIS55 wrote to All:

C> First, I do NOT need ANY drivers for my sound card or joystick.
C> My mouse DOES require a driver and I DO load a VESA driver to get my
C> 24-bit
C> card to conform to the SVGA VESA standard.
C> Since I have 1.3 gigs of drive space, I'm not hurting in that dept.
C> So what if OS2 demands a lot of hardware. Look at the trade off!
C> I can multitask 99% of ALL of my apps, can you say the same using
C> Workench?
C> NO, you can NOT!!!!

Oh yes we can, not all games can multitask but all apps can.
It wouls be comercial suiecide for someone to realease an application wich
cant mutitask.

C> I have run NUMEROUS programs under OS2 at once!
C> Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed, and a term. (I was showing off for somebody
C> that
C> wanted to see a REAL computer multitask!)

C> Can YOU multitask Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed and a term on ANY amiga??
C> NOPE! Cause Workbench isn't as good as OS2!

I hate to reply to one of the childisch pc users again but the amiga os can
multitask very well. Thats why there are 25 amiga's at nasa, even os/2
couldn't multitask well enough. So yes I can multitask with my term. While
downloading I usually do some work on the background or unpack a previously
downloaded archive. Oh btw why not try c.s.a.advocasy!!!

Nine out of ten cats say dont leave home without it.

Tim Trautmann

Nov 19, 1993, 8:31:32 PM11/19/93
Is this Group moderated? If so, MODERATOR this tuff all belongs into
comp.sys.amiga.advocacy! I am damn tired of this battles. Nobody wins, nobody
looses, just some more bytes to travel around the globe.

Tim Trautmann

11403 N.E. 266th St. |
Battle Ground, WA 98604 |
U.S.A. | BBS: +1-206-687-6357
| Tel: +1-206-687-5545

Dong-ho Shin

Nov 20, 1993, 6:48:31 PM11/20/93
to (Jeff Kirvin) wrote:
>To be honest, 386sx prices are so low now you can pick one up for the
>price of a used A500.

Sorry to drag this long debate on for longer than it should have gone,
but I just had to correct this. You will not find a NEW or USED 386sx
system for the price of a NEW A500. They run for $136 new now, with all
the newest chips. Probably be able to find a used A500 for around $50
or so. Im not going to state on how I feel for Amigas and PCs (I own
both, and have used everything almost..). I am *not* saying a stock
A500 can do *everything* faster, etc than a stock 386sx, but I just
wanted to point out how low the A500 prices have gone.

Mike Farren

Nov 21, 1993, 4:10:24 AM11/21/93
to (Jeff Kirvin) writes:

>I haven't seen a PC that didn't come stock with a game port since my
>8MHz 8086 days...

You haven't seen all that many PCs, then. While many clone systems come
with a game port, courtesy of one or the other multi-I/O card, just
as many, and *most* name-brand machines, do not.

With game port cards costing as little as $10, this isn't exactly a
worrisome thing, but still...

Michael J. Farren

"Remember that good diction reflects so well on you, so practice all
your vowel sounds by saying "AAAEEEEIIIIOOOOUUUUU!" - Animaniacs

Nick Warren

Nov 20, 1993, 11:32:21 PM11/20/93
to (Chris Clarizio) writes:

> writes:
>>What a junky little system you have!

>> If this is your BEST argument, please go home.

>He is home. This group is for discussing Amiga games, not PC operating
> --- Chris Clarizio

He's not home, this group -is- for discussing games, but I'd hardly
call flaming the entire amiga gaming world moronically 'discussion'... of
course if you -have- to get technical.

Mattias Myrberg

Nov 21, 1993, 12:08:10 PM11/21/93
Roland Knecht ( wrote:

: I know you wanted to provocate an this discussion is absolutely sensless,
: but try not to express yourself like Hitler would have done (even if you
: love "Wolfenstein").

Umm, have you ever played Wolf3D?


Wolfgang Loske

Nov 22, 1993, 2:23:36 PM11/22/93
Hi there!

This discussion is quiet coooooooooooool !

I just sit in front of this cool 5 GByte UN*X Workstation with tons of
ram and bla bla bla ...

Serious, this guy CHRIS55 is the sort of people I like. They show us a
mirror and tell us what lame computers we are using. Unfotunately a
'finger' on his name and host doesn't work, so we could personally shake
hands with him.

Thanks for your statements about Amiga computers, CHRIS55.
BTW, ever seen one =:^}



P.S.: Don't take the "SERIOUS" to serious =:^}. BYE
Mankind is more efficient with a bicycle.
The computer is nothing else than a bicycle for the brain !
-- Steve Jobbs

Adam Keher

Nov 20, 1993, 10:52:00 PM11/20/93
C> From:
C> Organization: Delphi Internet

C> First, I do NOT need ANY drivers for my sound card or joystick.

C> My mouse DOES require a driver and I DO load a VESA driver to get my 24-
C> bit

C> card to conform to the SVGA VESA standard.
C> Since I have 1.3 gigs of drive space, I'm not hurting in that dept.
C> So what if OS2 demands a lot of hardware. Look at the trade off!
C> I can multitask 99% of ALL of my apps, can you say the same using
C> Workench?
C> NO, you can NOT!!!!

C> I have run NUMEROUS programs under OS2 at once!
C> Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed, and a term. (I was showing off for somebody
C> that
C> wanted to see a REAL computer multitask!)
C> Can YOU multitask Pinball Dreams, Alien Breed and a term on ANY amiga??
C> NOPE! Cause Workbench isn't as good as OS2!

Hey heres a pointer, the ram you are using to run this system you describe
is worth more than my a1200/68020/AGA/40megHD.. and you say that it is a
good system HAHAHAHAHAHAH!... BIGGER IS NOT BETTER!! and OS2 is the most
system hungry crap i have ever seen!

Melbourne, Australia

C> -!-
C> ! Origin: FidoNet/USENET Gateway [] (3:632/400.0)

* Origin: Empire BBS +61-3-591-0020, 592-5662 (3:635/550)

Adam Keher

Nov 20, 1993, 10:51:04 PM11/20/93
C> From:
C> Organization: Delphi Internet

C> Amiga games really do suck dick!
C> IBM games are fast/work on the FASTEST of CPU, none of this...
C> "Dum de dum, this amiga shit ware doesn't like my turbo board..."
C> DUH!!! hahahah! suckers!!
C> Are games install to HDs without the need for shitty/don't work/home made
C> hd install patches! hahahAHahHAHhhaHAhAHhAha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C> IBM games have better gfx, better sound, and are just plain awesome!
C> Amiga games suck because: shitty 32 color max rez, (don't forget your two
C> whole
C> AGA games! haahah), don't install or play from the HD without sucking
C> down
C> MASSIVE ammounts of ram, (that kills me, if you can play a game from your
C> shitty
C> little HDs, you need like an extra 512K of RAM?????? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

i dont want to start a Amiga vs IBM war but i think you are full of sh*t...
A extra 512k, BIG DEAL, like your IBM games require a few meg to run anyway
so why cry over 512k ????... also there are ALOT more AGA titles than two, I
have seen/played over 15 so far so i dont where you pick 2 from? btw, have
you played Pinball Fantasies on a IBM recently... ahahaha Pinball Nightmare!!!

Mark Seelye

Nov 23, 1993, 8:10:21 PM11/23/93

Ok.. I'm not gunna thread back.. I'm just gunna say this:

I am a developer, so I can say this(as well as any user of any computer
can) But its easier for me to describe both worlds.

I Develope for both systems.. Amiga and IBM. And I wish Amiga was the
standard of the market. Programming on IBM's is tedious.. and the graphics
is FAR from being superior.. Any of my graphics is produced on an Amiga and
ported TO an IBM.. Simply because the superior graphics programs available on
Amiga.. Corel Draw is a joke.. DPaint buries it. Even when you talk
compilers IBM is on the lower level Borland's user support, is FAR from
satisfactory on my standards.. The product is alright.. the support just

IBM games are excellent.. because of the people who program them.

AMIGA games are excellent.. because of the people wh program them.

Nuff said.. Both have advantages and disadvantages.. let it go already..
*------------------------------* *---------------------------------*
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| |- | | |- /\ |/ / |- |/ | | Usenet: |
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*------------------------------* *---------------------------------*


Nov 24, 1993, 4:09:12 PM11/24/93

FIRST : I am a happy OS/2 user because it's much better than DOS and
Windows (or is it Winslowwwz). I won't dare to compare an Amiga and a PC
with OS/2 because there is a giant leap between both systems.

SECOND : My impressions on CHRIS55 and his post... wrote:
: No, amiga games SUCK!

You tell that Amiga games suck, that means you've been playing them.
So you've been sucked.... Was it nice ?? :-)))

: You use the term 'AGA' when you describe games as if you have 256,000 color

: games.
: Tell the truth kid, your AGA games are equal to OUR VGA games.
: 256 colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: About time you caught up to our standard.

I remember working on a A500 in 4096 colors SIMULTANEOUSLY (that means no
palette changes, do you understand ?) while an IBM XT was in his popular
period.... I think that IBM has caught up with Amiga concerning color.
Talking about animation and real time video, IBM is far behind. And don't
tell me about it. I use MMPM/2 too...

: When's Ultima Underworld coming out for the amiga? Shadow Caster?
: X-WING? Wolf-3D? NEVER!!!

Do you really need OS/2 to multitask just some games ?? Why don't you buy
yourself a SEGA or a Nintendo ?

: Cause the amiga could never handle the requirements to push gfx around in

: those manners.
: Face it junior, the amiga has out of date hardware!

OUT OF DATE HARDWARE ?!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA.... (no further explanation)




\\|// Ringo De Smet E-mail :
O O Info-Groep V.U.B.
| Pleinlaan 2 bus 5F218
\_/ 1050 Brussel Tel : +32-2-641.33.56.


Nov 24, 1993, 5:35:25 PM11/24/93
>: You use the term 'AGA' when you describe games as if you have 256,000 color
>: games.
>: Tell the truth kid, your AGA games are equal to OUR VGA games.
>: 256 colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes we do have 256,000 colour games. CD32 is also another example.

>I remember working on a A500 in 4096 colors SIMULTANEOUSLY (that means no
>palette changes, do you understand ?) while an IBM XT was in his popular
>period.... I think that IBM has caught up with Amiga concerning color.
>Talking about animation and real time video, IBM is far behind. And don't
>tell me about it. I use MMPM/2 too...

Yup, have been using PC's since 1985, and I was envious of my Amiga friends.
Don't worry, I have an Amiga 1200 now. Just had to wait for money.

>: X-WING? Wolf-3D? NEVER!!! (for Amiga that is)

Why should Commodore port games just for you?

>: Cause the amiga could never handle the requirements to push gfx around in
>: those manners.
>: Face it junior, the amiga has out of date hardware!

Ever use Corel Draw? Sure, it's vectored graphix, but I neededed over 4
megs of ram just to make a brush of a 256 colour picture. And, sure is slow!
Dpaint, blows it away!! (Price, speed, size, etc...

>OUT OF DATE HARDWARE ?!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA.... (no further explanation)

Right on the money Ringo, can PC users deny that in 1985 or around there,
while they were so happy with their 4 colour CGA, Amigas had 4096 and full
implementation of the 3.5 inch drives. PC's are still using them. Remeber
the days of the PC joy buzzer, haven't left quite yet have they? (HAHAHA)

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