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Amiga sucks!

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Oct 2, 1994, 4:26:22 PM10/2/94
I was just browsing thru the messages, and it disgusted me to
see all the people who still have Amigas. Are you people nuts? Why
would you still be using a half-ass wanna be machine that has almost NO
software support. I understand you all got ripped off when buying the
Amiga, and I would be pretty upset. It must have been awful to pay a
grand for a machine that became out dated in about 1 year. I am
suprised all you users don't want to fire bomb the Commodore
corporation. I suppose that's why Commodore has affectionately taken
the name Commode Door. Face it guys, AMIGA is a piece of crap!

Roger McPherson

Oct 3, 1994, 3:19:52 AM10/3/94
JOE FIORINO ( wrote:
: I was just browsing thru the messages, and it disgusted me to

This is just another IBM'er/MAC user that doesn't know what real power
the Amiga really has. And you know this misguided soul doesn't even
upset me in his statement. After this weekend, my Amiga has the IBM
world and the MAC world with the EMPLANT Card.

So I say let these IBM/MAC dummies get what they want to say off their
hairless chest because "Something wonderful has happened My Amiga is
ALIVE!" to quote from the SCA Virus.

I can do everything they can do. Can they do everthing I can do??

-={ Roger }=- -={ KA0TGE }=- --==< >==--

Mueller Planetarium -={ ILDA }=- Nebraska the Good Life
Lead Volunteer Electronic Technician Where Football is the State Religion

Per Espen Hagen

Oct 3, 1994, 5:28:10 AM10/3/94

Feeling bored? Why else try such a brainless piece of flame-bait. Anyway,
most Amiga users *would* like to fire bomb at least parts of "the Commodore
corporation", the problem is that Commodore has been under liquidation for
the last five months... Nevertheless; personally, I can't think of any
machine I'd rather use which costs less than $5,000 than my Amiga (and I
*have* looked; a 486DX4/100 box with Linux probably comes closest) :-)

And please, if you MUST post this kind of rubbish, keep it to .advocacy.
That's where you'll find all the other kids who still love the "mine is
bigger than yours" wars.

Per Espen Hagen Tel: +47 63807653 //
Senior Scientist Image Processing Group NDRE, Norway \X/

Any resemblance between the above views and the views of my employer,
myself, or the view out of my window, is non-deterministic.

Shaun C. Murray

Oct 3, 1994, 8:35:39 AM10/3/94
In article <>, (JOE FIORINO) says:
> I was just browsing thru the messages, and it disgusted me to
>see all the people who still have Amigas. Are you people nuts? Why

Why does it disgust you? Surely YOU could be the one described as a little
`nuts` if you are honestly disgusted by something as mind numbling
ordinary as someones choice of computer.

>would you still be using a half-ass wanna be machine that has almost NO
>software support. I understand you all got ripped off when buying the
>Amiga, and I would be pretty upset.

Sorry? I don`t think anyone will agree with that. I bought a computer
and that`s what I got. It does what I bought it for. In no way whatsoever
could it be described as a rip off. I have all the software I personally
could possibly want.

>It must have been awful to pay a
>grand for a machine that became out dated in about 1 year. I am

Hmm, If I`d bought a 486SX25 at the same time which was for about the
same money, it would already be out of date. As it is, my Amiga is more
useful than the 486sx25 still due to the fact that most Amiga software
does not place as much demand on having a fast CPU.

>suprised all you users don't want to fire bomb the Commodore
>corporation. I suppose that's why Commodore has affectionately taken
>the name Commode Door. Face it guys, AMIGA is a piece of crap!

And what would that achieve?

You truely are a sad individual. Here, please accept the `Dave Connors`
award of trolling excellence.

Gareth Edwards

Oct 3, 1994, 11:46:39 AM10/3/94
JOE FIORINO ( wrote:
: I was just browsing thru the messages, and it disgusted me to
: see all the people who still have Amigas...

[flame bait deletia]


Why would somebody who obviously despises the Amiga, just "browse" thru
comp.sys.amiga.advocacy and comp.sys.amiga.applications?

<Yaaawwwwwn> :^@

The only sad thing is, somebody will take the bait and return fire.

BTW Joe, "Commode Door", as you put it, have long since ceased to exist.
Thank God (if it existed)
Went down the commode, I suppose.

Thanks for your musings.


Gareth Edwards, Leeds, England. E-mail:

"The report of my death was an exaggeration." -- Mark Twai

Jonas Flygare

Oct 3, 1994, 11:52:43 AM10/3/94

It's a bit slow here, so hell, I'll bite, even though the bait was _lame_.

So, who let their 10-year-old have a go at the keyboard?
Did you just learn how to spell PC? Or is that just CP backwards?
Since it is quite obvious that you are just trying to get attention,
you must be wetting your pants by now.
Safe PGP key fingerprint = A7 FA 4D 35 73 0E DB 65 69 D5 D4 E1 02 E6 91 E2
Unix PGP key fingerprint = 0D 22 64 4D 05 35 53 BA 83 56 7B 56 C6 61 D4 A7
DNA sequence fingerprint = 0E 21 45 FA 7A 11 34 FE ED DE AD BE EF 8F 10 71
DNA copyright 1962 - 1994 by Jonas Flygare, Copyright yours before IBM does.


Oct 3, 1994, 1:22:36 PM10/3/94
In article <>,
Gareth Edwards <> wrote:
[... stuff ...]

>Gareth Edwards, Leeds, England. E-mail:
>"The report of my death was an exaggeration." -- Mark Twai

Surely you mean "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"?

Sheesh. :)

!Productions 1994

GCS -d+ H+ s++:- g+ p? !au a- w+++ v* C+++ UB+++A++++ P++ L++ E+ N+++ K+ !W---
M-- V po- Y+ t++ 5+ jx R G? tv++ D- B--- e+ u** h f r++ !n y+

"Everything I say is shit." - David Connors.

Ulf Seltier

Oct 3, 1994, 2:14:46 PM10/3/94
JOE FIORINO ( wrote:

: Amiga, and I would be pretty upset. It must have been awful to pay a

: grand for a machine that became out dated in about 1 year. I am

I bought my A 2000 in Jan 89. A year ago I fitted it out with an A 2630
accelerator. 80 to 90 % of all software released for Amiga computers can
run on this machine. And if I wanted I`d install an emplant-card and/or
an egs-graphics-card an run _ANY_ software for MACs...

Just show me how to do something like that on a PeeCee someone bought in
1989... or GET LOST!

Christopher Potter

Oct 3, 1994, 2:20:39 PM10/3/94
Can you please post that somewhere else, ie .advocacy


Christopher Potter |
CRAY T3D support/Parallel System Engineer |
EPFL-CRAY PATP Project | CRAY T3D - 256 DEC alpha
PSE | 13000 MFLOPS sustained
Tel: +41 021 693 70 98/99 |
Fax: +41 021 693 70 90 |
E-Mail: |

PGP Public key on request

John Urbansky

Oct 3, 1994, 3:19:44 PM10/3/94
In article <>, (JOE FIORINO) says:

The value of a product is defined by the customers. If an individual
bought an Amiga and is happy with it, and it does what the individual
needs it to do, it has value to that individual. With this in mind,
comments such as yours are not directed towards the product, but the
individual involved. Simply put, you're putting down the people who are
happy with their Amigas. This sort of behavior does not cast one in a
very flattering light.

Perhaps you'll reconsider.


Kevin W Davidson

Oct 3, 1994, 11:24:42 PM10/3/94
I have an Amiga, a 486 DX-33 and a 486 laptop. Guess which one is
turned on and which ones are turned off?

Kevin Davidson, Asst. Moderator AmigaZone Vendor Support - PORTAL
<> SOFT-LOGIK BBS: (314) 894-0057
e-mail Tech support questions to:

Feico Dillema

Oct 4, 1994, 7:15:17 AM10/4/94

JOE FIORINO ( wrote:

He's already lost.


{ Feico Dillema, }
{ Faculty of Computer Science / SPA | }
{ University of Twente, P.O. Box 217 | Phone UT: +31.53.893735 }
{ 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands | Phone Home: +31.53.778512 }
{ ================================== ============================= }
Depressions are like the flu; highly catchy and occasionally deadly.
{ ================================================================== }

Robert Moldenhauer

Oct 4, 1994, 9:27:31 AM10/4/94

In a previous article, (Kevin W Davidson) says:

>I have an Amiga, a 486 DX-33 and a 486 laptop. Guess which one is
>turned on and which ones are turned off?

A trick question! They're all turned off!
> Robert Moldenhauer < Archaeologist/Management Info Spec
> Wisconsin DNR SW/3 < +1 (608) 264-8971
> 101 S Webster St, Box 7921 <
> Madison, Wis 53705 U.S.A. <

John Gager

Oct 4, 1994, 1:54:37 PM10/4/94

Oh brother, another Amiga flame from a jealous Mac or PC owner. Don't you
have anything better to do with your time than to come into the Amiga
newsgroups and prove that you are a real jerk? I don't go into the Mac or
PC newsgroups and leave stupid messages such as yours, so don't come in
here flaming something you probably don't know anything about anyway.

Zachary Powell

Oct 4, 1994, 6:53:22 PM10/4/94
Now lets get one thing strait, We Do want to drop a fire bomb on

Ben Sutter

Oct 5, 1994, 1:51:42 AM10/5/94
John Urbansky ( wrote:
: [flame-bait deleted]

: [very polite response deleted]

: Perhaps you'll reconsider.

Or perhaps we could tell the guy to go have sex with himself!


Paul Kolenbrander

Oct 4, 1994, 8:47:39 PM10/4/94
In article <36smd2$> (Zachary Powell) writes:
> Now lets get one thing strait, We Do want to drop a fire bomb on
> Commodore.

No you don't. You want to drop it on Irvin Gould and/or Mehdi Ali's
residences. As they are the main cause for our misery. And I do know
of an A-6 in mint condition. All it needs are engines. :-)

| __ | Internet: |
| /_/ |/ |------------------------------------|
| /aul |\olenbrander | CBM adsp: |


Oct 5, 1994, 8:08:26 AM10/5/94
In article 'Amiga sucks!', Ebony Blue wrote:
EB> From: (Ebony Blue)
EB> Date: 5 Oct 1994 02:49:33 GMT
EB> In article <>
EB> (Chaitanya) writes:
EB> >
EB> > JF> the name Commode Door. Face it guys, AMIGA is a piece of crap!
EB> > JF>
EB> > Yea. whatever buddy. I bet you think that the Gravis Ultrasound Max is
EB> an
EB> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
EB> > awesome card too. Why do you just shut up and get back in the fucking
EB> closet
EB> > and just leave us alone. No one really gives a shit about what people
EB> like you
EB> > think about it. I'm not going to get into this stupid fucking debate
EB> with a
EB> > moron that is just so close minded. Your not worth it.
EB> >
EB> > Chaitanya Marvici
EB> Hey that's not fair! Why associate a GREAT and AFFORDABLE soundcard with a
EB> loser
EB> like this! Besides The GUS works fine INSIDE of my Amiga!:-)
EB> --
EB> |
EB> |
EB> | A2000-040/28Mhz/18MB Emplant-Quadra900
EB> A2486SLC2-50/240/8MB |
EB> | WB3.1 System 7.1 OS/2 Warp Beta 2
EB> |
EB> |"ONE" Big Bad Retina 24Bit/4MB 21"-1280x1024x256 SVGA-1024x768x256
EB> |
EB> |Amiga // BABY!! 4chan-Stereo 16-Bit CD Audio GUS 32voice-16Bit
EB> |
EB> | \\// SCSI-2 3.5MB/sec AppleCD-300e+ Toshiba SCSI CD
EB> |
EB> ---
EB> * Origin: Austin InfoMail Association <-> Internet Gateway (1:382/87.0)
I hope that you realize that i'm speaking of the PC version of this thing. I
personally have never seen the Amiga version. But when you have a soundcard
that has a tendency to fry network cards, well, ummm....I wouldn't be too sure
of that thing. ;) Know what I mean. Er. I erred in the above. I presume
that you have a bridgeboard and are running it in there? right? Just whatever
you do, DON'T Put a network card on the BB side. But, to be realistic,
everything that we have in this world is a matter of personal preference and
just because I think something is a piece of junk, doesn't give me the right to
go up to someone and tell them that they are a fucking idiot for owning it.
See what I mean. :) I prefer my Amiga's to the PC that I have. ( I have 4
computers of my own in my house, my roomate has 4 also. ) And that is my
right. I presume that you all feel the same way, right? I'm just getting sick
of listening to all the closeminded people in this world. You know what's
funny, I do technical support for a big game company, yet I still prefer my
Amiga. Silly, huh? ;)

Anyway, I believe that I have done enough babbling. ;)


Bruce Albrecht

Oct 5, 1994, 9:01:11 PM10/5/94

In article <> (JOE FIORINO) writes:
[flamebait deleted]

Just out of curiosity, why is anyone bothering to respond to this moron?
I must have counted at least 15 responses in the last 3 days. It's clear
that he doesn't care, he's just goading you.
Bruce Albrecht (
Youth is wasted on the young.

Alexander Stirmlinger

Oct 4, 1994, 1:54:50 PM10/4/94
Hello JOE !

In an Article <>, JOE FIORINO wrote:


JF> grand for a machine that became out dated in about 1 year. I am
JF> suprised all you users don't want to fire bomb the Commodore
JF> corporation. I suppose that's why Commodore has affectionately taken
JF> the name Commode Door. Face it guys, AMIGA is a piece of crap!

Well, if so, would you be please so kind to use this door and leave us here
alone? Thank you!

Alexander Stirmlinger


Oct 5, 1994, 10:41:13 PM10/5/94
JOE FIORINO ( wrote:
:) I was just browsing thru the messages, and it disgusted me to
:) see all the people who still have Amigas. Are you people nuts? Why
:) would you still be using a half-ass wanna be machine that has almost NO
:) software support. I understand you all got ripped off when buying the
:) Amiga, and I would be pretty upset. It must have been awful to pay a
:) grand for a machine that became out dated in about 1 year. I am
:) suprised all you users don't want to fire bomb the Commodore
:) corporation. I suppose that's why Commodore has affectionately taken
:) the name Commode Door. Face it guys, AMIGA is a piece of crap!

<insert favorite flame here>

-- | I'd Give My Right Arm to be ambidextrous.
| If we do not change our direction we are
Don't Ask!?! :) | likely to end up where we are headed.

Richard Willkomm

Oct 4, 1994, 1:57:09 PM10/4/94
JOE FIORINO wrote in comp.sys.amiga.advocacy about "Amiga sucks!":

> I was just browsing thru the messages, and it disgusted me to
> see all the people who still have Amigas. Are you people nuts? Why
> would you still be using a half-ass wanna be machine that has almost NO
> software support. I understand you all got ripped off when buying the

What do you mean NO software support. I have support for ALL the
software I need. Ok sure, we don't have Dbase or Borland C++, but I
personally don't need those, and so do alot of Amiga users.
You know what the problem with you people is, you think of the Amiga
as just another computer, but it isn't. The Amiga is more a machine
for creative users instead of normal USERS.

> Amiga, and I would be pretty upset. It must have been awful to pay a
> grand for a machine that became out dated in about 1 year. I am

I have a machine from 1989, and it is for my use still NOT outdated.
Face it, a PC is faster outdated then the Amiga, period.

> suprised all you users don't want to fire bomb the Commodore
> corporation. I suppose that's why Commodore has affectionately taken
> the name Commode Door. Face it guys, AMIGA is a piece of crap!

Commodore indeed was a piece of crap, it's a shame they had the
priviledge of manufacturing the best computer the is. CBM has never
been the engine of the Amiga community. About 90% of all succes came
from 3rd party and the users itself. You should take a look at the PD
circuit for the Amiga. The programs you see there are of such quality
that often you don't even need the expensive packages. And even if you
do need them, the price is much lower compared to a PC product.

So, please before you go on with flaming, try to think up some better

* | Richard Willkomm ----- The Ray Freak----- *
* | -- *
* ######## #### | A500/GVP-HD+/030-33/882-50/13Mb/300MB -- *
* # # # | Gfx Co-Sysop The Hell BBS The Hague Holland *
* # ## ### | +31-70-3468783 -- *
* # # # | e-mail : -- -- *
* # # # | NLA_net: 14:101/103.2 -- -- *
* | AMY_net: 39:153/108.2 --- *
* | FIDO : 2:281/418.2 *
* | The Amiga isn't dead yet....Stay tuned..... *


Oct 6, 1994, 6:19:49 PM10/6/94
In article 'Amiga sucks!', Rod Prince wrote:

RP> From: (Rod Prince)
RP> Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 23:38:17 GMT

RP> Chaitanya ( wrote:
RP> : Yea. whatever buddy. I bet you think that the Gravis Ultrasound Max is
RP> an
RP> : awesome card too.

RP> Just out of my personal interest, why isn't is an awesome card?

RP> <not that I agree that you shouldn't have flamed the original poster :)>

Well working for a major software company ( I won't say which one ) I have
seen the Gravis card's fry network cards. Now in my personal (I mean
PERSONAL, My own, no one elses ) opinion, anything that has a tendancy to
fry another card on your system really shouldn't be on the market. But,
then that makes me wonder what this schmuck that started this fried or
smoked (as the case may be). ;-) I don't think it's that bad of a card,
but it really needs some serious work.

Mike Noreen

Oct 5, 1994, 3:49:27 PM10/5/94
In the message * Re: Amiga sucks! * Zachary wrote:

ZP> Now lets get one thing strait, We Do want to drop a fire bomb
ZP> on Commodore.

Too bad Irving Gould, Mehdi Ali and Bill Sydnes beat us to it.

MVH: Mike Noreen InterNet:
FidoNet: 2:201/411.14

--- Spot 1.3 #989

Rod Prince

Oct 8, 1994, 4:50:03 AM10/8/94
Chaitanya ( wrote:
: Well working for a major software company ( I won't say which one ) I have

: seen the Gravis card's fry network cards.

It was investigated and found that it was a problem with the Gravis, and
not a problem with the network card? Ive had an NE2000 compat in my
machine, and im about to stick in an EtherExpress tommorrow, I have a
GUS. The last think I want to see is smoke bellowing from my machine.

1 - How can you be sure it was the Gravis?
2 - How can you be sure it wasn't the netword card?
3 - How can you be sure it wasn't a screwy motherboard?

- Was it a particular brand/chipset of motherboard, network card, and GUS?

: PERSONAL, My own, no one elses ) opinion, anything that has a tendancy to

: fry another card on your system really shouldn't be on the market.

It would have been brought to my attention earlier if it was a common
problem. Ive had a GUS for about 1 year, and religiously gather every
echo/net mail that has anything to do with the GUS. This is the first
time i've heard about a problem with it frying cards.

: then that makes me wonder what this schmuck that started this fried or

: smoked (as the case may be). ;-) I don't think it's that bad of a card,
: but it really needs some serious work.

Who knows, if it is a problem, it may just be a cap.

Rod -

Jason Wong

Oct 7, 1994, 9:29:36 PM10/7/94
Sometime on 5 Oct 1994 05:51:42 GMT, Ben Sutter found the urge to write this:

: : [very polite response deleted]

: : Perhaps you'll reconsider.

trouble is he will enjoy it.


!Email ===== !
!Fidonet -2:2501/302.8 // !
! \X/ ason !

Paul Gaske

Oct 9, 1994, 11:31:39 PM10/9/94
to (!Productions) writes:

>Sheesh. :)

> !Productions 1994

Surely you mean "You Amiga weenies think everything I say is shit."?



P. Gaske. Griffith University Australia.
" Let's hope all your doughnuts come out as Fanny's. "
- Frankbough, admiring the work of TV cook Fanny Craddock.
ln -s /dev/null free.thought ln -s /dev/sysop-eyes my.screen

Paul Gaske

Oct 9, 1994, 11:37:17 PM10/9/94
to (Ulf Seltier) writes:

>JOE FIORINO ( wrote:

People wouldn't bother. PC's are cheap. They'd just buy the next model

$P60 + 16Meg + 500Meg HDD + keybd/mouse/interface card etc < $Amiga 4000.

P. Gaske. Griffith University Australia.

" We haven't had any more rain since it stopped raining. "
- Harry Carpenter from Wimbledon.

Ignatios Souvatzis

Oct 6, 1994, 1:25:00 PM10/6/94
In article <36smd2$> (Zachary Powell) writes:

> Now lets get one thing strait, We Do want to drop a fire bomb on
> Commodore.

...but we first want to get out the patent folders, construction data
sheets etc.

Ignatios Souvatzis (also
about WABI, MS-Windows emulator on SPARCs:
Budi Rahardjo: "Sure it is nice, but there are still too many bugs.[...] every
session it crashes at least 3 times for me."
Carlo J. Calica: "Hmmm. Sounds like a perfect Windows emulation to me :-)"


Oct 10, 1994, 2:36:28 PM10/10/94

JF> grand for a machine that became out dated in about 1 year. I am
JF> suprised all you users don't want to fire bomb the Commodore
JF> corporation. I suppose that's why Commodore has affectionately taken
JF> the name Commode Door. Face it guys, AMIGA is a piece of crap!

Well, if so, would you be please so kind to use this door and leave us here
alone? Thank you!

: Alexander Stirmlinger

I wanted to thank all you commode door supporters for sending me
10,000 pieces of email. I never thought you guys would band together
like a pack of bee's defending the nest. I never thought owing an Amiga
was such a sore spot for all you guys. Well, I guess it would be for me
too if I went out and spent thousands of dollars on a piece of crap that
became outdated in a few months. I understand. I feel your pain.
Perhaps next time you guys go to buy a computer, you MIGHT want to buy
one that has been in business over 2 weeks. I recommend a Radio Shack
special, or better yet, I think you still have time to buy a TI-994a.
Or what you could do to save yourself some time...Just go into a
computer store and bend over. HA!

Mike Noreen

Oct 11, 1994, 5:55:55 AM10/11/94
In the message * Re: Amiga sucks! * Paul wrote:

>> "Everything I say is shit." - David Connors.

PG> Surely you mean "You Amiga weenies think everything I say is shit."?

So, you're the official Interpreter of the Sacred Writings of DC, are you?

(You wouldn't happen to BE David Connors, would you?)

PG> Paul.

Mike Noreen

Oct 11, 1994, 4:52:15 AM10/11/94
In the message * Re: Amiga sucks! * Paul wrote:

PG> People wouldn't bother. PC's are cheap. They'd just buy the next
PG> model up.

PG> $P60 + 16Meg + 500Meg HDD + keybd/mouse/interface card etc < $Amiga
PG> 4000.

Apart from the above not being at all true, I really admire your definition
of the word 'cheap'.

PG> P. Gaske. Griffith University Australia.

PS: I liked your IBM sig better. It was more YOU.

Bernd U Meyer

Oct 12, 1994, 10:50:39 AM10/12/94
to (Lauri Aalto) writes:

>PCs are *not* cheap. They need a lot of extra hardware to get them running
>minimally. One will have to buy those "required" updates all the time. And
>all the software costs more than for the Amiga ($1000...$100000 vs.

Wow! I am running an Amiga!

Wait, what is that chip in there... i486DX33, wonder what that means?!?
But it must be an Amiga, as I did not pay anything for the software.
Also, it multitasks. But hey, it has this X-Server, and it knows how
to do a fork() system call.... can't be an Amiga.

Gosh, something is wrong here!

"And the band played 'Waltzing Mathilda' / as we stopped to bury our slain;
And we buried ours / and the Turks buried theirs | ..... living in Oz ....
And it started all over again" |
(The Pogues, "Waltzing Mathilda", orig by Eric Bogle, "And the band played WM")

David Meyer

Oct 13, 1994, 12:42:00 AM10/13/94
Lauri Aalto ( wrote:
: Paul Gaske ( wrote:
: > People wouldn't bother. PC's are cheap. They'd just buy the next model
: > up.

: PCs are *not* cheap. They need a lot of extra hardware to get them running

: minimally. One will have to buy those "required" updates all the time. And
: all the software costs more than for the Amiga ($1000...$100000 vs.
: $0...$1000).

Not true. When my darling's '286 became unreliable (and unrepairable)(and
unupgradable) we shelved it (the garbage men refused to take it) and I
did some serious shopping for a replacement. Picked up a '486SX and a new
monitor (old one not compatible) for around $1,000! Does a fine job
running WordStar for DOS (primary function). Yeah, so I commented out the
line to load Windows - she hates GUI anyway. True, it can't do lots of
things that my A3000 can, but she doesn't care. It does everything she
wants to do. Now, if she wanted sound, or SCSI, or video, or ... just
about anything, she would have to pay extra. She doesn't want tha stuff.
She is a dedicated playwright and that box is her typewriter with a
memory. Even TALKING about multitasking confuses her.

Lauri Aalto

Oct 11, 1994, 7:51:38 AM10/11/94
Paul Gaske ( wrote:
> People wouldn't bother. PC's are cheap. They'd just buy the next model
> up.

PCs are *not* cheap. They need a lot of extra hardware to get them running

minimally. One will have to buy those "required" updates all the time. And
all the software costs more than for the Amiga ($1000...$100000 vs.

(__) Lauri Aalto
w \@@/
`/v/-e 2:228/507@fidonet
_/ \_ ...Intel inside--idiot outside...


Oct 12, 1994, 1:48:24 PM10/12/94
In article <>,
Paul Gaske <> wrote:

> (!Productions) writes:
>> "Everything I say is shit." - David Connors.
>Surely you mean "You Amiga weenies think everything I say is shit."?

Nope. You must have missed the article from which I took that quote, but
he DID say it. (Ok, I took it HUGELY out of context, but so what? :)

> " Let's hope all your doughnuts come out as Fanny's. "
> - Frankbough, admiring the work of TV cook Fanny Craddock.

Don't you mean Frank Bough? (Or has he only got one name now, like all
the supermodels? "And here comes Frankbough, wearing the latest
psychadelic sweater from his 'Oh my GOD! What IS that hideous thing?'
collection..." :)

Martin Caspersson

Oct 12, 1994, 5:59:50 AM10/12/94
>: Alexander Stirmlinger

> I wanted to thank all you commode door supporters for sending me
>10,000 pieces of email. I never thought you guys would band together
>like a pack of bee's defending the nest. I never thought owing an Amiga
>was such a sore spot for all you guys. Well, I guess it would be for me
>too if I went out and spent thousands of dollars on a piece of crap that
>became outdated in a few months. I understand. I feel your pain.
>Perhaps next time you guys go to buy a computer, you MIGHT want to buy
>one that has been in business over 2 weeks. I recommend a Radio Shack
>special, or better yet, I think you still have time to buy a TI-994a.
>Or what you could do to save yourself some time...Just go into a
>computer store and bend over. HA!

It think this guy just has to piss someone off. When it didn't work that
good the first time, he tries it again. Well, I won't make this guy happy by
letting him aggrivate me.

Mike Noreen

Oct 12, 1994, 2:22:34 PM10/12/94
In the message * Re: Amiga sucks! * JOE wrote:

JF> I understand. I feel your pain.

That's a first. At troll which watches Star Trek.

JF> +++ Author: JOE FIORINO, Keith's Public Access Computer System

You really shouldn't be out this late. The sun's rising.

Leif Roar Moldskred

Oct 14, 1994, 6:32:03 PM10/14/94
David Meyer ( wrote:

Finally someone intelligent. If a computer does what you want it to do, it's
a good computer. (Not necessarly a cheap computer mind you).

Peter Gut

Oct 15, 1994, 4:03:43 PM10/15/94
JOE FIORINO ( wrote:

[crap deleted]

> HA!

The only intelligent sentence in the whole article.
| /// Peter Gut | UUCP : |
| /// 13 Weiherweg | Tel/Fax: +41 64 470 518 |
| \\\/// Hunzenschwil, AG 5502 | |
| \XX/ Switzerland | Amiga 4000/040 - 22MB RAM - 2.4 GB HD |
This is not a bug, it's a feature !

Rick Bowers

Oct 19, 1994, 3:30:27 PM10/19/94
In article <37n0t3$>, (Leif Roar
Moldskred) wrote:


Lots of people who hear me talk all the time about my Amiga ask me if they
should get one, too, when they are in the process of purchasing their own

Although I'd _love_ for them to be Amiga owners, I always say the same thing ...
1) First, decide _why_ you are getting a computer. Is it for word
processing? Games? Desktop publishing? etc?
2) Next, go evaluate various software (and maybe hardware) packages on the
market that support that activity.
3) Then, find out what computers that software will run on.
4) Finally, choose between the systems that meet requirements 1-3 above.
You may now base your decision on price, performance, "extras", or any

The bottom line is, don't buy the computer then try to make it do what you
want it to. You'll only end up complaining about how crappy the xxxx
computer you bought is.

The Amiga has many very good attributes. So does the PC, Mac, Next, and
the rest. It's up to the buyer to get the one which best suits their


Rick Bowers | Worldwide Technical Support
Stratus Computer, Inc. |

curtis newton

Oct 21, 2021, 4:08:22 PM10/21/21
been 2 days of fiddeling with WinUae to get myself some idea of what amiga could do at the time

it's really a bad system, maybe it was pioneer at the time, with workbench and all that
I made a lot of games running with WhdLoad, most games could not be run from floppy

but let's face did not have an amiga but a pc ? well good for you
most of amiga games were available on better systems, with better resolutions
amiga is a lame piece of shit

maybe back in the day it was something, but now it's gone, and it's a good thing
FUCK amiga, that thing is horseshit, I just wasted 2 days of my life for nothing

Pierre Scotney

Oct 22, 2021, 2:45:48 AM10/22/21
Hi Curtis,

The Amiga is an old computer platform and much more simpler compared
modern PCs. Amiga users spent many years adding and enhancing their
systems to keep up with advancements. Because the stock Amiga hardware
did not advance much beyond the original chip set games did lag
behind what was available for PCs by the mid 1990s.

The Amiga community will continue supporting the users from the
Commodore years who are already aware of the platforms limitations and
help newcomers who are interested in our little corner of computer

Sorry that your experience was not what you hoped.

Best wishes


Aug 16, 2022, 11:05:20 AM8/16/22
I produce Drum and Bass on the 1000.


Aug 16, 2022, 11:06:03 AM8/16/22
Amiga ahead of it's time.


Nov 5, 2022, 11:09:42 AM11/5/22
Teri pudi


Nov 5, 2022, 11:15:28 AM11/5/22
Amiga is ahead of it's time. Clown.
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