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John McCulloch

May 2, 2023, 4:18:45 PM5/2/23
I used to be able to log into !Store, but for some months now it does not seem to be functioning. It constantly reports unable to connect with server. I have tried the advice on the site, but with negative result.
Is it still functioning and if so has the web address changed. I tried to download from the usual site, but the version is dated 2013, the version I have was from 2020.
Thanks in anticipation .....

Brian Howlett

May 2, 2023, 5:02:46 PM5/2/23
Download from

I have version 1.52 (08 Sep 2022).

There's a "Forgotten password" button on the log-in screen if your
credentials don't work.
Brian Howlett - Email to From: address deleted unseen
I have the world's largest collection of seashells. I keep it on all
the beaches of the world. Perhaps you've seen it.

Steve Fryatt

May 2, 2023, 6:36:26 PM5/2/23
On 2 May, John McCulloch wrote in message

> I used to be able to log into !Store, but for some months now it does not
> seem to be functioning. It constantly reports unable to connect with
> server. I have tried the advice on the site, but with negative result. Is
> it still functioning and if so has the web address changed.

It's still in the usual place, as far as I know. Have you checked that the
system it's on has internet access at all?

> I tried to download from the usual site, but the version is dated 2013,
> the version I have was from 2020.

The version on the site hasn't been updated for a long time: the first thing
that it does on starting up is fetch the current version and update itself.

Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England


May 3, 2023, 2:29:21 AM5/3/23
In article <>,
Just for info...
It's now earlyish AM on the 3rd May, the !Store version I have is 1.52 (08
Sep 2022).
I've logged into my account okay.
Viewed My software okay.

Downloaded an update for an app okay...

So it is working okay.



Dave Triffid
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