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Paul Nolan

Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
Has anyone took over Rozilla since TBA Software finished? If not, how hard
would it be to either pick up where they left off or start a fresh
conversion? I've looked at and the source archive is so big it's
a bit daunting (and when I tried to build Linux, the Makefile didn't even
work, and I wasted an hour downloading it (and another unpacking it)).

Paul Nolan <>

jan rinze <janrinze@

Aug 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/26/00

Paul Nolan schreef:

TBA did a threads library.
Threads are needed by Mozilla.
There are no X or GTK or other interfaces for the Acorn so
those need to be converted first.

The Rozilla project is farm from even starting...

Maybe we can use an Xserver and try to run Mozilla over a socket...
this is not such a good choice since sockets are slow and html is very

Mozilla does run on ARM processors: look at

Jan Rinze.

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