I'm the editor and publisher of the German RISC OS Magazine GAG-News
and issue 100 is due soon - I want that one to be special!
Since in the recent past news for RISC OS was hard to come by, or simply
not available (the inactivity on drobe not helping either) it is hard to
know who is still working for RISC OS and what is on offer and what is
planned to be made available.
For this reason I herewith ask all companies, clubs, and individuals
still to tell me if they're still around and what they (intend to) offer
for RISC OS.
Please send a mail to HzN....@HQ.gag.de with these details (please be
assured that I will not publish your email address):
- Company name or your name
- Website
- Country & Town, or full address
- Your offerings, products, plans, ...
- Please include a short description and not just product names for your
main offerings (what ever you think main ones).
In case you're into more than one company, then I'd love to lean about
all of them - if RISC OS related.
Note: Please no *not* assume that I know about your offerings etc.
n.g.b...@durham.ac.uk, Backup Moderator of comp.sys.acorn.announce
Submissions to <URL:mailto:cs...@owlart.net>
Related mail to <URL:mailto:csaa-r...@owlart.net>