MCPIO is a small, specialised module to control MCP23017 IIC Expander
ports on just the Raspberry Pi. The API differs from the generalised
GPIO module and it is more direct in its coding.
It was originally intended to support the very cheap Ciseco SliceOfPI/O
board, so it will also control the GPIO pins that this board brings to a
single 8-pin header in the same way as the IIC ports.
The !MCPIOMod application includes the source and manual and can be
downloaded from:
There is an MCPIO keyword in the latest release of Basalt which is used
in the !MCPIOTest application, which shows how the module can be used.
It can be downloaded from:
This application includes both Basalt and MCPIO and their StrongHelp
_______________________________________________________________, Moderator of comp.sys.acorn.announce.
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