> One computer is an eight bit Beeb circa 1982 with View
> (or IW/Wordwise if that be your poison) configured as the
> default language. With a dot matrix printer.
View was a complete eyeopener to me - wonderful stuff! (I
have still never even seen Wordwise, but IMHO if Impression
Junior is anything to go by, that was just as well.)
I still wish it were possible in a modern WP to adjust the
tab stops and then see everything in the table automatically
move to its new position. No idea about MSWord, but in
Easiwriter you have to have already created a style with the
tab stops in, adjust the positions, then save the new style.
Takes much longer!
Russell Hafter Holidays E-mail to enquiries at our domain
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> I still wish it were possible in a modern WP to adjust the
> tab stops and then see everything in the table automatically
> move to its new position. No idea about MSWord, but in
> Easiwriter you have to have already created a style with the
> tab stops in, adjust the positions, then save the new style.
> Takes much longer!
That's why so many RISC OS users still love Impression Publisher. That's
*exactly* how it works. You just mark a section of text, adjust the ruler
and job done.
David Holden - APDL - <http://www.apdl.co.uk>
That's pretty much true in any WP/DTP from the last 20 years, including
OPro, AbiWord, OO.org and Word.
I don't see the rest of this thread, so I presume there's some counter-