>Someone gave me an AT&T UNIX PC runing verison 3.51. It seems to run fine
>and boots up to a Login prompt. However, I have no way of knowing the
>Login/Password. Does anyone know how to defeat the Login/Password during
>the boot process? I do not have any operating system disks.
You should be able to log in as "install", and not be required to
enter a password, unless somebody has changed this. Once you can log
in this way, it should be possible to hack the other user accounts,
but somebody else will have to lead you through that.
Tom Sullivan
You might try 'install' as the login w/no password
This is a default that some people didn't change after getting the
system running. BTW - Install is a root group
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[ ... ]
>> You should be able to log in as "install", and not be required to
>> enter a password, unless somebody has changed this. Once you can log
>> in this way, it should be possible to hack the other user accounts,
>> but somebody else will have to lead you through that.
>> Tom Sullivan tsul...@mail.fwi.comTom,
>Thanks very much. This worked fine.
There is a menu entry in "Install's" menus which will let you
change/set the root password.
Good Luck,
P.S. I don't know whether I need to mention this or not, but it is not a
good idea to work logged in as "root" unless you have to modify the
system. A mistake can have such widespread consequences when you're
root. :-)
Email: <> | Donald Nichols (DoN.)
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--- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---