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Ed Hand

Dec 5, 1988, 6:57:38 PM12/5/88

Seasons Greetings to all netters,

I am wondering if any of you out there might happen to have a list
of phone numbers for different BBS's. Mostly interested in ones that
support games or discuss them. If anyone has a hacked out entry :-)
into a BBS I would like to have it. Just send them to me at:


Seriously, I'm only interested in legitemate services |-), ho hum choke...

Actually I just watched a movie called "Terminal Entery" the other night
and it sounds like fun.

Thanks In Advance For Any Help.

/---\ | ...I may be crazy... |
( o o ) * The | ...But it just might be | Ed Hand
\ ' / *** Mad | a lunatic your looking | Intergraph Corp.
\ ^ / /* One | for... | {ihnp4,uunet}
---\___/ | Billy Joel | !ingr!b11!maven!ed


Dec 8, 1988, 10:38:54 AM12/8/88
In article <6...@maven.UUCP> e...@maven.UUCP (Ed Hand) writes:
> I am wondering if any of you out there might happen to have a list
>of phone numbers for different BBS's. Mostly interested in ones that

You can get a list of all BBSs from the Nationserv BBS at 812-477-5343

Greg Henderson

Dec 12, 1988, 11:05:06 AM12/12/88
In article <6...@maven.UUCP> e...@maven.UUCP (Ed Hand) writes:
>Seasons Greetings to all netters,
> I am wondering if any of you out there might happen to have a list
>of phone numbers for different BBS's. Mostly interested in ones that
>support games or discuss them. If anyone has a hacked out entry :-)
>into a BBS I would like to have it. Just send them to me at:
>Seriously, I'm only interested in legitemate services |-), ho hum choke...
Well if you are interested in an adventure based bbs with over 10 MEG of
adventure programs for several computers, there is Adventureland, run by
Doug Rogers. It is a board in Lexington, KY that collects all types of
adventures. The number there is (606)271-0558.
And when it asks for where you heard from Adventureland, just put
in USENET, and he will know.. By the way, you have automatic full-user
access to the board when you first log on.. Uploads are appreciated..
but there is no limit to the downloads..

There is also a list of local (Lexington) area board on Adventureland
so you can branch out from there.


"I'm trying to thank-you, you pointy-eared hobgoblin!" -=>Dr. McCoy
| Greg Henderson | INTERNET: CSNET: gr...@engr.uky.csnet |
|-______________-| UUCP: cbosgd!ukma!ukecc!greg|

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