Also, any horror stories that you have, or have heard about,
I would be interested in.
Please e-mail the information to me, as it might be a bit
much for the net.
Thank you,
Bob Boulanger
Intel OMO
Hillsboro, OR
(I've never seen mail bounce so fast...)
The _Recycler_ carries free listings for BBS's.
Richard J. Sexton
INTERNET: ric...@gryphon.CTS.COM
UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, ihnp4, nosc}!crash!gryphon!richard
"It's too dark to put the keys in my ignition..."
Robert Dorsett {allegra,seismo}!sally!ut-ngp!walt!mentat
University of Texas at Austin {allegra, seismo}!sally!ut-ngp!auscso!mentat
I would recommend that the person compiling the list get ahold of the Fido
NodeList. It has about 2K entries now - from all over the world. There is
also a list called, I think, PAMS (or some such) that lists many BBSs -
presuming that it is still being updated it should be well over 3K entries.
LEE DAMON FidoNet: 152/201 (The Castle) - (503) 757-8841 Internet:
UUCP : {hp-pcd,tektronix}!orstcs!nomad
Patt Haring UUCP: ..cmcl2!phri!dasys1!patth
Big Electric Cat Compu$erve: 76566,2510
New York, NY, USA MCI Mail: 306-1255; GEnie: PHaring
(212) 879-9031 FidoNet Mail: 1:107/132 or 107/222
One caveat with the fido nodelist. Some of the boards listed
are boards that are up for certain hours only.
When my board was time-shared with our business lines at work
and PC Pursuit got ahold of our list and passed it out to it's
customers, all hell broke loose on our operator at the station.
Beware! Time conditions are ussually listed at the end of the
entry for the node.
Also, because of the PC Pursuit bit, and my yelling and
screaming to IFNA and PC Pursuit, IFNA will take a dim view of
the nodelist being repackaged. You may want to contact them.
You can write them at:
International FidoNet Association
P. O. Box 41143
St Louis, Missouri 63141
| ...sun!hoptoad!\ Tim Pozar |
| >fidogate!pozar Fido: 1:125/406 |
| ...lll-winken!/ PaBell: (415) 788-3904 |
| USNail: KKSF 77 Maiden Lane San Francisco CA 94108 |