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v47i101: ncaa - Tournament pool manager and bracket printer, v3.1, Patch01

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Michael Gleason

Mar 25, 1995, 11:54:34 PM3/25/95
Submitted-by: (Michael Gleason)
Posting-number: Volume 47, Issue 101
Archive-name: ncaa/patch01
Environment: ANSI-C
Patch-To: ncaa: Volume 47, Issue 82-85

This is patch01 to ncaa version 3.1. This patch

+ Fixes a glitch in the PostScript output.
+ Hotkeys now work better on HP/UX.

To apply, cd to the source directory, and feed this file to "patch -c" or
you can just the FTP the whole thing from:

diff -r -c ncaa-3.1/getch.c ncaa-3.1.1/getch.c
*** ncaa-3.1/getch.c Sun Mar 5 02:58:17 1995
--- ncaa-3.1.1/getch.c Mon Mar 6 23:56:03 1995
*** 89,99 ****
# define IOSET(F,A) ioctl(F, TCSETAF, A)
# endif

int InputChar(void)
register int c;
! char buf;
ISTRUCT tbuf, tbufsave;

--- 89,105 ----
# define IOSET(F,A) ioctl(F, TCSETAF, A)
# endif
+ #ifndef VMIN
+ # define VMIN 4
+ #endif
+ #ifndef VTIME
+ # define VTIME 5
+ #endif

int InputChar(void)
register int c;
! unsigned char buf;
ISTRUCT tbuf, tbufsave;

*** 103,113 ****
tbuf.c_iflag &= ~(ICANON | IXON);
tbuf.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST);
tbuf.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ISIG | ECHO);
! tbuf.c_cc[4] = sizeof(buf); /* min */
! tbuf.c_cc[5] = 2; /* time */
if (IOSET(0, &tbuf) < 0)
goto fail;
! while (read(0, &buf, sizeof buf) == 0) ;
c = (int) buf & 0xff;
if (islower(c))
c = toupper(c);
--- 109,119 ----
tbuf.c_iflag &= ~(ICANON | IXON);
tbuf.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST);
tbuf.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ISIG | ECHO);
! tbuf.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* min */
! tbuf.c_cc[VTIME] = 2; /* time */
if (IOSET(0, &tbuf) < 0)
goto fail;
! while (read(0, &buf, 1) == 0) ;
c = (int) buf & 0xff;
if (islower(c))
c = toupper(c);
diff -r -c ncaa-3.1/ncaa.h ncaa-3.1.1/ncaa.h
*** ncaa-3.1/ncaa.h Sun Mar 5 02:58:18 1995
--- ncaa-3.1.1/ncaa.h Mon Mar 6 23:52:13 1995
*** 1,6 ****
/* ncaa.h
! * Copyright 1993-94 by Mike Gleason, NCEMRSoft.
* Original version: March 9, 1993.
* Thanks to:
--- 1,6 ----
/* ncaa.h
! * Copyright 1993-95 by Mike Gleason, NCEMRSoft.
* Original version: March 9, 1993.
* Thanks to:
*** 13,21 ****
* James Dodson, for lots of stuff.
* Tom Mortensen for supplying a home for the '94 pool.

! #define kVersion "3.1.0 (March 5, 1995)"

#include "config.h"

--- 13,23 ----
* James Dodson, for lots of stuff.
* Tom Mortensen for supplying a home for the '94 pool.
+ *
+ * Dave Schmidt, Jeffery Parker, and Max Hartwig for 3.1 fixes.

! #define kVersion "3.1.1 (March 7, 1995)"

#include "config.h"

diff -r -c ncaa-3.1/t64ps.c ncaa-3.1.1/t64ps.c
*** ncaa-3.1/t64ps.c Sun Mar 5 02:58:18 1995
--- ncaa-3.1.1/t64ps.c Mon Mar 6 23:48:57 1995
*** 411,417 ****

! " newpath k b1 moveto l b1 b2 midpt lineto k b2 lineto closepath fill\n"
" newpath l b1 moveto k 0.5 sub dup b1 lineto b2 lineto\n"
" l b2 lineto stroke\n"
--- 411,417 ----

! " newpath k b1 moveto r b1 b2 midpt lineto k b2 lineto closepath fill\n"
" newpath l b1 moveto k 0.5 sub dup b1 lineto b2 lineto\n"
" l b2 lineto stroke\n"

exit 0 # Just in case...

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