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Statement on Spam and

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Apr 8, 2004, 5:47:32 PM4/8/04
Spam from (Or

You may have received spam email recently that appears to come from our
campaign, or be about our campaign -- perhaps the "From" and or
"Reply-to" addresses look like they are coming from Or
perhaps you have received a message that appears to come from an
individual (if the address is real, the real owner probably did not send
this email either) with suppressed recipients. Or maybe you received an
email that appeared to come from yourself promoting our site.

These messages are NOT from Nader for President 2004, and these email
tactics are NOT condoned by our campaign in any way.

UPDATE: Some of the latest forged emails have been made to appear to be
coming from Again, we are not responsible for this
unfortunate abuse of email, and there is little in the technical sense
that we can do to prevent this as it has nothing to do with our actual
infrastructure. We are collecting information.

NOTE: The emails with malicious code (viruses, worms, etc.) often have
attachments. Our campaign will NEVER send attachments in our
announcement emails to you. Please be sure that you have anti-virus
software and have the latest updates available for your anti-virus

Our hosting service has alerted us to say that Nader for President 2004
appears to be the target of what is called a "Joe Job." Such an event is
where a spammer forges email to make it appear to have come from some
other domain (such as ours -- or yourself). This is hard to prevent on
our end and part of the insecure nature of the email protocol in

Members of our actual email list must request to receive email from us
(either through Ralph's signup sheets or subscribing during our
exploratory phase, or now on our campaign site). When one signs up for
email they must reply to a confirmation message before they receive our
list announcements.

Our public announcement emails come from ","
contain a "Paid for by Nader for President 2004" statement at the
bottom, and have "" in the "To:" header.
Unfortunately, some of these indicators can be forged as well.

Most of the Spam that we have received complaints about appear to be
forged from email addresses not associated with (often
forged to appear to be coming from government email addresses), and have
our website code embedded in the body of the email with hidden tags that
contain random words that work to subvert anti-spam software.

If you are on our lists, you can ALWAYS unsubscribe at ANY time by
following the instructions included at the end of our announcements. You
can also use our unsubscribe page using the email address you signed up

If you are receiving this SPAM, we extend our apologies.

We will pursue the spammers to the full extent of the law.

For more information, please review these resources:

How Do I Determine the Source of an Email?

Why Does This Spam Look Like I Sent It?

Coping with a Joe Job

Please contact with any questions. We have received
many samples of the spam and are working to identify the source, if

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strange clots started developing under my skin, where I will
scratch, and if I will scratch these clots, they would get bigger and

As I was still asleep, now this girl still kept calling me she said that
I couldn?t join university as I haven?t had paid the fees and she needed
the phone number of the man who was running the student union then etc
etc. Later I was told that it was if I don?t have unlawful relationship
with her I can?t go to university. But as I did not assume anything
nothing happened, obviously other than that biological weapon tearing my
body apart.

This Peter Burnett is the man who in the final year harassed me and came
to our mosque to tell Muslims that Mohsin is a threat. He also lied to
non Muslims and mislead them about Islam, I found out because people
used to ask me things directly. I just want to ask this man how many
innocent children are you going to rape, how many more biological
weapons are you going to try on people who don?t even know what is going
on the world. And why is it that you are still a part of Islamic
societies, even when everyone knows that you are working for secret
services and are against us, to find and eliminate potential, active

Though my thoughts but like always they can be wrong, but

Apr 8, 2004, 3:22:23 PM4/8/04

(IFCO). is
our fiscal sponsor." Fiscal sponsorship by IFCO means Not In Our Name
receives donations that are tax deductible because of IFCO's 501c(3)
(charitable, federal tax-exempt) status. IFCO charges a fee for this

Why is NION not a 501c(3)?

Donations to NION/IFCO are then mailed to the Women's International League
for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), which is located at 339 Lafayette Street in
New York City. The address is the same as NION's. The intimate nature of a
financial partnership shows how closely aligned these two organizations are.
And that's scary, because the Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom has been associated with Communist causes since its inception. Molly
Klopot of the WILPF is a NION organizer. The WILPF is related to IFCO as
well as NION. Marilyn Clement, who is the Executive Director of WIPLF, is
the Treasurer of IFCO.

The building where the offices of NION, the WILPF and the War Resisters
League are located is known as the "Peace Pentagon," and is owned by the
A.J. Muste Memorial Institute. A.J. Muste was a "peace" advocate who
compiled frequent flier miles visiting Hanoi during the Vietnam War era. The
Muste Foundation funds groups like the War Resisters League, School of the
Americas Watch, Nicaragua Solidarity Network, International Peace bureau,
International Fellowship of Reconciliation, Coalition for Human Rights of
Immigrants, and WILPF.

NION: Castro and Islamist Terror

The Interreligous Foundation for Community Organization is a p

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