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May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
-bks- has dropped off the screen.
Run for the hills.


May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
In article <aB613.1885$>,

"Blackmo" <> wrote:
> -bks- has dropped off the screen.

Okay, let's test that assertion.

According to Deja, Bradley has made 2,644 posts to c.s.y2k since his
first on 4/11/98. That's a period of 405 days. Do the math.

2644/405 = 6.53 posts per day.

Here's the recent post count:

14 2.00 per day, May 14 - May 20
31 4.43 per day, May 7 - May 13
38 5.43 per day, Apr 30 - May 6
34 4.85 per day, Apr 23 - Apr 29
55 7.86 per day, Apr 16 - Apr 22
62 8.86 per day, Apr 9 - Apr 15
87 12.43 per day, Apr 2 - Apr 8

So, it does appear that he is slowing down. He has been below his
average for about a month.

Incidentally, here's the first post of his I could find. He seemed a
bit more cautious then.[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=342944823&CONTEXT=92730

In article <>, paul leblanc <>
> ...
>Here's a simple one for ya: Would you take a plane from NYC to LA on
>New Year's Eve 2000? If you would, you'd be either crazy or stupid -
> ...

I'd be willing to make the reservation because:
1) A Plane leaving NYC at 9PM will arrive in LA before Midnight
2) If Y2K is going to leave plane-and-people goo all over the
place, Moscow, Madrid, Munich and Milan will be covered in
it before my scheduled departure time and I'll cancel.


Did you read the "letter from PG&E" to the "City of Vacaville" thread.
This was a hoax of such low quality maybe Bradley figured his services
were no longer required.

Then again, maybe he's out RELAXING for what may come instead of
watching a computer screen 24/7 and chanting "it's the end, it's all
over, wait you'll see, it's ......."

Maybe he's out planting his garden and hasn't had the time recently.
Maybe the group is stale. Maybe there isn't much to discuss anymore.

Could it be because of dickweeds such as yourself? Hmmmm? Inquiring
minds want to know. The only thing that has "thinned" in the august
group of posters that you mention is their patience with buttwipes like

Basically, you, Milne, and the rest of the government stooges who are
now occupying a lot of unnecessary Y2K bandwidth, print column inches,
and air time have accomplished your disinformation mission for the
moment. And, now that the weather has broken in the northern
hemisphere, there's more important things to tend to. Like my playing
ant to your grasshopper.

blackmo. why do you care? seriously. just because some people take a
break from posting doenst mean they have changed their mind. more
importantly . why do you care. why are you so worried about the post
count of pollys. do you think i check the post count of the
pussydoomers? no. why? because i really could care less.

Actually, blackmo, I've got a couple of large projects coming up
shortly, so I know you will be grieved to learn that I will not be
around as much.

So, I've been reevaluating how and where I spend my time and what's
left of my energy. I stop by csy2k from time to time to do the lurk
thing, but basically I'm trying to do what I can to make sure my loved
ones will be OK whether or not I'm around.

The real technogeeks are not posting much anymore since like me I am
sure they are overworked also.

Too bad that we never could get around to the truth in this ng. It may
have helped.

This will likely be the tailing off of my posts. To many dummies
abound. The smart folks are too busy with their lives and all has been
said that could or can be said. Whats left is the doomers still
shucking their jive and who wants to read that bullshit.

Ok. Lets hear it> "Don't let the door,,yada,yada." What a bunch of

This is what is so remarkable about generators. When csy2kers try to
get one, there was always one there just a few hours before but never
one there now. Reminds me of a Twilight zone episode.

So blackmo, what size generator do you want and how much will you pay
for it?

--Alan Dechert

--== Sent via ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
Maybe this calls for a thread Pollyanas abandoning c.s.y2k

Ron Schwarz -- reply to newsgroups only

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
On 21 May 1999 15:13:20 GMT, sha...@aol.combotbegon (Sharvol) wrote:

>Maybe this calls for a thread Pollyanas abandoning c.s.y2k

First order of business: determine if there are any recent comet sightings.

"Sure my meme is floundering a bit but it's still spreading."
--Alan Dechert

Tom Ambrose

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
Second Order Of Business: bring out the drug-sniffing dogs and

Bradley K. Sherman

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
In article <aB613.1885$>,
Blackmo <> wrote:
>-bks- has dropped off the screen.
>Run for the hills.

Gone but not forgotten, I see. I'm in New York City
scouting out a location for a generator outlet to
be opened around Hallowe'en. It's a bit too hectic
to follow *every* thread.



May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
to had me worried.

Bradley K. Sherman wrote in message ...

Tim May

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
In article <>,
sha...@aol.combotbegon (Sharvol) wrote:

> Maybe this calls for a thread Pollyanas abandoning c.s.y2k

So be it.

There are, however, many reasons why people stop posting for a while.
Business trips, vacations, computer failures, pressing projects, etc.

I thought it particularly loathesome the way some of the happyfacers
declared "Doomsters abandon c.s.y2k" about a month ago, when in fact most
of we who are considered "doomsters" were still here and still posting. A
few folks left. A few others were posting less. Some we know about (two
had medical situations, others said they were busy on their farms, etc.)

Whatever, now there seems to be an upsurge in activity. More reports that
various gubment agencies certainly don't think the problem has been
solved. More reports that, as expected, most Asian and European companies
and governments are simply dilly-dallying, making noises, and essentially
waiting to "fix on failure." (Or "launch on failure" as the case may be.)

If the "60 Minutes" piece is as it is being portrayed, expect a new wave
of new posters next week. (Though most of them will likely end up in
"alt.y2k.end-of-the-world," as that group has the magic sequence "y2k" in
the name, which our group does not.)

--Tim May

Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^3,021,377 | black markets, collapse of governments.


May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
to wrote in message

>In article <aB613.1885$>,
> "Blackmo" <> wrote:
>> -bks- has dropped off the screen.

>Did you read the "letter from PG&E" to the "City of Vacaville"
>This was a hoax of such low quality maybe Bradley figured his
>were no longer required.

Yes. I read it. You may have a point.

>Then again, maybe he's out RELAXING for what may come instead of
>watching a computer screen 24/7 and chanting "it's the end, it's all
>over, wait you'll see, it's ......."

I don't know who you're referring to in this instance, but it isn't
me. I've yet to do any chanting.

>Could it be because of dickweeds such as yourself? Hmmmm? Inquiring
>minds want to know. The only thing that has "thinned" in the august
>group of posters that you mention is their patience with buttwipes

Dickweed? Buttwipe? Thats pretty mature. You're entitled to your

>Basically, you, Milne, and the rest of the government stooges who are
>now occupying a lot of unnecessary Y2K bandwidth, print column
>and air time have accomplished your disinformation mission for the
>moment. And, now that the weather has broken in the northern
>hemisphere, there's more important things to tend to. Like my playing
>ant to your grasshopper.

What in the hell are you babbling about. There is an enormous
difference between Milne's outlook and my own, and I don't recall
spending much time aligning myself with Mr. Milne. The only
commonality I have with Paul is that I tend to think he is correct
about when he states that the powers that be are misleading,
misreporting and outright lying about the remediation progress.
I have no agenda, nor am I selling anything. No meme's from me
Dechert. I've stated in complete honesty my purpose in monitoring this
ng, and the reasons I feel justified in posting. And by the way, the
"real technogeek" remark is a hoot. I have no doubt about my own
knowledge and ability in my areas of expertise, and it'll take more
than a few potshots from some burnt-out old code monkey to piss me

>blackmo. why do you care? seriously. just because some people take a
>break from posting doenst mean they have changed their mind. more
>importantly . why do you care. why are you so worried about the post
>count of pollys.

I don't care about the post count. I like bks's posting style, and
personality. I merely thought I had noticed an absence of posts
from -bks-, who I enjoy reading. I didn't imply that he had "changed"
his mind, it was a reference to an earlier post by someone, I forget
who that stated he was using bks as a bellwether.

>Actually, blackmo, I've got a couple of large projects coming up
>shortly, so I know you will be grieved to learn that I will not be
>around as much.

Not really. I don't like you much. I like you even less now.

>So blackmo, what size generator do you want and how much will you pay
>for it?

FWIW, with the exception of a fairly long conversation about food
production, and the supply chain, and perhaps a few snide remarks
concerning white resin lawn chairs, I have yet to engage in any
conversation pertaining to generators, the availability thereof, or
anything else remotely connected with shortages, real or implied. In
addition, in my position, if things get so bad that I need a
generator, I already have access to one, as well as a relatively safe
place to send my family...I'm not even sure why you mention this line
of thought, since It's completely off base and has no bearing on
anything I've ever posted.


May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99

From: "Blackmo" <>

> wrote in message
>>In article <aB613.1885$>,
>> "Blackmo" <> wrote:
>>> -bks- has dropped off the screen.
>>Did you read the "letter from PG&E" to the "City of Vacaville"
>>This was a hoax of such low quality maybe Bradley figured his
>>were no longer required.
>Yes. I read it. You may have a point.
>>Then again, maybe he's out RELAXING for what may come instead of
>>watching a computer screen 24/7 and chanting "it's the end, it's all
>>over, wait you'll see, it's ......."
>I don't know who you're referring to in this instance, but it isn't
>me. I've yet to do any chanting.
>>Could it be because of dickweeds such as yourself? Hmmmm? Inquiring
>>minds want to know. The only thing that has "thinned" in the august
>>group of posters that you mention is their patience with buttwipes
>Dickweed? Buttwipe? Thats pretty mature. You're entitled to your

Wait a minute! My post was a spoof. I thought it would be obvious. Sorry, I
thought you'd get it. These words were cut-and-paste from the "doomsters
abandoning c.s.y2k."

>>Basically, you, Milne, and the rest of the government stooges who are
>>now occupying a lot of unnecessary Y2K bandwidth, print column
>>and air time have accomplished your disinformation mission for the
>>moment. And, now that the weather has broken in the northern
>>hemisphere, there's more important things to tend to. Like my playing
>>ant to your grasshopper.
>What in the hell are you babbling about. There is an enormous
>difference between Milne's outlook and my own, and I don't recall
>spending much time aligning myself with Mr. Milne. The only
>commonality I have with Paul is that I tend to think he is correct
>about when he states that the powers that be are misleading,
>misreporting and outright lying about the remediation progress.
>I have no agenda, nor am I selling anything. No meme's from me
>Dechert. I've stated in complete honesty my purpose in monitoring this
>ng, and the reasons I feel justified in posting. And by the way, the
>"real technogeek" remark is a hoot. I have no doubt about my own
>knowledge and ability in my areas of expertise, and it'll take more
>than a few potshots from some burnt-out old code monkey to piss me

Sorry again... this was cut-and-paste.

>>blackmo. why do you care? seriously. just because some people take a
>>break from posting doenst mean they have changed their mind. more
>>importantly . why do you care. why are you so worried about the post
>>count of pollys.
>I don't care about the post count. I like bks's posting style, and
>personality. I merely thought I had noticed an absence of posts
>from -bks-, who I enjoy reading. I didn't imply that he had "changed"
>his mind, it was a reference to an earlier post by someone, I forget
>who that stated he was using bks as a bellwether.

Wow! this was matt vaughn.... you didn't notice?

>>Actually, blackmo, I've got a couple of large projects coming up
>>shortly, so I know you will be grieved to learn that I will not be
>>around as much.
>Not really. I don't like you much. I like you even less now.

Sorry again. Actually, I enjoy your posts. I think you have a good sense of
humor. I really thought you'd see some humor in this. Sorry.

>>So blackmo, what size generator do you want and how much will you pay
>>for it?
>FWIW, with the exception of a fairly long conversation about food
>production, and the supply chain, and perhaps a few snide remarks
>concerning white resin lawn chairs, I have yet to engage in any
>conversation pertaining to generators, the availability thereof, or
>anything else remotely connected with shortages, real or implied. In
>addition, in my position, if things get so bad that I need a
>generator, I already have access to one, as well as a relatively safe
>place to send my family...I'm not even sure why you mention this line
>of thought, since It's completely off base and has no bearing on
>anything I've ever posted.

Ouch! I was quoting Bradley here.

Again, my post was not written for the casual participant. You've been around
here for a long time and know the local culture pretty well. Maybe I was wrong
to assume you'd think it was funny. Sorry again.

--Alan Dechert


May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
Perhaps you have forgotten that I'm admittedly "dense" : )
I'm also a touch on the sensitive side this morning since, once again,
my stance on y2k and my lack of objectivity in this issue is causing a
problem in my academic life, perhaps negating my long awaited
graduation... Sorry being so slow on the uptake.


PS. My apologies for the"burnt out code monkey" remark. I have no idea
if you're burnt out yet, but you seem to have plenty of energy from
your post here.

Tom Ambrose

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
to wrote:


> Did you read the "letter from PG&E" to the "City of Vacaville" thread.
> This was a hoax of such low quality maybe Bradley figured his services
> were no longer required.

> Then again, maybe he's out RELAXING for what may come instead of
> watching a computer screen 24/7 and chanting "it's the end, it's all
> over, wait you'll see, it's ......."

> Maybe he's out planting his garden and hasn't had the time recently.
> Maybe the group is stale. Maybe there isn't much to discuss anymore.

> Could it be because of dickweeds such as yourself? Hmmmm? Inquiring
> minds want to know. The only thing that has "thinned" in the august
> group of posters that you mention is their patience with buttwipes
> like you.

Ah... more of your superior language skills demonstrating how you don't
call people names in order to make your point, Dechert? Dickweeds?
Buttwipes? I could be wrong but I think you've just added two new words
to your vocabulary. Very impressive.

> Basically, you, Milne, and the rest of the government stooges who are
> now occupying a lot of unnecessary Y2K bandwidth, print column inches,
> and air time have accomplished your disinformation mission for the
> moment.

Well, LOL, I for one am *SO* glad to have a gassy old windbag like you
around to tell those who you disagree with that they are "occupying a
lot of unnecessary bandwidth". Now, if you'll just please whip out your
license showing us your right to play God? And, please, Alan, keep the
*REST* of you tucked-in, okay?

> And, now that the weather has broken in the northern
> hemisphere, there's more important things to tend to. Like my playing
> ant to your grasshopper.

Delusions of grandeur from a liberal democrap? Wishful thinking? Drug
induced hysteria?

> blackmo. why do you care? seriously. just because some people take a
> break from posting doenst mean they have changed their mind. more
> importantly . why do you care. why are you so worried about the post

> count of pollys. do you think i check the post count of the
> pussydoomers? no. why? because i really could care less.

Oh, my. "Pussydoomers". Three new words for Alan Dechert today. I'll
bet your wife and kids are proud, Alan. But, I have a question I simply
have to ask: why have you been so busy attacking other people for their
language when you often do the same? Some people might actually get the
idea you were a hypocrite - God only knows why, I guess.

> Actually, blackmo, I've got a couple of large projects coming up
> shortly, so I know you will be grieved to learn that I will not be
> around as much.

Is there an echo in this NG?

> So, I've been reevaluating how and where I spend my time and what's
> left of my energy. I stop by csy2k from time to time to do the lurk
> thing, but basically I'm trying to do what I can to make sure my loved
> ones will be OK whether or not I'm around.


They will *NO DOUBT* be proud of the enduring reputation you have
garnered in this NG for your windy hypocrisy, bigotry, and arrogance.


May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
Tom Ambrose <> wrote,

e-gads Ambrose. Okay. I apologized to Blackmo so I guess I'll apologize to
you. This post was intended as humor only.

The material you found offensive was cut-and-paste from this thread (doomsters
abandoning c.s.y2k)

Sorry for getting you unnecesarily riled-up.

--Alan Dechert

Robert Egan

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
Tim May wrote:
> of new posters next week. (Though most of them will likely end up in
> "alt.y2k.end-of-the-world," as that group has the magic sequence "y2k" in
> the name, which our group does not.)

And that's a shame, because the overall content is much closer to that
name than the one we've got.

Perhaps we should all start cross-posting?

Robert Egan

joe public

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
the group became (pollyunsaturated) :-)


god i love fridays !!!!!

**** Posted from RemarQ - - Discussions Start Here (tm) ****

Tim May

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
In article <>, (Adechert) wrote:

> e-gads Ambrose. Okay. I apologized to Blackmo so I guess I'll apologize to
> you. This post was intended as humor only.
> The material you found offensive was cut-and-paste from this thread (doomsters
> abandoning c.s.y2k)
> hreadNum=50084439&update=1787
> Sorry for getting you unnecesarily riled-up.

You've apologized a couple of times in a couple of weeks. First for the
bizarre offer you made to write Ron Schwarz's obituatary, now this.

You might want to either look at how you phrase your brand of "humor," or
at least quit apologizing.

Me, I almost never apologize for what I say. Those who don't like it can
do as they wish. Not my problem.

But then, I have not been offering to help with obituary writing.

May 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/21/99
In article <%ug13.44$>,
Blackmo <> wrote:
> had me worried.

Well... now you can stop worrying and Get A Job!


>Bradley K. Sherman wrote in message ...

>>In article <aB613.1885$>,
>>Blackmo <> wrote:
>>>-bks- has dropped off the screen.

J. Slaven

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99

OK. I'll start.

Jo Anne


May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
to (Tim May) wrote,

>In article <>,
> (Adechert) wrote:
>> e-gads Ambrose. Okay. I apologized to Blackmo so I guess I'll apologize
>> you. This post was intended as humor only.
>> The material you found offensive was cut-and-paste from this thread
>> abandoning c.s.y2k)
>> hreadNum=50084439&update=1787
>> Sorry for getting you unnecesarily riled-up.
>You've apologized a couple of times in a couple of weeks. First for the
>bizarre offer you made to write Ron Schwarz's obituatary, now this.

You've done some sloppy reading lately. First, you thought I was trying to
trademark "Year Zero" (instead of "Year Zero Calendar"), now this. Are your
eyes getting bad? I did not apologize for the Schwarz obituary offer (I
offered an explanation prefaced with "This should not be contrued in any way as
a retraction or apology for the post in question ") If I thought Ron was hurt
by the comment, I might consider apologizing. I don't think it hurt him. He
has been talking to me normally--nicer, if anything.

>You might want to either look at how you phrase your brand of "humor," or
>at least quit apologizing.

Gee, thanks for the advice Tim. I actually like some of the people here. It
bothered me that Blackmo seemed really ticked.

>Me, I almost never apologize for what I say. Those who don't like it can
>do as they wish. Not my problem.

I've noticed. Some of your "useless eaters" posts have been real gems. Then
there're the "Real Jews" and the stuff about blacks. Your posts don't offend
me but I can see how some might find them offensive.

>But then, I have not been offering to help with obituary writing.

Yes, you *are* holier than me. I guess that one touched a nerve for a few. Oh

--Alan Dechert

Joseph E. McIsaac

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
This may be the most interesting sequence of messages I've ever read in c.s.y2k.

Great post Alan! An all-time classic! For those keeping score, file this one
under "Ambrose, hypocrite".

It is fascinating to see Mr. Ambrose's reaction to doomster-speak when it is
turned around, ver batum (e. g. "pussyanna" to "doomsteranna"). It's great to see
him demonstrate, in such a crystally-clear fashion, the hypocrisy of the

Yet I don't recall any complaints when such vulgar treatment was originally
directed at those, as they say, on the other side of the fence...

Hmmm, makes you wonder about his integrity, don't it?

Adechert wrote:

> Tom Ambrose <> wrote,
> [snipped Ambroses tirade against Dechert's turnaround doomster snips]

> >They will *NO DOUBT* be proud of the enduring reputation you have
> >garnered in this NG for your windy hypocrisy, bigotry, and arrogance.

> e-gads Ambrose. Okay. I apologized to Blackmo so I guess I'll apologize to
> you. This post was intended as humor only.
> The material you found offensive was cut-and-paste from this thread (doomsters
> abandoning c.s.y2k)
> hreadNum=50084439&update=1787
> Sorry for getting you unnecesarily riled-up.

> --Alan Dechert

Robert F

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
Joseph E. McIsaac <> wrote in message

> This may be the most interesting sequence of messages I've ever read in
> Great post Alan! An all-time classic! For those keeping score, file this
> under "Ambrose, hypocrite".

Not possible, Mr. McIsaac. The "hypocrite" file has long been full to
overflowing with your posts. You're the guy who whined for months about the
abuse you received here, only to declare abusing others a "blood sport." You
whine about the ridicule you receive here, only to ridicule people who
prepare. You whine about the lack of maturity here, only to say you can't
wait to shout "I told you so."

> Hmmm, makes you wonder about his integrity, don't it?

I suspect you wonder about many things you don't have.

Robert Folsom

Joseph E. McIsaac

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
Robert F wrote:

> Joseph E. McIsaac <> wrote in message
> > This may be the most interesting sequence of messages I've ever read in
> c.s.y2k.
> >
> > Great post Alan! An all-time classic! For those keeping score, file this
> one
> > under "Ambrose, hypocrite".
> Not possible, Mr. McIsaac. The "hypocrite" file has long been full to
> overflowing with your posts. You're the guy who whined for months about the
> abuse you received here, only to declare abusing others a "blood sport." You
> whine about the ridicule you receive here, only to ridicule people who
> prepare. You whine about the lack of maturity here, only to say you can't
> wait to shout "I told you so."

Changing one's position is not hypocrisy, Mr. Folsom. You have described, fairly
accurately, my "trip" through this newsgroup. The fact that you know my
"travels" is due to my having admitted them, meaning that I knew what I was
thinking and doing, and that I was true to myself and my beliefs.

Also, I have never ridiculed anyone for preparing. Why do you say so? If you
can't reference an instance where I ridicule someone for preparing, I would
appreciate an apology and/or retraction. Thanks -- I know that you can admit a
mistake when you make one.

As to "I told you so"'s; that, indeed, is coming regarding the issue of bank
preparedness for Y2K. I'll cut you a break and give you yours now, "I told you
so, Mr. Folsom".

Mr. Ambrose is a hypocrite for believing that the perceived words of Mr. Dechert
were inappropriate, but not believing the same of the original utterers.

> > Hmmm, makes you wonder about his integrity, don't it?
> I suspect you wonder about many things you don't have.

Let's see about your integrity when you retract that quip about me attacking

> Robert Folsom

Robert F

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
Joseph E. McIsaac <> wrote in message

Your standards of acceptable behavior are at issue, Mr. McIsaac. To fault
people for engaging in abuse, ridicule, and immaturity -- only to indulge
yourself in those very behaviors -- is not "changing one's position." It's

> Also, I have never ridiculed anyone for preparing. Why do you say so? If
> can't reference an instance where I ridicule someone for preparing, I
> appreciate an apology and/or retraction. Thanks -- I know that you can
admit a
> mistake when you make one.

I do apologize for my mistakes, but I am not mistaken now. Below is a
comment I made to you on April 14. I include the entire post as it appeared.
(I know you replied back to me, but, as I recall, you did not deny having
ridiculed people for preparing.)

Begin quote:

Joseph E. McIsaac <> wrote in message

> A better question is how will the doomsters react when they realize that
> Yourdon, et al have duped them on Y2K? Oh yeah, we already see it:
> 1. We're heroes for sounding the bell!! ding ding!
> 2. We don't have to pay anything for our groceries for 6 months! Rice and
beans for
> months -- we're in high cotton now!
> 3. All those attacks on the more knowledgeable -- sorry bout that. We were
> looking out for the children. What about the children?!

Everyone should keep these remarks in mind whenever the Pollyannas say "we
don't discourage preparation!" Mr. McIsaac is a fool for crowing in April
'99 about who will be "duped" come Y2k, but that's beside the point. He and
the rest of his ilk *say* they don't discourage preparation, yet their
ridicule -- "rice and beans for months" -- makes their true motivation

Keep it up Mr. McIsaac. You can't help but tip your hand, the rest of the
disingenuous bullshit you post notwithstanding.

Robert Folsom

End quote

Robert Folsom

Joseph E. McIsaac

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
Regardless of whatever stones you wish to sling, Mr. Folsom, it still does not
diminish the *outstanding* hilarity of Mr. Ambrose's reaction to Mr. Dechert's

Robert F wrote:

> > Changing one's position is not hypocrisy, Mr. Folsom. You have described,
> fairly
> > accurately, my "trip" through this newsgroup. The fact that you know my
> > "travels" is due to my having admitted them, meaning that I knew what I was
> > thinking and doing, and that I was true to myself and my beliefs.
> Your standards of acceptable behavior are at issue, Mr. McIsaac. To fault
> people for engaging in abuse, ridicule, and immaturity -- only to indulge
> yourself in those very behaviors -- is not "changing one's position." It's
> hypocrisy.

I find it interesting for one *so* interested in upholding such high ideals did
not comment on Mr. Ambrose's apparent contradiction. But I understand that you
want to change the subject, isn't that what this exercise is all about?

And aren't you engaging in stone throwing from a glass house? Just where are
your standards of behavior when we see episode where you abuse and ridicule

Remember when you said: "I find your post to be ill-considered, stupid, and
deeply offensive, Mr. Doyle." You then called Mr. Doyle "an asshole", which
seems to be abusive, immature, and designed to ridicule what was simply Mr.
Doyle's stated opinion.

Well I'm not ridiculing making preparations, only how doomsters will react when
they understand that North and Yourdon fooled them. The reaction should be,
"they fooled us". Instead, there will be rationalizations such as those I
enumerate above.

Here is my response to your original comment. Convenient of you to not include
it in your claim:[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=466747914&CONTEXT=927410931.968884247&hitnum=1

"My comments are directed at those who believe that we have
an unavoidable susceptibility to massive Y2K disruptions and that
they also have a license to insult and attack those that disagree
with this position."


"From what I know, everything that the doomers spout about banks
has been (and continues to be) superheated rhetoric, hyped and delivered
with the express intent to generate fear in those who don't know what's
going to happen."

Here are comments that I've made about people preparing and being ready for Y2K:[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=429253065&CONTEXT=927409298.850919447&hitnum=11

"To advise citizens to take care of themselves, be prepared, and make sure that
they are ready for disruptions is great. Do it! A little common sense never
hurt anyone."[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=453306047&CONTEXT=927409298.850919447&hitnum=9
"I have never said that people should not do what they feel is right. Never. If
someone wants to take their money out of the bank, they should."[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=443649525.2&CONTEXT=927410051.895942729&hitnum=1

"Each individual should run a Y2K program for themselves, basing their actions
on risk and need for comfort."

> Keep it up Mr. McIsaac. You can't help but tip your hand, the rest of the
> disingenuous bullshit you post notwithstanding.

Oh, no -- don't tell me that you're slipping back into your scatalogical ways
again, are you? After I worked so hard to break you of that immature, abusive

I just think that you have a personal grudge against me, Mr. Folsom. Isn't that

> Robert Folsom


May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
J.McShill speaking perhaps prematurely states;

>As to "I told you so"'s; that, indeed, is coming regarding the issue
of bank
>preparedness for Y2K. I'll cut you a break and give you yours now,
"I told you
>so, Mr. Folsom".

It's this type of arrogance from your kind that got us where we are
today, Bank Shill.


Joseph E. McIsaac

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
Blackmo wrote:

> >As to "I told you so"'s; that, indeed, is coming regarding the issue
> of bank
> >preparedness for Y2K. I'll cut you a break and give you yours now,
> "I told you so, Mr. Folsom".
> It's this type of arrogance from your kind that got us where we are

> today.

What's arrogance to some is just good ol fashion 'standin up fer onesefs'
to others.

And where, exactly, is it that we find ourselves?

> blackmo
> (TIC)

Ron Schwarz -- reply to newsgroups only

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
On Sat, 22 May 1999 13:58:21 -0400, "Joseph E. McIsaac" <>

>This may be the most interesting sequence of messages I've ever read in c.s.y2k.
>Great post Alan! An all-time classic! For those keeping score, file this one
>under "Ambrose, hypocrite".

How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in harmony.


May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99

>> It's this type of arrogance from your kind that got us where we are
>> today.
>What's arrogance to some is just good ol fashion 'standin up fer
>to others.

If it looks like arrogance, and it smells like arrogance, why... it
has to can only be...


Looks like arrogance to me.



May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
On Sat, 22 May 1999 18:35:54 -0400, "Joseph E. McIsaac"
<> wrote:

>And where, exactly, is it that we find ourselves?

I don't know about you but I find myself taking my money out of the
bank in the near future. It is my money.


Robert F

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
Joseph E. McIsaac <> wrote in message

> Robert F wrote:
> > > Changing one's position is not hypocrisy, Mr. Folsom. You have
> > fairly
> > > accurately, my "trip" through this newsgroup. The fact that you know
> > > "travels" is due to my having admitted them, meaning that I knew what
I was
> > > thinking and doing, and that I was true to myself and my beliefs.
> >
> > Your standards of acceptable behavior are at issue, Mr. McIsaac. To
> > people for engaging in abuse, ridicule, and immaturity -- only to
> > yourself in those very behaviors -- is not "changing one's position."
> > hypocrisy.
> I find it interesting for one *so* interested in upholding such high
ideals did
> not comment on Mr. Ambrose's apparent contradiction.

You applied the "hypocrisy" yardstick to Mr. Ambrose, so I applied your own
yardstick to you. "High ideals" or not, they are *your* ideals. You don't
live up to them.

But I understand that you
> want to change the subject, isn't that what this exercise is all about?

By your choice the exercise is about hypocrisy; I simply showed your
demonstrable, abundant indulgence in it.

> And aren't you engaging in stone throwing from a glass house? Just where
> your standards of behavior when we see episode where you abuse and
> others.
> Remember when you said: "I find your post to be ill-considered,
stupid, and
> deeply offensive, Mr. Doyle." You then called Mr. Doyle "an asshole",
> seems to be abusive, immature, and designed to ridicule what was simply
> Doyle's stated opinion.

I'm on good terms with Mr. Doyle, and have been since the conclusion of the
exchange you refer to. Whine to your heart's content about a dispute that's
dead and gone; I'll keep showing how you hold others to "high standards"
that you yourself fail to meet.

I *did* note above that you responded to me; I also said that your first
response did *not* deny my claim. I invite people following this thread to
click through to the Deja link above and see if what I say is true.

Your prevarications are pathetic, Mr. McIsaac. Good hypocrite that you are,
you speak from both sides of your mouth. You admit ridiculing the reasons
people prepare, then deny ridiculing preparations, only to admit ridiculing
what people will say if their preparations prove unnecessary.

I pointed out the hypocrisy of a hypocrite accusing someone of hypocrisy; if
that's a grudge Mr. McIsaac, so be it. Keep giving me such opportunities and
you can expect more of the same.

Robert Folsom

Steve Dover

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99
to wrote:

> Basically, you, Milne, and the rest of the government stooges who are
> now occupying a lot of unnecessary Y2K bandwidth, print column inches,
> and air time have accomplished your disinformation mission for the
> moment. And, now that the weather has broken in the northern

> hemisphere, there's more important things to tend to. Like my playing
> ant to your grasshopper.
I'm not sure who should be more offended, Milne or the government.

Are you ready for year MM?
The Mother of all Messes.
223 Days to go before 'Ignorance is bliss' is obsolete. Come for the signal, stay for the noise.


May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99
In article <>,

Joseph E. McIsaac <> wrote:
| Well I'm not ridiculing making preparations, only how doomsters will react when
| they understand that North and Yourdon fooled them. The reaction should be,
| "they fooled us". Instead, there will be rationalizations such as those I
| enumerate above.

I find it fascinating that so many of the "things won't be so bad"
crowd" think that those preparing for Y2K place sufficient stock in
particular individuals that this sort of "fooling" would even be
possible. Each of us is responsible for his or her own decisions. Even if
someone chooses to believe something Gary North or Ed Yourdon says, that
person is still responsible for making that choice to believe. Nobody
owes anyone a living, or a guarantee.

From my experience, those preparing for Y2K tend to be, as a group,
amongst the most independent and self-aware people in our society. These
are the people who believe in assessing risks and benefits and making
decisions accordingly, and living with those decisions. They are not
the people who make rationalizations, or excuses. Above all, they are
not people who look to prophets and experts to tell them how to live.
Of course there is a danger in generalizing, but overall, that has been
my experience.

Weigh the sentiment carefully. You will find the pro-prep people
primarily are the ones saying "I hope I am wrong" and "I hope all this
money is wasted" and "If I must, I will make a big donation to the food
bank" and "I am preparing in case it is needed, and will not sweat the
loss any more than I sweat my life insurance premiums". Curiously, it
is the ones who claim not to be "fooled" by the prep-siders that are
always going on and on and on about how bad those preparing are going to
feel "fooled".

It's a comparable straw man to the "planes falling from the sky" rhubarb.

You could of course say that the "preppers" are all lying. I don't think
that is true, however.


cory hamasaki

May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99
On Sat, 22 May 1999 23:14:51, Anonymous <Use-Author-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote: > From my experience, those preparing for Y2K tend to be, as a group, > amongst the most independent and self-aware people in our society. These > are the people who believe in assessing risks and benefits and making > decisions accordingly, and living with those decisions. Like: Tim "I will obey the authority voices on the TV" Burke Paul "Just going along with the crowd" Milne Francis "Hey, what's the fashion trend this week" Ney (Frank showed up at a WDC Y2K meeting, business suits are normal attire, in a T-shirt with a picture of a firefighter armed with an AR-15.) Steve "Keep in line, everyone *stay* in line" Any-of-the-steves except Poole. Dooooc-ter "Prep-per" Dwarf > You could of course say that the "preppers" are all lying. I don't think > that is true, however. > ....aeternum.................................................................. aet, you should meet some of the DeeCee area Y2K'ers, this is a gang of known troublemakers. One of them came to the Ko-skin-em meeting with a bag of large ripe tomatoes and gave them to me! It was tempting. I'm looking forward to 60 minutes, Sunday night. Perhaps people would be interested in hitting ICQ and the various Y2K chatrooms? cory hamasaki

T.S. Monk

May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99
On 22 May 1999 17:35:24 -0500, (Ron Schwarz --
reply to newsgroups only) wrote:

-----< none deleted for brevity >-----

>>On Sat, 22 May 1899 13:58:21 -0400, "Joseph E. McIsaac" <>

>>This may be the most interesting sequence of messages I've ever read in c.s.y2k.
>>Great post Alan! An all-time classic! For those keeping score, file this one
>>under "Ambrose, hypocrite".
>How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in harmony.
>"Sure my meme is floundering a bit but it's still spreading."
> --Alan Dechert

Yes, and Mr. McIsaac has been admonished in the past to NOT talk with
his mouth full. ;-/
: If this problem was under control "mission critical"
: would never have come into the Y2k vocabulary. Y2k
: would be a meaningless term.
: - Tom Benjamin


May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99
Someone, criticsising another poster, said:

Yet I don't recall any complaints when
such vulgar treatment was originally
directed at those, as they say, on the other
side of the fence...

Hmmm, makes you wonder about his
integrity, don't it?

No, it don't. People who disagree have a distressing and somewhat juvinile
tendency to think the others understand the correctness of the other position,
but that they are evil liars, defending obviously wrong positions for some
insidious purpose.

When a debate switches from analysis of positions to supositions about motives,
it stops being a debate.


May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99

Blackmo wrote:
> wrote in message
> <7i43sq$3gm$>...
> >So blackmo, what size generator do you want and how much will you pay
> >for it?
> FWIW, with the exception of a fairly long conversation about food
> production, and the supply chain, and perhaps a few snide remarks
> concerning white resin lawn chairs, I have yet to engage in any
> conversation pertaining to generators, the availability thereof, or
> anything else remotely connected with shortages, real or implied. In
> addition, in my position, if things get so bad that I need a
> generator, I already have access to one, as well as a relatively safe
> place to send my family...I'm not even sure why you mention this line
> of thought, since It's completely off base and has no bearing on
> anything I've ever posted.

Because, with a few notable exceptions (and I include bks in this category), the
folks in the polly camp have largely been reduced to name calling and
obfuscation in their replies to questions regarding the issue of Y2K readiness
or the necessity for even the most rudimentary preparations for a possible
failure of essential services.

It serves their purposes (which seem to simply be to act as smoke screen, a
military tactic used to confuse your enemy about your real direction or purpose)
to kick up dust, add insult and innuendo to the conversation and in general
attack the messenger rather than answer the question. All of these tactics are
straight from the highly successful Clinton/Morris/Carville play book.

Where you and the damn Republicans make a mistake is in paying any attention to
the distractions. Stay on target. Stay on target. Use the Force, Blackmo!

Tom Ambrose

May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99
Robert F wrote:

>You applied the "hypocrisy" yardstick to Mr. Ambrose, so I applied
>your own yardstick to you. "High ideals" or not, they are *your*
>ideals. You don't live up to them.

For me, anyways, this is one of my key complaints with Dechert and his
ilk. He has whined a number of times about name-calling and yet he
instigates it himself. His attempt to use the name calling of others as
humor is, IMO, but a further example of his own hypocrisy.

I live in America where one is still able to speak freely except where
such speech causes people material or physical harm. I have never
attempted to keep Dechert from using his own foul manner of presentation
nor would I ever do so as long as he does not cross certain legal
boundaries. Yet, I retain the right to comment upon Dechert's
disingenuous whining.

As for Mr. McIsaac, I still have him on record in another thread as
referring to me professionally as a fake. I note that he has never
bothered to send me his address, as I requested, so that my attorney can
contact him regarding his libelous statement. Apparently his confidence
was not as capable as his bluster. Hypocrisy is not against the law but
libel is. Should McIssac cross the line again, his stupidity will cost


May 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/23/99
I have to admit that he does have some pretty cool pictures on his


May 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/24/99
In article <>, (Adechert) wrote:

> From: "Blackmo" <>
> >
> > wrote in message
> ><7i43sq$3gm$>...
> >>In article <aB613.1885$>,
> >> "Blackmo" <> wrote:
> >>> -bks- has dropped off the screen.
> >
> >
> >>Did you read the "letter from PG&E" to the "City of Vacaville"
> >thread.
> >>This was a hoax of such low quality maybe Bradley figured his
> >services
> >>were no longer required.
> >
> >Yes. I read it. You may have a point.
> >
> >>Then again, maybe he's out RELAXING for what may come instead of
> >>watching a computer screen 24/7 and chanting "it's the end, it's all
> >>over, wait you'll see, it's ......."
> >
> >I don't know who you're referring to in this instance, but it isn't
> >me. I've yet to do any chanting.
> >
> >>Could it be because of dickweeds such as yourself? Hmmmm? Inquiring
> >>minds want to know. The only thing that has "thinned" in the august
> >>group of posters that you mention is their patience with buttwipes
> >like
> >>you.
> >
> >
> >Dickweed? Buttwipe? Thats pretty mature. You're entitled to your
> >opinion.
> Wait a minute! My post was a spoof. I thought it would be obvious.
Sorry, I
> thought you'd get it. These words were cut-and-paste from the
> abandoning c.s.y2k."

> >>Basically, you, Milne, and the rest of the government stooges who
> >>now occupying a lot of unnecessary Y2K bandwidth, print column
> >inches,
> >>and air time have accomplished your disinformation mission for the
> >>moment. And, now that the weather has broken in the northern
> >>hemisphere, there's more important things to tend to. Like my
> >>ant to your grasshopper.
> >
> >
> >What in the hell are you babbling about. There is an enormous
> >difference between Milne's outlook and my own, and I don't recall
> >spending much time aligning myself with Mr. Milne. The only
> >commonality I have with Paul is that I tend to think he is correct
> >about when he states that the powers that be are misleading,
> >misreporting and outright lying about the remediation progress.
> >I have no agenda, nor am I selling anything. No meme's from me
> >Dechert. I've stated in complete honesty my purpose in monitoring
> >ng, and the reasons I feel justified in posting. And by the way, the
> >"real technogeek" remark is a hoot. I have no doubt about my own
> >knowledge and ability in my areas of expertise, and it'll take more
> >than a few potshots from some burnt-out old code monkey to piss me
> >off.
> Sorry again... this was cut-and-paste.
> >>blackmo. why do you care? seriously. just because some people take a
> >>break from posting doenst mean they have changed their mind. more
> >>importantly . why do you care. why are you so worried about the post
> >>count of pollys.
> >
> >I don't care about the post count. I like bks's posting style, and
> >personality. I merely thought I had noticed an absence of posts
> >from -bks-, who I enjoy reading. I didn't imply that he had "changed"
> >his mind, it was a reference to an earlier post by someone, I forget
> >who that stated he was using bks as a bellwether.
> Wow! this was matt vaughn.... you didn't notice?

yeah deshirt i noticed. when you said something about the pussydoomers
or something like that. but pussydoomers doesnt have the nice ring
to it as pussyannas. you'll have to admit. pussyanna pretty much
sums you guys up. dont you think.

denial butt head
denial heads
take your pick

> >>Actually, blackmo, I've got a couple of large projects coming up
> >>shortly, so I know you will be grieved to learn that I will not be
> >>around as much.
> >
> >Not really. I don't like you much. I like you even less now.
> Sorry again. Actually, I enjoy your posts. I think you have a good
sense of
> humor. I really thought you'd see some humor in this. Sorry.

> >>So blackmo, what size generator do you want and how much will you
> >>for it?
> >
> >FWIW, with the exception of a fairly long conversation about food
> >production, and the supply chain, and perhaps a few snide remarks
> >concerning white resin lawn chairs, I have yet to engage in any
> >conversation pertaining to generators, the availability thereof, or
> >anything else remotely connected with shortages, real or implied. In
> >addition, in my position, if things get so bad that I need a
> >generator, I already have access to one, as well as a relatively safe
> >place to send my family...I'm not even sure why you mention this line
> >of thought, since It's completely off base and has no bearing on
> >anything I've ever posted.
> >

> Ouch! I was quoting Bradley here.
> Again, my post was not written for the casual participant. You've
been around
> here for a long time and know the local culture pretty well. Maybe I
was wrong
> to assume you'd think it was funny. Sorry again.

deshirt youre about as funny as a bath tub full of dead babies.

yeah i got your little joke but i really didnt find it funny. its hard
to tell when you pollys are joking. i mean to me all of your arguments
are a joke. so its hard to tell when you are in fact joking around

when you were saying that you dont check doomers post count, it was
hard for me to tell if you were joking or serious because you infact
were the one who started that lame doomsters abonding csy2k thread
but then again i wouldnt have been surprised if your post wasnt meant
to be funny. i dont know
your logic is hard to figure out.

> --Alan Dechert

--== Sent via ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---

Joseph E. McIsaac

May 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/24/99
So true, Gary, so true. May I quote you?


May 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/25/99
Last Friday bks posted

>Gone but not forgotten, I see. I'm in New York City

Damn, wish I'd known -- got a flight to the Bay scheduled
for this weekend.

J. B. (decisions, decisions...)

Frank Ney

May 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/26/99
On 23 May 1999 04:31:37 GMT, an orbiting mind control laser caused (cory hamasaki) to write:

>Francis "Hey, what's the fashion trend this week" Ney (Frank showed up
>at a WDC Y2K meeting, business suits are normal attire, in a T-shirt
>with a picture of a firefighter armed with an AR-15.)

"DCFD. Protecting The Combat Zone."

I can get you one if you really want it, Cory. I still have friends riding
Squad 1...I can also get you the 'Border Patrol' t-shirt that was made for
their station.

(For those that don't know DC, Squad 1, Engine 8 and Truck 4 run both
downtown DC and the Anacostia River section of DC, which is not exactly
known for it's high culture...)

>aet, you should meet some of the DeeCee area Y2K'ers, this is a gang of
>known troublemakers.

You got that right! B-)=

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within
the system, but too early to shoot the bastards. On the road to
tyranny, we've gone so far that polite political action is about
as useless as a miniskirt in a convent."
- Claire Wolfe, _101 Things To Do 'Til The Revolution_

0 new messages