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[tao-users] Info on the new POSA4 book

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Douglas C. Schmidt

не прочитано,
22 вер. 2006 р., 09:11:2422.09.06

Hi Folks,

After a 6 year hiatus, my next contribution to the Pattern-Oriented
Software Architecture (POSA) series of books will be published in
January. POSA4 is subtitled "A Pattern Language for Distributed
Computing". The book will guide you through the best practices and
introduce you to key areas of building distributed software systems.
POSA 4 describes 114 patterns related to distributed computing and
connects another ~150 stand-alone patterns, pattern collections and
pattern languages from the existing body of literature. These patterns
relate to and are useful for distributed computing to the most
comprehensive pattern language published to date. A draft of the table
of contents is available at

so you can see what we cover in the book. Moreover, a preview of the
POSA4 cover is available at

though the actual cover drops the word "Object" in "Distributed Object
Computing" since the book actually covers distributed object computing,
components, messaging, pub/sub, SOA, and Web services.

We'll be giving a number of tutorials on POSA4 over the next 6-8
months, so I hope to see you there!



Douglas C. Schmidt

не прочитано,
22 вер. 2006 р., 09:11:2422.09.06
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