Work in Progress (WIP) Track
April 12-15, 2015
The Westin Alexandria; Alexandria, VA, USA (Washington DC Area)
With over 330 submissions already under evaluation for SpringSim, we are
currently seeking outstanding submissions for presentation in a work in
progress session. These papers should present work that is currently in
progress or not quite ready for full-length articles. Student papers are
especially welcome as this track provides an excellent forum for graduate
students to present and get feedback for thesis, project or dissertation
work. All papers will undergo a review by the Symposium Chairs and accepted
papers in this track will also be published in the Springsim'15 conference
Paper submission is encouraged in any modeling and simulation related areas
including but not limited to the below:
o Computer/Communication Networks with Special Emphasis on Modeling
and Simulation
o Numerical Simulation and Optimization as Applied to Business and
o Use of Modeling and Simulation in the Area of Computer Security
o Modeling and Simulation in the area of Neural Networks
o Modeling and Simulation related to Image/Video
Compression/Processing and Robotic Vision
o Any Aspect of Modeling and Simulation related to the Military
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Telecommunication Systems
o Web-based Modeling and Simulation
o High-performance Computing and Simulation
o Network/Internet Traffic Modeling and Workload Characterization
o Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments
o Simulation of Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems and Databases
o Simulation of Clusters, Grids and Wireless Systems
o Simulation of Multimedia Applications and Systems
o Modeling and Simulation of Real-Time and Embedded Systems
o Simulation Methodology, Theory and Philosophy
o Parallel and Distributed Simulators and Simulation Techniques
o Application of Modeling and Simulation in Biology
o Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation
Prepare a 4 to 6 page paper using the Paper Formatting Guidelines for the
conference. Each paper must have the designation "WIP" in the title. All
final paper submissions are to be made electronically to SCS via the SCS
Conference Proceedings Management System at:
Paper Submission - January 9, 2015
Notification of Acceptance - January 24, 2015
Camera-Ready Paper Due - February 10, 2015
Happy 2015!
[apologies for multiple postings - problems/issues:]