I got general information about some configurations that appears to be
conventional procedures to climb over obstacles or stairs. A loop with
several modules (i.e. "PolyBot") or a 6 wheel shrimp rover could be part of
that group.
Even though, I have seen some Rovers http://robotics.jpl.nasa.gov/groups/rv/
looking pretty good to manage the operation through the terrain,. Although
they do not look like able to overpass the obstacle cited (Independently of
the "Urbie" too big considering the size constrains). Is this correct?
I am a newcomer to realize this task.
Any suggestion to develop a basic configuration able to "do away" the
obstacle problem?
The main problem is that you want to pass over a 10" wall with a 12"
long vehicle is a difficult problem. I know of several designs which
will go over something about 1/2 their wheel-height, but nothing
The Poly-Bot idea isn't a bad idea, though you would have to perhaps
figure out a way to use one or more of them as a stepping stone
for the others.
If you knew the specifics of the wall it might be possible to
create a bot that could scale the wall by an unconventional
means, such as suction cups or just plain old jumping.
Good luck!
D. Jay Newman
The robot environment will be similar to an attic. It will be covered with
insulation of Fiberglass on most of the pads between the obstacles.
I guess that dimension of the robot "wheel to wheel" could be incremented up
to 2 feet. It could be done considering a retractable composition for the
legs or tracks.
Any document able to supply with an input to focus this particular design?
Thank you in advance,
"D. Jay Newman" <djayn...@adelphia.net> wrote in message
Perhaps you should consider a tracked vehicle with as long a
"wheel-base" as possible. That would spread the weight out on the
fiberglass and it might be long neough to go between the studs.