This is a good time to reflect back on the past. Its really amazing
that the Soviets were able to land a big clucky space craft on Mars in
one piece successfully in the 70s.
Did they really land it or was it faked? The politbeauro might have
sent the scientist to the gulag and just snapped a picture of it in a
desert if it failed.
Given robotics technology of the 70s and the string of spectacular
faliures in rocket and spacecrafts today, either the quality of
engineers has declined or the Soviets had some real geniuses.
zalzon <> wrote in message news:<>...
The Soviets never successfully landed on mars. Only the USA has...
Twice in the 1970's with Viking Landers and again in 1997 with
Here are the current stats for mars missions (successes/attempts)
USA...... 3/4
Russia... 0/8
UK....... ?/1
USA...... 5/8
Russia... 1/9
Europe... 1/1
Japan.... 0/1
USA...... 3/4
Russia... 0/6
The USA has two rovers due to land next month.
Dear Boris,
zalzon has been watching "Mission To Mars", starring
Val Kilmer and a kung-fu robot called AMEE. In this
entertaining film, Kilmer escapes from Mars aboard a
re-activated Russian probe, after handily dispatching
homicidal robot. Operating system of probe is Russian
with characteristic Cyrillic script and bear icon. Thus
zalzon knows Russians have landed probe on Mars.
Borscht regards,
> zalzon <> wrote in message news:<>...
>> The last hope for the Beagle 2 on Mars is if the Mars Express is able
>> to pick up its signal on Jan 4th.
>> This is a good time to reflect back on the past. Its really amazing
>> that the Soviets were able to land a big clucky space craft on Mars in
>> one piece successfully in the 70s.
>> Did they really land it or was it faked? The politbeauro might have
>> sent the scientist to the gulag and just snapped a picture of it in a
>> desert if it failed.
>> Given robotics technology of the 70s and the string of spectacular
>> faliures in rocket and spacecrafts today, either the quality of
>> engineers has declined or the Soviets had some real geniuses.
From: "harmony" <>
Subject: Re: Indian woman dies on husband's pyre
Message-ID: <>
>I am proud to be a member of mommedan parliament.
On Dec 2, 1971, the first in history spacecraft made a successful soft
landing on Mars. That was Soviet spacecraft Mars 3. Kinda 5 years
before Viking, wasn't it?
Don't assume what you read in your newspapers is truth. But go to the
library, or do the internet search. You'll find the correct info. It's
What about Mars 3 which soft landed in 1971? Counts as zero in your
"score", isn't it?
Just go away.
Answer: Americans.
lol, petukhov would be proud of you.