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Robot Emotion in the Standard Model of AGI TikTok video

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A.T. Murray

May 2, 2023, 7:14:38 PM5/2/23
Amateur robot-makers are intrigued by the idea of having their robotic offspring feel emotions. In the Mentifex theory of mind for artificial general intelligence (AGI, emotions result from a physiological event in a human or robot body, such as a rush of adrenalin or the weeping of tears.

The MindForth program for AGI in robots at

includes various software stubs for further development in robots.

MindForth thinks in English, and in Perl thinks in English or Russian.
Other versions of the proposed Standard Model of AGI are in JavaScript. -- thinks in English. -- thinks in Russian. -- thinks in ancient Latin.

Today we have created and uploaded our TikTok AI video #49 at

with the following script which describes the -- Emotion Mind Module.

"In the Mentifex cognitive architecture, which we propose as a Standard Model of AGI or Artificial General Intelligence, the Emotion mind-module functions as a persuasive influence upon the otherwise rational process of the Volition module, or free will. The Emotion module needs to be embodied in a physical robot capable of emotional behaviors such as weeping with tears or expressing fear with a physical urge to escape from danger. Emotion is only a software stub in the AGI programs created by Arthur Murray, who is known on the Internet as Mentifex, or Mindmaker. Mentifex served in the U.S. Army as a Nuclear Weapons Electronics Specialist. If you want your robot to love you, you must treat it like the Tin Woodsman of The Wizard of Oz and you must create a hardware and software heart for your robot." -- Standard Model of AGI
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