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Risks Digest 33.76

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RISKS List Owner

Jul 15, 2023, 9:05:26 PM7/15/23
RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Saturday 15 July 2023 Volume 33 : Issue 76

Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

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Defective train safety controls lead to bus rides for South Auckland
commuters (Gary Hinson)
Blocked Rail Crossings Snarl Towns, but Congress Won't Act (NYTimes)
Key Management problem leads to major security breach (WiReD)
Artificial Intelligence at the Crossroads (Lauren Weinstein)
It's not just Hollywood -- AI is coming for us all (Lauren Weinstein)
Satellite Security Lags Decades Behind the State of the Art (Julia Weiler)
Idaho helicopter crash likely caused by dropped iPad (Monty Solomon)
3 tax-prep firms shared 'extraordinarily sensitive' data about taxpayers
with Meta, lawmakers say (The Boston Globe)
How addictive, endless scrolling is bad for your mental health (WashPost)
Your printing service might read your documents. Here's what to know.
Printer ink is a scam. Here's how to spend less. (WashPost)
WordPress plugin installed on 1 million+ sites logged plaintext passwords
(Ars Technica)
Re: OceanGate's safety culture (DJC)
Re: A Myth About Innovation ... (3daygoaty, Martyn Thomas, John Levine,
Mark Lutton)
Re: G=C3=B6del, Escher, Bach (3daygoaty)
Re: Italian Data Protection Authority has ordered ChatGPT to stop processing
Italian users' (Rich Kulawiec)
ACM Technology Policy Council Releases Principles for Generative AI
Technologies (ACM)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 09:40:38 +1200
From: Gary Hinson <>
Subject: Defective train safety controls lead to bus rides for
South Auckland commuters

According to my layman's understanding of NZ media reports, a commuter
train route from Hamilton, about 100km South, into Auckland has safety
issues -- specifically, trains have passed red on (at least) two occasions,
once earlier this week. The news reports are a little confusing, for
instance claiming that the safety warning worked *but* drivers apparently
ignored them, begging the obvious question about what it means by

Waka Kotahi (the NZ transport authority) has evidently responded by banning
the train from entering the city, so now it terminates on the city outskirts
about 30km from the central city, where passengers transfer to buses --
which pose their own safety concerns of course. The train company management
seemingly accepts the need to improve the safety systems but appears
reluctant to do so, presumably due to the costs involved -- a tricky balance
of profitability against the largely external/societal costs of train
accidents. I get the feeling the ban shows the authorities losing patience
with management and sending a strong message via the news media, as much as
through the ban itself - a different form of safety control, one that seems
to be "working".


Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 18:23:35 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <>
Subject: Blocked Rail Crossings Snarl Towns, but Congress Won't
Act (NYTimes)

The industry has used its muscle to prevent federal, state and local
governments from penalizing companies that park freight trains across roads
for hours or days.

In a response to questions, the Association of American Railroads attributed
blocked crossings to local governments, which, it said, had routed roads
across railway tracks rather than over or under them, an approach that other
industrialized countries had taken.

John Gray, a senior vice president at the association, said in a statement
that railroads had taken steps to reduce the impact of blocked
crossings. "The real solution is not a question of technology or operational
practices by either the railroad or public agencies," Mr. Gray said. "It is
a public infrastructure investment similar to what has taken place in the
rest of the developed world for more than a century and a half."

Local officials and some railway employees said that explanation was
self-serving. They link the rise in blocked crossings to a pursuit of bigger
profits -- Union Pacific, BNSF, CSX and Norfolk Southern have made $96
billion in profits in the last five years, 13 percent more than in the
previous five years. The big railroads' profit margins significantly exceed
those of companies in most other industries.

In search of greater efficiency, railroads have been running longer trains.
As a result, when those trains are moved, assembled and switched at rail
yards, they often spill over into nearby neighborhoods, blocking roads,
local officials and workers said.

Crews have a better sense of the space that shorter trains take up, said
Randy Fannon Jr., a national vice president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and Trainmen union, who also oversees its safety task
force. Longer trains are more difficult to maneuver on single-track
railroads. Such railroads have sections of track, or sidings, where trains
can pull aside to allow other trains to pass, but those sections are not big
enough for very long trains, Mr. Fannon said.

"If you've got two 5,000-foot trains or one 10,000-foot train, you cut your
locomotive use in half and your train crew in half," he said. "That's all
this is about - profit." [...]

The blockages are unrelenting in York - and sometimes extreme.

On a sweltering election day in June 2022, a train blockage lasted more than
10 hours, forcing many people, some old and ill, to shelter in an arts
center. [...]


Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 06:41:18 -0400
From: Bob Gezelter <>
Subject: Key Management problem leads to major security breach (WiReD)

A major security breach involving both commercial customers and U.S.
government agencies on the Microsoft cloud apparently exploited a
compromised encryption certificate.

Encryption keys are literally the root of encryption-centered authentication
solutions. In one of my chapters in the Computer Security Handbook, Fourth
Edition (2002), I noted that high-level keys used for credential and code
signing should be zealously protected.

Security precautions are critical to maintaining cybersecurity. Regardless
of the outcome of the investigation into this incident, we should all heed
the warning and re-examine our procedures for certificates and the keys used
to validate them.


Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 09:32:07 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <>:
Subject: Artificial Intelligence at the Crossroads

Suddenly there seems to be an enormous amount of political, regulatory, and
legal activity regarding AI, especially generative AI. Much of this is
uncharacteristically bipartisan in nature.

The reasons are clear. The big AI firms are largely depending on their
traditional access to public website data as the justification for their use
of such data for their AI training and generative AI systems.

This is a strong possibility that this argument will ultimately fail
miserably, if not under current laws then under new laws and
regulations likely to be pushed through around the world, quite likely
in a rushed manner that will have an array of negative collateral
effects that could actually end up hurting many ordinary people.

Google for example notes that they have long had access to public
website data for Search.

Absolutely true. The problem is that generative AI is wholly different
in terms of its data usage than anything that has ever come before.

For example, ordinary Search provides a direct value back to sites through
search results pages links -- something that the current Google CEO has said
Google wants to de-emphasize (colloquially, "the ten blue links") in favor
of providing "answers".

Since the dawn of Internet search sites many years ago, search results links
have long represented a usually reasonable fair exchange for public
websites, with robots.txt (Robots Exclusion Protocol) available for
relatively fine-grained access control that can be specified by the websites
themselves, and which at least the major search firms generally have

But generative AI answers eliminate the need for links or other "easy
to see" references. Even if "Google it!" or other forms of "more
information" links are available related to generative AI answers at
any AI firm's site, few users will bother to view them.

The result is that by and large, today's generative AI systems by
their very nature return essentially nothing of value to the sites
that provide the raw knowledge, data, and other information that
powers AI language/learning models.

And typically, generative AI answers (leaving aside rampant inaccuracy
problems for now) are like high school term papers that haven't even
included sufficient (if any) inline footnotes and comprehensive
bibliographies with links.

A very quick "F" grade at many schools.

I have proposed extending robots.txt to help deal with some of these AI
issues -- and Google also very recently proposed discussions around this

Giving Creators and Websites Control Over Generative AI:

But ultimately, the "take -- and give back virtually nothing in return"
modality of many AI systems inevitably leads toward enormous pushback. And I
do not sense that the firms involved fully understand the cliff that they're
running towards in a competitive rush to push out AI systems long before
they or the world at large are ready for them.

These firms can either grasp the nettle themselves and rethink the
problematic aspects of their current AI methodologies, or continue
their current course and face the high probability that governmental
and public concerns will result in major restrictions to their AI
projects -- restrictions that may seriously negatively impact their
operations and hobble positive AI applications for users around the
world long into the future.


Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 10:04:23 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <>
Subject: It's not just Hollywood -- AI is coming for us all

It's not just Hollywood -- AI is coming for us all

The major film studios have long been known to use every trick in the
book to squeeze writers and actors out of due compensation. The terms
"above the line" and "below the line" are often synonymous with
getting paid properly or getting nearly nothing.

The studios want to use AI to replace actors. There are many nuances,
but that's what's going on. And everyone outside the entertainment
industry had better wake up to the fact that this isn't just an
entertainment industry battle here in L.A., but a battle against
abusive AI systems whose deployment could ultimately wreck untold
millions of lives.

And to those who argue that this is just technology as always, that everyone
complains about tech replacing jobs all through history, I would assert that
AI -- especially generative AI -- is of a wholly different magnitude, unlike
anything ever seen before, which if uncontrolled will do irreparable,
destabilizing damage to society that will make previous tech concerns look
like a pimple compared with Mount Everest.


Artificial Intelligence at the Crossroads


Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 11:39:48 -0400 (EDT)
From: ACM TechNews <>
Subject: Satellite Security Lags Decades Behind the State of the Art
(Julia Weiler)

Julia Weiler, Ruhr-Universit=C3=A4t Bochum (Germany), 11 Jul 2023,
via ACM TechNews

Researchers at Germany's Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) and CISPA Helmholtz
Center for Information Security found a profound lack of modern security
concepts implemented in low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites. They examined
three satellite systems and found they were missing security measures
standard in modern cellphones and laptops, such as code and data
separation. Software analysis revealed poor technical security could allow
attackers to hijack the satellites by severing their ground control
connection. RUB's Johannes Willbold said satellite developers' approach to
security hinges on the lack of their systems' documentation. However, this
does not make them any less vulnerable to attack methods like reverse
engineering, added RUB's Moritz Schloegel.


Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 23:26:57 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <>
Subject: Idaho helicopter crash likely caused by dropped iPad


Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 09:47:27 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <>
Subject: 3 tax-prep firms shared 'extraordinarily sensitive' data about
taxpayers with Meta, lawmakers say (The Boston Globe)

In exchange, Meta was able to access the data to write targeted algorithms
for its own.


Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 19:35:33 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <>
Subject: How addictive, endless scrolling is bad for your mental health

Social media received its first surgeon general's advisory. Here's how it's
affecting minds and contributing to a mental-health crisis in young people.


Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 22:41:44 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <>
Subject: Your printing service might read your documents. Here's what to
know. (WashPost)

Some printers and printing services are snooping on your documents. Here's a
quick guide to printer privacy for people in a rush.


Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 23:57:06 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <>
Subject: Printer ink is a scam. Here's how to spend less. (WashPost)

Americans waste $10 billion each year on name-brand ink. So we tested
low-cost options including remanufactured cartridges, ink injection kits --
and even making our own.


Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 22:28:44 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <>
Subject: WordPress plugin installed on 1 million+ sites logged
plaintext passwords (Ars Technica)


Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 09:17:50 +0200
From: djc <>
Subject: Re: OceanGate's safety culture (Dorsett)

> And Rush's patent (note you can patent just about anything these days;
> patents can be powerful weapons, but have little intellectual merit):

From which: "Distinctive acoustic emissions readings and/or waveforms
observed during testing of hollow carbon fiber composite structures (e.g.,
cylinders) as pressures are ramped up are indicative of a composite
seasoning or curing process rather than failure conditions."

Until they're not.

Willful blindness.


Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 14:49:55 +1000
From: 3daygoaty <>
Subject: Re: A Myth About Innovation ... (RISKS-33.75)

I suspect a lot of people are now trying to "think different" about
fake-it-till-you-make-it. Whether crypto-currencies, Theranos. or this
submarine (or in fact Legacy Of Ashes by Tim Weiner (2007), about
"innovation" in the CIA). Despite epic fails and increasingly deep entry
of risky innovation into more risky fields, I can't see how pure, more,
slower, deeper regulation is going to fully de-risk what are inherently
risky and complicated activities run by people.

However, Oreskes' doesn't convincingly redoubt this, either.

> ...innovation comes from bold trailblazers moving fast and breaking
things...That story is often wrong, and it was 100 percent wrong in this

me: it's always 100% wrong where it goes wrong. Innovation has a high
failure rate, like 95%, even when proponents are skilled with great tools
and information.

> ... And the loss of the Titan proves that even in a mature industry, you still
need regulation.

me: There was regulation, there wasn't enforcement since the sub ran in
international waters.

Here in the RISKS list I'm sure some will agree there is the risk that risk
management itself causes risks. We need an innovative approach to
regulation, as we have seen in other process-heavy areas (Peer to Patent,
for example) wherein the regulation is seen as a value add. Innovators
will always play fast and loose. How can the business of reducing risks
with regulations and enforcement itself be seen differently?


Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 10:57:50 +0100
From: Martyn Thomas <>
Subject: Re: Myth about innovation ... (RISKS-33.75)

We should challenge the myth that regulation stifles innovation. Some of the
most innovative industries are highly regulated. Pharmaceuticals and
children's toys, for example (in the EU and UK).


Date: 10 Jul 2023 19:42:48 -0400
From: "John Levine" <>
Subject: Re: A Myth About Innovation May Have Doomed the Titan (RISKS-33.75)

>The man behind the submersible had argued that regulation stifles new

Well, yeah. Most ideas are bad ideas, and new ones are no exception.

It would be extremely innovative to make a chain saw out of recycled
cardboard, but that doesn't mean you'd want to stand anywhere near one.

There also seems to be a problem for some people to understand slogans
like "move fast and break things." If Facebook fails catastrophically,
meh, no cat pictures. If a vehicle with people in it, whether on a
road or under the ocean, fails catastrophically, uh oh.


Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 18:08:20 -0400
From: Mark Lutton <>
Subject: Re: Myth about Innovation and Titan

"A Myth About Innovation May Have Doomed the Titan"

When I saw that title, my first thought was "Move fast and break things."


Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 15:07:34 +1000
From: 3daygoaty <>
Subject: Re: G=C3=B6del, Escher, Bach (RISKS-33.75)

The RISK is that someone wants to know why Hofstadter wrote GEB, and they
ask a LLM. Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.

Me, to ChatGPT: Criticise the statement "Ultimately, I wrote the book to
share my passion for uncovering hidden connections and to celebrate the
intricate tapestry of ideas that bind the works of G=C3=B6del, Escher, and
Bach, as well as the broader human quest for understanding and meaning"

ChatGPT: The statement [ibid] is commendable in its intention to explore
hidden connections and celebrate the interplay of ideas. However, there are
a few potential criticisms that can be made:

Lack of clarity: While the statement expresses a desire to share the
author's passion for uncovering hidden connections, it doesn't provide
specific details about what those connections are or how they relate to the
works of G=C3=B6del, Escher, and Bach. Without clear examples or
explanations, it becomes difficult for readers to understand the specific
content and purpose of the book.

Overgeneralization: The statement suggests that the book is not only focused
on the connections between the works of G=C3=B6del, Escher, and Bac= h but
also on the broader human quest for understanding and meaning. While this
broader focus may sound intriguing, it risks diluting the specific
exploration of the connections between the mentioned artists and their
works. The lack of emphasis on the specific subject matter may result in a
less focused and cohesive book.

Assumed significance: The statement implies that the connections between
G=C3=B6del, Escher, and Bach's works hold special significance in the
broader human quest for understanding and meaning. While these artists and
their works are undoubtedly influential and thought-provoking, it's
important to justify and establish why their connections are particularly
significant in the broader context. Failing to do so may weaken the argument
and leave readers questioning the relevance and importance of these specific

Audience comprehension: The statement assumes that readers are already
familiar with the works of G=C3=B6del, Escher, and Bach, and their
significance in the quest for understanding and meaning. However, not all
readers may have this level of familiarity, and without proper background
knowledge or explanations, they may struggle to fully engage with the book's
content. Providing context and explanations for readers less familiar with
these artists and their works would enhance accessibility and understanding.

Overall, while the statement conveys an admirable intent to explore hidden
connections and celebrate the interplay of ideas, it would benefit from
greater clarity, specificity, and justification to strengthen its argument
and engage a wider range of readers.


Date: April 3, 2023 0:15:35 JST
From: Rich Kulawiec <>
Subject: Re: Italian Data Protection Authority has ordered ChatGPT to
stop processing Italian users' (RISKS-33.75)

The authors of the "Stochastic Parrots" paper have responded to that "pause"

Statement from the listed authors of Stochastic Parrots on the "AI pause"

The referenced paper is here:
On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots | Proceedings of the 2021 ACM
Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency


Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 10:00:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: ACM Bulletins <>
Subject: ACM Technology Policy Council Releases Principles for Generative AI

11 Jul 2023

In response to major advances in generative AI technologies -- as well as
the significant questions these technologies pose in areas including
intellectual property, the future of work, and even human safety -- ACM's
global Technology Policy Council (TPC) has issued "Principles for the
Development, Deployment, and Use of Generative AI Technologies."

Drawing on the deep technical expertise of computer scientists in the United States and Europe, the TPC statement outlines eight principles intended to foster fair, accurate, and beneficial decision-making concerning generative and all other AI technologies. The Introduction to the new Principles advances the core argument that "the increasing power of generative AI systems, the speed of their evolution, broad application, and potential to cause significant or even catastrophic harm, means that great care must be taken in researching, designing, developing, deploying, and using them. Existing mechanisms and modes for avoiding such harm likely will not suffice."

"Principles for the Development, Deployment, and Use of Generative AI
Technologies" was jointly produced and adopted by ACM's US Technology Policy
Committee (USTPC) and Europe Technology Policy Committee (Europe TPC). The
document addresses four new issues uniquely posed by the rise and rapid
proliferation generative AI. It also revises and restates nine additional
principles first discussed in the TPC's similarly developed October 2022
joint "Statement on Principles for Responsible Algorithmic Systems"
and draws upon its January 2023 ACM TechBrief: "Safer Algorithmic Systems."

Copyright (c) 2023, ACM, Inc. All rights reserved.


Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 11:11:11 -0800
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 33.76

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