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Laurent Archambault
Under Linux
questions mailing list
After many search, i has not find my answer, whay do it mean the status
"XFAC" (?).
I has find this "Extra Fast Attack Crafts", and i am very happy for
this...but in french language it's
very difficult to understand this status "XFAC".
Many thanks - best regards
Is this in relation to NTP? One use I found was the string ".XFAC." used
as reference clock source ID (I think).
In other use, you might have scaling for a graph of x-factor and y-factor,
so XFAC and YFAC.
>> After many search, i has not find my answer, whay do it mean the status
>> "XFAC" (?).
> Is this in relation to NTP? One use I found was the string ".XFAC."
> used as reference clock source ID (I think).
Looks like, why else would laurent ask here?
> In other use, you might have scaling for a graph of x-factor and
> y-factor, so XFAC and YFAC.
> Cheers,
> David
grep -A1 -B2 XFAC $(find . -type f)
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/ntpd/ntp_peer.c- if (peer->dstadr != piface && !(peer->cast_flags &
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/ntpd/ntp_peer.c- MDF_ACAST) && peer->pmode != MODE_BROADCAST)
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/ntpd/ntp_peer.c: peer_clear(peer, "XFAC");
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/CommitLog- use (peer->pmode == MODE_BROADCAST) rather than
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/CommitLog- (peer->castflags & MDF_BCLNT) to detect ephemeral broadcastclient
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/CommitLog: associations to exempt from peer_clear("XFAC")
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/CommitLog- use (peer->pmode == MODE_BROADCAST) rather than
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/CommitLog- (peer->castflags & MDF_BCLNT) to detect broadcastclient
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/CommitLog: associations to exempt from peer_clear("XFAC"), suggested
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/CommitLog- by Frank Kardel.
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/CommitLog- ntpd/ntp_p...@1.122, 2009-10-15 03:30:55+00:00,
dave...@shiny.ad.hartbrothers.com +1 -1
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/CommitLog: Do not peer_clear("XFAC") manycast server associations or they will
./ntp-4.2.6p2-RC3/CommitLog- never regain their ACST refid.
now what kind of peer would be tagged "XFAC" ??
inquisitive minds want to know ;-)
> now what kind of peer would be tagged "XFAC" ??
> inquisitive minds want to know ;-)
There is a comment before that hunk:
* clear crypto if we change the local address
So it would seem the string is used when the network interface which is
used to send packets to the peer has changed its address and the crypto
stuff had to be reset.
Miroslav Lichvar
ntpd resets associations when the local network interface (or, really,
IP address) being used for that peer goes away. This means the clock
filter register of 8 samples is cleared, as are all other timekeeping
stats related to the peer. At that time, the "reference ID" or refid
is changed to XFAC to indicate the cause of the cleared (reset)
association. Typically, that XFAC refid is replaced on receipt of the
next packet from the server or peer.
Since you ask what it means without telling us what problem you are
having, I'm left supposing you are asking because it is not
short-lived in your case. You may be able to work around the problem
by adding -U0 to the ntpd command line so that local network
interfaces (IP addresses) are enumerated by ntpd only once at startup.
Dave Hart
so XFAC stands for
X Inter
F Face
A Association
c Change
Does this only happen on interface down/change or at ntp bootup too ?
I really don't know what was imagined initially. Perhaps eXchange
interFACe? With four capital letters used for these locally-generated
pseudo-refids, there's not a lot of room for clarity.
> Does this only happen on interface down/change or at ntp bootup too ?
Only on interface change. At startup, each association shows .INIT.
as the refid.
Dave Hart