I am trying to install Samba on a OS/390 V2R6 system & not being a very
literate Unix persion I am stuck. When I run the Make to compile the
Binaries I get the following error:
Compiling server.c
SEVERE ERROR CBC5002: Virtual storage exceeded.
FSUM3065 The COMPILE step ended with return code 16.
FSUM3017 Could not compile server.c. Correct the errors and try again.
FSUM8226 make: Error code 3
I am running with the Largest region size I can 9216K but I am not sure
that region size is the problem I suspect there maybe some enviromental
setting or something else that can be set to provide enough Virtual
Storage. I've read everything I can find but I nothing relating to a
Virtual Storage shortage fix..
Anyone have any ideas on how I can progress?
Thanks in Advance
Paul Matthews
Snr Sys Prog.
Sterling Software (NMD) - Sydney Office..
try it with REGION=0K
maybe this works