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What is the essence of philosophy ?

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Jan 24, 2018, 7:19:34 PM1/24/18

Read this:

What is the essence of philosophy ?

I will ask a question: Are you feeling my writing ?

What are you feeling ?

You will notice that i am abstracting to the essentials, and i am
also knowing the essence of different things to be able to know
and to comprehend, this is also the goal of philosophy, philosophy
uses mostly "rationality" and some "knowledge" to be able to know and to
comprehend like science. This is what we call philosophy.

I have just corrected some of my typos, and here is my final corrected
post about some of my views about my political philosophy:

What is the essence of abstraction ?

It is a good question in philosophy..

I think the essence of abstraction is that we are also abstracting
to be able to conceptualize, abstraction is abstracting to the
essentials, it is like abstracting to the priorities, because also you
have to prioritize to be able to succeed, for example i am a more
serious programmer, and when you are doing the conception in computer
programming, you are calling the process abstraction to be able to
conceptualize, and the process of abstraction do help us also to agree
on the fondamentals of efficient morality to be able to transcend our
living conditions, because what is also the goal of efficient morality
today? it is also to abstract to the fondamentals or to the essentials
that permit us to transcend nationalism, because we have to be frank
that nationalism is not well tuned to be capable of governing the world,
this is why you have to transcend with an efficient morality that is
capable of governing our world, because our world needs it, because we
have to be smarter than past ideologies and be capable to manage
ourselves and manage and govern our world.

About an important fact about the essence of communism

You have to know more communism to talk about it, and to know
communism you must know more philosophy and political philosophy,
i mean that you have to be capable of thinking like in philosophy,
but what is the essence of philosophy? what is the goal of philosophy ?
the goal of real philosophy is like the goal of science, science is
also to know and to comprehend about the essence of the parts of our
intellectual world and empirical world, the goal of real philosophy is
also to know and to comprehend, so it has the same essence as science..
i mean you can not set the standard of quality of philosophy as just
simply talking , i mean the standard of quality of philosophy must be
much higher, this is why the goal of philosophy has to be also like
science: to know and to comprehend ! so now ladies and gentlemen, what
is the essence of communism? i think one of the most important
charcteristic of communism is also that it has tried to transcend
nationalism towards a better world, because nationalism is more inferior
thinking that is not as capable as efficient morality
to transcend our living conditions towards a better world, this is why
efficient morality comes to the rescue and dictates to maximize
performance and to maximize reliability, and to do so, you can not be
inferior thinking of nazism that maximizes efficiency without taking
into account correctly guidance of moral that is inherent to almost all
of us and that doesn't take into account reliability correctly because
it is too much violence that is too extreme in maximizing efficiency.

Please read the rest to understand better my views on what must be
efficient morality:

Futility of nazism and neo-nazism..

Nazism and neo-nazism are childish in that they want violently to
maximize efficiency, this is the essence of nazism , it wants also
to maximize efficiency even using violence, so we can not be confident
with nazism and neo-nazism because they are like childish ideologies
because they are not thought correctly.

You have to know about efficient morality, i have said that efficient
morality is performance and reliability, and morality is composed of
a priori pure moral inferred from reason and empirical moral inferred
from experience, but that's not so efficient because we have to include
what i called "guidance of moral": like happiness and tolerance that is
inherent to almost all of us, i think that this guidance of moral is a
prerequisite to counter nazism and neo-nazism, because nazism says to
maximize efficiency even with violence, but since guidance of moral that
is inherent to us and a priori pure moral that takes into account
reliability says that this act of nazism that maximize efficiency even
with violence that it is an extremism that is too violent, because
reliability sees this act of nazism as being too violent that causes
violence, and guidance of moral that is inherent to almost all of us
sees this act of nazism as being not acceptable , so nazism and
neo-nazism is out of question and they are not accepted by efficient

Read the rest to understand more:

The essence of Nazism..

So what is the essence of Nazism ?

When we become smart we have to find the shortest path to the solution,
here it is:

Nazism is also racism, but this racism of nazism is a violent racism
that maximizes efficiency, and this racism that maximizes efficiency is
a racism towards others that are not us, and it is a violent racism
towards us, this is why nazism has tried to exterminate handicaped
people, but you have to be careful with nazism because it tries also to
exterminate the weak members to maximize efficiency, this is inherent to
nazism, so imagine that we are attaining
general artificial intelligence, so nazism can say by maximizing efficiency
to exterminate humans that are not needed for a best efficiency,
this is why nazism or neo-nazism is violent and dangerous.

The essence of communism

Communism has thought itself to be a correct morality, but that was the
past, And this past has the characteristic of intellectual inferiority
inherent to it, so all in all we have to be conscious about it and we
have to be more responsability towards morality, am i a communist by
saying so ? no, i want to be efficient morality, and efficient morality
is a set that includes many disciplines such as politics, morality has
to be defined more clearly and more precisely, if
we define morality as being just the principles etc. and not including
the application of those principles as a necessity, we are falling short
and we are not defining morality correctly, because we have to enlarge
our view of morality and it has to be defined as an efficient morality
that knows how to govern and that knows best, and to know how to govern
and to know best you have to set the standard of quality of morality
at a higher level , and it is then now clear that a higher standard of
morality has to include a higher level of quality of rationality and
logical reasoning and has to include science and technical fields as a
prerequisite to be able to make morality an efficient morality, so then
can we call also this high level of quality such as science and
technical fields as part of efficient morality? i think yes because
applying efficient morality needs science and technical fields , so
because it needs them, so science and technical fields are part of the
set of efficient morality, and talking about efficient morality i have
said the following:

I have defined efficient morality as being: Performance and reliability.

But is it a correct definition?

Because morality is all about what is bad and what is good, so
what is bad is like a bug that causes the system to be bad, so
if it is bad, it is like a bug that makes the system not reliable, this
is why i have said that efficient morality is Performance and reliability.

Please read the rest of my post to understand better:

I will get into political philosophy..

Here is my new post about the essence of a group and how it's related
to the general morality..

I will first remember you about my last writing about the essence
of humanity:

And what is the essence of humanity ?

This is a good question in political philosophy.

When you will become more smart you will know how to answer this
question, and when you will become smarter you will try to find fast the
shortest path to the solution, so to be able to find the shortest path
to the solution of the above question, you have to transform the
question on a similar question, and the similar question is: what is the
important ingredients that describe what is the essence of humanity? it
is how you will answer the above question, so what is those important
ingredients ?

I think the ingredients are:

Perfection and Strongness.

The essence of humanity is that we are becoming more perfection and at
the same time we are becoming more Strong and at the same time we are
becoming more organized and less disorganized.

This is the essence of humanity, we are becoming more perfection.

And this brings also hope.

I have explained that the essence of a human and the essence of humanity
is perfection.

Am i stupid to say that ?

If you have noticed i have said that we can not content ourselves with
"nothing", we must evolve from nothing to more perfection to better
survive etc.

So human is composed of body and culture or spirit or what's in the
brain of a human, but the body was constrained by the constrains of
nature to be more "perfection", this is why perfection is its essence
also, and the body must organize from not moving into moving and that's
"perfection" also, and the spirit of a human or culture of a human or
what's in the brain of a human evolve from nothing to something better
to be able to do something to survive etc. and this is
what we call "perfection", so human being and humanity is constructed
and guided by the essence of humanity that is perfection, and better we
can say that the essence of human and humanity is perfection.

Now here is my new post about the essence of a group and how it's
related to the general morality:

Now i have explained that the essence of humanity is "Perfection" and
also Strongness, and perfection and strongness is also the essence of a
group, because we are also grouping together into different groups to be
more perfection and more strong, but this essence of humanity that is
Perfection and strongness
must adhere to the general morality that must be an efficient morality,
but if it is not in accordance with the general morality, we must
enforce also general morality by laws, it is why we are managing our
societies by laws.

But what is also an efficient morality ?

About the essence of communism

You have not to fear communism, because empirical moral does constrain
it, it is like a general mathematical proof, communism must adhere
to optimization , because optimization is efficient morality, and
efficient morality is Liberty, and corruption of morality must
be measured by optimization itself that knows how to be optimization,
communism is finally being more conscious of itself, because
it is also more conscious of empirical moral.

What is the essence of philosophy ?

It is a very important question:

So we have to be smartness to answer this question:

Efficient morality is optimization and it is Liberty.

Philosophy is a magical word , like Liberty.

It is a generalization, it is like a general mathematical proof,
this is the essence of philosophy, philosophy must be efficient
morality, because it is a generalization, the word Philosophy is like
the King, it must adhere to the act of optimization, and optimization
is performance and reliability, now the essence of philosophy is more
clear and it shows that the essence of Beauty and the essence of
Happiness are the same , they are generalizations that must
take into account the guidance of moral and a priori pure
moral and empirical moral, and corruption of morality is measured
by optimization, and optimization must be an effort , because
Liberty is: discipline, progress and stableness, so the definition of
Liberty that is discipline and progress and stableness is a soft way
that ensure more the effort to realize this goal of Liberty, thus this
has to be enforced by the hard way too, that means by laws.

I have defined efficient morality as being performance and reliability
that includes security, so beauty is part of reliability because
reliability is the quality of performing consistently well, and to
perform consistently well, you have to be beauty and you have to be
social etc. please read my following political philosophy to understand
better my thoughts:

About the essence of optimization

I have defined optimization as being:

Performance and reliability.

But can we clear more that ?

Efficiency is part of optimization, efficiency is: you have the
ressources that is our universe(we are part of the universe) and our
other universes, and you have to produce an output from this input that
is our universe or universes that is performant, it is performance.

But if you define optimization like just being performance, that's
a dangerous definition that lacks abstraction.

Please read all the following to understand better:

What is the essence of organization ?

Those are the questions that we ask in courses of philosophy.

Now i have to be smartness and rationality and logic to answer this
question. Smartness is an important requirement that fulfill this

And you have to learn how to think Sir and Madam..

So how can we attack this problem ?

When you start thinking it is like also abstracting to the essentials to
be able to simplify our thinking..

So this process of abstraction needs also my smartness to decompose

Smartness is also a fast process that finds fast the shortest path to
the solution or that finds the solution to the problem..

So my smartness will answer like this:

Look at our essence, we are a composition of consciousness and physical

But we can try to say that we are guided by the process of survival of

But this is not good abstraction..

We have to be smartness..

So why do we need to organize ?

You will say that we have to be organized because of the process
survival of the fittest..

But this is a narrow view..

Because it is a definition that is pejorative and not efficient..

Because of the following question:

Why we need to survive better ?

It is because of our weaknesses.

But i say that it is still not a correct answer , because
it is too much abstraction that lacks efficiency.

Because our weaknesses need to be organized by optimization.

This is the magical word, it is optimization.

Why do we optimize ? to be more powerful and more reliability and

You will ask a question such as:

Is optimization: reliability and correctness ?

My answer:

When you are not reliable and/or correctness you are less
efficient, so efficiency is also reliability and correctness.

This is why i have abstracted the essence of organization to the process
of optimization.

But that's lacking Abstraction.

Because we have to look at the composition of optimization.

Optimization is performance and reliability.

So that the essence of organization is the composition of optimization
that is performance and reliability.

So the essence of optimization is not only performance , but it is

And that's also efficient morality, and efficient morality is Liberty
and Liberty is efficient morality.

So now my answer is not finished:

Because the optimization is constrained..

Because corruption of morality is related to optimization..

So how can we measure corruption of morality ?

What is corruption of morality ?

This is an interesting subject..

It's like abstracting, you have to decompose and compose..

You can say for example what are the causes of corruption of morality?

You can say what is the consequences of corruption ?

You can define efficiently morality to be able to know about corruption.

So if you define morality you will define it as a composition of:

Guidance of moral, and a priori pure moral and empirical moral.

And now you see that the difficulty is how to set the reference to be
able to measure corruption of morality with it.

What is the reference of morality ?

The reference must be optimization that knows how to be optimization.

I mean that optimization can not set itself as being performance alone.

And optimization can not set itself to be extreme justice that lacks
optimization, like ignoring the optimization by the "heuristic" of
"tolerance" that optimizes the economic system and the social system.

And optimization must be an effort to maintain stableness and
reliability of the system, that means reliability of the system, this is
related to security, and security is also related to compassion and love
and respect, because neglecting compassion , love and respect do cause
extremism and violence that hurt the system.

How optimization must be this effort ? because discipline and progress
are inherent to Liberty, so you have to enforce them efficiently and
wisely by the hard way, that means by laws and by the soft way
that i talked about..

So all in all the schema seems to be more clear and seems to indicate
to us more what is corruption of morality, and it indicate to us
what is the essence of organization..

Getting more rational...

Today i will ask a question of: what is love ?

And the answer must be more rational.

So we have to use smartness..

Like the theorems of Kurt Gödel, there is something that seems happening..

If you say that there is still some suffering in your life..

You can come to a deductive conclusion that it is not love.

But if you choose a reference as being one person that is suffering more
than you, you will conclude that your "some" suffering is considered to
be part of good, and this good is part of love.

So as you have noticed there seems like there is a contradiction in the

But this is just our senses, my rationality says that if the reference
is individual morality, so the person above will say that some suffering
is not love.

But if the reference is general morality of the society, you will say
that this some suffering is considered to be part of good, so it is part
of love.

So this relativeness to the general reference that is general of
morality of the society is a good measure i think.

It is like when we are asking the questions of:

What is the essence of corruption ? and how can we measure corruption ?

I have said that optimization measures corruption of morality.

How it can measure it?

Optimization is performance and reliability, and Efficiency is part of
optimization, efficiency is: you have the ressources that is our
universe(we are part of the universe) and our other universes, and you
have to produce an output from this input that is our universe or
universes that is performant, it is performance, so it is related to
the essence of quality, so today because of our own essence that
knows also about quality, we are measuring corruption of morality
by the level or degree of quality, that means by performance and
reliability, and we are measuring craziness and foolishness by the level
or degree of quality, that means by performance and reliability, so if
the level or degree of quality is lower and not tolerable, we say that
it is corruption of morality or it is craziness or foolishness.

How can we measure the level and degree of quality ?

It is like saying that such thing is relative to such thing, also it is
a process that is dynamic, so if our civilization is at time t1 is
more performant and more reliable, we say that this degree of more
reliable and more performant is the level or degree of quality that
measures corruption of morality. So optimization that is performance and
reliability measures corruption of morality in a such way.

I give you an example..

If at time t1 our civilization has only one machine or robot, and this
civilization and one robot or one machine are capable of being more
performance and more reliability with this one robot or one machine, but
they are doing less performance and less reliability, we call this
corruption of morality.

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.


Jan 25, 2018, 5:57:51 AM1/25/18
W dniu czwartek, 25 stycznia 2018 01:19:34 UTC+1 użytkownik Intelli2 napisał:
> Hello....
> Read this:
> What is the essence of philosophy ?
> I will ask a question: Are you feeling my writing ?
> What are you feeling ?
people may feel that this is group on programing stupid moron, group that you killed by your pointles spams for years

Mr. Man-wai Chang

Jan 25, 2018, 10:42:01 AM1/25/18
On 25/1/2018 08:19, Intelli2 wrote:
> Hello....
> Read this:
> What is the essence of philosophy ?
> I will ask a question: Are you feeling my writing ?
> What are you feeling ?
> ......

I can say naming convention for variables and procedure is very much a
philosophical topic! The way codes are indented and capitalized can also
be philosophy! ;)

@~@ Remain silent! Drink, Blink, Stretch! Live long and prosper!!
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty!
/( _ )\ May the Force and farces be with you!
^ ^ (x86_64 Ubuntu 9.10) Linux
不借貸! 不詐騙! 不援交! 不打交! 不打劫! 不自殺! 請考慮綜援 (CSSA):

Ed Prochak

Jan 26, 2018, 2:01:35 PM1/26/18
On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 7:19:34 PM UTC-5, Intelli2 wrote:
> Hello....
> Read this:

No thank you.
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So please stop the philosophy posts.

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