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What is corruption of morality ?

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Jun 1, 2017, 3:03:29 PM6/1/17

What is corruption of morality ?

This is an interesting subject..

It's like abstracting, you have to decompose and compose..

You can say for example what are the causes of corruption?

You can say what is the consequences of corruption ?

You can define efficiently morality to be able to know about corruption.

So if you define morality you will define it as a composition of:

Guidance of moral, and a priori pure moral and empirical moral.

And now you see that the difficulty is how to set the reference to be
able to measure corruption of morality with it.

What is the reference of morality ?

The reference must be optimization that knows how to be optimization.

I mean that optimization can not set itself as being performance alone.

And optimization can not set itself to be extreme justice that lacks
optimization, like ignoring the optimization by the "heuristic" of
"tolerance" that optimizes the economic system and the social system.

And optimization must be an effort to maintain stableness of the system,
that means reliability of the system, this is related to security,
and security is also related to compassion and love and respect,
because neglecting compassion , love and respect do cause
extremism and violence that hurt the system.

How optimization must be this effort ? because discipline and progress
are inherent to Liberty, so you have to enforce them efficiently and
wisely by the hard way, that means by laws and by the soft way
that i talked about..

So all in all the schema seems to be more clear and seems to indicate
to us more what is corruption of morality.

About the processes of Abstraction

The processes of abstracting like by using UML or/and IDAR

is not sufficient..

Using a methodology like IDAR we are guided by rules that ensure us of
better quality that we can call more like engineering.

The key point is how to choose the right and efficient rules that
guide us towards a better quality that we call engineering.

And here you are feeling correctly that main requirements

We have to enlarge our conception.

Because a correct abstraction do use intelligence and rationality and
logic and more science..

We have not to satisfy ourselves with just tools like IDAR.

We have to be smartness firstly and we have to be more knowledge and
more science to be able to abstract correctly.

This is what we call professionalism.

This is the back-bones of our civilization, to be more efficient,
and to be more efficient sets our morality and our perception.

Weakness is not desired because it is like blindness.

When you say Liberty.

You have to abstract and show what is Liberty.

Inferior thinking will say that Liberty is like being free.

Inferior thinking will say that morality is like morality, it is about
the good and the bad.

But that's too much abstraction that is not correct views.

Others will say that justice has to constrain happiness and
responsability has to constrain justice, but that's too much abstraction
that doesn't include the right factors that intervene, like the heuristic
of "tolerance" that optimizes the economic system and the social system.

So from here we can abstract more by showing more the essentials that
is also patience of science. Patience of science is also an optimization
that better reliability and correctness.

So please read my following political philosophy to understand my views:

What is being an idiot ?

If you don't choose an efficient definition you are an idiot.

Like when you say that America is nationalism, this lacks optimization,
so it is idiotic thinking, you have to define the system,
this is why i have defined America by an efficient definition that
is Liberty , like the Statue of Liberty.

Why have i defined the chinese system by:

discipline , progress and stableness ?

Because that's what say the chinese political representatives of the
people of China, that they want to be: discipline , progress and stableness.

So please read again:

If you define the system like China:

We will say that the system must be:

discipline , progress and stableness.

This is the chinese definition.

And this definition, because of the presence of "stableness" in the
definition, do ensure efficient morality that takes into account
the empirical moral and the guidance of moral that knows how to be
compassion and love to avoid extremism and violence and instability and
lack of reliability, so the chinese definition is efficient morality.

The definition of America is like the Statue of Liberty, it
defines the system by the magical word Liberty.

But this definition is not as clear as the chinese one, but
the above requirements of discipline , progress and stableness
are inherent the definition of Liberty , because
Liberty is a generalization, like proving by a general mathematical
proofs, so you have to be discipline , progress and stableness to
not hurt the system, and this is called Liberty, since when you hurt the
system this way you can not call it Liberty, so as you
have noticed the Statue of Liberty and Liberty is efficient morality
that know how to infer efficient morality from the guidance of moral
that is happiness that is the goal of philosophy and from empirical
moral and from a priori pure moral.

Discipline , progress and stableness are inherent to Liberty.

But Liberty is not just defined as being stableness.

The definition of discipline , progress and stableness is composition
that ensure effort to be stableness that takes into account progress and

So as you have noticed the definition of Statue of Liberty or Liberty
is efficient morality that is smartness.

You have to be able to be efficient morality that knows
how to optimize, nationalism needs security, but security
is constrained by optimization, this is what have to understand
nationalism, if you are too extreme you will say that security
is not allowing jews to live with us, or not allowing arabs to live
with us, this is lack of optimization, because you have to enlarge your
view, and you have to take into account many factors, if the language
of violence prevail, you will become extremists that don't know how to
optimize and be efficient morality. This is why i don't agree
with some interpretations of what must be nationalism, so we have
to be careful and not to adhere to extreme views that lack optimization,
you have to scrutinize morality and calculate efficently morality like
a scientist, efficient morality is Liberty, and Liberty is efficient
morality, the game of today is to know how to optimize more,
not being inferior thinking that lacks optimization. This is
why you have seen me constructing my political philosophy, this
my way of sharing my knowledge and wanting you to be able to see
what i am seeing..

About second amendment of America..

I am attacking the problems of America from a rational
point of view, i mean that i am using rationality an logic
to attack the problems that faces America and this way of doing
is also more science, because a correct reasonning that uses rationality
an logic is also more science in my opinion...

Now if you understood my way of thinking i have said that
the second amendment and the constitution of america is extremist
and i have given you my way of thinking by saying this:

Is the constitution of America right or not right to allow
bearing arms ?

I think that it is not right because the people have two
ways of fighting a tyrannical gouvernement, first way
by ideas and democratically and second way by arms, and
i think that allowing the second way is too extremist ,
so i think the constitution of America is extremist,
so a moderate way is to allow the people to fight a tyrannical
gouvernement with ideas and democratically and to forbid the
second way. This is my moderated view and that is wisdom
in my opinion.

And to be more rational i have with a top-down methodology tried
to show you to wich variables the violence in America
is correlated positively, i have said in my proof before, that
it is correlated to the violence of the second amendment of America,
this variable that is a law is like a boolean variable that
is true or false, that means if we allow this variable to be
true , i mean if we allow the second amendment and the constitution
to allow bearing arms in America, and since this boolean variable is
correlated positively to violence, because the violence america is
correlated to the culture of violence in America, so if you make
this variable to true, that means you allow with a law that people
bear arms, this will create more violence , because violence
in America is correlated not only to the boolean variable of
the law of the second amendment and the constitution that allows to bear
arms in America, but it is correlated also to the culture
of violence of America, so i have said that to have more effect
on the violence in America we must modify the constitution
of America to not allow bearing arms because it is too extremist,
now as i said above and we have to deal with the culture of violence
and modify the culture of violence to lower the violence.

Now can we ask ourselves now why America is allowing its culture
to be more violent ? i think because America wants its people
to be warriors like type of people, because a warrior type of people
is like more strong, and strongness means like more performance to
there point of view, but this is too extremist point of view, but this
has a negative effect because of it bringing more violence, and it's
also having effects on the education system that is becoming less
efficient because of this culture of violence that demoralizes people of
America , so that a great percentage of people of America are loosing
hope and not studying a lot and not studying efficiently, and the
empiric statistics says so.

Being a culture of warriors

America has choosen to be a culture of warriors..

So it has choosen to allow a culture that is more violent..

But being a culture of more violence is also simplistic thinking..

Because if we interpret this kind of culture as being strongness,
and strongness to be performance, this is a simplistic thinking ,
and this is too much abstraction that lacks optimization, this is
the weakness of America, also we have the tendency to interpret
nationalism as being more isolationism , neglecting the important
tools such as Diplomacy that knows how to be efficient
morality, because of this culture of more violence, and this
is simplistic thinking, it is easy to insult and to hate and to be more
violence, but it is a kind of destructive thinking that lacks
optimization, so the essentials have to be relearned , and one of
the requirements of those essentials is being wisdom that knows
how to be efficient morality that is in accordance with Liberty,
and efficient morality must take into account the patience of
science, because patience of science is also optimization.

Communication, simplicity, feedback, respect

Those are essentials steps also, you have to know how to communicate
your your ideas and how to simplifying them correctly, and efficient
communication is also efficient abstration, so you have to know how to
decompose and how to abstract the essentials to be able to communicate
efficiently, and this better reliability and correctness, feedback is
also important, i mean like the testing phase, you have to improve your
ideas layer by layer and incrementally using the patience of science ,
because as i have said your perception takes time to be correct
perception , so you have to know how to be patience of science waiting
for your perception to be set correctly, this is in accordance with
efficient morality and in accordance with Liberty.

About Greatness..

Donald Trump wants America to be great again..

Neo-nazis want to be greatness too..

But this is not in accordance with Liberty or with Happiness.

Because Greatness must be constrained today by optimization..

So you have to be capable of being Diplomacy..

What do you think is Diplomacy ?

Do you think it is hating and hating like neo-nazis ?

That's an inferior thinking..

Diplomacy must know how to be respect to higher consumer confidence
index and to attract consumers and to be more security and reliability
and corrrectness, so you have to know how to soften your manners of
addressing others, you have to choose correct words that fulfill the
above requirements..

This is the weakness also of nationalism that doesn't know how to
manage correctly with efficient morality..

Because Liberty is a generalization, like a general mathematical proof,
and since it is a generalization , so it is constrained by the guidance
of moral and a priori pure moral and empirical moral, so you have to
know how to manage yourself and how to manage the world.

Please read also the following to know about my thoughts:

About identity

What is identity ?

This is a really a good question..

You can say that you are a white europeans..

And you can say that i am a white arab that lives in Montreal Canada..

But that's lacking optimization..

Because i am not defined by just being a white arab..

I am also the content of a book on computer programming..

I am also a content of a book on operational research..

I am more professionalism that knows more, because i am also a computer

And i know more how to infer more efficient morality from Liberty..

And since Liberty is a generalization, like we generalize proofs in

So Liberty do include efficient morality, because without efficient
morality , we can hurt ourselves and this can not be called

And Liberty is efficient morality, and efficient morality
is professionalism that knows better how to survive, it's
professionalism that is more rationality and logic and more
optimization, optimization is the back-bones of our civilization,
because it's related to better surviving that is the goal
of philosophy that is happiness, and since the goal of
philosophy is happiness and it's a guidance of morality,
this Happiness is also a generalization, so this generalization
looks like the generalization that we call Liberty, Happiness
and Liberty are magical words, in the sense that they include
the necessary requirements of an efficient morality.

But efficient morality can not ignore optimization that
says says for example that respect and compassion
and love higher the consumer confidence index, and the lack
of respect and compassion and compassion does cause problems
to the consumer confidence index, this is the basic rule
also to how we must be also a decent economic investment in the third
world countries , because a decent economic investment in third world
countries attracts more consumers and higher the consumer confidence index,
because we are an interconnected world today...

So as you have noticed this is how i am inferring my identity,
my identity is also defending the Statue of Liberty that
say that Liberty is an efficient morality, and since
i know more what is efficient morality, i am inclined
to respect more my fellow americains and my fellow
white europeans.

Yet about Liberty

To define Liberty is like a generalization, it is like science..

We can not define Liberty by being fraternity or/and being equality

That the magical word of Liberty.

USA is represented with the Statue of Liberty that symbolizes Liberty.

I give you an example:

The neo-nazism wants to define white europeans civilization too
extremelly, it's like too extreme justice of communism, but this
is not optimization, because optimization has to take into account
empirical moral that says that "tolerance" can become an heuristic that
optimizes the economic system and the social system.. so being more
tolerance over immigration as of accepting arabs immigrants as
immigrants even if arabs are not as beautiful as white europeans, this
is the new optimization of today, so if we don't use this heuristic of
"tolerance" this can not be called Liberty in USA. Please read my
following to know more about Liberty that is an efficient morality ,
because Liberty must take into account the guidance of moral that is the
goal of philosophy that is happiness and it must take into account a
priori pure moral and it must take into account empirical moral to be an
efficient morality.

A more correct schema..

Hope you have read my previous post to understand better
my thoughts..

Now i will ask you a question..

How to be more confident ?

To be more confident you have to be more professionalism..

And more professionalism is constrained by rationality and logic..

So an important step is to define professionalism..

Professionalism can not be defined with the old conception..

Because professionalism of today is optimization that knows better how
to survive..

We have to reject the old conception of Hitler and of the old communism
because it was less optimization that lacks optimization of today..

You have to abstract the political philosophy..

For example when i say:

Justice must constrain happiness

and responsability must constrain justice

that's not sufficient..

Because responsability is influenced by the variable of "tolerance"
and "tolerance" can become an heuristic that optimizes the system,
so if we are more "tolerance" we can attract consumers and higher
the consumer confidence index and we can penetrate more the economic
market of others, this is inferred from empirical moral
and this is the preferred way of social Liberalism that wants
to play this card.. and this inform us that morality is not just
saying that Justice must constrain happiness and responsability must
constrain justice, because that lacks empirical moral.. and you have
to know how to decompose morality to be able to understand morality,
morality is also the guidance of moral, so morality must be guided by
the soft way of enforcing the quality of morality, like i have explained
it in my previous post, and by enforcing the hard way the laws of
morality.. and morality is also a priori pure moral inferred from
reason,and morality is also empirical moral, such as saying that
"tolerance" over responsability and over justice can become an heuristic
that optimizes and better the economic system and the social system,
or like saying that "tolerance" over immigration can become
an heuristic that optimizes and better the economic system and
the social system.

Please reread my thoughts to understand more:

What is the factors that create quality ?

There is among them correctness and reliablity and also efficiency..

So you have to understand what is correctness and reliability and
efficiency of the system or the political philosophy..

Efficiency is not saying since jews make more money, so jews are bad.

Efficiency and reliability and correctness of the system must be
abstracted like when we are abstracting the software with UML and IDAR..

And your abstraction must shows the essentials..

So when you are doing political philosophy that's the same..

You have to decompose correctly and abstract correctly and be efficient
in your thinking..

Like when i say: How to provoke and bring quality to the political
system and the system ?

If you are blind you will say that it is futility..

But when you are smart you will say that it is an important question
that must be answered..

How do you think we can bring quality to morality ?

Remember with me the soft way and the hard way to bring quality to
morality that i have discussed previously..

Without this perception and conception you will be like a blind person..

Blindness is not good for quality.

So please read my following thoughts to be able to see what i am

I am a white arab...

I am a computer programmer and i have a diploma in Microelectronics and

What is the most important goal of my political philosophy?

In my opinion the most important aim of my political philosophy is that
as I have just explained that the idea in the Platonic sense has a very
important characteristic, it is that one can perfect it and bring it to
be more and more perfect or even perfect, then in my opinion the aim of
my political philosophy it is to perfect ideas and to make them follow
by the people, not only that, but these architectural and efficient and
correct ideas of my political philosophy should be regarded as automata
that should be executed to arrive at there efficient goals, now a
question arises from it: how to encourage the people to execute these
architectural ideas as executing automata to perfect more our world ?
One of the ways to do this is what I have done in my political
philosophy is to show that rationality and science and microprocessors
and valuable advices etc. etc. are also as time machines that permit to
travel in the future , that is the architectural ideas of my political
philosophy and this architectural ideas of my political philosophy leads
the people to perceive the world differently by giving for example more
importance and high priority to science and efficient technics and
technology, the other method is also to reinforce more these
architectural ideas of my politicial philosophy to be able to enhance
and perfect, as we are enforcing laws..

Please reread i have corrected more my typos to understand more my
political philosophy:

Can we travel back in time?

Here is my thoughts that i have just wrote:

It is a very interesting question that demands rationality
and logical thinking to answer it ...

To answer it, i start from a mathematical subject which is the
mathematical arithmetic series.

An arithmetic series has as its main characteristic that
the difference between its terms is constant ... and that its sum
gives (a_n * (a_n + 1)) / 2), a_n being the last term ... now you have
to be smart and notice with me that just before the final step of the
final calculation that resulted as a general equation of the arithmetic
series, the calculation of the arithmetic series required of us a much
bigger time to solve the series .. But as soon as the result (a_n * (a_n
+ 1)) / 2 has been reached, the time for the resolution of the
arithmetic series has greatly diminished, therefore the time preceding
the resolution has compressed a lot and allowed us to travel in the the
future quickly, the resolution of the arithmetic series which gave: (a_n
* (a_n + 1)) / 2), it's like a wormhole in the universe permit us to
time travel in the future more quickly, but understand with me that the
time travel in the future that allows you to make the equation of (a_n *
(a_n + 1)) / 2) is relative to the time taken previously by the
arithmetic series just before the discovery of the equation (a_n * (a_n
+ 1)) / 2), and thus that the universe is computable and that ultimately
it allowed a time travel and thanks to mathematics that is something
extra-ordinary in itself.

Now I will be more logical and ask myself the following question:

Is there any contradiction in my evidence since a car
is not a machine to allow time travel in the future to
the simple reason that the regions where we will travel and arrive
faster with a car will not have aged in time that corresponds to the
future time in which one arrives by the feet?

I answer this in a more logical way:

Notice that when I said that the mathematical equation
of the arithmetic series (a_n * (a_n + 1)) / 2) is a time travel machine
that permits to travel in the future, because it is an equation that
also predicts the result more quickly to which one arrives by paper
without this equation, so the time has no hold on the theoretical result
that is predicted faster so that there is no contradiction when it comes
to theoretical prediction. Also when you use this invention That is this
mathematical equation of the arithmetic series: (a_n * (a_n + 1)) / 2),
it is that you are living the future of the one who has not yet
invented or used this equation and who will arrive there in its future,
therefore it is for this reason that this equation is also a time travel
machine that permits to travel in the future and it has a predictive

So there is no contradiction and therefore we can
consider a car as a time traveling machine to travel in the future, like
the microprocessor, and like several other mathematical inventions
as the mathematical equation of the arithmetic series.

Here is one of my conclusion:

If you are traveling from Montreal to Paris
by airplane, and that another person swims and walk
by foot to Paris, and assume that the person who moves by swiming
and walking wants to see Paris and answer some questions,
And if you travel to Paris by plane and you
answer these questions more quickly since you are going to see Paris
more quickly than the person swimming and and walking , so that
has a predictive character as the mathematical equation of the
arithmetic series (a_n * (a_n + 1)) / 2), since you will be able
to send an email quickly to the person who wants to
to swim and walk to Paris and give him
the answers he's looking for, so you'll be able to see
the answers of his future, and this predictive characteristic
can be considered as a time travel machine that permits to travel in the
so the aircraft and the car are like time travel machines that permit to
travel in the future ... as well as the processors and other
mathematical inventions and others...

Rationality and logic also have a predictive characteristic,
so you must also reason better in a more scientific manner and take into
account the scientific and empirical evidence to
be ahead of others, like a time machine that permits to travel in the

If a first person receives a valuable advice and this advice
of value allows him to better control his future and to succeed in his
life in the future by executing this valuable advice and also it allows
him to predict his future, and besides, imagine that a second person
will receive in its future this valuable advice, then the first person
will be able to guess with CERTITUDE the future of the second person
which will be the consequence of the execution of this valuable advice ,
and not only the first person will have lived the future of the second
person before the second person, since the two will have lived the same
event by the execution of this valuable advice, then in my opinion we
must reason as in fuzzy logic rather than in boolean logic and
notice that since the first person will guess with CERTITUDE
The future of the second person and will also live the future event of
the second person, then those two theoretical and
empirical evidences confirms that the first person has lived the future
event of the second person, so this valuable advice could be called by
mathematical approximation a time machine that permits to travel in the
future, I say "approximation", because we by analogy are as in fuzzy
logic rather than in boolean logic, in addition to that, that the fact
that the first person guesses with CERTITUDE the future of the second
person, this informs in a logical manner that this certainty change our
way of perceiving, for this certainty, even if
it is not travel in the future, it is by approximation
as a journey into the future, for a journey into the future
will lead to the same certainty, and as a result
the same certainties permit us to affirm by approximation
that the valuable advice is a time machine that permits us to travel
in the future.

Then you understand that I am also a Platonist,
Because you noticed that I can define this time travel in the future as
a platonic event, so when i said that a valuable advice is a time
machine that permits to travel in the future, you understand that it
makes us live platonically the future of others, and since I am a also
Platonist, I affirm that a valuable advice is a time travel machine
that permits us to travel in the future of others since time has no hold
on the ideas, and that the same idea through time inside two
persons, is the same idea, therefore my proof is made that the valuable
advice is a time machine that permits us to travel in the future.

When you imagine a circle, I asserts that not only can you imagine the
circle in material or matter but also in immaterial, as was my proof
that I have just given you , this immaterial essence of the idea is
reified by our reason, and that is the reason that gives it existence.
So this in my opinion is sufficient proof that the idea exists because
we feel it by our reason and it pays homage to our beloved philosopher

It is this reification of the immaterial essence of the idea
by reason which gives the necessary and even sufficient approximation to
call even a valuable advice a time machine that permits to travel in the

Then since the idea exists and since a sensation also exists,
then one can not also distinguish an idea from the generated sensation
by the execution as an automaton of a valuable advice at a time t1 and a
time t1 + t2, and since an idea does not age then we can affirm that
valuable advice is a time machine that permits us to travel in the
future, and the valuable advice has a predictive characteristic, because
the approximation is sufficient since we are not in boolean logic but in
fuzzy logic.

Getting more technical that's also mean getting more efficient with
rationality and logic, because i am a rational type of person..

You have to understand the game of politics..

The game of politics is not saying that jews are getting rich so jews
are bad, this is the neo-nazism way of thinking..

But this thinking is inferior..

Because when you think about morality, you have
to decompose morality into the guidance of morality and
the a priori pure moral and empirical moral..

I have defined the guidance of morality as being the goal of philosophy
that is happiness that guides also morality, this guidance
is inherent to our essence.

And a priori pure moral is inferred from reason

and empirical moral is inferred from empirical world.

So morality is not too much ideal justice as in communism using
the tool of the violence of Class Struggle because of compassion that
wants to reduce too much social Darwinism, this causes extremism and
violence, or morality is not too extreme definition of what is white
europeans civilization, as in neo-nazism, and that lacks the
optimization with the heuristic of "tolerance" towards immigration that
optimizes the economic system and the social system , this is an
inferior thinking.

You can make more money with more money, but allowing making more money
is also a mechanism like an heuristic that provoke and bring more
quality, this is also inferred from empirical moral, it's like the
heuristic of "tolerance" that optimizes the system, we allow also to
make more money to not being laziness and to be more productive and to
be more efficient and to be more creativity and to be more inventivity..
so this heuristic is the base of capitalism also, this is why we can not
say that capitalism is bad, but capitalism and the system is also
constrained by other mechanisms like the mechanism of not neglecting
compassion and respect and love to not cause violence and extremism in
the system,
now the interpretation of how much compassion and respect and love
will not be leaved to the reader, because the degree of compassion and
love and respect needed in the system must be interpreted as avoiding
extremism that can causes hate and violence and desorder, so the degree
of compassion and love and respect must be approximated by a political
party such as social democracy or social Liberalism that knows how
to be decent compassion and decent respect and decent love, the other
important mechanism is "democracy" and the power of the people
, this power of the people can provoke and bring quality but
it's also constrained by the mechanism and the counter-power of the
financial and banks institutions that have there rating methodology that
take into account the Political Risk factor and the economic conditions,
and this creates also a world stability because we have to optimize our
economic systems and by being responsable by being also responsable
governance and responsable democracy, the other mechanism is
also the consumer confidence index that is a power that provoke
and bring quality to the system, because we have to know how to be
respect and compassion and love to higher consumer confidence
index locally and internationally, the other mechanism about morality
is the soft way and the hard way to provoke and bring quality to
morality, You have to know how to provoke and bring quality to morality
of the system, there is the soft way and the hard way.. all is not laws,
you have to know how to provoke and bring quality using the soft way,
like i was doing in my previous post called:

"What is the most important goal of my political philosophy?"

and you have to know how to design and implement laws by being more
efficient at inferring them from the guidance of moral and a priori
pure moral and empirical moral more, this is the essence of efficiency,
you have to be capable and smarter in doing it, that's a necessary
requirement to survive better and that fact is the soft way
that provoke and bring more quality and the hard way is to know
how to enforce the necessary laws, so be smart, because
it's the essence of rationality and logic.

Also there is the mechanism and heuristic of "tolerance" over
immigration that provoke and bring more quality, as i have
said that Nationalism of Donald Trump lack the heuristic of flexibility
using tolerance that get you more optimized, but social Liberalism of
democrates uses the flexibility of tolerance to optimize the economic
system and the social system, nationalism is like extreme justice of
communism that lack tolerance and that can hurt economic system and the
social system.

Because I have said about morality that:

Justice has to constrain happiness..

And responsability has to constrain justice..

But responsability is influenced by the variable of tolerance ,
so if we are more tolerance on responsability we can higher the consumer
confidence in you and we can attract more consumers and we can penetrate
more the market of others, this is the game of social Liberalism.

Social Liberalism of democrates wants also to play the card of tolerance
to attract consumers and to higher consumer confidence index and to be
able to penetrate more the market of others and to optimize better the
social system, nationalism doesn't undertand it well.

And i have explained also to you about the heuristic of "tolerance" that:

Capitalism also wants to optimize, and capitalism says for example
that even arabs are not as beautiful as white europeans, it says that
arabs are tolerable, because capitalism wants to optimize economy
and the society by bringing arabs immigrants that are also decent
people, because today we are constrained by many factors, and
optimization has been rendered by those constrains to as the following:

If you are useful for something like jobs and economy or/and useful to
low birth rate of white europeans or/and you are useful to higher the
consumer confidence index and/or and you are useful to better the world
order and security , you can be welcome to USA or other countries..

About America and the world..

Before, operating systems like OS/2 of IBM were a monolithic OSs ,
but as the time has gone by we have developed more sophisticated
OSs like Mach 3 or Windows NT, those sophisticated OSs were more
decentralized and were designed in a such a way to be more efficient
and managed better, the difference between a monolithic one and not
monolithic one is like programming with message passing or Object
oriented programming, and we have also the tendency to decentralize the
management of our societies to be more efficient, it's the same
for capitalism , capitalism tries to optimize better by not
being as monolithic as the old way of thinking of Hitler, so
today because of constrains on optimization, usefulness is interpreted
not as being as beautiful as white europeans or being as civilized as
white europeans to better optimize the system economically.. it's
like decentralizing to better optimize, now to not get extremist,
you have to know how to tune correctly optimization to better optimize
and to not cause problems to societies.

Also you have to know how to apply the division of labour and how to
apply Adam Smith's specialization Theory to be more optimized..

And the other mechanism that brings quality to the system is the following:

About the crispations of extremist nationalism..

The old way of thinking like nazism and communism was full of violence..

So we have to enhance ourselves to avoid those problems..

The world has changed, and we are not at the time of Hitler in 1930,
the crispations of extremist nationalism was also due to a need
of being more domination in the secondary sector of economy, but
this model is becoming more archaic, please read why:

"The economic models developed by the development economists of the
1960s, based on the idea of industrializing industries, seem to be
losing more and more of their unconditional supporters. The economic
development of a country or a region is no longer Dependent on the
development of the secondary sector or heavy industry. "
by M'Fadel El Halaissi, of which our readers are familiar, is Deputy
Chief Executive Officer of BMCE Bank.

Please read more here(you have to translate it from french to english,
because it is in french), it's from the Economist Magazine in Morocco
my country:

And how to improve also quality and timeliness of software ?

I was asking myself this question and i will present my thoughts:

You have to abstract also the graph that offer a deeper insights into
the nature of objects and the system.

And this has to be done smartly..

The abstract graph of the system must reveal the following:

1- It has to reveal the hierarchy of roles and the
breadths of those roles

2- It has to offer a deeper insights into the nature of the objects, the
abstract graph must reveal easily the triads why-what-how.

3- the abstract graph must be clear and it has to clearly and
efficiently and plainly communicates what the roles do.

4- It has to have a high unity, a role has high unity if all actions
described in the role have one purpose.

5- You have to have a good coupling between objects and methods. This is
the visibility and degree to which two objects or methods communicate
with each other. This is the degree of interdependence between software
modules, a measure of how closely connected two routines or modules are,
it must be low coupling. A low coupling is a sign of well-structured
software system

Also i am an experienced programmer in parallel programming and
synchronization algorithms, and here is some of my inventions:

You have to appreciate my inventions of my C++ synchronization objects

Here is why:

Here is the problem of optimistic Transactional memory:

If there is more conflicts between reads and writes you have to rollback
and to serialize also etc. and this will be less energy efficient and it
will be less faster than pessimistic locking mechanisms

So i think that my C++ Synchronization objects library and my Delphi
synchronization objects are still really useful..

You can download it from:

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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