I'm working on a well documented, cross-platform, portable, lock-free
data structure library, in C, which I'm going to make public for general
I'm currently working on the x86/x64 Linux port, on gcc.
This means I need to write an __asm__ to call cmpxchg8b/cmpxchg16b. (I
use gcc internal atomics for the rest).
I've not touched Intel assembly before. I've hunted around on the web
and come up with something which compiles and which, well, even appears
to work (the test program runs correctly!). Which frankly I find
utterly unbelieveable - nothing works first time, what are the odds of
putting together your very first __asm__ and it working?
So I would appreciate it if you guys wouldn't mind casting your eyes
over the code I've written and letting me know if you see anything
A comment or two first;
1. note the mov instructions are commented out; my thought it that since
I specify in the __asm__ input the arguments, they would be moved into
the correct registers for me by gcc - is this true, or do I need to do
the mov manually? (the register names are missing because I didn't need
yet to fill them in)
2. the atom_t type is platform dependent - here, with cmpxchg8b, it is
an unsigned long int
3. am I correct to note that the condition code register is clobbered?
the ZF flag is set, which I believe is in that register?
INLINE int abstraction_dcas( volatile atom_t *destination, atom_t
*exchange, atom_t *compare )
unsigned char
__asm__ __volatile__
// load *compare into into edx:eax
// "mov eax, %;"
// "mov edx, %;"
// load *exchange into ecx:ebx
// "mov ebx, %;"
// "mov ecx, %;"
"lock;" // make cmpxchg8b atomic
"cmpxchg8b %0;" // cmpxchg8b sets ZF on success
"setz %1;" // if ZF set, set cas_result to 1
// output
: "=m" (*destination), "=q" (cas_result)
// input
: "m" (*destination), "a" (*compare), "d" (*(compare+1)), "b"
(*exchange), "c" (*(exchange+1))
// clobbered
: "cc", "memory"
return( (int) cas_result );
> So I would appreciate it if you guys wouldn't mind casting your eyes
> over the code I've written and letting me know if you see anything
> wrong.
> A comment or two first;
> 1. note the mov instructions are commented out; my thought it that since
> I specify in the __asm__ input the arguments, they would be moved into
> the correct registers for me by gcc - is this true, or do I need to do
> the mov manually?
No, that's fine.
> 2. the atom_t type is platform dependent - here, with cmpxchg8b, it is
> an unsigned long int
> 3. am I correct to note that the condition code register is clobbered?
> the ZF flag is set, which I believe is in that register?
> INLINE int abstraction_dcas( volatile atom_t *destination, atom_t
> *exchange, atom_t *compare )
-> const atom_t *compare
And atom_t compare would be even better, because x64 could pass them in
a register by value.
> {
> unsigned char
> cas_result;
> __asm__ __volatile__
> (
> // load *compare into into edx:eax
> // "mov eax, %;"
> // "mov edx, %;"
> // load *exchange into ecx:ebx
> // "mov ebx, %;"
> // "mov ecx, %;"
> "lock;" // make cmpxchg8b atomic
> "cmpxchg8b %0;" // cmpxchg8b sets ZF on success
> "setz %1;" // if ZF set, set cas_result to 1
> // output
> : "=m" (*destination), "=q" (cas_result)
I would recommend "+m" because the value of *destinations changes by the
method. (However, it will not make much difference, since the volatile
value can change at any time.)
> // input
> : "m" (*destination), "a" (*compare), "d" (*(compare+1)), "b"
> (*exchange), "c" (*(exchange+1))
You should not declare two parameters for *destination. And if so, you
you should restrict them to the /same/ register. This would result in
the same as "+m", but you can bind the result to different vars. (Makes
no sense here.)
You should declare EAX and EDX as output parameter too, because their
content is modified. You could also add them to the clobber list, but I
guess you need their results since your implementation lacks to return
the old value in *exchange (or *compare), depending on what you API
expects. Without the old value CAS loops are expensive. In contrast the
returned flag could simply be replaced by a comparison of the old value
to *compare.
Passing compare as pointer may reduce optimization. It is also common to
use shift operations to split into 32 bit values. (Don't know if it is
really better, maybe the opposite.)
> // clobbered
> : "cc", "memory"
"memory" is not needed because the function does not change anything
that is declared non-volatile.
> );
> return( (int) cas_result );
I would recommend to change the functions return value to char to save
the movzx instruction. Since char is implicitly convertible to int it
should not make much difference. However, if this is a constant part of
your API you may have no chance. But if your function is never declared
extern, it should work.
If your function returns the old value at some place it might also be an
alternative to ignore the ZF flag and return *compare == oldvalue. In
contrast to the inline assembly setz the compiler may omit the whole
comparison if the result is not needed. Of course, in case you need the
result you get an additional compare instruction. But this is only a
disadvantage, if the result is assigned rather than used in a
conditional expression. In the latter case a compare (or test)
instruction is inserted anyway. As far as I know gcc is not able to pass
results in the cc register and put a conditional branch immediately
after the inline assembler.
> }
Thankyou so much! I'm just to bed; I will digest your advice in detail
in the morning.
This function - with cmpxchg8b is for the 32 bit CPUs. The 64 bit CPUs
have an identical function, except that cmpxchg16b is used and atom_t is
an unsigned long long int.
On the 32 bit CPUs with a compiler which supports unsigned long long
int, I could pass compare in as a value, but on the 64 bit CPUs I could
not, since there is no supported 128 bit wide type, and I want the
function prototype to be the same on both platforms (since it's part of
an abstraction layer - I want it to be the same on all platforms).
> > // output
> > : "=m" (*destination), "=q" (cas_result)
> I would recommend "+m" because the value of *destinations changes by the
> method. (However, it will not make much difference, since the volatile
> value can change at any time.)
> > // input
> > : "m" (*destination), "a" (*compare), "d" (*(compare+1)), "b"
> > (*exchange), "c" (*(exchange+1))
> You should not declare two parameters for *destination. And if so, you
> you should restrict them to the /same/ register. This would result in
> the same as "+m", but you can bind the result to different vars. (Makes
> no sense here.)
There is an example in the GCC Inline Assembly HOWTO which shows the
same variable being used in both input and output, thusly;
int main(void)
int foo = 10, bar = 15;
__asm__ __volatile__("addl %%ebx,%%eax"
:"a"(foo), "b"(bar)
printf("foo+bar=%d\n", foo);
return 0;
I have then from what you've written the impression that
: "=a"
: "a"
is equivelent to
: "+a"
: /* no output variables */
Is this correct?
> You should declare EAX and EDX as output parameter too, because their
> content is modified.
Yes. This was a serious oversight on my part.
> You could also add them to the clobber list, but I
> guess you need their results since your implementation lacks to return
> the old value in *exchange (or *compare), depending on what you API
> expects.
As you may know, Windows offers a wrapper for cmpxchg16b, called
_InterlockedCompareExchange128. Furthermore, the Windows C compiler now
no longer permits in-line assembley, so you have to use that wrapper.
That wrapper does not reliably return the original value of the
destination. I know - I found out the hard way. As such, in my code,
what I have to do is make a copy of the destination before the CAS and
if the CAS is successful, I know the copy must be correct.
This is wasteful, but forced upon me.
This is why there is no provision for obtaining the original destination
> > return( (int) cas_result );
> I would recommend to change the functions return value to char to save
> the movzx instruction. Since char is implicitly convertible to int it
> should not make much difference. However, if this is a constant part of
> your API you may have no chance. But if your function is never declared
> extern, it should work.
The API is not yet publically released.
If I might take the libery, find below the fixed-up code; I've still
*destination as input and output, until I understand that issue.
1. the return type is now unsigned char
2. the commented out mov instructions are removed
3. the constraint on the input destination is now "+"
4. "a" and "d" are added to the clobber list
5. "memory" is removed from the clobber list
unsigned char abstraction_dcas( volatile atom_t *destination, atom_t
*exchange, atom_t *compare )
unsigned char
__asm__ __volatile__
"lock;" // make cmpxchg8b atomic
"cmpxchg8b %0;" // cmpxchg8b sets ZF on success
"setz %1;" // if ZF set, set cas_result to 1
// output
: "+m" (*destination), "=q" (cas_result)
// input
: "m" (*destination), "a" (*compare), "d" (*(compare+1)), "b"
(*exchange), "c" (*(exchange+1))
// clobbered
: "cc", "a", "d"
return( cas_result );
? - unsigned long long int is a 64 bit type with MSVC. It will be funny
to use the 128 bit instruction cmpxchg16b on that.
> On the 32 bit CPUs with a compiler which supports unsigned long long
> int, I could pass compare in as a value, but on the 64 bit CPUs I could
> not, since there is no supported 128 bit wide type, and I want the
> function prototype to be the same on both platforms (since it's part of
> an abstraction layer - I want it to be the same on all platforms).
Maybe it makes no difference after the optimizer has done its work.
> I have then from what you've written the impression that
> : "=a"
> : "a"
> is equivelent to
> : "+a"
> : /* no output variables */
> Is this correct?
No. In the first one the input parameter /may/ be placed in another
general purpose register.
: "=a"
: "0"
is like "+a" as long as the C expressions behind them are the same.
However, in case of memory it makes no difference, since the compiler
usually will not move variables around in memory. But strictly speaking
the compiler could assume that a assembler snippet with
: "=m" xxx
: "m" xxx
could be used to copy the content from one memory location to another.
In fact gcc seems to ignore most of the potential inconsistencies in the
inline assembler parameter definitions. I guess that
: "=m" xxx
: "m" xxx
: "+m" xxx
: "+m" xxx
: "m" xxx
: "=m" xxx
: "0" xxx
: "+m" xxx
: "0" xxx
are effectively all the same. (Not really tested.)
>> You could also add them to the clobber list, but I
>> guess you need their results since your implementation lacks to return
>> the old value in *exchange (or *compare), depending on what you API
>> expects.
> As you may know, Windows offers a wrapper for cmpxchg16b, called
> _InterlockedCompareExchange128. Furthermore, the Windows C compiler now
> no longer permits in-line assembley, so you have to use that wrapper.
> That wrapper does not reliably return the original value of the
> destination. I know - I found out the hard way.
? - I would wonder if _InterlockedCompareExchange128 does not reflect
the CPU instruction exactly.
But on Windows you will never get the same prototype for all platforms
since _InterlockedCompareExchange128 has a completely different signature.
> As such, in my code,
> what I have to do is make a copy of the destination before the CAS and
> if the CAS is successful, I know the copy must be correct.
You mean yon insert an additional load into the CAS loop?
> This is why there is no provision for obtaining the original destination
> value.
I still wonder about that. This would be a really hard bug.
Here is an implementation that works:
static __inline__
int atomic_cas64(void volatile* dest,
void* xcmp,
void const* xxchg)
int rc;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"mov %3, %%esi ;\n" // exchange
"mov 0(%%esi), %%ebx ;\n" // exchange low
"mov 4(%%esi), %%ecx ;\n" // exchange high
"mov %2, %%esi ;\n" // comparand
"mov 0(%%esi), %%eax ;\n" // comparand low
"mov 4(%%esi), %%edx ;\n" // comparand high
"mov %1, %%esi ;\n" // destination
"lock cmpxchg8b (%%esi) ;\n"
"jz 1f ;\n"
"mov %2, %%esi ;\n" // comparand
"mov %%eax, 0(%%esi) ;\n" // comparand low
"mov %%edx, 4(%%esi) ;\n" // comparand high
"1: mov $0, %0 ;\n"
"setz %b0 ;\n" // rc =
: "=&a" (rc)
: "m" (dest), "m" (xcmp), "m" (xxchg)
: "cc", "memory", "edx", "ebx", "ecx", "esi"
return rc;
#define atomic_dwcas atomic_cas64
> So I would appreciate it if you guys wouldn't mind casting your eyes
> over the code I've written and letting me know if you see anything
> wrong.
I don't see where you're updating the comparand on CAS failure. You should
be either returning the current value on failure like
`InterlockedCompareExchange()', or setting the comparand to the current
value and returning false...
> > This function - with cmpxchg8b is for the 32 bit CPUs. The 64 bit
> > have an identical function, except that cmpxchg16b is used and atom_t is
> > an unsigned long long int.
> ? - unsigned long long int is a 64 bit type with MSVC. It will be funny
> to use the 128 bit instruction cmpxchg16b on that.
I omitted to say I'm using paired pointer-counters to address ABA. So
it's an array of 2 pointer width variables, e.g. 64 bits on 32 bit, 128
bits on 64 bits, which is why I'm using double-width CAS rather than
normal CAS. This is why the arguments in the prototype I gave are all
> However, in case of memory it makes no difference, since the compiler
> usually will not move variables around in memory. But strictly speaking
> the compiler could assume that a assembler snippet with
> : "=m" xxx
> : "m" xxx
> could be used to copy the content from one memory location to another.
> In fact gcc seems to ignore most of the potential inconsistencies in the
> inline assembler parameter definitions. I guess that
> : "=m" xxx
> : "m" xxx
> : "+m" xxx
> : "+m" xxx
> : "m" xxx
> : "=m" xxx
> : "0" xxx
> : "+m" xxx
> : "0" xxx
> are effectively all the same. (Not really tested.)
I will read up some more on this. I can't just right now - it's 4.30am
and I need to get back to sleep :-) (It's windy, there's something
outside which is making too much noise, so I've moved into the front
room; which means turning the PC off, which means I just had to check to
see if there were any posts, which means... :-)
> > As you may know, Windows offers a wrapper for cmpxchg16b, called
> > _InterlockedCompareExchange128. Furthermore, the Windows C compiler now
> > no longer permits in-line assembley, so you have to use that wrapper.
> >
> > That wrapper does not reliably return the original value of the
> > destination. I know - I found out the hard way.
> ? - I would wonder if _InterlockedCompareExchange128 does not reflect
> the CPU instruction exactly.
I think this is so.
This is the prototype;
unsigned char _InterlockedCompareExchange128( __int64 volatile
__int64 ExchangeHigh,
__int64 ExchangeLow,
__int64 *ComparandResult
This is the man page;
Note in particular this from the man page;
Return Value
1 if the 128-bit comparand equals the original value of the destination.
ExchangeHigh and ExchangeLow overwrite the 128-bit destination.
0 if the comparand does not equal the original value of the destination.
The value of the destination is unchanged and the value of the comparand
is overwritten with the value of the destination.
So you see *Destination does not change; rather, *ComparandResult is
updated with the original value.
This is the problem;
Now, this intrinsic is a double word CAS. It compares the 128 bits in
ComparandResult with Destination. If they match, ExchangeHigh and
ExchangeLow are written into Destination and the original value of
Destination is written into ComparandResult. The function returns 1 if a
swap occurred and 0 if it did not.
MSDN however has this to say; "The value of ComparandResult is always
overwritten. After the lock instruction, this intrinsic immediately
copies the initial value of Destination to ComparandResult. For this
reason, ComparandResult and Destination should point to separate memory
locations to avoid unexpected behavior."
After spending the last eleven days intensively debugging (I mean,
regularly going to bed between 2am and 4am most nights) I'm now prepared
to call this statement criminally deceptive.
The problem is that the second sentence about seperate memory locations,
immediately following a far more profound statement yet discussing an
entirely different and minor issue, acts to obscure a vital issue.
There's actually really the main problem of the documentation totally
failing to mention that the intrinsic is offering functionality which,
by offering, one would expect to operate in a way which means it is
useful; for why offer it if the user cannot use it?
You see, what MSDN means by "after the lock instruction, this intrinsic
immediately copies the initial value of Destination to ComparandResult"
is that the write to ComparandResult of the original value of the
Destination is not atomic.
The compare is atomic. The swap is atomic. The copy of the original
value? not atomic at all. So you have to ignore the content of
ComparandResult after a swap, because it can be anything. Your thread
may have stopped and someone else modified the contents of whatever
Destination points to; when your thread restarts, you'll be getting
whatever they wrote.
This is particularly bad because in some data structures, it is very
useful to get the original value of Destination - in fact, you use it
immediately, writing it back into your data structure. You can't
actually do this, of course, because sooner or later it corrupts your
data structure. If you want the original value, you have before the CAS
to make a copy of ComparandResult and after a successful swap, use that
copy, which you know is correct, since the swap will only have occurred
if ComparandResult and Destination are the same.
> But on Windows you will never get the same prototype for all platforms
> since _InterlockedCompareExchange128 has a completely different signature.
There is a wrapper function for double-word CAS. The prototype
specifies the destination, exchange and compare - the user implements on
his platform. On 64 bit Windows, _InterlockedCompareExchange128 is
> > As such, in my code,
> > what I have to do is make a copy of the destination before the CAS and
> > if the CAS is successful, I know the copy must be correct.
> You mean yon insert an additional load into the CAS loop?
> > This is why there is no provision for obtaining the original
> > destination value.
> I still wonder about that. This would be a really hard bug.
In the machine code you see the two mov instructions, copying
destination to comparandresult, immediately following the cmpxchg16b.
So after the cmpxchg16b, successful or not, if another CAS occurs on
*destination in another thread prior to the mov's, you will if their CAS
succeeded get someone elses value of *destination in your
*comparandresult, which was supposed to be your original value of
It must have been it seems to me a conscious implementation decision.
[load old value of destination into registers X:Y]
[perform cmpxchg16b, which stores the old destination into W:Z]
[write X:Y to result, ignoring the old value returned by cmpxchg16b]
instead of:
[perform cmpxchg16b, which stores the old destination into W:Z]
[write W:Z to result]
I should point out that a clobbers "memory" should be added in order to
get/emulate "compiler barrier" semantics.
I think it must be so. Of course, I may be mistaken - but having seen
what the intrinsic does in practise, I am convinced that the
comparandresult cannot be trusted.
Here is the C code for the abstraction function which calls
_InterlockedCompareExchange128 (note the char *c is in there to easily
generate a break at the right spot and the extern is required by the MS
C compiler, otherwise it gives all inlined functions static linkage).
extern __forceinline int abstraction_dcas( volatile atom_t *destination,
atom_t *exchange, atom_t *compare )
unsigned char
cas_result = _InterlockedCompareExchange128( destination, *(exchange+
1), *exchange, compare );
{ char *c = 0; *c = 0; }
return( (int) cas_result );
This is the full disassembley for that function (note I am not qualified
to properly read this code, so it may prove me wrong!);
00000001`400586b0 4c89442418 mov qword ptr [rsp+18h],r8
00000001`400586b5 4889542410 mov qword ptr [rsp+10h],rdx
00000001`400586ba 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
00000001`400586bf 53 push rbx
00000001`400586c0 4883ec10 sub rsp,10h
00000001`400586c4 488b4c2428 mov rcx,qword ptr [rsp+28h]
00000001`400586c9 488b4908 mov rcx,qword ptr [rcx+8]
00000001`400586cd 488b5c2428 mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+28h]
00000001`400586d2 488b1b mov rbx,qword ptr [rbx]
00000001`400586d5 4c8b4c2420 mov r9,qword ptr [rsp+20h]
00000001`400586da 4c8b442430 mov r8,qword ptr [rsp+30h]
00000001`400586df 498b00 mov rax,qword ptr [r8]
00000001`400586e2 498b5008 mov rdx,qword ptr [r8+8]
00000001`400586e6 f0490fc709 lock cmpxchg16b oword ptr [r9]
00000001`400586eb 498900 mov qword ptr [r8],rax
00000001`400586ee 49895008 mov qword ptr [r8+8],rdx
00000001`400586f2 0f94c0 sete al
00000001`400586f5 880424 mov byte ptr [rsp],al
00000001`400586f8 48c744240800000000 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],0
00000001`40058701 488b442408 mov rax,qword ptr [rsp+8]
00000001`40058706 c60000 mov byte ptr [rax],0
00000001`40058709 0fb60424 movzx eax,byte ptr [rsp]
00000001`4005870d 4883c410 add rsp,10h
00000001`40058711 5b pop rbx
00000001`40058712 c3 ret
00000001`40058713 cc int 3
00000001`40058714 cc int 3
00000001`40058715 cc int 3
00000001`40058716 cc int 3
00000001`40058717 cc int 3
00000001`40058718 cc int 3
00000001`40058719 cc int 3
00000001`4005871a cc int 3
00000001`4005871b cc int 3
00000001`4005871c cc int 3
00000001`4005871d cc int 3
00000001`4005871e cc int 3
00000001`4005871f cc int 3
I include the beginning of the next function just to show this really is
the full disassembley.
> news.5...@spamgourmet.com wrote:
>> Toby Douglass wrote:
>> > As you may know, Windows offers a wrapper for cmpxchg16b, called
>> > _InterlockedCompareExchange128. Furthermore, the Windows C compiler now
>> > no longer permits in-line assembley, so you have to use that wrapper.
>> >
>> > That wrapper does not reliably return the original value of the
>> > destination. I know - I found out the hard way.
>> ? - I would wonder if _InterlockedCompareExchange128 does not reflect
>> the CPU instruction exactly.
> I think this is so.
> This is the prototype;
> unsigned char _InterlockedCompareExchange128( __int64 volatile
> *Destination,
> __int64 ExchangeHigh,
> __int64 ExchangeLow,
> __int64 *ComparandResult
> );
> This is the man page;
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb514094.aspx
> MSDN however has this to say; "The value of ComparandResult is always
> overwritten. After the lock instruction, this intrinsic immediately
> copies the initial value of Destination to ComparandResult. For this
> reason, ComparandResult and Destination should point to separate memory
> locations to avoid unexpected behavior."
> After spending the last eleven days intensively debugging (I mean,
> regularly going to bed between 2am and 4am most nights) I'm now prepared
> to call this statement criminally deceptive.
> The problem is that the second sentence about seperate memory locations,
> immediately following a far more profound statement yet discussing an
> entirely different and minor issue, acts to obscure a vital issue.
> There's actually really the main problem of the documentation totally
> failing to mention that the intrinsic is offering functionality which,
> by offering, one would expect to operate in a way which means it is
> useful; for why offer it if the user cannot use it?
> You see, what MSDN means by "after the lock instruction, this intrinsic
> immediately copies the initial value of Destination to ComparandResult"
> is that the write to ComparandResult of the original value of the
> Destination is not atomic.
No, it's not. The read of the original value into CPU registers WAS
atomic, but the write to *ComparandResult is not, and is performed as a
separate step. CPUs do not currently have the ability to atomically
update two distinct memory locations: the CMPXCHG16B instruction swaps
registers with memory, so it then has to store the old value (which was
atomically read into the registers) into *ComparandResult afterwards.
> The compare is atomic. The swap is atomic. The copy of the original
> value? not atomic at all. So you have to ignore the content of
> ComparandResult after a swap, because it can be anything. Your thread
> may have stopped and someone else modified the contents of whatever
> Destination points to; when your thread restarts, you'll be getting
> whatever they wrote.
No. You are misunderstanding.
> In the machine code you see the two mov instructions, copying
> destination to comparandresult, immediately following the cmpxchg16b.
> So after the cmpxchg16b, successful or not, if another CAS occurs on
> *destination in another thread prior to the mov's, you will if their CAS
> succeeded get someone elses value of *destination in your
> *comparandresult, which was supposed to be your original value of
> *destination.
No. The result will be the old value of *destination, regardless what
other threads do. The disassembly you posted bears this out.
Author of C++ Concurrency in Action | http://www.manning.com/williams
just::thread C++0x thread library | http://www.stdthread.co.uk
Just Software Solutions Ltd | http://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk
15 Carrallack Mews, St Just, Cornwall, TR19 7UL, UK. Company No. 5478976
Toby Douglass wrote:
> I omitted to say I'm using paired pointer-counters to address ABA. So
> it's an array of 2 pointer width variables, e.g. 64 bits on 32 bit, 128
> bits on 64 bits, which is why I'm using double-width CAS rather than
> normal CAS. This is why the arguments in the prototype I gave are all
> pointers.
ah, are you using Joe Seigh algorithm to provide strong thread safety or
something similar? (DWCAS is a bit uncommon.)
>> In fact gcc seems to ignore most of the potential inconsistencies in the
>> inline assembler parameter definitions. I guess that
>> : "=m" xxx
>> : "m" xxx
>> : "+m" xxx
>> : "+m" xxx
>> : "m" xxx
>> : "=m" xxx
>> : "0" xxx
>> : "+m" xxx
>> : "0" xxx
>> are effectively all the same. (Not really tested.)
> I will read up some more on this.
I seek for a detailed documentation on this for a long time without success.
> Note in particular this from the man page;
> ---start---
> Return Value
> 1 if the 128-bit comparand equals the original value of the destination.
> ExchangeHigh and ExchangeLow overwrite the 128-bit destination.
> 0 if the comparand does not equal the original value of the destination.
> The value of the destination is unchanged and the value of the comparand
> is overwritten with the value of the destination.
> ---end---
> So you see *Destination does not change; rather, *ComparandResult is
> updated with the original value.
Again ??? - This is exactly the way CAS always works. If you want to
replace *destination in any case you must use InterlockedExchange. But
there is no 128 bit version. However, if you have a spin loop you can do
almost any operation with CAS.
atom_t old = *destination;
atom_t new;
{ // Apply your change to old
new = ~old; // Example
} while (!CAS(destination, &new, &old));
This essentially relies on the fact that CAS returns the previous value
in old when the comparison fails.
When the loop completes you have exactly the old and the new value in
With the old style CAS signature the loop looks like
atom_t old = *destination;
atom_t new;
{ // Apply your change to old
new = ~old; // Example
atom_t old2 = old;
old = CAS(destination, &new, &old2);
} while (old2 != old);
> This is the problem;
I cannot see any problem.
That's correct. Only *destination is declared volatile. But you will
hardly find a platform that supports atomic memory access to
discontinuous storage. In that case you need transactional memory.
> The compare is atomic. The swap is atomic. The copy of the original
> value? not atomic at all. So you have to ignore the content of
> ComparandResult after a swap, because it can be anything.
No. Definitely not. The access to *ComperandResult might not be atomic
but the value stored is well defined. It is still the "initial value of
> Your thread
> may have stopped and someone else modified the contents of whatever
> Destination points to; when your thread restarts, you'll be getting
> whatever they wrote.
No. You will get exactly the value that was replaced in *destination by
the read modify write cycle. Only the write access to *comperandresult
is done later.
>>> This is why there is no provision for obtaining the original
>>> destination value.
>> I still wonder about that. This would be a really hard bug.
> In the machine code you see the two mov instructions, copying
> destination to comparandresult, immediately following the cmpxchg16b.
> So after the cmpxchg16b, successful or not, if another CAS occurs on
> *destination in another thread prior to the mov's, you will if their CAS
> succeeded get someone elses value of *destination in your
> *comparandresult, which was supposed to be your original value of
> *destination.
You mixed something up here. Your code is simply wrong if you overwrite
*comperandresult before you use the value provided by the application.
But if you are emulating InterlockedExchange128 the CAS loop reduces
simply to
atom_t new = replacement;
atom_t old = *destination;
while (!CAS(destination, &new, &old));
In this case the assignment old = *destination (2*mov) is immediately
followed by cmpxchg16b. And if someone changed *destination in between
the CAS will fail and the loop spins until no one changed *destination
in one loop cycle.
> > You see, what MSDN means by "after the lock instruction, this
> > immediately copies the initial value of Destination to ComparandResult"
> > is that the write to ComparandResult of the original value of the
> > Destination is not atomic.
> No, it's not. The read of the original value into CPU registers WAS
> atomic, but the write to *ComparandResult is not, and is performed as a
> separate step. CPUs do not currently have the ability to atomically
> update two distinct memory locations: the CMPXCHG16B instruction swaps
> registers with memory, so it then has to store the old value (which was
> atomically read into the registers) into *ComparandResult afterwards.
I think there is much potential for confusion here.
As I understand the CMPXCHG16B instruction; that single instruction
loads the destination value into a register, compares with the value you
earlier placed in RDX:RAX and if they match, swaps the value you earlier
loaded into RCX:RBX. There is then *also* a write back to memory -
still atomic - of the value that is now in destination (whether or not
it changed).
All of this happens in the single instruction, CMPXCHG16B.
Now, back to _InterlockedCompareExchange128;
unsigned char _InterlockedCompareExchange128( __int64 volatile
__int64 ExchangeHigh,
__int64 ExchangeLow,
__int64 *ComparandResult
The docs state that *destination does not change; that the original
value is placed into *comparandresult.
This seems to imply (as the docs state and as I think you have stated)
that *after* CMPXCHG16B, the value of destination is moved into
Is it that move which seems to be to be non-atomic.
> > In the machine code you see the two mov instructions, copying
> > destination to comparandresult, immediately following the cmpxchg16b.
> > So after the cmpxchg16b, successful or not, if another CAS occurs on
> > *destination in another thread prior to the mov's, you will if their CAS
> > succeeded get someone elses value of *destination in your
> > *comparandresult, which was supposed to be your original value of
> > *destination.
> No. The result will be the old value of *destination, regardless what
> other threads do. The disassembly you posted bears this out.
Are you taking into account that I'm talking about the behaviour of
_InterlockedCompareExchange128, rather than only the behaviour of
No. In fact, I've not heard of Joe Seigh - I'm rather a beginning at
lock-free. I've implemented *two* simple algorithms (Treiber's stack
and Michael and Scott's queue) and built a ringbuffer out of the stack
and queue. They all run off freelists internally and using DWCAS for
ABA. I've just about bumped into work on solutions to using malloc/free
(the repeat offender problem, hazard pointers, atomic smart pointers).
Obviously, that's the correct solution and I'll be learning about that
once I get this library released (the infrastructure work (bugzilla,
forum, docs) is a lot more time consuming than the library itself, but
it's a one off cost, you get it done and then people can start to
benefit from whatever it is you've actually written so far).
> > I will read up some more on this.
> I seek for a detailed documentation on this for a long time without success.
lol, my experience also!
> > So you see *Destination does not change; rather, *ComparandResult is
> > updated with the original value.
> Again ??? - This is exactly the way CAS always works.
There may be a basic misunderstanding on my part.
Originally, before going 64 bit, I was using the
InterlockedCompareExchange64() function, which is a wrapper for a
double-word CAS on 32 bit machines. I am under the impression - perhaps
mistaken - that for this function the write back to *destination is
Note the prototype;
LONGLONG __cdecl InterlockedCompareExchange64
__inout LONGLONG volatile *Destination,
__in LONGLONG Exchange,
__in LONGLONG Comparand
"The function compares the Destination value with the Comparand value.
If the Destination value is equal to the Comparand value, the Exchange
value is stored in the address specified by Destination. Otherwise, no
operation is performed."
It seems to me these operations are all atomic - including the of act of
updating *destination.
As such, I expected it to be so for the 128 bit version as well.
> > The compare is atomic. The swap is atomic. The copy of the original
> > value? not atomic at all. So you have to ignore the content of
> > ComparandResult after a swap, because it can be anything.
> No. Definitely not. The access to *ComperandResult might not be atomic
> but the value stored is well defined. It is still the "initial value of
> Destination".
> > Your thread
> > may have stopped and someone else modified the contents of whatever
> > Destination points to; when your thread restarts, you'll be getting
> > whatever they wrote.
> No. You will get exactly the value that was replaced in *destination by
> the read modify write cycle. Only the write access to *comperandresult
> is done later.
Wait - when I say what I say, I'm not talking about *during* the atomic
execution of cmpxchg8b/cmpxchg16b - I'm talking about inbetween the end
of that instruction and the two mov instructions which immediately
follow. Are you refering also to this when you say the write access is
done later?
> >>> This is why there is no provision for obtaining the original
> >>> destination value.
> >> I still wonder about that. This would be a really hard bug.
> >
> > In the machine code you see the two mov instructions, copying
> > destination to comparandresult, immediately following the cmpxchg16b.
> > So after the cmpxchg16b, successful or not, if another CAS occurs on
> > *destination in another thread prior to the mov's, you will if their CAS
> > succeeded get someone elses value of *destination in your
> > *comparandresult, which was supposed to be your original value of
> > *destination.
> You mixed something up here. Your code is simply wrong if you overwrite
> *comperandresult before you use the value provided by the application.
I understand what you mean, but don't worry - I don't do that!
What I mean is; cmpxchg8b/cmpxchg16b execute and execute atomically, of
course. That instruction completes. There is now in *destination
whatever value has ended up there. Then the thread we are in is by the
scheduler no longer executing. Someone else comes along and modifies
*destination. Then our thread comes back - and we now finally perform
the two mov instructions immediately following cmpxchg8b/cmpxchg16b -
only of course now we moved the wrong value into *comparandresult.
> Here is an implementation that works:
Whoa! I feel like Gandalf has come down from on high and shown me magic
I can't hope to comprehend :-)
There's a lot here which I don't understand and of course I can't
blindly use code I don't understand. I think I have to do a fair bit of
reading up on assembley to do this; I was hoping to get away without
having to do that.
> > So I would appreciate it if you guys wouldn't mind casting your eyes
> > over the code I've written and letting me know if you see anything
> > wrong.
> I don't see where you're updating the comparand on CAS failure. You should
> be either returning the current value on failure like
> `InterlockedCompareExchange()', or setting the comparand to the current
> value and returning false...
In the CAS loop, I make a copy of the original value of the destination
prior to attempting the CAS. If the CAS succeeds, I know that copy must
be correct. I do this awful thing for reasons being discussed in other
branches of this thread - I point you at them.
> extern __forceinline int abstraction_dcas( volatile atom_t *destination,
> atom_t *exchange, atom_t *compare )
> {
> unsigned char
> cas_result;
> cas_result = _InterlockedCompareExchange128( destination, *(exchange+
> 1), *exchange, compare );
> { char *c = 0; *c = 0; }
There is a __debugbreak() intrinsic that does the same.
> return( (int) cas_result );
> }
> This is the full disassembley for that function (note I am not qualified
> to properly read this code, so it may prove me wrong!);
> test!abstraction_dcas:
> 00000001`400586b0 4c89442418 mov qword ptr [rsp+18h],r8
> 00000001`400586b5 4889542410 mov qword ptr [rsp+10h],rdx
> 00000001`400586ba 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
> 00000001`400586bf 53 push rbx
> 00000001`400586c0 4883ec10 sub rsp,10h
> 00000001`400586c4 488b4c2428 mov rcx,qword ptr [rsp+28h]
> 00000001`400586c9 488b4908 mov rcx,qword ptr [rcx+8]
> 00000001`400586cd 488b5c2428 mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+28h]
> 00000001`400586d2 488b1b mov rbx,qword ptr [rbx]
> 00000001`400586d5 4c8b4c2420 mov r9,qword ptr [rsp+20h]
> 00000001`400586da 4c8b442430 mov r8,qword ptr [rsp+30h]
> 00000001`400586df 498b00 mov rax,qword ptr [r8]
> 00000001`400586e2 498b5008 mov rdx,qword ptr [r8+8]
This code copies parameters from your wrapper function to appropriate registers.
> 00000001`400586e6 f0490fc709 lock cmpxchg16b oword ptr [r9]
> 00000001`400586eb 498900 mov qword ptr [r8],rax
> 00000001`400586ee 49895008 mov qword ptr [r8+8],rdx
> 00000001`400586f2 0f94c0 sete al
This performs the atomic operation. cmpxchg16b reads the previous value of
destination into rdx:rax registers, and that value is unconditionally written
the 'compare' argument. Then, the al register is set to 1 if the operation
succeeded. Now, unconditional writing is not a problem: if the operation
succeeded, the previous value of destination will be the same as compare, so
the same value will be written to the compare argument. If the operation
failed, the new value of destination is written into compare.
The MSDN note about the "ComparandResult being always overwritten" is very
straightforward and not at all misleading.
The previous value returned by cmpxchg16b is always dubious, it's not a problem
with non-atomic write. Your program can be preempted right after the locked
instruction, some other thread may write other values into destination, and
when your program is rescheduled, the rdx:rax values (read by the locked insn
at the time the operation was performed) will be nonsense. But it's not a
problem with MS's intrinsic, it's just how the instruction works.
> 00000001`400586f5 880424 mov byte ptr [rsp],al
> 00000001`400586f8 48c744240800000000 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],0
> 00000001`40058701 488b442408 mov rax,qword ptr [rsp+8]
> 00000001`40058706 c60000 mov byte ptr [rax],0
This is your GP-generating code.
> 00000001`40058709 0fb60424 movzx eax,byte ptr [rsp]
> 00000001`4005870d 4883c410 add rsp,10h
> 00000001`40058711 5b pop rbx
> 00000001`40058712 c3 ret
This just returns the value.
> > { char *c = 0; *c = 0; }
> There is a __debugbreak() intrinsic that does the same.
Thanks :-)
> > 00000001`400586e6 f0490fc709 lock cmpxchg16b oword ptr [r9]
> > 00000001`400586eb 498900 mov qword ptr [r8],rax
> > 00000001`400586ee 49895008 mov qword ptr [r8+8],rdx
> > 00000001`400586f2 0f94c0 sete al
> This performs the atomic operation.
But I would say this
> > 00000001`400586e6 f0490fc709 lock cmpxchg16b oword ptr [r9]
performs the atomic instruction; that the following three instructions
are not atomic (and can be delayed by the scheduler).
> cmpxchg16b reads the previous value of
> destination into rdx:rax registers, and that value is unconditionally written
> the 'compare' argument. Then, the al register is set to 1 if the operation
> succeeded. Now, unconditional writing is not a problem: if the operation
> succeeded, the previous value of destination will be the same as compare, so
> the same value will be written to the compare argument. If the operation
> failed, the new value of destination is written into compare.
> The previous value returned by cmpxchg16b is always dubious, it's not
> a problem with non-atomic write.
I think that might be a matter of how you phrase the problem. Coming
from how I had seen earlier CAS instructions work, I expected the
previous value to be provided atomically. It is not - so from my POV,
when I say "there is a non-atomic write", I mean by that, that the
previous value is dubious and I expected it to be reliable. Why provide
access to it in the instrinc prototype if it is useless because it is
not reliable?
> Your program can be preempted right after the locked
> instruction, some other thread may write other values into destination, and
> when your program is rescheduled, the rdx:rax values (read by the locked insn
> at the time the operation was performed) will be nonsense.
Which is I believe what occurs.
> But it's not a
> problem with MS's intrinsic, it's just how the instruction works.
I would say it is *a type of problem* with the intrinsic. What I mean
is, how can I obtain the original value of destination, except by taking
my own copy before the CAS attempt?
And why is the original value supposedly being provided, when in fact it
is entirely unreliable? why provide that in the prototype? it can only
With other CAS instructions, I believe I automatically receive a
reliable copy of the original value - I do not need to make my own copy
earlier on.
I understand; and as such, the intrinsic really is reflecting and only
reflecting what the instruction actually does. The instruction itself
does something which is not reliable in a multi-threaded environment.
Why does the instruction then bother to write the destination value back
to the registers? useful in a single threaded environment?
Having read and replied your other post, the content of the previous
post is pretty much obsolete.
> And why is the original value supposedly being provided, when in fact it
> is entirely unreliable? why provide that in the prototype? it can only
> mislead.
It misleads only the people who do not understand what it does. The value is
*not* unreliable -- it is exactly the contents of the memory when CAS was
attempted; you're just trying to use the value in the wrong way. As to why --
because there are cases where this value might be useful [OTOH, I can't find
any -- i've reverted to using ordinary mutexes instead of messing with
lock-free stuff. You _could_ for example use it to try to take a semaphore,
and if the semaphore is taken, use its current value (returned by CAS) to
estimate how long to sleep before retrying. Though, x86 has a simpler
primitive for that -- XADD -- which is not universal.]
> With other CAS instructions, I believe I automatically receive a
> reliable copy of the original value - I do not need to make my own copy
> earlier on.
what 'other' CAS instructions? all CAS instructions have exactly the same
semantics on x86.
I think you are misunderstanding me. I am referring to the case in which the
CAS fails. All of the x86 CAS instructions return the current value on CAS
failure. You can use this information in order to skip loading from the
shared data-structure again on every iteration of the loop. Think in terms
of something like the following win32 fetch-and-add pseudo-code emulation:
LONG atomic_faa(LONG volatile* v)
LONG cmp1, cmp2 = *v;
cmp1 = cmp2;
cmp2 = InterlockedCompareExchange(v, cmp1 + 1, cmp1);
} while (cmp1 == cmp2);
return cmp1;
Notice how the code only explicitly loads from `v' one time? It obtains the
current value on CAs-failure therefore it does not need to reload the
comparand from `v'.
The `atomic_dwcas()' code I pointed you to allows one to do something like:
struct anchor
int32 word1;
int32 word2;
void atomic_faa(struct anchor* o,
struct anchor v)
struct anchor cmp, xchg;
*cmp = *o;
xchg.word1 = cmp.word1 + v.word1;
xchg.word2 = cmp.word2 + v.word2;
} while (! atomic_dwcas(o, &cmp, &xchg));
Notice there is no explicit reload of `o' on every iteration of the loop?
BTW, you can expect CAS failure under periods of contention! Why load from a
shared location on every iteration if the CAs instruction itself already has
all of the information for you on a silver platter?
Well, if I write`fetch-and-add' I might as well show it properly:
LONG atomic_faa(LONG volatile* v, LONG a)
LONG cmp1, cmp2 = *v;
cmp1 = cmp2;
cmp2 = InterlockedCompareExchange(v, cmp1 + a, cmp1);
} while (cmp1 != cmp2);
return cmp1;
For some reason I had `increment' on the mind when I scribbled out the first
version of CAS-based FAA. Also, I fu%ck up the `cmp1 != cmp2' clause on the
first busted to hell code.
Sorry about that non-sense.
The compiler intrinsic is a wrapper around the instruction. The
instruction atomically compares the contents of the comparand to the
destination, writes the new value to the destination if the values were
the same, and reads the old value from the destination if the value was
This old value may immediately become stale if another thread is
updating the memory at the same time. There is nothing you can do to
prevent that happening. However, it tells you what the old value was, so
you know why the comparison failed. You can just use this as the
comparand for another loop round, if you're using CAS to do an
unconditional exchange, in order to avoid having to reload the value.
Alternatively, you can use the old value as the basis for further code
--- e.g. if you are trying to write an atomic increment (as in Chris's
example) then you will need to add one to this old value to get the new
value for the next attempt if the first CAS attempt failed.
> > Why does the instruction then bother to write the destination value
> > to the registers? useful in a single threaded environment?
> This old value may immediately become stale if another thread is
> updating the memory at the same time. There is nothing you can do to
> prevent that happening. However, it tells you what the old value was,
But surely in effect it does not, because it does not tell you reliably.
If you use that old value in a multi-threaded environment, it will
sometimes be wrong, so you cannot use it.
> Alternatively, you can use the old value as the basis for further code
> --- e.g. if you are trying to write an atomic increment (as in Chris's
> example) then you will need to add one to this old value to get the new
> value for the next attempt if the first CAS attempt failed.
In this case it is useful, because even if someone else has updated the
value, you're still interested in what it is and the value is still
However, in other cases, where you're swapping pointers around, using
the wrong value is not interesting in any way; it's fatal.
> > I would say it is *a type of problem* with the intrinsic. What I
> > is, how can I obtain the original value of destination, except by taking
> > my own copy before the CAS attempt?
> Taking your own copy will be even less reliable because the value in
> can be changed between the time you took a copy and the time cmpxchg got to
> execute.
Yes, but if the CAS succeeds, you know your value was indeed the correct
original value.
> It misleads only the people who do not understand what it does.
And that was me :-)
I feel I have grounds for my view, though; the earlier CAS instructions
seem, as far as I can tell, to behave differently to the 128 bit CAS.
> The value is
> *not* unreliable -- it is exactly the contents of the memory when CAS was
> attempted; you're just trying to use the value in the wrong way. As to why --
> because there are cases where this value might be useful [OTOH, I can't find
> any -- i've reverted to using ordinary mutexes instead of messing with
> lock-free stuff. You _could_ for example use it to try to take a semaphore,
> and if the semaphore is taken, use its current value (returned by CAS) to
> estimate how long to sleep before retrying. Though, x86 has a simpler
> primitive for that -- XADD -- which is not universal.]
Yes - and there's an example in another post where the original value,
*even if later modified by another thread*, is still interesting and
However, in the cases where you need the true original value, a
potentially modified version is not useful.
> > With other CAS instructions, I believe I automatically receive a
> > reliable copy of the original value - I do not need to make my own copy
> > earlier on.
> what 'other' CAS instructions? all CAS instructions have exactly the
> semantics on x86.
I'd point you at my reply to Marcel Muller at 10:09, 2nd September; I
dicuss this there.
> antho...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Toby Douglass <a...@b.com> writes:
>> > Why does the instruction then bother to write the destination value
> back
>> > to the registers? useful in a single threaded environment?
>> This old value may immediately become stale if another thread is
>> updating the memory at the same time. There is nothing you can do to
>> prevent that happening. However, it tells you what the old value was,
> But surely in effect it does not, because it does not tell you reliably.
> If you use that old value in a multi-threaded environment, it will
> sometimes be wrong, so you cannot use it.
It does tell you reliably! It tells you exactly what the old value was
when the CAS executed. It does not tell you what the value is now (you'd
have to read it again to find out).
>> Alternatively, you can use the old value as the basis for further code
>> --- e.g. if you are trying to write an atomic increment (as in Chris's
>> example) then you will need to add one to this old value to get the new
>> value for the next attempt if the first CAS attempt failed.
> In this case it is useful, because even if someone else has updated the
> value, you're still interested in what it is and the value is still
> useful.
> However, in other cases, where you're swapping pointers around, using
> the wrong value is not interesting in any way; it's fatal.
It depends what you do with the pointers. If you dereference them, and
don't have a means of ensuring that they are still valid then it's
fatal. If you're just using them for comparisons, or you do have a
lifetime-management scheme in place so they are safe for dereferencing
then it's fine.
Why can't you use the value returned by `CMPXCHG'? When you load the shared
value on each CAS-loop iteration, you are in effect performing a completely
redundant load operation because failed `CMPXCHG' instruction has already
performed the load for you.
>> Alternatively, you can use the old value as the basis for further code
>> --- e.g. if you are trying to write an atomic increment (as in Chris's
>> example) then you will need to add one to this old value to get the new
>> value for the next attempt if the first CAS attempt failed.
> In this case it is useful, because even if someone else has updated the
> value, you're still interested in what it is and the value is still
> useful.
> However, in other cases, where you're swapping pointers around, using
> the wrong value is not interesting in any way; it's fatal.
The value returned from `cmpxchg' on failure can be fairly useful. For
instance, you can implement state-machine based on logic which depends on
CAS failure values. You can use it to skip loading from shared data in every
iteration of a "CAS-loop". Ect...
Another example of using a pre-determined comparand value wrt CAS is
acquiring a mutex. Instead of loading from the shared value, one can hard
code a lock-state as a comparand.
> It does tell you reliably! It tells you exactly what the old value was
> when the CAS executed. It does not tell you what the value is now (you'd
> have to read it again to find out).
Yes - from one point of view, single threaded assembley, it tells you
reliably. The value is in the register and the correct value was placed
there, always.
From my point of view as a C programmer in a multi-threaded environment,
it does not tell me reliably, because I cannot reliably get at that
> > However, in other cases, where you're swapping pointers around,
> > the wrong value is not interesting in any way; it's fatal.
> It depends what you do with the pointers. If you dereference them, and
> don't have a means of ensuring that they are still valid then it's
> fatal. If you're just using them for comparisons, or you do have a
> lifetime-management scheme in place so they are safe for dereferencing
> then it's fine.
> antho...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Toby Douglass <a...@b.com> writes:
>> It does tell you reliably! It tells you exactly what the old value was
>> when the CAS executed. It does not tell you what the value is now (you'd
>> have to read it again to find out).
> Yes - from one point of view, single threaded assembley, it tells you
> reliably. The value is in the register and the correct value was placed
> there, always.
> From my point of view as a C programmer in a multi-threaded environment,
> it does not tell me reliably, because I cannot reliably get at that
> information.
The compiler intrinsic places the values from the register in *Comparand
for you. It does this reliably. Yes, you need to ensure that this
location is not shared between threads, but that is easy --- just use a
local variable.
This is the same way that CAS always works.
In an MT-environment, there is no sensible definition of the *current* value,
because the "current" value can be immediatelly changed just after having being
read; this is *not* specific to CAS, but to all operations over shared data.
If your algorithm depends on the "current" value of something, you have to
ensure that other threads cannot change that value while you're using it. In
other words, use mutexes (or software transactional memory, but it's the same
thing, though in different package) to guarantee consistency over a non-atomic
sequence of statements that must appear atomic.
I believe I understand now, for I re-read the gcc manual section on
constraints and found the section on number constraints, which I had not
seen before. I have adopted the syntax quoted here.
Thankyou for your invaluable help, Marcel!
> > But surely in effect it does not, because it does not tell you
> > If you use that old value in a multi-threaded environment, it will
> > sometimes be wrong, so you cannot use it.
> Why can't you use the value returned by `CMPXCHG'? When you load the shared
> value on each CAS-loop iteration, you are in effect performing a completely
> redundant load operation because failed `CMPXCHG' instruction has already
> performed the load for you.
Apologies for the slow reply. Your post here caused me the most thought
of all, which of course has led to the slowest reply of all.
I see what you mean; you're going to do it anyway next time you
come round, so why aren't you using the one which was just done? it's
crazy not to.
I'm in the process of examining my code to see if I can benefit from
this, but I suspect it might be that with the very simple algorithms I
have currently implemented, it's not something I can use; however, I'm
not certain and it will take a bit of time for me to check.
Yes. Originally, I was placing that original destination value directly
back into the data structure - which of course was concurrently being
manipulated by other threads. I do now use a local variable.
No problem.
> Your post here caused me the most thought
> of all, which of course has led to the slowest reply of all.
> I see what you mean; you're going to do it anyway next time you
> come round, so why aren't you using the one which was just done?
> it's crazy not to.
If the CAS instruction that you are using allows you to automatically
retrieve the value which caused the CAS to fail, then yes, it would be crazy
not to take advantage of it when its appropriate.
> I'm in the process of examining my code to see if I can benefit from
> this, but I suspect it might be that with the very simple algorithms I
> have currently implemented, it's not something I can use; however, I'm
> not certain and it will take a bit of time for me to check.
You mentioned implementing Treiber's lock-free LIFO. That algorithm can
benefit from the value returned by `CMHXCHG8B'. Here is some quick source
code which shows how Treiber's algorithm can be implemented in MSVC IA-32:
The Michael and Scott FIFO algorithm can also benefit from the value
returned from `CMPXCHG8B'. BTW, their queue algorithm is way to expensive.
There are much better alternatives (I will post pseudo-code for my FIFO
queue algorithm at the end of the post.
BTW, if you decide to use normal CAS like I did in the `nblifo_IA32_push()'
procedure, be SURE to read the aba counter BEFORE you load the pointer in
the `pop()' function (e.g., `nblifo_IA32_pop()'). If you don't make sure to
do that, well, you're going to be bitten by a very nasty and subtle
Ouch! ;^o
Also, here is detailed information on the lock-free stack in an IBM
Principles of Operation:
(Appendex A/Multi-Programming/Processing Examples/Conditional Swapping
Enjoy! :^)
mpmc_fifo pseudo-code:
struct node {
node* next;
void* state;
struct dwcas_anchor {
int32 aba;
struct node* node;
struct mpmcq {
struct dwcas_anchor tail;
struct node* head;
struct mpmcq* const self,
struct node* dummy
) {
dummy->next = NULL;
self->head = dummy;
self->tail.node = dummy;
struct mpmcq* const self,
struct node* node
) {
struct node* prev;
node->m_next = NULL;
prev = ATOMIC_SWAP_RELAXED(&self->head, node);
ATOMIC_STORE_RELEASE(&prev->next, node);
struct node*
struct mpmcq* const self
) {
void* state;
struct dwcas_anchor cmp, xchg;
cmp = ATOMIC_LOAD_ACQUIRE(&self->tail);
do {
struct node* next = ATOMIC_LOAD_ACQUIRE(&cmp.node->next);
if (! next) return NULL;
state = next->state;
xchg.node = next;
xchg.aba = cmp.aba + 1;
} while (! ATOMIC_DWCAS_ACQ_REL(&self->tail, &cmp, &xchg));
cmp.node->state = state;
return cmp.node;
Keep in mind that there are other very nice multi-producer/consumer (MPMC)
FIFO algorithms as well:
It's also nice to keep in mind that one can make use of more specialized
queues such as single-producer/multi-consumer, or
multi-producer/single-consumer, single-producer/consumer. Each variation has
a different algorithm. If you're creating a library, it might be a good to
implement all of them...
> > I see what you mean; you're going to do it anyway next time you
> > come round, so why aren't you using the one which was just done?
> > it's crazy not to.
> If the CAS instruction that you are using allows you to automatically
> retrieve the value which caused the CAS to fail, then yes, it would be crazy
> not to take advantage of it when its appropriate.
I finished thinking about it today.
I realised why I hadn't seen this (that you can re-use the original
value). It is because in my mind I was thinking that you need to obtain
the current destination value as close as possible to the CAS, to
minimize the window in which other threads can change the value.
However, in the algorithms I've done so far, taking the value from the
CAS is either identical to taking the destination again (T's stack) or
extremely close to it.
> > I'm in the process of examining my code to see if I can benefit from
> > this, but I suspect it might be that with the very simple algorithms I
> > have currently implemented, it's not something I can use; however, I'm
> > not certain and it will take a bit of time for me to check.
> You mentioned implementing Treiber's lock-free LIFO. That algorithm can
> benefit from the value returned by `CMHXCHG8B'. Here is some quick source
> code which shows how Treiber's algorithm can be implemented in MSVC IA-32:
Yes - it this which I was thinking about today, where I realised it was
> The Michael and Scott FIFO algorithm can also benefit from the value
> returned from `CMPXCHG8B'. BTW, their queue algorithm is way to
> expensive.
Interesting. I've not read any reviews of their code. I implemented it
because it's easy to understand.
> BTW, if you decide to use normal CAS like I did in the `nblifo_IA32
> procedure, be SURE to read the aba counter BEFORE you load the pointer in
> the `pop()' function (e.g., `nblifo_IA32_pop()'). If you don't make sure to
> do that, well, you're going to be bitten by a very nasty and subtle
> race-condition:
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.programming.threads/msg/d3fe6c226f685d85
> Ouch! ;^o
I can see another slow reply coming :-)
> Also, here is detailed information on the lock-free stack in an IBM
> Principles of Operation:
> http://publibz.boulder.ibm.com/epubs/pdf/dz9zr002.pdf
> (Appendex A/Multi-Programming/Processing Examples/Conditional Swapping
> Instructions)
> Enjoy! :^)
[snip - I will examine the code and links and reply]
Assuming I understand the ATOMIC____ functions right, wouldnt that basically
detach the two ends of the queue between lines #1 and #2? After #1 the head
points at the new node, but the last node in the queue doesnt join up yet.
So if a thread stalled between those two lines, consumers wouldnt be able to
get past that break, new items could be added, but they'd be inaccessable to
consumers until the stalled thread completed the join?
Yes, you are right. Strictly saying the queue is blocking (however
uses only wait-free primitives).
I described the caveats here:
Dmitriy V'jukov
I personally don't worry about that scenario because the chance a thread
will stall between those two instructions are few and far between. If it
does happen, it won't break anything*. Now, if a thread actually dies within
those instructions then the shi% has definitely hit the fan. However, thread
should not be dieing at "random" places anyway. If they do, trust me, you
have got MUCH bigger problems to deal with.
Now, this will be a problem if you are using this queue with processes
instead of threads. I say this because IMHO, processes can die which is why
there are such things as robust mutexs.
(*) - IMPORTANT!!!
Let's assume that you have three consumer threads [C1...C3] and two producer
threads [P1...P2]. As soon as a consumer thread consumes an item it quits.
Now, imagine that `P1' stalls between the two critical instructions. In the
mean time `P2' produces two items, broadcasts because it produced more than
one item, and quits. Now, all the consumers wake up, try to consume items,
fail and go back to waiting. Then `P1' wakes back up, fixes the queue which
makes all three items visible, and signals because it only produced a single
item. Now, a single consumer, say `C1' wakes and consumes a single item and
quits. Now what? Well, you got yourself a deadlock.
So, if you are going to use this queue, I would always issue a broadcast
just to be on the safe side.
Perhaps you should mention the following possible behavior:
Do you think it's a legitimate concern WRT the multi-consumer/producer case?
I am going to try and model it in Relacy.
BTW, I don't think it would be a problem in your SEH-based queue:
AFAICT, it contains the same producer logic, however you seem to detect the
inconsistency and do a spin-wait to correct it. Am I right?