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problems with mpirun from java

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2001年11月28日 清晨7:24:072001/11/28
Hi everybody,
I am having the following problem:

I create a process (from a java program) and I tell it to execute a
MPI application . It
works well and gives me the right result when the application is
The application is a matrix multiplication and when I put a 10x10
(for instance) matrix, it goes right. But, when the matrix is big,
there lives the problem. When I put a 500x500 matrix, it doesn't work.
I verify with the command top (UNIX) if the process mpirun was
created, it is... but, it doesn't call the program matrix.

The source is:

Process p =null;
p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/mpich- -machinefile
/mpich- -np 2 mmatrix" );

Mpirun runs mmatrix, and mpirun works but no mmatrix. I
I had the following as a result of this command:

/mpich1.2.2.3/bin/mpirun :line 1: 8131 Segmentation fault (core
/mpich1.2.2.3/examples/jota/mmatrix -p4pg /home/tania/PI8049 -p4wd

exit value: -117

I've already had this kind of problem when I used to call mpirun
being from java and it was related to available memory( the mmatrix
too big). I was wondering if it could be the same, do you think it can
be related to the available memory to the JVM??? Can I increase this
amount of memory??? Because, when I run the same command without being
from java, it doesn't occur.

Thanks a lot,
Tania Ramos
UnB- University of Brasilia -Brasil

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