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Full Stack Twitter Clone Download [196K6.^2K

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Ellison Ruiz

Dec 11, 2023, 2:16:43 PM12/11/23

Full Stack Twitter Clone Download

</h1><p><br/> Master the modern technology stack<br/> What you will learn<br/> Building full stack applications<br/> Working with SSR in Nextjs<br/> Query caching using Redis<br/> Deploying Full Stack Applications Using AWS<br/> Requirements<br/> Basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript<br/> Experience with React and NodeJS<br/> Description<br/> In this tutorial, we will create a FullStack Twitter clone that will allow users to create and post tweets, follow other users, like them, and view their own profiles and the profiles of other users. Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 330 million active users in 2021. If you are interested in building a Twitter-like app, this tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a FullStack Twitter clone using the latest technologies. Tech StackNode.js for our backend code that would run the GraphQL server in a node.js environment. GraphQL for our API, which provides a flexible and efficient way to define and query our data model. Prisma ORM for our database ORM that provides a type-safe and easy-to-use interface to interact with our PostgreSQL database.PostgreSQL is our database which is a powerful and reliable relational database system.Supabase for cloud hosting and management Postgresql db . Redis for server-side query caching and increasing query speedGoogle OAuth for login using GoogleJSON WEB TOKENS for authenticationNext.js for our frontend which is a popular framework for building React applications with server-side rendering and optimized performance.TailwindCSS for styling and reusable components use. Codegen for type-safe GraphQL queries and mutations.Graphql- request as a client API for client-server communication.React-Query for client-side data caching and query caching.Typescript for maintaining code quality and writing type-safe code.Amazon Web Services for storage, </p>
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