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Communication Fundamentals: How To Communicate Better Download [13912K]

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Verna Santiago

Dec 11, 2023, 3:37:01 PM12/11/23

Communication Fundamentals: How To Communicate Better Download

</h1><p><br/>What will I learn?</p><p>Identification and adaptation to different personality types and communication styles<br/> The difference between formal and informal communication styles and when to use each<br/> How to put yourself in the recipient’s shoes to really understand what they want to convey<br/> The power of silence and when to use it<br/> How to convince different personality types to achieve the best effect</p><p>And more!</p><p>This course is also full of examples and exercises that allow you to practice what you’re learning!</p><p>Do over 6 exercises with me to develop your competences and communication skills!</p><p>Learning the basics of communication will benefit you professionally as you gain the skills and tools that will enable you to lead your team, create consistent momentum in your company, and become a strong communicator in any situation! This is an important skill for leaders and anyone interacting with a team or people, essential to creating a successful work environment.</p>
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