For serial connection: Hyperterminal
For TCP/IP connection: telnet
Both these came with my Alpha -- not sure if they're also packaged
with Intel versions.
Ivan Reid, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH.
Support Jayne Hitchcock:
offers VT320 emulation over serial, TCP/IP Telnet and Rlogin connections,
and (if you have SuperLAT installed) LAT, and (if you have PATHWORKS
installed) CTERM (or LAT), with totally flexible & comprehensive key
mapping, 80/132 columns, a perfect VTTEST score, Kermit and XYZMODEM file
transfer, and complete scriptability. It's available for NT on the Alpha
as well as on Intel-based PCs.
Watch comp.protocols.kermit.announce for announcement of a major new release,
probably later today.
- Frank
There are several terminal emulators available, depending on what you want
to pay and what you want to do.
My specific favorites:
- Free terminal emulator: TeraTerm Pro. Very faithful emulation, fast, free.
- X-based windowing: Hummingbird Exceed. Excellent package, definately not
free (about $250 or so, I think). If you're using a LAN, this is the
way to go.
Dan O'Reilly
MCI Telcommunications
Systems Engineering/BT NIP
MS 1183/117
2424 Garden of the Gods Rd
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
If you have a tcp/ip network connecting both computers, I'd recommend
CRT from Van Dyke Technologies, Inc.
It's a commercial product with a 30 day trial license. It does full VT1xx
emulation including the (graphical) charset and the keyboard mapping.
proGIS Software E-Mail:
Dipl.-Inform. Klaus K"ampf Fax: 0241-47067-29
Jakobstr. 117 Voice: 0241-47067-11
D-52064 Aachen WWW:
As an employee of Attachmate, I can heartily recommend the market leading VT
emulator product: KEA! 340 (VT340 - text and Regis, sixel graphics) or 420
(VT420 and lower - text only) for Windows NT. KEA! is the internal
corporate standard of Digital and is used in thousands of major corporations
We support Windows NT both Intel and Alpha native versions.
The feature list is comprehensive and thorough providing full support for:
- automation via macro language and APIs (DDE, OLE, HLLAPI)
- configurability (fully customizable keyboard maps, menus, colors,
settings, etc)
- productivity enhancers such as on-screen button pads which can be
programmatically set to dynamically change depending on the application or
form on the screen - great for repetitive tasks or novice users
Finally, our products are designed to fully minimize the installation and
support 'hidden costs' frequently found with 'free' or 'cheap'
non-commercial products. We provide included with our KEA! products:
- full silent administrative installs
- install wizards
- NetWizard - a full network management application that will deploy,
meter, and inventory software and hardware
For further information and to order or download an eval copy please go to:
> As an employee of Attachmate, I can heartily recommend the market leading VT
> emulator product: KEA! 340 (VT340 - text and Regis, sixel graphics
> ...
> The feature list is comprehensive and thorough ...
The VT340 does Tektronix 4010 emulation - does attachmate?
regards :-)
Bruce S. Skinner |
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA, B2Y 3Z7 | (902) 426-3100 x205 or 538-1765
"New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed without any
other reason but because they are not already common." John Locke
The latest version of Hyperterminal works with TELNET as well.
Both don't seem to work too well in a production environment. I use the
VT320 emulator that's provided with PATHWORKS 7. Seems to be the most
stable of the lot (I wonder why, LOL). Some of my collegues use
PowerTerm, but one of them reported to me this morning that they're
having trouble with PowerTerm and random disconnections from the VAX - a
no-no when you're connected to the billing system at the time.
Brian Steele
IS Manager
Or put linux on the PCs for FREE and flush the bill gates shoved 'Default
Operating System'!
You can hear bgInc. almost any day; singing shovez, shovez, shovez-vous?
'The Internet'... is not a valid Win32 application, bill. Boycott bg shoveware!
>We need to connect PCs running Windows NT to A VAX running VMS. What
>terminal emulator is available? How do we do this?
We're using WRQ's Reflection 4 (AKA Reflecttion for ReGIS Graphics)
which supports TCP/IP as well as DEC's LAT protocol
Adri Koopman email:
Markgraaf, Amsterdam tel: +31-20-5641411
The Netherlands fax: +31-20-6962303
Personally, I strongly favour Reflection from WRQ, Inc.
<>. I have no commercial interest
in WRQ or Reflection other than being pleased with their
#ken P-)}
Ken Coar <http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/>
Apache Group member <>
"Apache Server for Dummies" <http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/ASFD/
Reflection from WRQ is OK too, although the X-window stuff is a bit more
tricky to install and file transfers are a bit more convoluted requiring
some executables on the host-side.
Look under the Network Tools or Internet Tools areas. I have found QvT/Term to
be quite usable for telnet.
Kermit can actualy do VT100. Run monitor on many terminal packages
and weep.
You can READ it. Yes, I'm sure many others use newer fonts, but...
It will do a lot more, file xfer, logging... And for all but M$
lozers, it's free. But hey, if you waste you $$ at the gates of darkness,
then Columbia seems a far more deserving cause.
Oh, and unless it changes, the licence scheme is nice and simple.
One manual = the licence.
Plus it can deal with what ever evil crap mapping the PC industry
dishes up this week.
~paul ( prep ) Paul Repacholi,
1 Crescent Rd., Kalamunda,
+61 (08) 9257-1001 Western Australia. 6076
Our company did quite a bit of searching for a good/solid VT220 emulator to
connect to our OpenVMS systems. Our choice was CRT from:
It is very solid -- we order over 1000 copies so far for various customers.
The price is less than $30/copy (much less when you buy in quantity).
There is a 30-day evaluation too.
Dan E.
(Not affiliated with Vandyke -- but a pleased customer)
Daniel Esbensen wrote:
> Hi,
> Our company did quite a bit of searching for a good/solid VT220 emulator to
> connect to our OpenVMS systems. Our choice was CRT from:
> It is very solid -- we order over 1000 copies so far for various customers.
> The price is less than $30/copy (much less when you buy in quantity).
> There is a 30-day evaluation too.
> Dan E.
We have CRT where I work. What I remember from a few
months ago is, the first time I tried to use it I could not get
the keypad to work with VMS editors.
Perhaps I needed to set some options first; I don't know.
I tried Term Term Pro, which did what I wanted right away,
and I have not tried CRT since.
Does CRT start in VT100 mode by default?
>We need to connect PCs running Windows NT to A VAX running VMS. What
>terminal emulator is available? How do we do this?
We've been using KEA term & have been very happy with it.
Ron Milen
Brian Steele wrote:
> The latest version of Hyperterminal works with TELNET as well.
> Both don't seem to work too well in a production environment. I use the
> VT320 emulator that's provided with PATHWORKS 7. Seems to be the most
> stable of the lot (I wonder why, LOL). Some of my collegues use
> PowerTerm, but one of them reported to me this morning that they're
> having trouble with PowerTerm and random disconnections from the VAX - a
> no-no when you're connected to the billing system at the time.
> HTH,
> Brian Steele
> IS Manager
Well, if disconnects are problem to you, I would enable Virtual terminal feature.
To use
this one has to load VTA0: device using
$ mc sysgen connect vta0/driver=ttdriver/noadapter !!!VAX
$ mc sysman io connect vta0/driver=sys$ttdriver/noadapter !!!Alpha
and include approriarite in the startup file.
and for inbound telnet sessions (assuming UCX as TCPIP stuff)
$ ucx set conf comm/remote=virtual
$ ucx set comm/remote=virtual
$ ucx disable service telnet
$ ucx enable service telnet
and occasional hiccups on the network should be minor concern now. TTY_TIMEOUT
controls the length of reconn period.
I also use PowerTerm. Seems that Powerterm sometimes hangs. On the other hand,
Reflection seems to be awfully resource hoggy and very slow to start.
Ow! Against our security practices.
[ WWW: ]
[ Grenada : ]
Using crt, to make the keypad work as expected:
Also, CRT defaults to whatever you edit the session called DEFAULT to be.
We use VT220 emulation, 30 rows, 80 columns, VT220 keyboard mapping. bugs found yet in CRT -- after over a year of use -- nice
Till later,
Dan E.
(No affiliation with Vandyke -- just a happy customer)
CRT works great with the EDT keypad. A nice emulation. And, you can remap
the entire keyboard as you wish too.
Till later,
Dan E.
(not affiliated with
In article <352C9C21...@Star.ZK-Oh.DEC.Com>, Rodent of Unusual Size
<Co...@Star.ZK-Oh.DEC.Com> wrote:
> Jeff Hack wrote:
> >
> > We need to connect PCs running Windows NT to A VAX running VMS. What
> > terminal emulator is available? How do we do this?
Joseph Ambrose
NT Network Administrator /
Open VMS System Manager
The Conference Board
Brian Steele wrote in message <>...
>Dr Ivan D Reid, muSR Facility wrote:
>> In article <>, Jeff Hack
>> >We need to connect PCs running Windows NT to A VAX running VMS. What
>> >terminal emulator is available? How do we do this?
>> For serial connection: Hyperterminal
>> For TCP/IP connection: telnet
the best i扉e found till now (i know, thats from my own point of view!!) is
really Reflection.
And if you should use a serial line connection to the VMS, look at the tool.
for Filetransfer, called VAXLINK2. The way, you can install the software over
a serial line is really great. And it works even if you try to tranfer VMS
savesets over a normal modem line!
Joseph J. Ambrose schrieb:
> Gotta be Reflection 4 ( v6 is now out, I think)
> Joseph Ambrose
> NT Network Administrator /
> Open VMS System Manager
> The Conference Board
> Brian Steele wrote in message <>...
> >Dr Ivan D Reid, muSR Facility wrote:
> >>
> >> In article <>, Jeff Hack
> >The latest version of Hyperterminal works with TELNET as well.
By far the best I've tried (and I've tried many) is PC320
by White Pine Software. It was available for free a few
years ago as part of an evaluation version of Exodus, an
X-windows simulator that runs on PC's. For one thing, PC320
emulates the LK numeric and alternate keypad functions
perfectly, except for the ',' key, which does not exist on
the numeric keypad of PC keyboards.
-- Wetboy
I have the same problem as Jeff but for WFWG PCs.
Does anybody know how to get the WFWG Telnet client to talk to UCX 4.2
on an Alpha running VMS 6.2 ?
Andy Parker, Team Leader Information Systems, Furness College
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Also WRQ Reflections does a very good emulation.