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[9fans] libbsd: incompatible type signatures

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Jens Staal

Aug 19, 2013, 11:17:36 AM8/19/13
Dear all,

I just hit the following compilation error and I wonder if this is some
sort of bug in the APE libraries and how to trace down what is really

??none??: incompatible type signatures
50220469(/386/lib/ape/libdraw.a(screen)) and
9bbe58(/386/lib/ape/libbsd(bind)) for bind

htonl: incompatible type signatures
617952a3(/386/lib/ape/libbsd.a(bind)) and ac7c45d0
(/386/lib/ape/libbsd.a(ntohs)) for ntohs

Version: I did a pull this morning so everything should be up-to-date.

any hints about how to fix this?

Aug 19, 2013, 11:30:52 AM8/19/13
> I just hit the following compilation error and I wonder if this is some
> sort of bug in the APE libraries and how to trace down what is really
> wrong:

I had a similar situation when compiling the entire userland. I
hacked each as seemed appropriate, but somebody ought to go in there
with a shovel... Thing is, BSD isn't very consistent either and
sometimes socket_t * is preferable to uint *, whereas sometimes void *
is better than char *. A shovel, indeed.

From memory, don't call me a liar :-)


Jens Staal

Aug 19, 2013, 12:28:51 PM8/19/13
Heh.. that does not sound too encouraging...

For both errors, they seem to be blaming bind in libbsd.a so I guess
that is where one would have to look first. I have no idea at all how
to do anything about it though. "normal" compilation issues where the
corresponding code can be traced down are definitely easier ;)

erik quanstrom

Aug 19, 2013, 1:04:26 PM8/19/13
On Mon Aug 19 11:21:18 EDT 2013, wrote:
> Dear all,
> I just hit the following compilation error and I wonder if this is some
> sort of bug in the APE libraries and how to trace down what is really
> wrong:
> ??none??: incompatible type signatures
> 50220469(/386/lib/ape/libdraw.a(screen)) and
> 9bbe58(/386/lib/ape/libbsd(bind)) for bind
> htonl: incompatible type signatures
> 617952a3(/386/lib/ape/libbsd.a(bind)) and ac7c45d0
> (/386/lib/ape/libbsd.a(ntohs)) for ntohs

this is a bug in the ape libraries. the ape version of
devdraw should be including /sys/src/ape/lib/9/libc.h
which should

#define bind _BIND

it looks like 9atom doesn't do this properly. i'll submit
a 9atom patch, but simply adding it to /sys/src/ape/lib/9/libc.h
doesn't work, so give me a bit. it's a rats' nest of defines...

the sloppy way to get this done would be to add
-Dbind=_BIND to draw's mkfile.

- erik

Jens Staal

Aug 20, 2013, 3:17:57 AM8/20/13
On Mon, 19 Aug 2013 13:04:26 -0400
erik quanstrom <> wrote:

> it looks like 9atom doesn't do this properly. i'll submit
> a 9atom patch, but simply adding it to /sys/src/ape/lib/9/libc.h
> doesn't work, so give me a bit. it's a rats' nest of defines...
> the sloppy way to get this done would be to add
> -Dbind=_BIND to draw's mkfile.
> - erik

Will the 9atom patch normally apply cleanly to vanilla Plan9? (I run
vanilla Plan9 under kvm/qemu) - alternatively, is there a way to
"switch repositories" and "update" to 9atom to get the improvements
from within an existing install?

erik quanstrom

Aug 26, 2013, 11:32:00 PM8/26/13
in this case /n/atom/patch/applied/lib9bindconst will apply cleanly to
either. this should be the normal case.

- erik

Jens Staal

Aug 27, 2013, 2:21:18 AM8/27/13
On Mon, 26 Aug 2013 23:32:00 -0400
erik quanstrom <> wrote:

> On Tue Aug 20 03:21:29 EDT 2013, wrote:
> > On Mon, 19 Aug 2013 13:04:26 -0400
> > erik quanstrom <> wrote:
> >
> > > it looks like 9atom doesn't do this properly. i'll submit
> > > a 9atom patch, but simply adding it to /sys/src/ape/lib/9/libc.h
> > > doesn't work, so give me a bit. it's a rats' nest of defines...
> > >
> > > the sloppy way to get this done would be to add
> > > -Dbind=_BIND to draw's mkfile.
> > >
> > > - erik
> > >
> >
> > Will the 9atom patch normally apply cleanly to vanilla Plan9? (I run
> > vanilla Plan9 under kvm/qemu) - alternatively, is there a way to
> > "switch repositories" and "update" to 9atom to get the improvements
> > from within an existing install?
> in this case /n/atom/patch/applied/lib9bindconst will apply cleanly to
> either. this should be the normal case.
> - erik

sorry if I have missed the obvious: how/where do I mount /n/atom ?

(btw: tried to install 9atom under qemu and failed (the plan9 bootloader
would not give the CD as boot option) - is this a known problem? )

erik quanstrom

Aug 27, 2013, 8:29:54 AM8/27/13
> (btw: tried to install 9atom under qemu and failed (the plan9 bootloader
> would not give the CD as boot option) - is this a known problem? )

iirc, install from cd is the only option now. just ignore the install
window and open a new one.

it's also a known problem that i have not spent enough time with
various virtualization technologies.

- erik

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