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HTML extensions recognized by WE

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May 28, 1995, 7:00:00 AM5/28/95
I have recently seen a few HTML pages that use tags and attibutes not
listed in the version 2.0 HTML spec that I have. For example, the WE Web
Map HTML page uses a <font> tag and an "internal" attribute of the <img>
tag, and I ran across an OS/2 page that used an <animate> tag to change
the WE animate icon (very cool).

Are these goodies HTML extensions that are not in the 2.0 spec but
genrally supported by browsers, or are they specific to the WebExplorer?
If there are new HTML tags that are in general use, does anyone know
where to find a working spec that includes them? If WE recognizes a super-
set of HTML tags, does anyone know where to find a complete list?

Scott Frederick

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