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VOICE! & Dodel Apologize to eCS-OS2.ORG!

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Jun 4, 2006, 10:01:27 PM6/4/06
VOICE! & Dodel Apologize to eCS-OS2.ORG!

I have received and read a very personal apology from Mark Dodel and
the officials at VOICE. Should I accepted it and move on or has Dodel
& company destroyed a once prosperous and vital OS/2 web site?

I lean toward the latter. I *WILL NOT* accept their phony apologies
and stand by my original statement that Mark Dodel and VOICE have
worked religiously to destroy eCS-OS2.ORG at every opportunity.

Therefore my decision to 'take it down' and 'change it's direction'
stands. eCS-OS2.ORG will become a lightning rod to the small handful
of OS/2 users left in pushing them into the reality they should have
accepted many moons ago - that eCS-OS2 is dead.

I encourage all who read this to look around you and realize that the
OS/2 community has changed. Those who pretend to use and support OS/2
do not do so - in fact they are using Linux, Microsoft and Macintoshes
and hiding behind them as they make fun of OS/2 users.

Yes, it's true that eCS-OS2 has no future, is going no where, and any
further money or time and effort tossed at it is useless. Those who
support eCS-OS2 are now considered the biggest jokes of the computer
world (people laugh at them continuously) and given no credibility.

I hope all OS/2 users will join our new "VOICES!" web site - a website
specifically established to ridcule and make fun of Mark Dodel and his
phony VOICE! website.

Thank you for the apology Mark Dodel but no thanks - you are still a

Jeramie Schmear
eCSOS2 Organization Inc.
"Supporting the future of the new "VOICES!.org" website and laughing in
the face of Mark Dodel's phony VOICE! website!

Peter Flass

Jun 5, 2006, 7:08:24 PM6/5/06
I get *REALLY* tired of certain individuals who insist on using a
public forum such as these newsgroups to persue private grievances. If
you have a problem with someone, contact them directly. I would doubt
that 99% of the people reading any of these groups give a d@mn *what*
you do or don't do, but probably most people care a great deal about
being on the receiving end of trash all the time. GO AWAY!!!!! (quietly)

Mark Dodel

Jun 5, 2006, 7:50:14 PM6/5/06
On Mon, 5 Jun 2006 23:08:24 UTC, Peter Flass <>

-> I get *REALLY* tired of certain individuals who insist on using a
-> public forum such as these newsgroups to persue private grievances. If
-> you have a problem with someone, contact them directly. I would doubt
-> that 99% of the people reading any of these groups give a d@mn *what*
-> you do or don't do, but probably most people care a great deal about
-> being on the receiving end of trash all the time. GO AWAY!!!!! (quietly)


This is just SPAM from loonie toon larry the psychotroll. Just ignore
all his crazy blathering. He just got out of an insane asylum and he
needs to let off some steam. Hopefully one of these days they will
turn the voltage all the way up on his ECT treatment and burn out the
last couple of brain cells larry has left.


From the eComStation of Mark Dodel
Warpstock 2006, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Oct 12-15, 2006 -

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