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Canonical OS/2 vs. Fanfic-derived OS/2

25 katselukertaa
Siirry ensimmäiseen lukemattomaan viestiin

Hector Q. Buttplug

25.8.2018 klo 23.00.0325.8.2018
Following on from the 2015 announcement of Arca Noae's Blue Lion project
(, this is a good time to answer
- for once and for all - one of the most pressing questions of our time:

Should we use canonical (i.e., IBM) versions of OS/2, or can we also
accept 'fanfic' versions, such as Blue Lion?

If we accept Blue Lion and similar as canonical, we run the very real
risk of irrepairably distorting the OS/2verse forever. What we were
handed from the heavens by IBM on four sacred floppy disks is absolute;
only subsequent versions - as passed to us by the deities of The
Corporation - can modify that initial bestowed blessing.

Blue Lion is simply blasphemy, and, by extension, heresy. It is
spitting in the face of The Corporation, promoting defilement of the
One True OS(/2). Blue Lion is fanfic: it takes its equivalents to
settings and characters from a work so composed of beauty and awe that
it actually induces gastric cramping on sight and defecates upon it

We all know that the first time that OS/2 is used on Pluto, it will be
the version of OS/2 that is the *true* version. The *righteous*
version. The version that is, was, and evermore shall be Operating
System Slash Two, exalted be its name.

Note that this does not imply interplanetary usage of OS/2: as we all
know, Pluto is not a planet and therefore use of OS/2 on Pluto cannot,
by definition, be considered interplanetary.

Yours in The One True OS(/2), The OS for Me and You,

- Hector Q. Buttplug.

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