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ANNOUNCE: DJGPP port of zlib 1.2.12 uploaded.

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Juan Manuel Guerrero ( [via]

May 16, 2022, 1:18:12 PM5/16/22
This is a port of zlib 1.2.12 to MSDOS/DJGPP.

zlib 1.2.12 is a free, general purpose data compression/decompression
library as used in gzip. All the code is thread safe.

DJGPP specific changes.

There are no DJGPP specific changes. Only the usual configuration
files have been added. They are located in the /djgpp directory.

The port has been configured and compiled on WinXP SP3 and Win98SE.
There is no guarantee that this may be possible with any other
DOS-like OS. Due to the use of long file names it will not be
possible to configure and compile without LFN support. The port has
been compiled using gcc346 and bnu2351b.

The port has been tested by using it. I have used them only on WinXP.
It has worked flawlessly. I do not konw if this will ever be the
case on FreeDOS. I have never used/tested them in that environment.

To be able to build this port you may need to have LFN support.

As usual, all djgpp specific files (diffs, README files, etc.) are
stored in the /djgpp directory. The sources have been configured to
be build in the 0build directory. If for some reason it does not
work for you, delete its contents and configure from scratch again.

For further information about zlib please read the docs and
NEWS file.

Here is an extract of the home page showing the user visible changes
from the last port (zlib 1.2.11) to this one:


Version 1.2.12 has these key improvements over 1.2.11:

Fix a deflate bug when using the Z_FIXED strategy that can result
in out-of-bound accesses. Fix a deflate bug when the window is full
in deflate_stored(). Speed up CRC-32 computations by a factor of
1.5 to 3. Use the hardware CRC-32 instruction on ARMv8 processors.
Speed up crc32_combine() with powers of x tables.
Add crc32_combine_gen() and crc32_combine_op() for fast combines.

Due to the bug fixes, any installations of 1.2.11 should be replaced
with 1.2.12.


The port consists of the usual two packages that have been produced
using djdev205 (CVS repository code) and can be downloaded from and mirrors as (time stamp 2022-04-18):

zlib 1.2.12 headers, libs and man format documentation:

zlib 1.2.12 source:

Send zlib specific bug reports to <>.
Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to
comp.os.msdos.djgpp or <>.


Guerrero, Juan Manuel <>

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