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Running GNU on DOS with DJGPP

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Ben Collver

Feb 18, 2024, 12:20:26 PMFeb 18
# Running GNU on DOS with DJGPP

Peeking under the covers to see how DJGPP manages to run GCC on DOS

by Julio Merino
Feb 14, 2024

The recent deep dive into the IDEs of the DOS times 30 years ago made
me reminisce of DJGPP, a distribution of the GNU development tools
for DOS.

[Cover image consisting on a tiny portion of the sources of DJGPP's
dosexec.c source file, with a big MS-DOS logo in the center
surrounded by the logos of GNU, GCC, Bash, and Emacs.]

I remember using DJGPP back in the 1990s before I had been exposed to
Linux and feeling that it was a strange beast. Compared to the
Microsoft C Compiler and Turbo C++, the tooling was bloated and alien
to DOS, and the resulting binaries were huge. But DJGPP provided a
complete development environment for free, which I got from a monthly
magazine, and I could even look at its source code if I wished. You
can't imagine what a big deal that was at the time.

But even if I could look under the cover, I never did. I never really
understood why was DJGPP so strange, slow, and huge, or why it even
existed. Until now. As I'm in the mood of looking back, I've spent
the last couple of months figuring out what the foundations of this
software were and how it actually worked. Part of this research has
resulted in the previous two posts on DOS memory management. And part
of this research is this article. Let's take a look!

Special thanks go to DJ Delorie himself for reviewing a draft of this
article. Make sure to visit his website for DJGPP and a lot more cool


# What is DJGPP?

Simply put, DJGPP is a port of the GNU development tools to DOS. You
would think that this was an easy feat to achieve given that other
compilers did exist for DOS. However... you should know that Richard
Stallman (RMS)--the creator of GNU and GCC--thought that GCC, a
32-bit compiler, was too big to run on a 16-bit operating system
restricted to 1 MB of memory. DJ Delorie took this as a challenge in
1989 and, with all the contortions that we shall see below, made GCC
and other tools like GDB and Emacs work on DOS.

To a DOS and Windows user, DJGPP was, and still is, an alien
development environment: the tools' behavior is strange compared to
other DOS compilers, and that's primarily due to their Unix heritage.
For example, as soon as you start using DJGPP, you realize that flags
are prefixed by a dash instead of a slash, paths use forward slashes
instead of backward slashes, and the files don't ship in a flat
directory structure like most other programs did. But hey, all the
tools worked and, best of all, they were free!

In fact, from reading about the historical goals of the project, I
gather that a secondary goal was for DJ to evangelize free software
to as many people as possible, meeting them where they already were:
PC users with a not-very-powerful machine that ran DOS. Mind you,
this plan worked on some of us as we ended up moving to Linux and the
free software movement later on.


In any case, being a free alien development environment doesn't
explain why it had to be huge and slow compared to other others. To
explain this, we need to look at the "32-bit compiler" part.

# DOS and hardware constraints

As we saw in a previous article, Intel PCs based on the 80386 have
two main modes of operation: real mode and protected mode. In real
mode, the processor behaves like a fast 16-bit 8086, limiting
programs to a 1 MB address space and with free reign to access memory
and hardware peripherals. In protected mode, programs are 32-bit,
have access to a 4 GB address space, and there are protection rules
in place to access memory and hardware.


DOS was a 16-bit operating system that ran in real mode. Applications
that ran on DOS leveraged DOS' services for things like disk access,
were limited to addressing 1 MB of memory, and had complete control
of the computer. Contrary to that, GCC was a 32-bit program that had
been designed to run on Unix (oops sorry, GNU is Not Unix) and
produce binaries for Unix, and Unix required virtual memory from the
ground up to support multiprocessing. (I know that's not totally
accurate but it's easier to think about it that way.)



Intel-native compilers for DOS, such as the Microsoft C compiler and
Turbo C++, targeted the 8086's weird segmented architecture and
generated code accordingly. Those compilers had to deal with short,
near, and far jumps--which is to say I have extra research to do and
write another article on ancient DOS memory models. GCC, on the other
hand, assumes the full address space is available to programs and
generates code making such assumptions.

GCC was not only a 32-bit program, though: it was also big. In order
to compile itself and other programs, GCC needed more physical memory
than PCs had back then. This means that, in order to port GCC to DOS,
GCC needed virtual memory. In turn, this means that GCC had to run in
protected mode. Yet... DOS is a real mode operating system, and
calling into DOS services to access files and the like requires the
processor to be in real mode.

To address this conundrum, DJ had to find a way to make GCC and the
programs it compiles integrate with DOS. After all, if you have a C
program that opens a file and you compile said program with GCC, you
want the program to open the file via the DOS file system for
interoperability reasons.

Here, witness this. The following silly program, headself.c, goes out
of its way to allocate a buffer above the 2 MB mark and then uses
said buffer to read itself into it, printing the very first line of
its source code:

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define BUFMINBASE 2 * 1024 * 1024
#define BUFSIZE 1 * 1024 * 1024

int main(void) {
// Allocate a buffer until its base address is past the 2MB boundary.
char* buf = NULL;
while (buf < (char*)(BUFMINBASE))
buf = (char*)malloc(BUFSIZE);
printf("Read buffer base is at %zd KB\n", ((intptr_t)buf) / 1024);

// Open this source file and print its first line. Really unsafe.
int fd = open("headself.c", O_RDONLY);
read(fd, buf, BUFSIZE);
char *ptr = buf; while (*ptr != '\n') ptr++; *(ptr + 1) = '\0';
printf("%s", buf);


Yes, yes, I know the above code is really unsafe and lacks error
handling throughout. But that's not important here. Watch out what
happens when we compile and run this program with DJGPP on DOS:

D:\>head -n1 headself.c
#include <fcntl.h>

D:\>gcc -o headself.exe headself.c

Read buffer is at 2673 KB
#include <fcntl.h>


Note two things. The first is that the program has to have run in
protected mode because it successfully allocated a buffer above the
1 MB mark and used it without extraneous API calls. The second is
that the program is invoking file operations, and those operations
interact with files managed by DOS.

And here is where the really cool stuff begins. On the one hand, we
have DOS as a real mode operating system. On the other hand, we have
programs that want to interoperate with DOS but they also want to
take advantage of protected mode to leverage the larger address space
and virtual memory. Unfortunately, protected mode cannot call DOS
services because those require real mode.

The accepted solution to this issue is the use of a DOS Extender as
we already saw in the previous article but such technology was in its
infancy. DJ actually went through three different iterations to fully
resolve this problem in DJGPP:


1. The first prototype used Phar Lap's DOS Extender but it didn't get
very far because it didn't support virtual memory.

2. Then, the first real version of DJGPP used DJ's own DOS Extender
called go32, a big hack that I'm not going to talk about here.

3. And then, the second major version of DJGPP--almost a full rewrite
of the first one--switched to using the DOS Protected Mode
Interface (DPMI).

At this point, DJGPP was able to run inside existing DPMI hosts such
as Windows or the many memory managers that already existed for DOS
and it didn't have to carry the hacks that previously existed in go32
(although the go32 code went on to live inside CWSDPMI). The
remainder of this article only talks about the latter of these

# Large buffers

One thing you may have noticed in the code of the headself.c example
above is that I'm using a buffer for the file read that's 1 MB-long.
That's not unintentional: for such a large buffer to even exist (no
matter our attempts to push it above 2 MBs), the buffer must be
allocated in extended memory. But if it is allocated in extended
memory, how can the file read operations that we send to DOS actually
address such memory? After all, even if we used unreal mode, the DOS
APIs wouldn't understand it.

The answer is the transfer buffer. The transfer buffer is a small and
static piece of memory that DJGPP-built programs allocate at startup
time below the 1 MB mark. With that in mind, and taking a file read
as an example, DJGPP's C library does something akin to the

1. The protected-mode read stub starts executing.

2. The stub issues a DPMI read call (which is to say, it executes the
DOS read file API but uses the DPMI trampoline) onto the transfer

3. The DPMI host switches to real mode and calls the DOS read file API.

4. The real-mode DOS read places the data in the transfer buffer.

5. The real-mode DPMI host switches back to protected mode and
returns control to the protected-mode stub.

6. The protected-mode read stub copies the data from the transfer
buffer into the user-supplied buffer.

This is all good and dandy but... take a close look at DOS's file
read API:

INT 21h
AH -> 3Fh
BX -> file handle
CX -> number of bytes to read
DS:DX -> buffer for data

CF -> clear if successful
AX -> number of bytes actually read (0 if at EOF before call)
CF -> set on error
AX -> error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h)

That's right: file read and write operations are restricted to 64 KB
at a time because the number of bytes to process is specified in the
16-bit CX register. Which means that, in order to perform large file
operations, we need to go through the dance above multiple times in a
loop. And that's why DJGPP is slow: if the DPMI host has to switch to
real mode and back for every system call, the overhead of each system
call is significant.

Now is a good time to take a short break and peek into DJGPP's read
implementation. It's succinct and clearly illustrates what I
described just above. And with that done, let's switch gears.


# Globs without a Unix shell

Leveraging protected mode and a large memory address space are just
two important but small parts of the DJGPP puzzle. The other
interesting pieces of DJGPP are those that make Unix programs run
semi-seamlessly on DOS, and there are many such pieces. I won't cover
them all here because Eli Zarateskii's presentation did an excellent
job at that. So want I to do instead is look at a subset of them
apart and show them in action.


To begin, let's try to answer this question: how do you interact with
a program originally designed for Unix on a DOS system? The Unix
shell is a big part of such interaction and COMMAND.COM is no Unix
shell. To summarize the linked article: the API to invoke an
executable on Unix takes a list of arguments while on DOS and Windows
it takes a flat string. Partially because of this, the Unix shell is
responsible for expanding globs and dealing with quotation
characters, while on DOS and Windows each program is responsible for
tokenizing the command line.


Leaving aside the fact that the DOS API is... ehem... bad, this
fundamental difference means that any Unix program ported to DOS has
a usability problem: you cannot use globs anymore when invoking it!
Something as simple and common as gcc -o program.exe *.c would just
not work. So then... how can we explain the following output from the
showargs.c program, a little piece of code that prints argv?

D:\>gcc -o showargs.exe showargs.c

D:\>.\showargs.exe *.c
argv[1] = headself.c
argv[2] = longcmd1.c
argv[3] = longcmd2.c
argv[4] = showargs.c
argv[5] = showpath.c


In the picture above, you can see how I ran the showargs.c program
with *.c as its own argument and somehow it worked as you would
expect. But if we build it with a standard DOS compiler we get
different results:

D:\>tcc showargs.c
Turbo C++ Version 3.00 Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International
Turbo Link Version 5.0 Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International

Available memory 4133648

D:>.\showargs.exe *.c
argv[1] = *.c


GCC is actually doing something to make glob expansion work--and it
has to, because remember that DJGPP was not just about porting GCC:
it was about porting many more GNU developer tools to DOS. Having had
to patch them one by one to work with DOS' COMMAND.COM semantics
would have been a sad state of affairs.

To understand what's happening here, know that all C programs
compiled by any compiler include a prelude: main is not the program's
true entry point. All compilers wrap main with some code of their own
to set up the process and the C library, and DJGPP is no different.
Such code is often known as the crt (or C Runtime) and it comes in
two phases: crt0, written in assembly for early bootstrapping, and
crt1, written in C.

As you can imagine, this is where the magic lives. DJGPP's crt1 is in
charge of processing the flat command line that it receives from DOS
and transforming it into the argv that POSIX C programs expect,
following common Unix semantics. In a way, this code performs the job
of a Unix shell.

Once again, take a break to inspect the crt0 sources and, in
particular, the contents of the c1args.c file. Pay attention to file
reads and the "proxy" thing, both of which bring us to the next

# Long command lines

Unix command lines aren't different just because of glob expansion.
They are also different because they are usually long, and they are
long in part because of glob expansion and in part because Unix has
supported long file names for much longer than DOS.

Unfortunately... DOS restricted command lines to a maximum of
126 characters--fewer characters than you can fit in a Tweet or an
SMS--and this posed a problem because the build process of most GNU
developer tools, if not all, required using long command lines. To
resolve these issues, DJGPP provides two features.

The first is support for response files. Response files are text
files that contain the full command line. These files are then passed
to a process with the @file.txt syntax, which then causes DJGPP's
crt1 code to load the response files and construct the long command
line in extended memory.

Let's take a look. If we reuse our previous showargs.c program that
prints the command line arguments, we can observe how the behavior
differs between building this program with a standard DOS compiler
and with DJGPP:

D:\>type args.txt

D:\>gcc -o showargs.exe showargs.c

D:\>.\showargs.exe @args.txt
argv[1] = first
argv[2] = second

D:\>tcc showargs.c
Turbo C++ Version 3.00 Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International
Turbo Link Version 5.0 Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International

Available memory 4133648

D:\>.\showargs.exe @args.txt
argv[1] = @args.txt


Response files are easy to implement and they are sufficient to
support long command lines: even if they require special handling on
the caller side to write the arguments to disk and then place the
response file as an argument, this could all be hidden inside the
exec family of system calls. Unfortunately, using response files is
slow because, in order to invoke a program, you need to write the
command line to a file--only to load it immediately afterwards. And
disk I/O used to be really slow.

For this reason, DJGPP provides a different mechanism to pass long
command lines around, and this is via the transfer buffer described
earlier. This mechanism involves putting the command line in the
transfer buffer and telling the executed command where its command
line lives. This mechanism obviously only works when executing a
DJGPP program from another DJGPP program, because no matter what,
process executions are still routed through DOS and thus are bound by
DOS' 126 character limit.

Let's try this too. For this experiment, we'll play with two
programs: one that prints the length of the received command line and
another one that produces a long command line and executes the former.

The first program is longcmd1.c and is depicted below. All this
program does is allocate a command line longer than DOS' maximum
length of 126 characters and, once it has built the command line,
invokes longcmd2.exe with said long command line:

#ifdef __GNUC__
#include <unistd.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char** longcmd;
int i;

// Generate a command line that exceeds DOS' limits.
longcmd = (char**)malloc(32);
longcmd[0] = argv[0];
for (i = 1; i < 31; i++) {
longcmd[i] = strdup("one-argument");
longcmd[i] = NULL;

// Execute the second stage of this demo to print the received
// command line.
if (execv(".\\longcmd2.exe", longcmd) == -1) {
perror("execv failed");

The second program is longcmd2.c and is depicted below. This program
prints the number of arguments it received and also computes the
length of the command line (assuming all arguments were separated by
just one space character):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int i;
int total;

total = 0;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
total += 1; // Assume 1 space between arguments.
total += strlen(argv[i]);
printf("argc after re-exec: %d\n", argc);
printf("textual length: %d\n", total);


Now let's see what happens when we compile these two programs with
Turbo C++ and with DJGPP. First, let's build both with Turbo C++ and
run the longcmd1.exe entry point:

D:\>tcc longcmd1.c
Turbo C++ Version 3.00 Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International
Warning longcmd1.c 29: Parameter 'argc' is never used in function main
Turbo Link Version 5.0 Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International

Available memory 4116968

D:\>tcc longcmd2.c
Turbo C++ Version 3.00 Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International
Turbo Link Version 5.0 Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International

Available memory 4124048

execv failed: Not enough memory.


Running longcmd1.exe fails because the command line is too long and
execv cannot process it. (I'm not exactly sure why execv returns
ENOMEM because the Turbo C++ documentation claims that this function
should return E2BIG on this condition, but alas.)

Now, let's build just longcmd1.c with DJGPP and run it:

D:\>gcc -o longcmd1.exe longcmd.c

D:\>tcc longcmd2.c
Turbo C++ Version 3.00 (c) 1992 Borland International
Turbo Link Version 5.0 (c) 1992 Borland International

Available memory 4124048

argc after re-exec: 13
textual length: 141


We get a bit further now! longcmd1.exe runs successfully and executes
longcmd2.exe... but longcmd2.exe claims that the command line is
shorter than we expect. This is because DJGPP's execv implementation
knew that it was running a standard DOS application not built by
DJGPP, so it had to place a truncated command line in the system call
issued to DOS. (As a detail also note that this shows 141 and not
126: the reason for this is that DOS does not place argv[0] on the
command line, but the C runtime has to synthesize this value.)

But now look at what happens when we also compile longcmd2.c with

D:\>gcc -o longcmd2.exe longcmd1.c

D:\>gcc -o longcmd2.exe longcmd2.c

argc after re-exec: 31
textual length: 377


Ta-da! When longcmd2.exe runs, it now sees the full command line.
This is because longcmd1.exe now knows that longcmd2.exe understands
the transfer buffer arrangement and can send the command line to it
this way.

You can read more about this in the spawn documentation from DJGPP's
libc and peek at the dosexec.c sources.



# Unix-style paths

Let's move on to one more Unix-y thing that DJGPP has to deal with,
which is paths and file names. You see, paths are paths in both DOS
and Unix: a sequence of directory names (like /usr/bin/) followed by
an optional file name (like /usr/bin/gcc). Unfortunately, DOS and
Unix paths differ in two aspects.

The first is that DOS paths separate directory components with a
backslash, not a forward slash. This is a historical artifact of the
early CP/M and DOS days, where command-line flags used the forward
slash (DIR /P) instead of Unix's dash (ls -l). When DOS gained
support for directories in its 2.0 release, it had to pick a
different character to separate directories, and it picked the
backslash. Dealing with this duality in DJGPP-built programs seems
easy: just make DJGPP's libc functions allow both and call it a day.
And for the most part, this works--and in fact even PowerShell does
this on Windows today.

The second is that DOS paths may include an optional drive name such
as C: and... the drive name has the colon character int. While Unix
uses the colon character to separate multiple components of the
search PATH, DOS could not do that: it had to pick a different
character, and it picked the semicolon. Take a look:


The problem here is that many Unix applications, particularly shell
scripts like configure--especially configure--read the value of the
PATH variable and split it at colon separators or append to it by
adding a colon. But if we do these textual manipulations on a
DOS-style PATH like the one shown above... we'll get the wrong
behavior because of the drive names--and Unix programs don't know
they have to split on the semicolon instead and we cannot be expected
to fix them all.

The way DJGPP deals with this is by faking the /dev/ device tree.
While DJGPP provides implementations of things like /dev/null, it
also exposes DOS drives via their corresponding /dev/[a-z]/ virtual
directory. So, if you wanted to run applications that parse or modify
the PATH, you could rewrite the above as this:


This would allow any application reading the PATH to continue to
work. But note that this value doesn't seem to leave the realm of the
current process, which is interesting:


bash-4.2$ echo $PATH
bash-4.2$ env | grep ^PATH=
bash-4.2$ PATH=/dev/c/djgpp/bin
bash-4.2$ echo $PATH
bash-4.2$ env | grep ^PATH=

The picture above shows how bash sees a DOS-style PATH after it
starts. Manually setting it to a Unix path keeps the Unix path in the
current process (as shown by the built-in echo calls), but when we
spawn a different one (env is a separate executable), the value is
reset. This makes sense because, if we are running a regular DOS
program from within a DJGPP one, we want to export a DOS-compatible
environment. Which means the Unix variants probably only stick within
shell scripts. You can also see how this works by peeking at
dosexec.c again.

But wait a minute... did I just show you bash?! On DOS? Oh yes, yes I

# Trying it out yourself

It's time to get our hands dirty, try this out, and reminisce the old
days! Or, actually, not so old. You should know that DJGPP is still
available in this day and age and that it is quite up to date with
GCC 12.3--released less than a year ago.

First off, start by installing DOSBox. You can use the standard
DOSBox version, but it's probably better to go the DOSBox-X route so
that you can get Long File Name (LFN) support by setting the ver=7.1
configuration option. Otherwise, beware that running Bash later on
will create .bash_history under C:\ but the file will be named .BAS
due to some odd truncation, and this will later confuse Bash on a
second start and assume that .BAS is actually .bash_login.



Now, pick a mirror for your downloads. You'll see various uses of FTP
in the list but don't be surprised if clicking on those doesn't work:
major browsers have unfortunately dropped their FTP client so you'll
have to "fall back" to an HTTP mirror.


From there, you can use the Zip Picker to help you choose what you
need or you can download the same files I did:

* v2apps/ The CWSDPMI free DPMI host.
* v2apps/ The RHIDE console IDE akin to Turbo C++.
* v2/ Base DJGPP tools.
* v2gnu/ GNU Binutils (tools like gas and objdump).
* v2gnu/ GNU Bash.
* v2gnu/ GNU Emacs.
* v2gnu/ GNU coreutils (tools like ls and cp).
* v2gnu/ GCC itself.
* v2gnu/ GDB because why not.
* v2gnu/ G++.
* v2gnu/ grep because I find it very handy.
* v2gnu/ GNU Make.
* v2gnu/ Various shell utilities (*)
* v2gnu/ GNU textutils (tools like cat and cut).

(*) (like basename and dirname) that you'll almost-certainly need to
run shell scripts.

Once you have those files, create the "root" directory for what will
be the C: drive in DOSBox. I keep this under ~/dos/ and it is much
easier to prepare this directory from outside of DOSBox. Within that
location, create a djgpp subdirectory and unpack all the zip files
you downloaded into it. If there are any file conflicts, just tell
unzip to overwrite them.

Once the unpacking finishes, go to your DOSBox configuration. If you
are on Windows, you should have a start menu entry called "DOSBox
0.74-3 Options" or similar which opens the configuration file in
Notepad. If you are on Linux or any other reasonable OS, you can find
the configuration file under ~/.dosbox/. In the configuration, you'll
want to set up the C: drive at the very bottom of the file where the
[autoexec] section is. Here is what I do:

MOUNT C C:\Users\jmmv\dos

Launch DOSBox and you are set. Enter full-screen by pressing
Alt+Enter for the full retro experience and then... launch

gcc.exe: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.

bash-4.2$ uname -a
MS-DOS #= Don't 5 00 i486 unknown
bash-4.2$ gcc
gcc.exe: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
bash-4.2$ pwd
bash-4.2$ ls djgpp
allegro copying djgpp.env include libexec share
bin faq info manifest tmp
contrib copying.lib gnu lib readme.1st
bash-4.2$ date
Sat Feb 10 11:09:51 GMT 2024
bash-4.2$ _

Pretty neat stuff, huh?

From: <>

DJ Delorie

Feb 18, 2024, 1:45:04 PMFeb 18


Thanks for reminiscing on something that so many of us put so much time
into so long ago!

(for those of you who don't know where this came from, see the rest of
his stories here:

(and yes, I knew about this and had a chance to review a rough draft for
technical and historic errors - and realized how much I've forgotten
over the past 30 years)

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