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Hey Rod Pemberton

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Aug 19, 2009, 7:16:30 PM8/19/09
This is Rick Hohensee. Yes Forreal Mode works. I have some code,
but it's in my own assembler in Bash. The thing is, you have to
interrupts in 8086 mode, i.e. you have 66/67h IRET.

Or something like that. Right now I'm running for President :o)

And hello to Randy Hyde if he's around.

Rick Hohensee
votescript cLIeNUX shasm H3rL H3sm libsys.a


Aug 19, 2009, 7:21:07 PM8/19/09
On Aug 19, 7:16 pm, presidentbyamendment <>

And it looks like


Rod Pemberton

Aug 20, 2009, 3:05:55 AM8/20/09
"presidentbyamendment" <> wrote in message

> On Aug 19, 7:16 pm, presidentbyamendment <>
> wrote:
> > This is Rick Hohensee.

Are you sure?

(I mean, from the subject line "Hey ..." I would've guessed "hutch--" out of
NSW AU... If hutch--, haven't they caught you yet? PDT timezone thru DC on

> > Yes Forreal Mode works.

I'm interested in the technicalities of "Forreal Mode," e.g., how and why,
just to improve my understanding of the x86 cpu. It seems possible that the
combination of bits could be settable. However, there is no documentation
that they can be and I suspect they can't be. It'd be much easier for
someone with an ancient 386 with the 386 LOADALL instruction to verify
proper operation of "Forreal Mode." Unfortunately, your descriptions in old
posts weren't as informative _to me_ as I'd have preferred. I haven't had
the time to work through, or rework, your code.

> > I have some code,
> > but it's in my own assembler in Bash. The thing is, you have to
> > handle
> > interrupts in 8086 mode, i.e. you have 66/67h IRET.
> >
> > Or something like that.

I don't have the interest or time to confirm. Honestly, I can't think of a
good use for this mode... I've mentioned "Forreal Mode" a few times in
various assembly newsgroups - to spur more interest. Sorry, it seems that
no one is interested in obscure modes, except maybe "unreal" mode when used
in a bootloader. Maybe you should mention it in a group oriented towards
technical details of the x86 cpu.

> > Right now I'm running for President :o)

Is he running away from you? (joking) ;-)

> > And hello to Randy Hyde if he's around.

He's not here, AFAIK. He does post every great once in a while to
alt.lang.asm and comp.lang.asm.x86 just to mention updates to his HLA.

> And it looks like
> works.


Rod Pemberton


Aug 20, 2009, 4:14:24 PM8/20/09

On Aug 19, 6:21 pm, presidentbyamendment <>

> On Aug 19, 7:16 pm, presidentbyamendment <>
> wrote:
> > Yes Forreal Mode works. I have some code,
> > but it's in my own assembler in Bash. The thing is, you have to
> > handle interrupts in 8086 mode, i.e. you have 66/67h IRET.

> > Rick Hohensee
> >
> > votescript   cLIeNUX  shasm   H3rL   H3sm    libsys.a
> And it looks like
> works.

Yes, and it has osimplay (newer name for shasm) included, apparently.
I saw this about two years ago and never tested it. Same with GForth,
got interested but never got very far in the tutorial.

Apparently, this is what he says (doc/actualmodes):

PE=0 Dbit=0 (un)Real Mode
PE=0 Dbit=1 Forreal Mode
PE=1 Dbit=0 Veal Mode (BKA "286 task")
PE=1 Dbit=1 Protected Mode

I'm only vaguely aware of FASM using "flat real" mode (else DPMI if
available). But Tomasz (etc.) on the
forum would be more knowledgable about this than me (although I
frequent there too). Comp.lang.asm.x86 is up and running again last I
checked, but I haven't kept up.


Aug 21, 2009, 11:46:28 AM8/21/09
On Aug 20, 4:14 pm, Rugxulo <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Aug 19, 6:21 pm, presidentbyamendment <>
> wrote:
> > On Aug 19, 7:16 pm, presidentbyamendment <>
> > wrote:
> > > Yes Forreal Mode works. I have some code,
> > > but it's in my own assembler in Bash. The thing is, you have to
> > > handle interrupts in 8086 mode, i.e. you have 66/67h IRET.
> > > Rick Hohensee
> > >
> > > votescript   cLIeNUX  shasm   H3rL   H3sm    libsys.a
> > And it looks like
> >
> > works.
> Yes, and it has osimplay (newer name for shasm) included, apparently.
> I saw this about two years ago and never tested it. Same with GForth,
> got interested but never got very far in the tutorial.
> Apparently, this is what he says (doc/actualmodes):
>         PE=0    Dbit=0          (un)Real Mode
>         PE=0    Dbit=1          Forreal Mode
>         PE=1    Dbit=0          Veal Mode  (BKA "286 task")
>         PE=1    Dbit=1          Protected Mode
> I'm only vaguely aware of FASM using "flat real" mode (else DPMI if
> available). But Tomasz (etc.) on the

> forum would be more knowledgable about this than me (although I
> frequent there too). Comp.lang.asm.x86 is up and running again last I
> checked, but I haven't kept up.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Where it might be useful is realtime. No big task switch latency. So
for example,
you could have a unix-like OS, with real protected mode for guest
users, but let
the "root" user operate in Forreal mode for video and whatnot. Syncing
audio to
other stuff might benefit quite noticeably, I suspect.

SO if you happen to be writing a whole OS for the x86....

The demo in Forreal.tgz is a bootable standalone. All I need is 10,000
genius coolies and 5 years...

Rick Hohensee

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