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Can't see Folder/Drive Properties in Windows Explorer!

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Ari Passopolos

Sep 13, 2004, 4:14:23 PM9/13/04
I have a new installation of Windows 2000 Pro. If I right click any
drive or folder in windows explorer, then click Properties, nothing
happens ... nothing at all. Properties ARE visible if I do the same
with these objects: My Documents, My Computer, My Network Places,
Recycle Bin and Internet Explorer.

This PC has SP4 and all the other current goodies from MS. I'm logged
on as an administrator.

Many thanks to anyone who can help ... Ari


Sep 16, 2004, 10:05:13 AM9/16/04
if you just upgraded the OS, sounds like you have FAT rather than NTFS
formatting. NTFS is required for folder security etc... dont know
about properties on the other things you mention as have never
actually used FAT. try creating a partition using NTFS and see if
that allows properties.... (backup first!) (Ari Passopolos) wrote in message news:<>...

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