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Pete & Jean

Dec 29, 2007, 7:03:24 AM12/29/07
Am not very technical when it comes to computers. Am running Win XP. When
emailing pictures to some friends from my documents/my pictures they can't
open. They are in lnk format. Is there something I can tell them to do to
open or will they have to live with no pictures? Any help would be
appreciated. If you can help would you please email to

Peter Boulding

Dec 29, 2007, 8:08:03 PM12/29/07

[posted and e-mailed]

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 07:03:24 -0500, "Pete & Jean" <> wrote
in <>:

>Am not very technical when it comes to computers.

Well, in one sense no, since you've sent your query to a newsgroup intended
only for those who create online help systems for Windows programs. But in
another perhaps yes; not many naive Windows users have the gumption to work
out how to post to usenet (newsgroups) at all. :)

>Am running Win XP. When
>emailing pictures to some friends from my documents/my pictures they can't
>open. They are in lnk format. Is there something I can tell them to do to
>open or will they have to live with no pictures?

Well, no, because you haven't sent the pictures - just pointers to them,
such as "C:\My Pictures\Granny3.jpg", which isn't very helpful since the
recipient doesn't have access to your hard drive.

>Any help would be
>appreciated. If you can help would you please email to

I assume you're using Outlook Express (the Microsoft e-mail program supplied
with Windows XP). Try sending the images as attachments in a new e-mail:
from the New Message window's Insert menu, choose 'File Attachment'. *Don't*
choose 'hyperlink', and don't try to send more than about a megabyte's worth
of images in one e-mail.

For more and better advice, try a suitable newsgroup such as

Peter Boulding (to e-mail, remove "UNSPAM")
Fractal music & images:

Peter Boulding

Dec 29, 2007, 8:09:36 PM12/29/07

[posted and e-mailed]

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 07:03:24 -0500, "Pete & Jean" <> wrote
in <>:

>Am not very technical when it comes to computers.

Well, in one sense no, since you've sent your query to a newsgroup intended

only for those who create online help systems for Windows programs. But in
another perhaps yes; not many naive Windows users have the gumption to work
out how to post to usenet (newsgroups) at all. :)

>Am running Win XP. When

>emailing pictures to some friends from my documents/my pictures they can't
>open. They are in lnk format. Is there something I can tell them to do to
>open or will they have to live with no pictures?

Well, no, because you haven't sent the pictures - just pointers to them,

such as "C:\My Pictures\Granny3.jpg", which isn't very helpful since the
recipient doesn't have access to your hard drive.

>Any help would be

>appreciated. If you can help would you please email to

I assume you're using Outlook Express (the Microsoft e-mail program supplied

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