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American E-commerce Increasingly Outside the Legal Positions

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Giuelith Diamond

Aug 14, 2010, 8:57:23 AM8/14/10

Author: Mr Roger K. Olsson

New retail agreements that will ensure safety, quality and a
reasonable price despite the dubious and distorted competition in the
American market.

The Office of Consumer Marketing and the legal relationship which
characterizes the competitive conditions in retail outlets in the U.S.
is so impoverished and in the arms of the industry to a law regime is
hardly possible in summarizing the concepts are defined. The issue
that was raised about market conditions for the duration of the
serious even for traditionally prestigious not only in the market
monopolistic consortium in its dubious evolving. This is a dangerous
development when the industry players set itself above the laws and
legal principles with strategic resources and also complicate any
possible judicial review of these cases of abuse. Irregularities at
the slightest indication would instead lead to an independent lawyer
being allowed to immediately follow up such a suspicion without
waiting for the edits and corrections submitted by companies in court,
perhaps several years after the event. It is too easy and that the
lawyer who ignore such anomalies where a suspicion exists, despite a
low rate for an individual case. It is one of the most dubious schemes
where these so-called small mistakes repeatedly, year in and year out
earn the big money on marketing without a proper resource there to
check abuses. It would therefore appear from the government quarters
to be additional resources to work up the proposal that there is a
right immediately upon suspicion, also could go into the business in
question and request documents for evidence of subsequent crimes.
There is today a very restricted area of an investigation, and
therefore no directive to reflect market consumer courts and law
practitioners an authority that some of the legal issues affecting
perhaps millions of consumers and antitrust cases. If, as liquidator
of a number of cases met by a judicial system which helps in silence
through the elimination of market-related problems through long-term
perspective for the investigation continued its run, then it must of
course be about a systemic problem that should be reviewed. I also
believe it to be easy to get a permit bargaining position in cases of
this kind. This may be given a compromise solution often less impact
which also generally affect the market negatively. When one party
refuses to negotiate a dispute which is of course also a resource for
the pressure to immediately incorporate the ethical and moral aspects
of the matter or the substance of the case available to demonstrate
that a specific doubtful method is not desirable in our society. Such
a sanction could be to encourage the DUN & Bradstreet and other
ratings undertake to act and to also look at the present time the
company rating is based on the perspective, which is not directly or
indirectly paid to present one side only of the company in question.
This has consequences and to consider something that is sensitive to
investigate and the exclusion is that it leads down a sharply dignity.
If the company in question is indexed then it tends to be one of the
first indications that an irregularity of the company is in the
offing. Usually at this stage is still in its management area to
assure investors about the incomprehension of context, to conceal the
truth. As a victim, you are already discredited. The retail company
with its management of a specific website such as fiddling with the
dealer called tracking, ie, the part of a dealer's commission which he
earned through a so-called passive income through the Internet. We
know that there are in many cases today, but how could exhibit such
shortcomings. In the absence of a transparent system that remedies the
problem with such errors installed banners that nothing generates the
carrying out the work. There is also no way to prove that this speech,
of say 30-40% of all Internet links that do not work as they should do
not generate income for the affiliate retailer in the point that
concerns the most of their marketing, to that website or link has
generated sales. It is this gray-zone were a major problem today as
Internet commerce ethics stuck with and no one seems able or wants to
promote such higher ethic. Precisely because it is not a large enough
ethical or moral problem seem outside industry which more or less
appears to be in some sort of a silent agreement to that even thus are
easy made money. Any webmaster who recognizes it as usually happens to
a unique URL in order to count commission having been allocated for a
webmaster that through their websites advertise the site or product,
but after a few months when all the search engine optimization and
marketing is in their best for the customer to easily find the
product, then the company has chosen to change the original link to
another domain which led to link up with a different look and for the
webmaster of the agreement, if he or she shall get something out of
the agreement, he or she must process to promoting this one more time.
The company that made this strategic maneuver did a brilliant
business. Since the company is signed up with half a million agents
worldwide and on the Internet so the company has 100% of the price
paid by the client, even the part that would otherwise have been
credited affiliate or dealer. For all that these retailer’s marketing
generates over several years, the company has more or less made use of
an opportunity. Companies with ethics would first ensure that a
tracking runs all the links that they have produced in such a way that
the dealer has continued his commission for the promotion. I have a
period followed a case in which two identical banners were placed on
two different sources on the Internet. To highlight the problem and do
so but also to see how workable a system is. One dilemma that I soon
to was that the banner have a shortened accessibility time. This will
not allow the client to access in the first click, when the client
want to buy something from that site it must go through the main
website Url and not that tracking to the affiliate. In my study the
difference in average 1780 visitors a month on the website. The
difference, I mean today may well be that one company has an ethics
for the business while the other does not, therefore, ethics. When a
product costs around $250,000 and for the reason customers find to the
website, you can imagine there is lose to the profit when that site is
strategically adjusted for cut out the SEO webmaster or affiliate
profit on say 5-20%. We chose a high priority for the ethical values,
high quality, customer and quality service for the contracts we
represent makes a simple and convenient commerce over the Internet
possible with the hope that one day it will be a fair game with equal
playing conditions to function optimally. As the expert body for
market justice in far too many indications have shown how systems with
limited conditions of an obsolete method of trying to keep it
functional for consumers. Abuse is also followed in the statistics.
One and another case has unfortunately come to light in the
irregularities and questionable actions that consumers do not promote
or even viability of a functioning market. Especially when he uses a
product over the Internet is the functional to be easily and
conveniently. On the American market everyone should be extra careful
today as a consumer, you should consider a transparency is clearly
stated on the site and to the wholesaler, the place of purchase and
supplier is equivalent to legislation, case law, but also customs and
trade practices. On the Internet is given a free rein on consumers,
while rogue traders operating in this lucrative market through dealers
and discourage buyers point legal possibilities for delay, to name one
example, is an area specifically vulnerable to fraud on their part
which is governed both the purchase schedule and the consumer
purchases the law, but is difficult for legal review and requirements
are often too difficult to comply. Due to limited review creates this
too dubious and questionable as is usually handled by the rogue
operators which sees his commission in the sole charge and then simply
refrain from distributing the product to the customer with a long
drawn out process that does not even secured the affected consumer
Lawyers for the nature of the charge over the price of the product.
The method considered is reserved for minor cases for trial. In cases
where greater weight is and intends to measure Internet marketing, a
consumer ombudsman to request prohibition of market court to determine
whether the adverse effect or limitations may exist. By being
attentive to the ethical trading because a company wants to so avoid
these costly and lengthy processes for something which at first was on
a very good purchase. These extremely complex challenges, not least
lawyers have to deal with is no coincidence that it also starts a
priority in the inquiry context, instead of the more light-hearted in
persuading consumers to investigation aggravating conditions. We have
a highly ethical basis of trade and whether actor we have as operator
responsibility against our market, clients, and consumer. As a
traditionally reputable supplier to procurement and government
contracts for retail operator we would, nevertheless, see that we
ventured into the industrial complex and problematic side, that we
belong to a secure Internet trading partner and supplier is not a
incident either. We stand today as the online Internet trading
operator considers expanding market-share, and in this particular
offer the most competitive products and services come to the most
favorable prices in the market and are meet up to the fair aim in

The Angeleño Ledger Observing Newspaper

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