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[Q] Converting DC drawn objects to a DIB

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Michael D. Riston

Sep 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/27/96


I have a question relating to using DIBs. I am currently writing
an Win32 VC4.1/MFC application that requires me to take selected
graphics objects and convert them to a DIB format so I can place
them on the clipboard.

One approach is to create a DIB DC using the DIB.DRV driver, and then
draw all my objects to the DIB DC. This works (with some bugs in
the driver), but is it the best way? I would like to not have
to use DIB.DRV, because I have to distribute it with my application
and it does have bugs. I would like to use a Win32 built in DIB

I have seen documentation on using CreateDIBSection() but I am
confused how I can select it in to a DC that I can draw to. If
I use CreateCompatibleDC using the screen DC then as I draw I
will use the screens device and not the DIB device. This doesn't
seem to be the right approach.

In Summary: My questions are:

1) Can I use CreateDIBSection() somehow? I need to
draw all my objects to some DIB aware DC. How
do I do this?

2) If 1) doesn't work, then is there another way.

3) If 1) and 2) don't work, then I guess I must use
DIB.DRV's driver. Whay is the lastest version
available and where might I find it.

Thanks. You can e-mail to me at or post.

Mike and Hilda Riston Email -
Web -

Mike Enright

Sep 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/30/96
to (Michael D. Riston) wrote:

>I have seen documentation on using CreateDIBSection() but I am
>confused how I can select it in to a DC that I can draw to. If
>I use CreateCompatibleDC using the screen DC then as I draw I
>will use the screens device and not the DIB device. This doesn't
>seem to be the right approach.

It is the right approach, though. If I'm not mistaken, the display
driver would be in charge of your compatible DC and it will use some
well-tested code to carry out your TextOut or Polygon operations. For
example, in Win95 the driver would probably be a mini driver that used
the dib engine.

Mike Enright
Cardiff-by-the-Sea, California, USA

dave smith

Oct 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/3/96

Michael D. Riston <> wrote in article

> Hello,
> I have a question relating to using DIBs. I am currently writing
> an Win32 VC4.1/MFC application that requires me to take selected
> graphics objects and convert them to a DIB format so I can place
> them on the clipboard.

I'm a little confused about the question but here's what I make of a
Draw whatever you want to some DC, even a memory DC which is cfreated
from a compatible bitmap (I can show how this is done some other time).

2) get the bitmap from the DC.

3) construct a DIB from that bitmap as follows:

CDib *CPictureView::BitmapToDIB(CDC* pDC, CRect section)

BITMAP bm; // bitmap structure

DWORD dwLen; // size of memory block

int paletteSize;

paletteSize = 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD) ; // later adjust for ncolor

// m_bitmap is the bitmap from CreateCompatibleBitmap

if (!GetObject(m_bitmap, sizeof(bm), (LPSTR)&bm))
return NULL;
CSize bsz;
BITMAP stBitmap;
m_bitmap.GetObject(sizeof(BITMAP), &stBitmap);

int sizeImage = 0;
int biBits = 8; // 8 bit color
#define WIDTHBYTES(bits) (((bits) + 31) / 32 * 4)

bsz = WIDTHBYTES((DWORD)stBitmap.bmWidth * biBits) * stBitmap.Height;

dwLen = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD) + bsz ;

int mBufferSize = dwLen + 1000L;
// create a slightly larger buffer for the bits
HGLOBAL hGlobal = ::GlobalAlloc (GMEM_FIXED, mBufferSize);
if (!hGlobal){

return (NULL);
// set the buffer to the dib bits:
unsigned char *MemoryBuffer =
(unsigned char *) ::GlobalLock (hGlobal);
m_bitmap.GetBitmapBits (mBufferSize, MemoryBuffer);

UINT pal[256][4];
GetSystemPalette(pDC, pal);

// now you have the bitmap in MemoryBuffer
// and the palette in pal
// its easy to construct a dib from this

::GlobalUnlock (hGlobal);

hGlobal = NULL;

return 1;

> 1) Can I use CreateDIBSection() somehow? I need to
> draw all my objects to some DIB aware DC. How
> do I do this?

I would use CreateDIBSection() for the opposite, to go from a dib to a

BYTE *ptrbits;

hbmp = CreateDIBSection (dc.m_hDC, pDoc->GetBitmapInfo (),
(void**) &ptrbits, NULL, 0);
// if successful, install DIB Section bitmap into the memory DC

SelectObject (m_memDC.m_hDC,m_hDibSection);

// copy all DIB bits directly into the DIB Section bitmap
memcpy (ptrbits, GetDibBitsAddr(), *;

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