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Win XP Pro and Win XP home networking

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Mar 18, 2005, 3:44:54 AM3/18/05

I am new to networking. I have 2 machines one is Win XP Prof (WXP)
other is Win XP home (WXH). The 2 machines are connected using cross
over cable.
I am trying to enable file sharing between the two machines.
Some problems that I have encountered is
1) Both machines can ping thenselves but cannot ping the other machine
it results in Request Time Out.
2) I have set up VNC viewer on both the machines and I am able to
connect to that from the other machine and that works fine.
I mean if VNC server is running on WXP, WXH can access it and

I have made the users etc same on both the machines also I have
disabled the firewall on both the machines. Both WXP WXH are service
pack 1 both are in same workgroup "HOME"
I have tried anything and everything I could find.

Plz help



Mar 18, 2005, 6:51:44 PM3/18/05

Wait - you can VNC successfully *between* the same two machines that don't
respond to pings?? About the only ways that can happen is if you're blocking
*some* ports on these machines (eg: blocking icmp traffic) but letting other
ports through. If it was strictly an ip address block, you surely couldn't be
able to connect a VNC *client* to a VMC *server* at the far end.

So are you 100% certain you don't have some old copy of Zone Alarm running on
these machines? And you really did disable the Windows Internet Connection

Finally, did you actually ever install File and Printer Sharing?
And actually create a Share?



Mar 21, 2005, 10:04:50 AM3/21/05
What are their IP address?
Try "auto-assign IP" for both of the machines.


Mar 21, 2005, 11:33:48 PM3/21/05
I have assigned static IPs to the machines.
The moment I do auto-assign for both the machines my Win XP home m/c
I have tried nmap from Win XP Home utility and it says all the ports on
the Win XP Prof are filtered. I have Norton firewall installed which I
have explicitly disabled on both the machines and also Windows firewall
is not enabled.
I have installed File and Printer Sharing on both machines and both
machines have shared folders.

Sleepless in Seattle

Mar 26, 2005, 7:11:09 AM3/26/05

Joe Morris

Mar 26, 2005, 10:43:15 AM3/26/05
<> wrote:

> I have tried nmap from Win XP Home utility and it says all the ports on
> the Win XP Prof are filtered. I have Norton firewall installed which I
> have explicitly disabled on both the machines and also Windows firewall
> is not enabled.

I'm joining this discussion late, so it may have been noted upthread,
but is your XP Home system already at SP2? If so, forget about using
NMAP to probe another system: it uses raw sockets to send the probe
packets, and XPSP2 does not permit applications -- regardless of the
user's permissions -- to write to the network through raw sockets.

Fyodor, the author of nmap, asked Microsoft for its reason for this
change and the inability of users to control it. Microsoft's response
was that "raw sockets are used only by people writing malware" (not the
exact quote but I don't have it at hand). The (sort of) funny part
about this is that Microsoft's own web site lists nmap as a useful
tool for network administrators.

With XPSP2 installed you can still read through a raw socket, and
sniffers still operate by setting the NIC to promiscuous mode. For
probes you should probably go to Linux or some other flavor of Un*x.

Joe Morris

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