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Usage data collection

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Huw Evans

Jan 10, 2003, 9:10:19 AM1/10/03
Hello, I am looking for software that will allow me to collect information
on how a Windows XP machine is being used by the user sitting in front of
it. I need to be able to collect information on the following:

Keystrokes: with full character information
Repeat keystrokes
Window switches: with process/application info

I would then like to be able to write this data to a file somewhere, either
on the same machine on which the data is collected, or to a remote disk.

Do you know of such a tool? Do you know of any companies that market a
piece of software that would let me do this? I don't want to have to
write any Windows code to do this myself. I want a tool to do it for me.

Huw Evans

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