Newsgroups: comp.databases.pick, comp.databases
If this group doesn't show up at your local site in a few days, you should
bring it to the attention of you local system administrator, who's the only
one who has any control over such things.
For reference, here's the control message text and the group's charter
(from the CFV):
comp.databases.pick is an unmoderated newsgroup which passed its vote for
creation by 198:17 as reported in news.announce.newgroups on 21 June 1993.
For your newsgroups file:
comp.databases.pick Pick-like, post-relational, database systems.
"comp.databases.pick" will be a newsgroup for the discussion of the
creation, administration, and use of the multitude of databases,
operating systems, and applications environments which are generally
known as "Pick-compatible", "Pick-like", "Pick-inspired", or "post-
relational". These include, at the least:
- The Pick Operating System (aka "Pick R83" and "Advanced Pick")
- Vmark's _Universe_ environment
- Unidata's _Unidata_
- Revelation Technologies' _Advanced Revelation_ and "Rev G" products
- Prime Computer's _Prime Information_ system
- The PI/Open environment (developed by Prime, now owned by Vmark)
This discussion will include, but not be limited to, programming theory
and practice, database design techniques, efficient construction of
application systems, practical system and database administration,
experiences with and differences between various Pick-type products
and implementations, technical questions and advice, and announcements
of upcoming conferences, trade shows, and new products relevant to the
Pick marketplace.
That's all. Post and enjoy. We've earned it.
David Ruggiero
comp.databases.pick instigator
Osiris Technical Services (
Seattle, WA
David Ruggiero ( Seattle WA: Our slugs can beat up your slugs