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Fixed printer.c

Skip to first unread message

Andy Tanenbaum

May 11, 1987, 7:59:40 AM5/11/87
This is the new "official" printer driver. It has several bugs fixed.
I would appreciate people trying it and reporting back on the results,
that is, which machine and printer it was tested on and what happened.
Andy Tanenbaum

------------------------------- cut here ---------------------------
/* This file contains the printer driver. It is a fairly simple driver,
* supporting only one printer. Characters that are written to the driver
* are written to the printer without any changes at all.
* The valid messages and their parameters are:
* TTY_O_DONE: output completed
* TTY_WRITE: a process wants to write on a terminal
* CANCEL: terminate a previous incomplete system call immediately
* -------------------------------------------------------
* | TTY_O_DONE |minor dev| | | |
* |-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------|
* | TTY_WRITE |minor dev| proc nr | count | buf ptr |
* |-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------|
* | CANCEL |minor dev| proc nr | | |
* -------------------------------------------------------
* Note: since only 1 printer is supported, minor dev is not used at present.

#include "../h/const.h"
#include "../h/type.h"
#include "../h/callnr.h"
#include "../h/com.h"
#include "../h/error.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "glo.h"
#include "proc.h"

#define NORMAL_STATUS 0x90 /* printer gives this status when idle */
#define BUSY_STATUS 0x10 /* printer gives this status when busy */
#define ASSERT_STROBE 0x1D /* strobe a character to the interface */
#define NEGATE_STROBE 0x1C /* enable interrupt on interface */
#define SELECT 0x0C /* select printer bit */
#define INIT_PRINTER 0x08 /* init printer bits */
#define NO_PAPER 0x20 /* status bit saying that paper is up */
#define OFF_LINE 0x10 /* status bit saying that printer not online*/
#define PR_ERROR 0x08 /* something is wrong with the printer */
#define PR_COLOR_BASE 0x378 /* printer port when color display used */
#define PR_MONO_BASE 0x3BC /* printer port when mono display used */
#define LOW_FOUR 0xF /* mask for low-order 4 bits */
#define CANCELED -999 /* indicates that command has been killed */
#define DELAY_COUNT 100 /* regulates delay between characters */
#define DELAY_LOOP 1000 /* delay when printer is busy */
#define MAX_REP 1000 /* controls max delay when busy */
#define STATUS_MASK 0xB0 /* mask to filter out status bits */

PRIVATE int port_base; /* I/O port for printer: 0x 378 or 0x3BC */
PRIVATE int caller; /* process to tell when printing done (FS) */
PRIVATE int proc_nr; /* user requesting the printing */
PRIVATE int orig_count; /* original byte count */
PRIVATE int es; /* (es, offset) point to next character to */
PRIVATE int offset; /* print, i.e., in the user's buffer */
PUBLIC int pcount; /* number of bytes left to print */
PUBLIC int pr_busy; /* TRUE when printing, else FALSE */
PUBLIC int cum_count; /* cumulative # characters printed */
PUBLIC int prev_ct; /* value of cum_count 100 msec ago */

* printer_task *
PUBLIC printer_task()
/* Main routine of the printer task. */

message print_mess; /* buffer for all incoming messages */

print_init(); /* initialize */

while (TRUE) {
receive(ANY, &print_mess);
switch(print_mess.m_type) {
case TTY_WRITE: do_write(&print_mess); break;
case CANCEL : do_cancel(&print_mess); break;
case TTY_O_DONE: do_done(&print_mess); break;
default: break;

* do_write *
PRIVATE do_write(m_ptr)
message *m_ptr; /* pointer to the newly arrived message */
/* The printer is used by sending TTY_WRITE messages to it. Process one. */

int i, j, r, value;
struct proc *rp;
phys_bytes phys;
extern phys_bytes umap();

r = OK; /* so far, no errors */

/* Reject command if printer is busy or count is not positive. */
if (pr_busy) r = EAGAIN;
if (m_ptr->COUNT <= 0) r = EINVAL;

/* Compute the physical address of the data buffer within user space. */
rp = proc_addr(m_ptr->PROC_NR);
phys = umap(rp, D, (vir_bytes) m_ptr->ADDRESS, m_ptr->COUNT);
if (phys == 0) r = E_BAD_ADDR;

if (r == OK) {
/* Save information needed later. */
lock(); /* no interrupts now please */
caller = m_ptr->m_source;
proc_nr = m_ptr->PROC_NR;
pcount = m_ptr->COUNT;
orig_count = m_ptr->COUNT;
es = (int) (phys >> CLICK_SHIFT);
offset = (int) (phys & LOW_FOUR);

/* Start the printer. */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_REP; i++) {
port_in(port_base + 1, &value);
pr_busy = TRUE;
pr_char(); /* print first character */
r = SUSPEND; /* tell FS to suspend user until done */
} else {
for (j = 0; j <DELAY_LOOP; j++) /* delay */ ;
r = EIO;

/* Reply to FS, no matter what happened. */
reply(TASK_REPLY, m_ptr->m_source, m_ptr->PROC_NR, r);

* do_done *
PRIVATE do_done(m_ptr)
message *m_ptr; /* pointer to the newly arrived message */
/* Printing is finished. Reply to caller (FS). */

int status;

status = (m_ptr->REP_STATUS == OK ? orig_count : EIO);
if (proc_nr != CANCELED) {
reply(REVIVE, caller, proc_nr, status);
if (status == EIO) pr_error(m_ptr->REP_STATUS);
pr_busy = FALSE;

* do_cancel *
PRIVATE do_cancel(m_ptr)
message *m_ptr; /* pointer to the newly arrived message */
/* Cancel a print request that has already started. Usually this means that
* the process doing the printing has been killed by a signal.

if (pr_busy == FALSE) return; /* this statement avoids race conditions */
pr_busy = FALSE; /* mark printer as idle */
pcount = 0; /* causes printing to stop at next interrupt*/
proc_nr = CANCELED; /* marks process as canceled */
reply(TASK_REPLY, m_ptr->m_source, m_ptr->PROC_NR, EINTR);

* reply *
PRIVATE reply(code, replyee, process, status)
int code; /* TASK_REPLY or REVIVE */
int replyee; /* destination for message (normally FS) */
int process; /* which user requested the printing */
int status; /* number of chars printed or error code */
/* Send a reply telling FS that printing has started or stopped. */

message pr_mess;

pr_mess.m_type = code; /* TASK_REPLY or REVIVE */
pr_mess.REP_STATUS = status; /* count or EIO */
pr_mess.REP_PROC_NR = process; /* which user does this pertain to */
send(replyee, &pr_mess); /* send the message */

* pr_error *
PRIVATE pr_error(status)
int status; /* printer status byte */
/* The printer is not ready. Display a message on the console telling why. */

if (status & NO_PAPER) printf("Printer is out of paper\n");
if ((status & OFF_LINE) == 0) printf("Printer is not on line\n");
if ((status & PR_ERROR) == 0) printf("Printer error\n");

* print_init *
PRIVATE print_init()
/* Color display uses 0x378 for printer; mono display uses 0x3BC. */

int i;
extern int color;

port_base = (color ? PR_COLOR_BASE : PR_MONO_BASE);
pr_busy = FALSE;
port_out(port_base + 2, INIT_PRINTER);
for (i = 0; i < DELAY_COUNT; i++) ; /* delay loop */
port_out(port_base + 2, SELECT);

* pr_char *
PUBLIC pr_char()
/* This is the interrupt handler. When a character has been printed, an
* interrupt occurs, and the assembly code routine trapped to calls pr_char().
* One annoying problem is that the 8259A controller sometimes generates
* spurious interrupts to vector 15, which is the printer vector. Ignore them.

int value, ch, i;
char c;
extern char get_byte();

if (pcount != orig_count) port_out(INT_CTL, ENABLE);
if (pr_busy == FALSE) return; /* spurious 8259A interrupt */

while (pcount > 0) {
port_in(port_base + 1, &value); /* get printer status */
/* Everything is all right. Output another character. */
c = get_byte(es, offset); /* fetch char from user buf */
ch = c & BYTE;
port_out(port_base, ch); /* output character */
port_out(port_base + 2, ASSERT_STROBE);
port_out(port_base + 2, NEGATE_STROBE);
cum_count++; /* count characters output */
for (i = 0; i < DELAY_COUNT; i++) ; /* delay loop */
} else if (value&STATUS_MASK == BUSY_STATUS) {
return; /* printer is busy; wait for interrupt*/
} else {
break; /* err: send message to printer task */

/* Count is 0 or an error occurred; send message to printer task. */
int_mess.m_type = TTY_O_DONE;
int_mess.REP_STATUS = (pcount == 0 ? OK : value);
interrupt(PRINTER, &int_mess);

Smagt v der PPP

May 12, 1987, 8:41:39 AM5/12/87

This is the new "official" printer driver. It has several bugs fixed.
I would appreciate people trying it and reporting back on the results,
that is, which machine and printer it was tested on and what happened.
Andy Tanenbaum

I removed the bugs concerning parentheses.
Patrick van der Smagt

print_init(); /* initialize */


pr_busy = TRUE;
pr_char(); /* print first character */
r = SUSPEND; /* tell FS to suspend user until done */
} else {

if ((value&STATUS_MASK) == BUSY_STATUS) {

for (j = 0; j <DELAY_LOOP; j++) /* delay */ ;
r = EIO;

/* Reply to FS, no matter what happened. */


int status;

message pr_mess;


/* Everything is all right. Output another character. */
c = get_byte(es, offset); /* fetch char from user buf */
ch = c & BYTE;
port_out(port_base, ch); /* output character */
port_out(port_base + 2, ASSERT_STROBE);
port_out(port_base + 2, NEGATE_STROBE);
cum_count++; /* count characters output */
for (i = 0; i < DELAY_COUNT; i++) ; /* delay loop */

} else if ((value&STATUS_MASK) == BUSY_STATUS) {

0 new messages