On 6/28/22 8:26 PM, Lew Pitcher wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 20:17:00 -0400, 25.BZ959 wrote:
> [snip
>> So far as I know, you can still get emulators for IBM 360/370 boxes
>> (from IBM)
> FSCK that. From IBM, you can get current, up-to-date /hardware/,
> /software/, and /operating systems/ in and for the 370 family of
> processors.
Yay !
>> so you can run that VERY old software. I doubt anybody is
>> literally running a 360 box, but there MAY be a few 370 series boxes
>> still out there.
> Not likely 360s, nor 370s. But definitely Z (aka Z system)
> (
> which is the backwards-compatable followon to the 360/370 processor line.
>> Old software/hardware sometimes DOESN'T just go away.
> When it works, it works. Zero down-time (or at least "5 9s" uptime) is a
> must for some endeavours (such as finance and defense).
As I mentioned somewhere, in the late 50s thru the 60s the
USA was rolling in cash and the national mindset was "The
Moon And BEYOND" - a very Can-Do attitude. Programmers and
systems people were an army of well-educated Dilberts in
their white shirts and black ties and cropped hair and pocket
protectors who attended twice-weekly "focus" meetings where
the Boss was The Boss and everybody could shut up and LISTEN,
the left-over quasi-military aire from WW2/Korea. The people
were top-rate, the software tools were good, but the hardware
was a bit anemic ... meaning they had to write it tight and
(ok ... that corporate culture eventually deteriorated into
what we see in 'Dilbert' every day :-)
TODAY ... 95% of the focus seems to be on the eye-candy. Who
CARES if the program can't calculate your deductables properly
so long as it LOOKS GOOD while it's screwing up ? Gigabytes
and gigahertz ... unlimited room for fuzzy crappy code,
probably writ in the fad language of the moment that'll be
replaced by a new fad in a year or two.
So ... no wonder so many stick to those olde-tyme COBOL and
But MAINTAINING that software - in some cases the hardware -
there WILL come a point ......
Anyway, glad IBM is still supporting that 60s stuff - VAST
libraries of well-vetted code. I was talking to a young
quasi-tekkie the other day and he was SURPRISED that so
many people still used FORTRAN. He'd HEARD of it, ASSUMED
it was dead dead dead. But VAST quantities of really difficult
math library functions were writ in the 60s for FORTRAN
and nobody has the cash or will to re-write them.
Guess I'm still an old-school hold-over ... I'll proto in
Python, but then translate it into standard 'C'. Can usually
shrink the original code by 50%/75% too once I've had a
second look at it. I'm still thinking PDP-11, PET, kinds
of limitations ... tight and right. Hell, my first 'PC'
was a VIC-20 (marvelous bit of hardware) with a whopping
3.5 KILOBYTES of RAM (though the BIOS routines were very
capable and that's how you could do a lot with little RAM).
Bought an assembler/monitor cartridge ... what a buzz :-)
STILL wish somebody had made a open-source version of VMS
though ...