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XanaNews Statistic for comp.os.linux.powerpc. 6/1/2020 5:43:48 AM

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The Doctor

Jun 1, 2020, 7:43:52 AM6/1/20
XanaNews Statistic for comp.os.linux.powerpc. 6/1/2020 5:43:48 AM

From article 5167 (11/24/2018 8:50:50 PM) to article 5234 (4/18/2020
10:24:00 AM)

Number of threads ................... 29
Number of articles .................. 69
Average articles per thread ......... 2.38
Number of unanswered posts .......... 15
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 0

Top Threads

Ranking Articles Subject
------- -------- ----------------------------------
1 19 Linux PowerPC on a very old PowerBook G4 1 Ghz with
512 MB of RAM?
2 5 ** Is PowerPc Imac able to boot up to a Linux cd?
3 4 Re: Power Mac G5 & Radeon X1900 - driver problem
4 3 Re: Non-destructive Partition tool for the Mac
5 3 Upgrade an old Debian system installed on an iBook G4
6 3 ARAnyM miniPack
7 3 linux - 3.2.0-4-powerpc64 [Debian GNU/Linux 7
(wheezy)] -- gcc only 32-bit pointers - how get 64-bit pointers?
8 2 error booting debian on openpower 710
9 2 firefox 24.7 on yellow dog linux
10 2 Re: Who is using Linux on a 15" Apple PowerBook G4 1
Ghz with 512 MB of RAM?
11 2 Cannot boot Debian Testing netinst on a PowerMac G5,
vertical blue stripes
12 2 Trouble with ATI Radeon driver
13 2 Troubles with mounting firewire drives
14 2 Debian PowerPC - trouble backgrounding a process

Top Posters

Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
1 11 Ant Mozilla
2 8 playforvoices NewsTap
3 7 ppc.addon G2
4 5 Stephen Harker Gnus
5 2 Kevin Zedrick G2
6 2 Malt Microsoft Windows Live Ma
7 2 commodorejohn G2
8 2 Francois LE COAT Mozilla
9 2 Anton Ertl xrn
10 1 Djamé Unison
11 1 G2
12 1 Nick Leverton trn
13 1 G2
14 1 Dennis KNode
15 1 Hugues Gnus
16 1 Gugus Gnus
17 1
18 1
19 1 Richard Kettlewell Gnus
20 1 Ennio-(Sr) slrn
21 1 G2
22 1 G2
23 1 Fang Liu G2
24 1 News Rover
25 1 patrick Mozilla
26 1 ErikRS Mozilla
27 1 Robert Carter G2
28 1 G2
29 1 Michal Krzysztof Feiler slrn
30 1 G2
31 1 G2
32 1 canton Unison
33 1 raven Mozilla
34 1 rvijay435
35 1 KnutLange Mozilla
36 1 kb8923 Mozilla

Top Newsreaders

Ranking Articles Newsreader Users
------- -------- -------------------------------------------- -----
1 20 G2 12
2 16 Mozilla 7
3 8 Gnus 4
4 4 NewsTap 1
5 3 <unknown> 3
6 3 Pan 1
7 2 Unison 2
8 2 KNode 2
9 2 xrn 1
10 2 tin 1
11 2 slrn 2
12 2 Microsoft Windows Live Mail 1
13 1 trn 1
14 1 News Rover 1

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