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xdesktop manager patch uploaded

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Alejandro Rivero

Mar 8, 1993, 3:13:58 PM3/8/93
[ Moderator's note: The information here is from several mails (the
number due mostly to my problems). Hope I got everything correct;
if not, attack me, not the kind uploader. --lasu ]

The patch for X desktop manager 2.5, the X Graphical Interface to file
managers, has been upload to Linux/util/X11/contrib/xdtm.patch.tar.Z
in (at least) Note that you need to get xdtm 2.5 from
your usual X ftp site, or from comp archives. The patch lets you
compile andtest xdtm, but you would play a little with the icons and
resources provided in xdtm until you get a good looking GUI.

-ALejandro Rivero
Theoretical Physics Dep,
Zaragoza Univ.

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