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Permanent Adolescence (OT)

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Aug 28, 2017, 7:07:32 PM8/28/17
Man, have I noticed this lately. And while the writer is obviously
pro-Trump, what he writes can also be applied to Trump and his followers.

Permanent Adolescence: The Epidemic That Will Destroy America

It's clear that America is suffering from an epidemic of arrested emotional

By Dr. Paul Kindlon

As a Humanities professor I have had the opportunity to teach psychology and
social psychology for more than 20 years. Occasionally the knowledge
obtained in these areas allows me analyze and understand social behavior and
certain cultural trends. This is one those occasions.

If one is able to observe American society in an objective manner (granted
no easy task) it becomes clear that the country is suffering from an
epidemic of arrested emotional development (AED). This particular illness is
characterized by some combination of: addiction, greed, immaturity, fear,
blame, shame, resentments, anger, confusion and suffering. What it means is
that the vast majority of Americans are stuck in adolescence exhibiting
behavior like lying, negative attitudes, disobedience and disrespect, drug
and alcohol abuse, depression, and issues of sexuality.

One has only to watch American movies or television shows to get a snapshot
of juvenile, puerile, and base comedy characteristic of adolescent humor.
It’s no accident that 42 year old Jimmy Fallon is essentially the “eternal
teenager” performing comedy that mostly includes bathroom humor and gags
that are based on and appeal to a silly sense of immaturity. The other
darling of late-night shows in America is Stephen Colbert who specializes in
insulting public figues in an overtly adolescent display of negative
attitude and disrespect.

Another hallmark of AED is to evade responsibility and blame others for
failure. One has only to observe the millions of Hillary supporters to
understand this phenomenon. Also common for AED sufferers is to show
disrespect in sophomoric ways usually by damaging property as we see with
monuments being defaced and destroyed.

Teenagers, of course, tend to have identity issues often involving sexuality
which is another phenomenon all too apparent in contemporary America. It’s
almost uncool not to be LGBT or confused about your gender nowadays. Soon
there will be as many genders as ice-cream flavors for it’s all just a
matter of taste!

In terms of cognitive activity AED is characterized by exaggeration and
over-simplification. If you are angry with one of your parents you might
refer to them as a Nazi or Fascist.

This negative attitude now is extended to anyone who disagrees with you and
can be seen in slogans such as “No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA”. Adults
are an endangered species. The cognitive effect of exaggeration and
over-simplification leads to irrationality and confusion. Witness the
millions of people who think they are being anti-racist by opposing “White
Supremacy”. No anthropologist on earth would claim that “White” is a race
(although a Neo-Nazi would) It’s not even a primary color. The Irish were
discriminated against for more than a hundred years in America due to
Anglo-Saxon racism yet the Irish are considered “white”. There are millions
of Americans of German, Polish, and Scandinavian extraction who have been
working-class and lower for a very long time. Are these “white people”
guilty of supremacy? Against whom? Themselves?

Of course, what the protestors should be focusing on is class and not race
which is really an arbitrary term. Unfortunately. the progressive movement
in America has gone from “Occupy Wall street” to “occupy the public
bathroom”. Lenin would be turning over in his grave - if he had one. With
regard to alcohol and drug addiction in America, the statistics are
startling. Opiod addiction alone is becoming a national health issue as is
depression. Alcohol abuse, of course, is also quite high. Lying is also
becoming commonplace. It used to be just politicians and lawyers who were
known to “play with the truth”. Nowadays the mainstream media is widely seen
as a mainstream of lies with CNN now wearing the title of FAKE NEWS.

The teenage attempt to rebel and show disobedience is often manifested
through the use of profanity intended to shock the older generation.
Gratuitous profanity is pervasive in American culture and has replaced the
imagination as a form of creativity. It is not an accident that Pussy Riot -
a group of “performance artists" using profanity in a Cathedral considered
sacred to “shock” the Russian public and “disobey” authorities - has found a
home in the United States and been befriended by Madonna, another symbol of
eternal adolescence. Her AED was on full display last year when she publicly
offered all men fellatio if they voted for Hillary Clinton. And as any
rebellious teenager attempting to shock the “older generation” she had to
announce that she “swallows”. Stay classy, Madonna. Keep in mind we’re
talking about a 59 year old mother of six.

You see…if everyone is a teenager there is no adult supervision. That is the
problem. After an autopsy is conducted years from now to ascertain how and
why the American Empire expired, the obituary will include multiple causes
of death and AED will be listed prominently. Perhaps a precocious teenager
will be allowed to write the epitaph that will read…”When extended, the
bridge between adolescence and adulthood can take a heavy toll”.

The more I see of Windows, the more I like Linux

Steve Carroll

Aug 28, 2017, 8:58:56 PM8/28/17
You installed and took it for a test drive and your "diagnostic abilities" lead you to that assumption, so what? Mark Bilk and Steve Carroll both lie endlessly and flagrantly and continue to do so. So no motivation in showing any further civility or restraint. You're like a bowling pin in a needle-stack. We all see you sitting there and tell you as much. And you're so stupid you keep repeating it. And why the added requirement to produce a screencast via direct input in a desktop system? Whatever, he didn't initially list this as part of his continually changing 'test' <whatever>. The majority of advocates in this group do scripting either as recreation or as a career, so I think it unlikely anybody here considers writing macros to be "voodoo". Generally, Steve Carroll would not call a comment like Mark Bilk's claims a fantasy right up until you invalidate it and he responds with the nothing but repetition without offering any evidence.

"You'll notice how quickly he loses interest when everything is about him. He clearly wants the attention"
Steve Carroll, making the dumbest comment ever uttered.

Steve Carroll

Aug 28, 2017, 9:00:14 PM8/28/17
On Monday, 28 August 2017 16:07:32 UTC-7, RonB wrote:
DFS will not be seen once the waters are overfished. That and there will always be a snit thrower or more in an open group. The flooding BS aside, we've all seen who usually pitches a fit when he doesn't get anyone on his side.

Do you have a high school diploma? Translation of ronb speak: ronb's awesome "technical support talents" made it so he could not find a plugin he insists does not exists that can be quickly Googled for this application.

Being an open format as it is, bulletin boards will never go away but it'll never be popular. Sadly there are too many "all choice is good" false "advocates" and not enough users with the skills to help the people with bricked PCs. And you do, of course realize that it isn't impossible for ronb to be doing this, or working with one of his old students who knows what they are doing.

"You'll notice how quickly he loses interest when everything is about him. He clearly wants the attention"
Steven Petruzzellis, making the dumbest comment ever uttered.

Steve Carroll

Aug 28, 2017, 9:00:52 PM8/28/17
On Monday, 28 August 2017 16:07:32 UTC-7, RonB wrote:
But Jesus Christ feels the need to belittle the herd. This is merely an interest of mine. How Jesus Christ decides when to use the stupid flood script for maximum impact

Top 15 Ways Jesus Christ Trolls!topic/comp.sys.mac.advocacy/RSikBcWxBLo
Jonas Eklundh Communication

Steve Carroll

Aug 28, 2017, 9:01:30 PM8/28/17
I'm getting a lot of killed files. I'm guessing the troll is in its brain damage mode again. My killfiles have him/her/it completely shut out.

It's a prolonged brawl, and The Holy Ghost is simultaneously an expert bullshiter of trolling remarks, while posting with socks with a myriad of tells. Time to blame the cult-like herd of convenient friends! Can UTF-8 characters be concatenated into a string with a logical connection to the "real" world; that is the question posed recently by those astonished at the non-stop flood of gibberish from trolls and neck beard freaks. Demanding The Holy Ghost to admit guilt, as fruitless as it is, is different than referencing his insincerity. My meaning was that people show up here to attack idiots. It is not as if we all do not know what this place is, Jeff Relf especially.

Live on Kickstarter
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB

Steve Carroll

Aug 28, 2017, 9:03:31 PM8/28/17
Hash: SHA512

Dude, you know Snit's an idiot, right?

I was watching this nature show earlier where all the frogs were leaving the area where the female did her thing save for this one lone male. The lone male is tasked with watching over the tadpoles and a number of them got isolated in a small puddle because the sun was quickly drying things up. With not much more than an hour to act, the male dug a trench between the drying puddle and the larger water area so that the tadpoles could escape their fate. In other words, all the frogs that left, the lone male and the tadpoles are *all* smarter than Snit ;)

Comment: GPGTools -


I Left My Husband & Daughter At Home And THIS happened!
Jonas Eklundh

Steve Carroll

Aug 28, 2017, 9:06:50 PM8/28/17
Now that nobody is replying to Mark Bilk, he's making it sound like he's broken Tar -- when in fact, people are just sick of his shit. Just hogwash from him. But he has completely left reason behind and is holding me at fault for the acts of himself. This forum is a leaking porta potty.

Mark Bilk says that he uses Android, while really he never works with it to get any real work done and fully experienced it.

You wishing for something does not make it true. Do you even believe the lies Mark Bilk is pushing? The advocates insist asking for a price comparison for an RMS-approved application is trolling.

A shadow of false justification, projected incorrectly, at the wrong time.

One Smart Penny
Jonas Eklundh

Jonas Eklundh

Aug 28, 2017, 9:12:52 PM8/28/17
On Monday, 28 August 2017 18:00:52 UTC-7, Steve Carroll wrote:
Now Takuya Saitoh on the other end of the crap doesn't matter. All that matters is Marek Novotny gets to deliver the punchline. So how to respond? Don't answer the phone. Logic isn't part of the equation and never can be. A shadow of justification, projected incorrectly, at the wrong time.

"You are never up to anything good" said Marek Novotny's girlfriend.

Just some names Steve Carroll has used
"Evil" John *
"Evil" Snit *
Big Crotch on a Small Fish
Cornelius Munshower
CSMA Moderator
Edward Stanfield
Fretwiz *
Hitman Hero
Petruzzellis Kids
Steve C *
Steve Camoll *
Steve Carroll <noone@xxxxxxxxxxx> *
Steve Carroll <stevecarroll@xxxxxxxxxxx> *
Steve Carroll <trollkiller@xxxxxx> *
Steve Carroll's Dog *
Steve Carrolll *
Steve Carrroll *
Yevette Owens

Not only did Takuya Saitoh's request fail to allude to the "Mint", it has zilch to do with the desktop. Marek Novotny should enter a drug rehab program. Marek Novotny has yet to show how Mint does anything above the basics on Linux.

Puppy Videos
Jonas Eklundh

Steven Petruzzellis

Aug 28, 2017, 9:48:18 PM8/28/17
Times change. Could be the idea of a usenet group is getting a little dated.

Thanks to Melzzz and his 'buddies' you now need a whitelist (which I set up for Newsbin Pro and tin). If Marek Novotny and others start trolling him again I will jump in... as I promised. I am referring to real posters here, not Melzzz's friends, who are just here to disrupt anyway.

Both Marek Novotny and Oppenheimer had their duds and their blunders. One presented it well and didn't do anything too appalling that could not be obfuscated with a larger scandal. For all the crowing Melzzz's done on this topic, the 'Professional Developer' doesn't get how to do this. It literally takes a couple seconds to highlight a sentence and 'PDF convert' it.

Too much glue for you, Gluey.

I could post to Melzzz directly but he's a blockhead who takes things out of context to implement his thirst to call everyone a troll.

Best CMS Solution of 2017
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB

Steven Petruzzellis

Aug 28, 2017, 9:55:24 PM8/28/17
Too many individuals continue talking to Marek Novotny. I can not criticize Flatfish for his fury but, truly, I can't get why he comes here other than to mess with Marek Novotny. Flatfish is pushing dialog as is common in a formal forum and unmoderated environments are not it.

Not only did Flatfish's request not allude to the "desktop", it has not a thing to do with the desktop. Marek Novotny should stop mixing red and blue pills. So he changed his story to "mentioning" him. Flatfish reported Marek Novotny years ago. As expected, it did naught to slow the dunce.

When I was not after acceptance of the herd, I wanted to be reasonable and impartial. I gave Marek Novotny more than a wise person could be expected to.

Get Rich Slow!
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB


Aug 29, 2017, 2:44:53 PM8/29/17
I don't see how this can apply to Trump supporters. The people who
start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.


Aug 29, 2017, 3:40:41 PM8/29/17
On 8/29/17, 11:44 AM, in article,
"Doomsdrzej" <.m@nsn.s> wrote:

>> You seeŠif everyone is a teenager there is no adult supervision. That is the
>> problem. After an autopsy is conducted years from now to ascertain how and
>> why the American Empire expired, the obituary will include multiple causes
>> of death and AED will be listed prominently. Perhaps a precocious teenager
>> will be allowed to write the epitaph that will readŠ²When extended, the
>> bridge between adolescence and adulthood can take a heavy toll².
> I don't see how this can apply to Trump supporters. The people who
> start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
> are ALWAYS antifa.


Oh, you have NONE.

> If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
> right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.

Their are videos showing the Neo-Nazi / White Supremacists starting much of
the violence, as well as documents showing they PLANNED for it to be


Lots of other evidence can be show, too.

With that said, those who are working against the Neo-Nazi / White
Supremacists and are supporting violence, such as the calls to "punch a
Nazi" are also incorrect and I do not defend them in any way. But, really,
you are backing and defending NAZIS. Does that not bother you in any way?

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They cannot
use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel somehow
superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.


Russian Election Hacker

Aug 29, 2017, 8:21:57 PM8/29/17
On 2017-08-28 23:03:08 +0000, RonB said:

> Man, have I noticed this lately. And while the writer is obviously
> pro-Trump, what he writes can also be applied to Trump and his followers.
> Permanent Adolescence: The Epidemic That Will Destroy America
> It's clear that America is suffering from an epidemic of arrested emotional
> development
> By Dr. Paul Kindlon
> As a Humanities professor I have had the opportunity to teach psychology and
> social psychology for more than 20 years. Occasionally the knowledge
> obtained in these areas allows me analyze and understand social behavior and
> certain cultural trends. This is one those occasions.
> <snip the scary truth>

> You see…if everyone is a teenager there is no adult supervision. That is the
> problem. After an autopsy is conducted years from now to ascertain how and
> why the American Empire expired, the obituary will include multiple causes
> of death and AED will be listed prominently. Perhaps a precocious teenager
> will be allowed to write the epitaph that will read…”When extended, the
> bridge between adolescence and adulthood can take a heavy toll”.

These sorts of things help explain why the world is such a mess.

**Declining Student Resilience: A Serious Problem for Colleges**

Students are increasingly seeking help for, and apparently having
emotional crises over, problems of everyday life. Recent examples
mentioned included a student who felt traumatized because her roommate
had called her a “bitch” and two students who had sought counseling
because they had seen a mouse in their off-campus apartment. The latter
two also called the police, who kindly arrived and set a mousetrap for

Seriously? "College students" call the police to set a mouse trap for
them. WTF?



Aug 30, 2017, 8:40:23 AM8/30/17
Doomsdrzej wrote:

>The people who
>start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
>are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
>right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.

They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.

It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in

People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
like what they are saying.

"THE EPITOME OF HYPOCRISY!" - some piece of shit that calls itself
"GreyCloud", attacking Free software advocates who wanted a place to
discuss things away from disruptive, insulting assholes (like

John Gohde

Aug 30, 2017, 9:18:12 AM8/30/17
So what is your point, Numb Nuts?


Aug 30, 2017, 11:51:32 AM8/30/17
On 8/30/17, 5:40 AM, in article,
"chrisv" <chr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> Doomsdrzej wrote:
>> The people who
>> start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
>> are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
>> right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.
> They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.
> It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
> only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in
> Charlottesville.
> People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
> protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
> like what they are saying.

Trump tried to make it seem like there as EQUAL blame on both sides... and
defended the Neo-Nazi / White Supremacists. He supports racists over and
over and over.

Steve Carroll

Aug 30, 2017, 1:20:28 PM8/30/17
Believe it or not, just recently he was declaring himself the only "true Linux advocate", and claiming that "advocates" (in mockery-quotes) are insisting desktop Linux is perfect as is. Your system will crawl while finding a way to stop F. Russell. And it takes a long time. You're clueless! F. Russell is the product of the truth that Russians have been employed to be in charge of teaching young persons. It's not a coincidence that he is a brainless Democrat. I am a complete fan of Windows, because that's where all the thrilling modernization is happening. That lame duck update system failed over and over again. Linux offers the least choice.

E-commerce Simplified
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB

Jonas Eklundh

Aug 30, 2017, 1:42:49 PM8/30/17
Right, Malcolm McLean is wanting to produce a Systemd variable, which "VM God" Marek can get in 5 seconds, that anyone can learn from a video. If he wasn't so stupid he would get how clueless he looks. I am a total fanboi of Systemd, because that's where all the thrilling UI updates are happening.

How is barely used random neuron firings tied to flatlining brain waves in any way going to lead to enlightened newsgroup posting? Things change. I think the idea of a usenet group is getting a little dated.

I believe we have two different perspectives completely.

What Every Entrepreneur Must Know!!topic/comp.os.linux.advocacy/smzXrBhsWf4
Jonas Eklundh Communication


Aug 30, 2017, 5:18:07 PM8/30/17
On Wed, 30 Aug 2017 07:40:19 -0500, chrisv <chr...@nospam.invalid>

>Doomsdrzej wrote:
>>The people who
>>start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
>>are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
>>right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.
>They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.
>It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
>only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in
>People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
>protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
>like what they are saying.

Absolutely. I have met very few people from the left who can actually
argue their point. Snit is one and though I disagree with him entirely
- especially since he uses incredibly biased "sources" like the
Southern Poverty Law Center - I have to give him credit for the fact
that he tries and doesn't just call everyone a racist initially (even
though he does do it EVENTUALLY).

I'm all for people protesting for an against something, but it would
be nice if they actually knew WHAT they were protesting and WHY.
Protesting Trump because "he's a racist" or because "he works with the
Russians" without _any_ evidence is just idiotic.


Aug 30, 2017, 6:36:38 PM8/30/17
On 8/30/17, 2:18 PM, in article,
"Doomsdrzej" <.m@nsn.s> wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Aug 2017 07:40:19 -0500, chrisv <chr...@nospam.invalid>
> wrote:
>> Doomsdrzej wrote:
>>> The people who
>>> start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
>>> are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
>>> right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.
>> They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.
>> It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
>> only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in
>> Charlottesville.
>> People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
>> protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
>> like what they are saying.
> Absolutely. I have met very few people from the left who can actually
> argue their point. Snit is one and though I disagree with him entirely
> - especially since he uses incredibly biased "sources" like the
> Southern Poverty Law Center - I have to give him credit for the fact
> that he tries and doesn't just call everyone a racist initially (even
> though he does do it EVENTUALLY).

I do not do it AT ALL unless or until someone starts spewing nonsense about
a race (saying people of such-and-such race do X)... which is by definition

And I use a variety of sources... and work to avoid ones which are known to
be heavily biased (like Alex Jones, Breitbart, and others you tout). I also
do research on sources... which is how I know that multiple studies show
PBS/NPR to be the most reliable main source in the US (though that does not
imply perfect) and Fox as being the least reliable.

> I'm all for people protesting for an against something, but it would
> be nice if they actually knew WHAT they were protesting and WHY.
> Protesting Trump because "he's a racist" or because "he works with the
> Russians" without _any_ evidence is just idiotic.

Well, noting his racist comments and actions and support for overt racism is
fine... but I do agree there are those who protest in ways I do not approve.
The "vagina hats" were absurd, the initiation of violence (even though FAR
less than coming from the right) is inexcusable.

Chris Ahlstrom

Aug 30, 2017, 8:34:37 PM8/30/17
chrisv wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> Doomsdrzej wrote:
>>The people who
>>start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
>>are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
>>right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.
> They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.
> It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
> only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in
> Charlottesville.
> People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
> protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
> like what they are saying.

Apparently some provocation was involved.

I think some of our heritage belongs in a museum, not on display in publics
as a way to celebrate "the way things are" (although the last few months
have pointedly emphasized "the way things are" :-( ).

> --
> "THE EPITOME OF HYPOCRISY!" - some piece of shit that calls itself
> "GreyCloud", attacking Free software advocates who wanted a place to
> discuss things away from disruptive, insulting assholes (like
> "GreyCloud").

Q: How many WASPs does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One.


Aug 30, 2017, 9:42:06 PM8/30/17
On Wed, 30 Aug 2017 20:23:27 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom
<> wrote:

>chrisv wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> Doomsdrzej wrote:
>>>The people who
>>>start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
>>>are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
>>>right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.
>> They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.
>> It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
>> only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in
>> Charlottesville.
>> People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
>> protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
>> like what they are saying.
>Apparently some provocation was involved.

Bull. Shit. Chris Ahlstrom. I have a video of Antifa attacking an old
man in a wheelchair. You'll blame the crippled old man, I'll bet, and
say that he deserved it.

>I think some of our heritage belongs in a museum, not on display in publics
>as a way to celebrate "the way things are" (although the last few months
>have pointedly emphasized "the way things are" :-( ).

Begone, Communist Antifa coward.


Aug 30, 2017, 9:50:57 PM8/30/17
On 8/30/17, 6:42 PM, in article,
"Doomsdrzej" <.m@nsn.s> wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Aug 2017 20:23:27 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom
> <> wrote:
>> chrisv wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>> Doomsdrzej wrote:
>>>> The people who
>>>> start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
>>>> are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
>>>> right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.
>>> They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.
>>> It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
>>> only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in
>>> Charlottesville.
>>> People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
>>> protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
>>> like what they are saying.
>> Apparently some provocation was involved.
> Bull. Shit. Chris Ahlstrom. I have a video of Antifa attacking an old
> man in a wheelchair. You'll blame the crippled old man, I'll bet, and
> say that he deserved it.

I cannot speak for others, but I know I would not. At least from what I see
in the video (<>)
it is inexcusable.

Sadly there are SOME people who consider themselves antifa who enage in acts
which are completely indefensible. But there are NO Neo-Nazi / White
Supremacists who are supporting a cause that is defensible (well, at least
supporting THOSE causes is not... they might also support other causes).

If you are a Neo-Nazi / White Supremacists you are not, by definition, a
"good person".

>> I think some of our heritage belongs in a museum, not on display in publics
>> as a way to celebrate "the way things are" (although the last few months
>> have pointedly emphasized "the way things are" :-( ).
> Begone, Communist Antifa coward.

Begone violence from EITHER side, but also begone symbols of racism such as
the confederate statues (well, not really begone... put them in museums and
the like).


Aug 31, 2017, 12:02:04 PM8/31/17
Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
> chrisv wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> Doomsdrzej wrote:
>>>The people who
>>>start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
>>>are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
>>>right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.
>> They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.
>> It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
>> only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in
>> Charlottesville.
>> People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
>> protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
>> like what they are saying.
> Apparently some provocation was involved.

The only provocation for violence that antifa needs is for someone to dare
to exercise their right of free speech.

> I think some of our heritage belongs in a museum, not on display in publics
> as a way to celebrate "the way things are" (although the last few months
> have pointedly emphasized "the way things are" :-( ).

Funny that most of these statues have been around since the twenties,
yet we are only now hearing that they are offensive. Where was the
outrage at these "racist" monuments during the Obama years? Or for
that matter even during the civil rights clashes in the Sixties?

What we have going on today is that a an entire generation without
purpose has been systematically brainwashed by gray-ponytail professors
reliving through classroom nostalgia lectures their own "glorious" college
days as filthy communist hippy protestors. Now the new snowflakes are
looking everywhere for any "cause" to call their own. And of course
the communists and anarchists are all to happy to stir up shit and herd
these morons to a riot.

Racial and other assorted social divisions that had been dying off for
decades are now being rejuvenated to an exponential degree precisely
because of this violence from the left. Take heed, Chris. If you don't
hate yourself sufficiently for being a straight white male, your fellow
liberals will be happy to fill that void. Watch your back, and be sure
to keep a current list of sjw offenses handy so you don't wind up being
the star of batting practice.

Steve Carroll

Aug 31, 2017, 12:23:55 PM8/31/17
I think Obama deserves some credit here, he didn't do what he promised
for black communities and it pissed them off. Some of his rhetoric seemed
to stir up minority/white animus, I don't know if that was intentional, or not.
IIRC, polling showed that well over a third of minorities polled even felt this


Aug 31, 2017, 12:34:03 PM8/31/17
On 8/31/17, 9:02 AM, in article cazb00...@rooftop.invalid, "owl"
<o...@rooftop.invalid> wrote:

> Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
>> chrisv wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>> Doomsdrzej wrote:
>>>> The people who
>>>> start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
>>>> are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
>>>> right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.
>>> They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.
>>> It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
>>> only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in
>>> Charlottesville.
>>> People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
>>> protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
>>> like what they are saying.
>> Apparently some provocation was involved.
> The only provocation for violence that antifa needs is for someone to dare
> to exercise their right of free speech.

First: you are grouping all people who are against Fascism into one group...
which is silly. Even to say all people who identify with the "antifa" term
is silly.

But, sure, there are SOME people who are pushing against Neo-Nazi / White
Supremacists with violence and I do not condone that... but to say they are
against mere free speech is wrong. They are against calls for violence and
harm against others (which, again, does not excuse the small number of
people who respond with violence).

>> I think some of our heritage belongs in a museum, not on display in publics
>> as a way to celebrate "the way things are" (although the last few months
>> have pointedly emphasized "the way things are" :-( ).
> Funny that most of these statues have been around since the twenties,
> yet we are only now hearing that they are offensive.

Why are you only hearing about it now? Heck, many were erected TO be
offensive and to be used to remind blacks of "their place".

urther-a-white-supremacist-future> OR <>:
The most recent comprehensive study of Confederate statues and
monuments across the country was published by the Southern Poverty
Law Center last year. A look at this chart shows huge spikes in
construction twice during the 20th century: in the early 1900s, and
then again in the 1950s and 60s. Both were times of extreme civil
rights tension.
"These statues were meant to create legitimate garb for white
supremacy," Grossman said. "Why would you put a statue of Robert E.
Lee or Stonewall Jackson in 1948 in Baltimore?"

But even if that was not the case, why does it matter WHEN symbols of
slavery were erected? There is NO case for keeping them (except in museums).

> Where was the outrage at these "racist" monuments during the Obama years? Or
> for that matter even during the civil rights clashes in the Sixties?

Many were put there BECAUSE of the civil rights clashes of the sixties...
and there WERE calls to have them removed during the Obama years. The
movement toward denouncing symbols of slavery did not pop up over night!

s> OR <>
In the wake of the Charleston church shooting in June 2015, several
municipalities in the United States removed monuments and memorials
dedicated to the Confederate States of America, which before the
Civil War had supported the continuation of slavery. The momentum
accelerated in August 2017 after the Unite the Right rally in
Charlottesville, Virginia, turned violent.

Do you seriously not know who was president in 2015?

> What we have going on today is that a an entire generation without purpose has
> been systematically brainwashed by gray-ponytail professors reliving through
> classroom nostalgia lectures their own "glorious" college days as filthy
> communist hippy protestors. Now the new snowflakes are looking everywhere for
> any "cause" to call their own. And of course the communists and anarchists
> are all to happy to stir up shit and herd these morons to a riot.

Ah, they want to remove monuments to slavery... how dare they take up this
as a cause. LOL! Is that really the best you have?

> Racial and other assorted social divisions that had been dying off for decades
> are now being rejuvenated to an exponential degree precisely because of this
> violence from the left.

By all means show that the majority of the violence is from the left. Keep
in mind that the evidence does not back that:

sing> OR <>
But those who track extremism say that while there are a few
far-left groups that raise red flags, their numbers remain small.

Meanwhile the majority of terrorism in the US are right wing groups:

p-steve-bannon-628381> OR <>
A joint project by the Investigative Fund at the Nation Institute, a
nonprofit media center, and Reveal from the Center for Investigative
Reporting has found that within the past nine years, right-wing
extremists plotted or carried out nearly twice as many terrorist
attacks as Islamist extremists. Of the 115 right-wing incidents,
police only foiled 35 percent. Compare this to the 63 Islamist
terrorism cases, where police foiled 76 percent of the planned

> Take heed, Chris. If you don't hate yourself sufficiently for being a
> straight white male, your fellow liberals will be happy to fill that void.

Why the hell would anyone push hating someone for their sex and skin color?
That is YOU speaking... not anyone else.

> Watch your back, and be sure to keep a current list of sjw offenses handy so
> you don't wind up being the star of batting practice.

Your real issue is you do not have the facts to back your views... and your
views are in direct contradiction to the facts. Heck, the modern movement to
remove symbols of slavery goes back to at least 2015... and you ask why it
was not happening when Obama was president. Do you even know when he was in


Aug 31, 2017, 3:43:48 PM8/31/17
It's the hypocrisy of the situation that bothers me. George Washington (and
many if not most of our country's founders) were slave owners. When are we
going to pull down their monuments? General Lee released his (inherited, not
bought) slaves in 1862. Generals Grant and Sherman (of the Union Army)
didn't release their (bought) slaves until almost 1866 – after the 13th
Amendment was passed.

Abraham Lincoln, the "great emancipator," was a racist.

Lincoln was, indeed, a white supremacist. In his 1858 debate with Sen.
Steven Douglas, Lincoln maintained, “And inasmuch as they cannot so live,
while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and
inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior
position assigned to the white race.”

And ...

Lincoln was no supporter of racial equality. In fact, while debating Douglas
in 1858, Lincoln declared the following: “I will say then that I am not, nor
ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and
political equality of the white and black races.”

And ...

While the previous quotes prove that, politically, Lincoln was not firmly
insistent on freeing the slaves of the South, his following quote reveals
that he personally did not want to: “I have no purpose, directly or
indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where
it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no
inclination to do so.”

And ...

Lincoln was not necessarily against the expansion of slavery. But, he only
had one primary request: whites and Black could not mix in the new land.
When addressing the Dred Scott Decision of 1857, Lincoln quoted the
following: “There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white
people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black
races … A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of
amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best
thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If white
and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in

And ...

Lincoln believed that Black people living in close proximity to white people
would ruin the image of the pure white family that he found ideal. He felt
the birth of mixed race children would cause family life to “collapse.” He
said, “Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as
blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the
national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed
bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.”

So when are we (hypocrites) going to tear down the Lincoln Memorial in
Washington D.C. (a city named after a slave owner)?

Self-righteous hypocrisy is such a "wonderful" thing, isn't it?

Confederate war memorials were built by U.S. tax dollars (starting in the
1920s), by law to commemorate the ultimate sacrifices made by Southern
Americans. Confederate soldiers were given the status of United States
veterans, by law, in the 1950s. The object of these moves was to heal the
rift between North and South. Now the idiot morons, bought and paid for by
Soros & Co. are trying to AGAIN stoke a race war in this country. And the
idiot liberals gulp it up like mindless lemmings.


Aug 31, 2017, 4:09:48 PM8/31/17
On 8/31/17, 12:39 PM, in article oo9ol8$k2d$, "RonB"
<> wrote:


>> Funny that most of these statues have been around since the twenties,
>> yet we are only now hearing that they are offensive. Where was the
>> outrage at these "racist" monuments during the Obama years? Or for
>> that matter even during the civil rights clashes in the Sixties?
>> What we have going on today is that a an entire generation without
>> purpose has been systematically brainwashed by gray-ponytail professors
>> reliving through classroom nostalgia lectures their own "glorious" college
>> days as filthy communist hippy protestors. Now the new snowflakes are
>> looking everywhere for any "cause" to call their own. And of course
>> the communists and anarchists are all to happy to stir up shit and herd
>> these morons to a riot.
>> Racial and other assorted social divisions that had been dying off for
>> decades are now being rejuvenated to an exponential degree precisely
>> because of this violence from the left. Take heed, Chris. If you don't
>> hate yourself sufficiently for being a straight white male, your fellow
>> liberals will be happy to fill that void. Watch your back, and be sure
>> to keep a current list of sjw offenses handy so you don't wind up being
>> the star of batting practice.
> It's the hypocrisy of the situation that bothers me. George Washington (and
> many if not most of our country's founders) were slave owners.


They were not fighting a war for the "right" to own slaves. They were
traitors to the UK, but NOT to the US. The fact they owned slaves is, of
course, a black mark on the history of the US, but for you to try to equate
it to people seeking to take down symbols of slavery is absurd... it is a
false equivalency.

> When are we going to pull down their monuments?

Keep in mind this question is based on your false equivalency.

> General Lee released his (inherited, not bought) slaves in 1862. Generals
> Grant and Sherman (of the Union Army) didn't release their (bought) slaves
> until almost 1866 ­ after the 13th Amendment was passed.

Again, how do you think this is relevant to the fact they were traitors to
the US who fought for the "right" to keep slaves?

And keep in mind neither Lee nor at least most of his known surviving
relatives wanted there to be monuments to him.

Maybe you just have no clue what is even being discussed?

You are defending the idea that we should keep symbols of slavery around...
you do not understand why we should not commemorate the "right" to own

And that is insane.

> Abraham Lincoln, the "great emancipator," was a racist.

Ah, so the fact he was a racist means it is fine to keep symbols of slavery
up, many specifically put up as forms of intimidation against blacks?

Really, how do you get from point A to point B on that? How do you think
they are even connected?

> ~~ Lincoln was, indeed, a white supremacist. In his 1858 debate with Sen.
> Steven Douglas, Lincoln maintained, łAnd inasmuch as they cannot so live,
> while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and
> inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior
> position assigned to the white race.˛
> ~~
> And ...
> ~~
> Lincoln was no supporter of racial equality. In fact, while debating Douglas
> in 1858, Lincoln declared the following: łI will say then that I am not, nor
> ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and
> political equality of the white and black races.˛
> ~~
> And ...
> While the previous quotes prove that, politically, Lincoln was not firmly
> insistent on freeing the slaves of the South, his following quote reveals
> that he personally did not want to: łI have no purpose, directly or
> indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where
> it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no
> inclination to do so.˛
> ~~
> And ...
> ~~
> Lincoln was not necessarily against the expansion of slavery. But, he only
> had one primary request: whites and Black could not mix in the new land.
> When addressing the Dred Scott Decision of 1857, Lincoln quoted the
> following: łThere is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white
> people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black
> races Š A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of
> amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best
> thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If white
> and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in
> KansasŠ˛
> ~~
> And ...
> ~~
> Lincoln believed that Black people living in close proximity to white people
> would ruin the image of the pure white family that he found ideal. He felt
> the birth of mixed race children would cause family life to łcollapse.˛ He
> said, łOur republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as
> blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the
> national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed
> bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.˛
> ~~

Again, sure, this is a very bad part of US history... but how do you see it
as relevant in any way?

> So when are we (hypocrites) going to tear down the Lincoln Memorial in
> Washington D.C. (a city named after a slave owner)?

Again: the only reason this would make any sense is if we accept your false

> Self-righteous hypocrisy is such a "wonderful" thing, isn't it?

I do not think so... but you are presenting yours here with apparent glee.

> Confederate war memorials were built by U.S. tax dollars (starting in the
> 1920s), by law to commemorate the ultimate sacrifices made by Southern
> Americans.

By traitors to the US who were fighting for the "right" to keep slaves.

And YOU defend that.

> Confederate soldiers were given the status of United States veterans, by law,
> in the 1950s.

Gee, what a coincidence... as blacks were gaining more equal rights, those
who fought for the "right" to keep them as slaves were given heightened
status. THAT is a HUGE blemish on America... and far more recent than the
ones you point out about Lincoln.

> The object of these moves was to heal the rift between North and South.

Lee himself did not want such monuments precisely so we could heal. But how
does putting up monuments celebrating those who fought for the "right" to
own other human being going to "heal the rift"? It does not even make sense.
They were put there as a form of intimidation... your own timeline supports

> Now the idiot morons, bought and paid for by Soros & Co. are trying to AGAIN
> stoke a race war in this country. And the idiot liberals gulp it up like
> mindless lemmings.

Gee, trying to take DOWN memorials celebrating those who fought for the
"right" to have slaves is, to you, somehow "stok[ing] a race war". And the
only ones who would want to denounce such memorials are paid by Soros? WHAT?
Seriously, how can I sign up? I do not like him but if he is really paying
people to openly and actively denounce slavery and the bigots who still want
to keep the symbols of it around, then SIGN ME UP! I will happily accept his

But to you, supporting those symbols of slavery is SO important that you
would NOT accept even being paid to denounce them... which is an impossible
position to defend.

Thanks for backing yourself into a corner so badly, I guess.

Chris Ahlstrom

Aug 31, 2017, 6:18:28 PM8/31/17
RonB wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
Simple. It's coming to a head.

>> What we have going on today is that a an entire generation without
>> purpose has been systematically brainwashed by gray-ponytail professors
>> reliving through classroom nostalgia lectures their own "glorious" college
>> days as filthy communist hippy protestors. Now the new snowflakes are
>> looking everywhere for any "cause" to call their own. And of course
>> the communists and anarchists are all to happy to stir up shit and herd
>> these morons to a riot.

I agree that a lot of people are making hay about it. It's a political

>> Racial and other assorted social divisions that had been dying off for
>> decades are now being rejuvenated to an exponential degree precisely
>> because of this violence from the left.

And from the "right".

>> Take heed, Chris. If you don't
>> hate yourself sufficiently for being a straight white male, your fellow
>> liberals will be happy to fill that void. Watch your back, and be sure
>> to keep a current list of sjw offenses handy so you don't wind up being
>> the star of batting practice.

Nah. I generally avoid conflict. Most of us do.

Hell, at work, you'll find very little talk about Trump and his enormities
(which some people at work actually applaud).

> It's the hypocrisy of the situation that bothers me. George Washington (and
> many if not most of our country's founders) were slave owners. When are we
> going to pull down their monuments? General Lee released his (inherited, not
> bought) slaves in 1862. Generals Grant and Sherman (of the Union Army)
> didn't release their (bought) slaves until almost 1866 – after the 13th
> Amendment was passed.
> Abraham Lincoln, the "great emancipator," was a racist.

You should read Edgar Rice Burroughs' adventure story, "Tarzan and the
Foreign Legion". Whew! Almost as bad as the Dick Tracy sub-cartoon,
"Joe Jitsu".

You may worry about your hair-do today, but tomorrow much peanut butter will
be sold.


Aug 31, 2017, 6:33:17 PM8/31/17
On 8/31/17, 3:07 PM, in article ooa1nb$2is$, "Chris Ahlstrom"
<> wrote:

>>>> I think some of our heritage belongs in a museum, not on display in publics
>>>> as a way to celebrate "the way things are" (although the last few months
>>>> have pointedly emphasized "the way things are" :-( ).
>>> Funny that most of these statues have been around since the twenties,
>>> yet we are only now hearing that they are offensive. Where was the
>>> outrage at these "racist" monuments during the Obama years? Or for
>>> that matter even during the civil rights clashes in the Sixties?
> Simple. It's coming to a head.

Even more simple: his view that this was not an issue during the Obama
presidency is false... but, of course, now that we have a president who
shows support for the Neo-Nazi / White Supremacists it has become a bigger

Of course.

It would be like if we had a president who tried to stop Christians from
celebrating their holidays... you would see a LOT of pushback (with good
reason). We see a president pushing against equal rights and there is a
reaction... as their SHOULD be.

>>> What we have going on today is that a an entire generation without
>>> purpose has been systematically brainwashed by gray-ponytail professors
>>> reliving through classroom nostalgia lectures their own "glorious" college
>>> days as filthy communist hippy protestors. Now the new snowflakes are
>>> looking everywhere for any "cause" to call their own. And of course
>>> the communists and anarchists are all to happy to stir up shit and herd
>>> these morons to a riot.
> I agree that a lot of people are making hay about it. It's a political
> football.

It is certainly not the most important issue around, but removing symbols of
slavery and oppression of blacks seems like a no-brainer to me.

>>> Racial and other assorted social divisions that had been dying off for
>>> decades are now being rejuvenated to an exponential degree precisely
>>> because of this violence from the left.
> And from the "right".

More from the "right" than the "left". By far.

>>> Take heed, Chris. If you don't hate yourself sufficiently for being a
>>> straight white male, your fellow liberals will be happy to fill that void.
>>> Watch your back, and be sure to keep a current list of sjw offenses handy so
>>> you don't wind up being the star of batting practice.
> Nah. I generally avoid conflict. Most of us do.
> Hell, at work, you'll find very little talk about Trump and his enormities
> (which some people at work actually applaud).

The nonsense about hating people because they are white is RonB's fantasy...
not that there are no people with other skin colors who do this, but as a
trend or whatever he is making it up.

>> It's the hypocrisy of the situation that bothers me. George Washington (and
>> many if not most of our country's founders) were slave owners. When are we
>> going to pull down their monuments? General Lee released his (inherited, not
>> bought) slaves in 1862. Generals Grant and Sherman (of the Union Army)
>> didn't release their (bought) slaves until almost 1866 ­ after the 13th
>> Amendment was passed.
>> Abraham Lincoln, the "great emancipator," was a racist.
> You should read Edgar Rice Burroughs' adventure story, "Tarzan and the
> Foreign Legion". Whew! Almost as bad as the Dick Tracy sub-cartoon,
> "Joe Jitsu".

RonB does not even understand why his argument is nothing more than a false
equivalency. He knows nothing about what the issue is.


Aug 31, 2017, 8:32:37 PM8/31/17
"Coming to a head" is usually preceded by a period of increasing
tensions, not the decades decreasing tensions that we have seen.
This is a manufactured crisis.

>>> What we have going on today is that a an entire generation without
>>> purpose has been systematically brainwashed by gray-ponytail professors
>>> reliving through classroom nostalgia lectures their own "glorious" college
>>> days as filthy communist hippy protestors. Now the new snowflakes are
>>> looking everywhere for any "cause" to call their own. And of course
>>> the communists and anarchists are all to happy to stir up shit and herd
>>> these morons to a riot.
> I agree that a lot of people are making hay about it. It's a political
> football.
>>> Racial and other assorted social divisions that had been dying off for
>>> decades are now being rejuvenated to an exponential degree precisely
>>> because of this violence from the left.
> And from the "right".

False equivalence. The incidence of violence instigated by those on
the left dwarfs that from the right.

>>> Take heed, Chris. If you don't
>>> hate yourself sufficiently for being a straight white male, your fellow
>>> liberals will be happy to fill that void. Watch your back, and be sure
>>> to keep a current list of sjw offenses handy so you don't wind up being
>>> the star of batting practice.
> Nah. I generally avoid conflict. Most of us do.

That won't help you. You already have the three unforgiveable traits.
Check your privilege. The Democrat Party establishment hates you. Oh,
they will gladly take your money and your vote, but don't think for a
minute that they don't despise you.


Aug 31, 2017, 8:50:40 PM8/31/17
On 8/31/17, 5:32 PM, in article szb038...@rooftop.invalid, "owl"
<o...@rooftop.invalid> wrote:

>> I agree that a lot of people are making hay about it. It's a political
>> football.
>>>> Racial and other assorted social divisions that had been dying off for
>>>> decades are now being rejuvenated to an exponential degree precisely
>>>> because of this violence from the left.
>> And from the "right".
> False equivalence. The incidence of violence instigated by those on
> the left dwarfs that from the right.

By all means show that the majority of the violence is from the left. Keep
in mind that the evidence does not back that:

sing> OR <>
But those who track extremism say that while there are a few
far-left groups that raise red flags, their numbers remain small.

Meanwhile the majority of terrorism in the US are right wing groups:

p-steve-bannon-628381> OR <>
A joint project by the Investigative Fund at the Nation Institute, a
nonprofit media center, and Reveal from the Center for Investigative
Reporting has found that within the past nine years, right-wing
extremists plotted or carried out nearly twice as many terrorist
attacks as Islamist extremists. Of the 115 right-wing incidents,
police only foiled 35 percent. Compare this to the 63 Islamist
terrorism cases, where police foiled 76 percent of the planned

>>>> Take heed, Chris. If you don't
>>>> hate yourself sufficiently for being a straight white male, your fellow
>>>> liberals will be happy to fill that void. Watch your back, and be sure
>>>> to keep a current list of sjw offenses handy so you don't wind up being
>>>> the star of batting practice.
>> Nah. I generally avoid conflict. Most of us do.
> That won't help you. You already have the three unforgiveable traits.
> Check your privilege. The Democrat Party establishment hates you.

I will not say I hate him, but I am no fan of his ignorance and, at the very
least, support for bigotry.

> Oh, they will gladly take your money and your vote, but don't think for a
> minute that they don't despise you.


Sep 1, 2017, 8:07:07 AM9/1/17
RonB wrote:

>Abraham Lincoln, the "great emancipator," was a racist.

It was probably difficult to not be a "racist", back then. It's just
the way people were brought-up.

I recall an episode of the TV show Little House on the Prairie, which
was set in the late 1800's, which featured a black doctor. Keep in
mind that this show, and the Charles Ingles father character, were
about as liberal as it gets. The doctor guy was treated with much
dignity and respect. But, when asked by his daughter, even Charles
Ingles confessed that he would not allow his family to be treated by a
black man.

For someone back then to be that enlightened is simply unrealistic.

'So complete freedom is doesn't actually matter - as long as you think
there are "enough freedoms." I'm sure that the former Soviet Union
gave their citizens "enough freedoms" as well.' - trolling fsckwit
"Ezekiel", attacking the GPL and its supporters


Sep 1, 2017, 8:20:26 AM9/1/17
owl wrote:

>"Coming to a head" is usually preceded by a period of increasing
>tensions, not the decades decreasing tensions that we have seen.

It's social media. Communication is much faster and more democratic,
now. Any idiot can make a video and show it to the world.

>This is a manufactured crisis.

There's truth in that. A couple weekends ago in Chicago, 11 were
killed and 45 wounded. In _one_ weekend. It was barely worthy of
mention in the news. But if one black guy killed by a non-black, OMG,
it's national news for the next fscking year!

"you ignorantly thought Linux was *perfect* as so many cola nutcases
do" - DumFSck, lying shamelessly


Sep 1, 2017, 11:43:19 AM9/1/17
On 9/1/17, 5:20 AM, in article,
"chrisv" <chr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> owl wrote:
>> "Coming to a head" is usually preceded by a period of increasing
>> tensions, not the decades decreasing tensions that we have seen.
> It's social media. Communication is much faster and more democratic,
> now. Any idiot can make a video and show it to the world.
>> This is a manufactured crisis.
> There's truth in that. A couple weekends ago in Chicago, 11 were
> killed and 45 wounded. In _one_ weekend. It was barely worthy of
> mention in the news. But if one black guy killed by a non-black, OMG,
> it's national news for the next fscking year!

And the media focuses on blacks committing violence a LOT more than it does
whites committing violence. It focuses on the religion of Muslims but not on
the religion of Christians.

A lot of bias in the media.


Sep 1, 2017, 12:00:47 PM9/1/17
On 2017-09-01, chrisv <chr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
> RonB wrote:
>>Abraham Lincoln, the "great emancipator," was a racist.
> It was probably difficult to not be a "racist", back then. It's just
> the way people were brought-up.
> I recall an episode of the TV show Little House on the Prairie, which
> was set in the late 1800's, which featured a black doctor. Keep in
> mind that this show, and the Charles Ingles father character, were
> about as liberal as it gets. The doctor guy was treated with much
> dignity and respect. But, when asked by his daughter, even Charles
> Ingles confessed that he would not allow his family to be treated by a
> black man.

Yep, I remember that episode.

> For someone back then to be that enlightened is simply unrealistic.

I know this. Which is why I find it so hypocritical to attack the
Confederacy and its soldiers as "racists" (and make demands they tear down
their war memorials, which honor their dead) while simultaneously totally
ignoring the racism and legal slavery in the North at the time. I want some
consistency here. Self-righteous hypocrisy gets on my nerves.


Sep 1, 2017, 12:54:55 PM9/1/17
On 9/1/17, 8:56 AM, in article oobvv0$a2o$, "RonB"
Who do you think ignores or denies racism from others as they work to remove
symbols of slavery and oppression? Remember, the goal is not to remove
statues of people who were bigoted or even those who had slaves (that is
your straw man), the goal is to remove statues of traitors who fought for
the "right" to own slaves (and in many cases these statues were erected as
forms of intimidation).

You keep using straw men to denounce the efforts to remove such symbols --
and thus you actively work to support symbols of slavery. That is repulsive.

Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 1, 2017, 7:49:55 PM9/1/17
RonB wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

Randy Newman "Rednecks"

Beware of Bigfoot!

Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 1, 2017, 7:52:37 PM9/1/17
chrisv wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> owl wrote:
>>"Coming to a head" is usually preceded by a period of increasing
>>tensions, not the decades decreasing tensions that we have seen.
> It's social media. Communication is much faster and more democratic,
> now. Any idiot can make a video and show it to the world.
>>This is a manufactured crisis.
> There's truth in that. A couple weekends ago in Chicago, 11 were
> killed and 45 wounded. In _one_ weekend. It was barely worthy of
> mention in the news. But if one black guy killed by a non-black, OMG,
> it's national news for the next fscking year!

To me, a bunch of white assholes marching chanting anti-Jewish slogans
and carrying torches reminiscent of KKK "round-em-up" marches looks
like a suppuration of pus.

You will wish you hadn't.

Steve Carroll

Sep 1, 2017, 8:45:55 PM9/1/17
Sandman trolls Steve Carroll-Petruzzellis. Here is a list of names Jonas Eklundh has admitted he attributes to Steve Carroll-Petruzzellis "Cactus Pete", "Donald", "Donald Miller", "Horace McSwain", "Hymen", "meat","Mike Weaver", "Modena IV Drid", "Omar Murad Asfour", "Rhino Plastee", "Soapy", "SopwithCamel", "Sunny Day", "Takuya Saitoh", "The Letter Q", "tmelmosfire", "zevon". And the herd is stupid enough to believe him.

Learning Linux... forever a neophyte. Spending time maybe getting informed is never wasted time. Asserting you know more than everyone else and making an effort to convince people that it's true? *That* is a waste. The guy is as popular as a drunken karaoke singer -- and with good cause. Mac's update system failed over and over again.

This Trick Gets Women Hot For You
Jonas Eklundh Communication

Steve Carroll

Sep 1, 2017, 8:47:12 PM9/1/17
I have a custom setup I use as well, but it's something you would not understand. Turns out F. Russell's constant mentioning of Rick C. Hodgin met his own definition of trolling, so he pretended he never said that.

Just absurd trolling. And I am giving attention to that trolling. THAT is what the "F. Russell circus" is. Rick C. Hodgin's computer has more cores than F. Russell's. Rick C. Hodgin wins. F. Russell loses. Any heinously butthurt insomniac could easily do the same. What is your evidence? If the content is a bunch of rambling F. Russell-like crap. We know what that means.

Live on Kickstarter
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB

Steve Carroll

Sep 1, 2017, 8:53:01 PM9/1/17
I have been tracking him to see the depths of The Flying Spaghetti Monster's turpitude. How is GIMP on Linux doing anything above the lowest common denominator?

Given how regularly it is clear that The Flying Spaghetti Monster's signature is some distortion of an observation Jesus Christ shared which had been a thrashing on The Flying Spaghetti Monster for something he did which was insane/wrong/etc... its truly a repeated expression of The Flying Spaghetti Monster's continuing butthurt for having been so repeatedly pwned: The Flying Spaghetti Monster is demonstrably incapable of facing his own actions. That's what The Flying Spaghetti Monster does when he gets mad. He creates a nym, starts a cross posted thread so he can claim here made a mistake. Don't blame me it was my left hand... and then The Flying Spaghetti Monster talks to himself with his right hand. They imply looking for a recommendation for an RMS-approved application is attacking.

Do not click this link!!
Jonas Eklundh Communication

Steve Carroll

Sep 1, 2017, 9:31:59 PM9/1/17
Rick C. Hodgin asked to be rated according to provable trolling measurements, which Malcolm McLean indulged. This forum is a leaking porta potty. Rick C. Hodgin doesn't have any concept of what he is blubbering about.

Lots of denizens keep talking to Rick C. Hodgin. I don't chide Malcolm McLean for his ire but, frankly, I do not figure out why he writes here other than to mess with Rick C. Hodgin. Malcolm McLean is far more interested in discussions as experienced in a BBS forum and open groups just will just lead to frustration. Are you being stupid on purpose? Where did you learn to program? I have worked in the technology industry for more than 45 years. I've worked for multibillion dollar companies making deals with the pharmaceutical industry and the finance sector. Never, with even a hint, were we under a contractual obligation to not install any OS we wanted. We sold AIXL, DUnix, Blackberry, etc. as well as Windows.

Get Rich Slow!!
Jonas Eklundh Communication

Steve Carroll

Sep 1, 2017, 10:34:15 PM9/1/17
Richard Stallman is a false advocate's biggest fear. My view is that we should ALL report the flooding and then it will stop.

My uptime is almost thirty weeks and I am ready to go see a doctor!

What chrisv does is certainly better.

Frankly I do not really give a shit. Not only did chrisv's question fail to mention the "distro", it has not a thing to do with open source. Melzzzzz should get back on his medicine ;) Usenet is a world-wide concordat based on the belief in good character.

I Left My Husband & Daughter At Home And THIS happened!!topic/comp.os.linux.advocacy/tzMH39QmAmU
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB

Steve Carroll

Sep 1, 2017, 11:05:48 PM9/1/17
I bet he thinks his wife's life was rough.

Malcolm 'Super Troll' McLean lies that he uses System76, while really he never timed it to get any real work done and faithfully used it.

I suspect Malcolm 'Super Troll' McLean does not even know what is wrong with Clinton. So many advocates are talking about the System76 "desktop" as if they think it truly would even make sense.

Protected code is makes it harder to work on a project.

No no. He never agreed to stop trolling. He lied about his trolling of course.

Malcolm 'Super Troll' McLean must realize everyone knows he is just being a moron! Malcolm 'Super Troll' McLean's actions are totally in all respects duplicitous. There can be no doubt that as soon as any past 'person in his KF' does one thing to confuse the little crybaby's feelings that they will be put right back in the kill filter.

What Every Entrepreneur Must Know!!!topic/comp.os.linux.development.apps/G2-ZXYAEyIM
Jonas Eklundh Communication

Steve Carroll

Sep 1, 2017, 11:36:29 PM9/1/17
On Friday, September 1, 2017 at 6:31:59 PM UTC-7, Steve Carroll wrote:
Do you have a CCNA certification?

At one point, Zeus said an online denizen was "obsessing" over him, which was identified as replying to his posts. A shadow of justification, projected quickly, at the wrong time.

And in response you have nothing but a crack to start a circus.

His goal is to see me frightened off by the spraying of the groups outside. And hey, that could kill this group. Sadly this is what results when seriously poor self-respect takes over Zeus's psyche. You're clueless!

Eight things to never feed your cat
Jonas Eklundh Communication

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 12:07:39 AM9/2/17
He's plainly lying, he got caught and he's doing the usual ego protecting rubbish learned in Intro to Trolling classes as he knocks himself out to keep what F. Russell already has... but it blew up in his face.

F. Russell's computer has more hard drives than Steve Petruzzellis's. F. Russell wins. Steve Petruzzellis loses. Simple as that. Proof Steve Petruzzellis accuses everyone of being Snit

Best CMS Solution of 2017!
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 12:23:05 AM9/2/17
This is merely an amusement of John Gohde's.

You can't go into a shindig, guzzle all the rotgut, pound all the chicks, steal the valuables and hurl in the kitchen without being treated with contempt. Do you believe the crap Desk Rabbit is pushing?

Don't look now, but I think Desk Rabbit has a serious fascination with John Gohde. It was Desk Rabbit who was publicly asking how better to improve his flooding. After yesterday's update I no longer have to issue 'xdotool windowfocus 0x1a00ad2' every time I login ;) If you have 'b.doc' open in a word processor such as emacs and Desk Rabbit wants to change its name to 'windows.doc' via a hot key, that might be OK. How is bash on Linux doing anything above the lowest common denominator?

Puppy Videos
Jonas Eklundh Communication

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 12:54:20 AM9/2/17
Dropping support for Mac Classic is needed for progress.

It was VPN Egomaniac Marek Novotny who flooded Steve Petruzzellis's site millions of times and refused to admit it. I think the point is far from just to get them to listen to him. The point is likely to piss me off for spraying outside groups he knows I frequent.

Do not click this link!
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB

Jonas Eklundh

Sep 2, 2017, 1:33:57 AM9/2/17
On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 17:34:37 UTC-7, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> chrisv wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
> > Doomsdrzej wrote:
> >
> >>The people who
> >>start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
> >>are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
> >>right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.
> >
> > They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.
> >
> > It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
> > only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in
> > Charlottesville.
> >
> > People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
> > protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
> > like what they are saying.
> Apparently some provocation was involved.
> I think some of our heritage belongs in a museum, not on display in publics
> as a way to celebrate "the way things are" (although the last few months
> have pointedly emphasized "the way things are" :-( ).
> > --
> > "THE EPITOME OF HYPOCRISY!" - some piece of shit that calls itself
> > "GreyCloud", attacking Free software advocates who wanted a place to
> > discuss things away from disruptive, insulting assholes (like
> > "GreyCloud").
> --
> Q: How many WASPs does it take to change a light bulb?
> A: One.

I've worked in the computer repair field for nearly 50 years. I've served large OEMs selling to government agencies and the health industry. Never, not at any time, were we under a contractual obligation not to offer any _anything_. We sold Linux, DUnix, System V, and so on in addition to Windows very successfully. Demanding Steven Petruzzellis to stop flooding, a thing I didn't do, is distinct from spotting his fraud. My bottom line was that advocates stay here to study idiots. It's not as if we all don't know what this group is, Allah especially. I thought showing Steven Petruzzellis a little generosity might help the situation. It did not.

That is the problem now and younger pupils don't know what they are doing, people from past generations SHOULD know better than to fall for the New World agenda.

In fact Steven Petruzzellis's lies only grew. So as might be expected I regret being kind to Steven Petruzzellis. While I am sure his wife loved it, he has taught me to never try to appease a troll. Can emoticons be concatenated into a string with a logical connection to the "real" world; that is the question posed recently by those astonished at the endless babbling of "advocates" and neck beard freaks.

You're like a pregnant woman hiding behind a very skinny tree. We all see you there and tell you as much. And you're so foolish you keep denying it. The advocates imply searching for a price comparison for a Linux application is trolling.

One Smart Penny!topic/comp.os.linux.advocacy/tzMH39QmAmU
Jonas Eklundh Communication

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 5:19:52 AM9/2/17
I am working on a system which will be more than anything Malcolm 'The Shill' McLean can do! Malcolm 'The Shill' McLean's behavior is altogether thoroughly duplicitous. There can be zero question that as soon as any forgiven 'plonked person' does anything to hurt the inferior coward's feelings that they'll be reblocked.

All joking aside, what lie? But Malcolm 'The Shill' McLean feels the need to please the herd. So be it.

His goal is to see Flatfish bothered by nonstop flooding. And hey, that could work. Malcolm 'The Shill' McLean is being controlled by Flatfish. This is clearly a hobby of Flatfish's.

Top Six Ways Malcolm 'The Shill' McLean Trolls!topic/comp.os.linux.advocacy/tzMH39QmAmU
Jonas Eklundh Communication

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 5:35:48 AM9/2/17
Do not get too confident, chrisv, sometimes "your socks" are just that. chrisv would have to be suffering from Alzheimers to be unsure of whether or not he "never had" developed Windows. Sound like anyone in here? When someone can not keep his lies straight and applies bogus, ego protecting twaddle later, it's extremely clear what his trolling is.

It does not matter because the FROM line on a post does not matter, we know it is from chrisv anyway. Proof Sandman accuses everyone of being Snit

Are you being idiotic on purpose? Linux offers the least choice. chrisv is the product of the reality that leftists have been employed to be in charge of schooling the next generation. It's not chance that he is a brainless Russian sympathizer.

One Smart Penny!
Jonas Eklundh

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 6:38:10 AM9/2/17
On Friday, September 1, 2017 at 10:33:57 PM UTC-7, Jonas Eklundh wrote:
So many trolls are still talking about the open source "CLI" as if it literally is something we would want.

And what did Rick C. Hodgin have to say about this amazing support from new posters? Most of the time he would try to lead Marek Novotny to trust they're real people who just happened to have an extremely bizarre entrance into usenet.

Believe it or not, just recently he was declaring himself the only "true Linux advocate", and claiming that "advocates" (in mockery-quotes just to annoy Marek Novotny) are focusing on Windows more than on Linux. Where did you go to school? Marketing is a wonderful thing and consumer ignorance is even better.

Puppy Videos

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 6:53:36 AM9/2/17
The herd members value conformity above choice and productivity. VPN dude Marek's computer has more memory than chrisv's. VPN dude Marek wins. chrisv loses. Simple as that.

I would answer chrisv directly but he is a cretin who screws around to implement his craving to call everyone a fool.

You _do_ realize that the massive floods ending up in multiple groups started out when chrisv was quoted lying.

The Mac has a newer and better file system. Even VPN runs better on it. Can you stop asking for my attention?

This is what results when seriously poor faith in oneself takes over chrisv's persona.

Get Rich Slow
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB


Sep 2, 2017, 9:10:21 AM9/2/17
Tell me, Chris: have you ever actually TALKED to a supposed "nazi" or
"KKK member" and understood things from their point of view? I have,
and let me tell you that they argue their case very well,
respectfully, WITH evidence, with arguments and that in general, they
are just kind and friendly people.

Meanwhile, you and your kind operate without evidence of any kind,
don't have an argument, immediately judge and dismiss and are overall
despicable people who _think_ that they are kind and friendly.

Unlike you, I've listened to both sides and as it is, the "nazis" are
a lot more convincing.

Peter Köhlmann

Sep 2, 2017, 9:32:28 AM9/2/17
Doomsdrzej wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Sep 2017 19:41:25 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom
> <> wrote:
>>chrisv wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>> owl wrote:
>>>>"Coming to a head" is usually preceded by a period of increasing
>>>>tensions, not the decades decreasing tensions that we have seen.
>>> It's social media. Communication is much faster and more
>>> now. Any idiot can make a video and show it to the world.
>>>>This is a manufactured crisis.
>>> There's truth in that. A couple weekends ago in Chicago, 11 were
>>> killed and 45 wounded. In _one_ weekend. It was barely worthy of
>>> mention in the news. But if one black guy killed by a non-black,
>>> it's national news for the next fscking year!
>>To me, a bunch of white assholes marching chanting anti-Jewish
>>and carrying torches reminiscent of KKK "round-em-up" marches looks
>>like a suppuration of pus.
> Tell me, Chris: have you ever actually TALKED to a supposed "nazi" or
> "KKK member" and understood things from their point of view?

I have. And the "best" one could say about them ist that they are scum.
Without any exception

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 9:46:58 AM9/2/17
Malcolm McLean wants to hurt us: If Malcolm McLean can't play here then no one will.

Why does Malcolm McLean focus on his own ego so much? Malcolm McLean is clearly flooding, he got called out on it and he's doing the normal rubbish learned in Trolling 101 as he endeavors to find a hint of legitimacy... but it will not work.

My Snoring Solution!topic/comp.lang.c/KDQrv8appR8
Jonas Eklundh Communication


Sep 2, 2017, 10:04:34 AM9/2/17
I didn't realize your name was Chris, Peter.

In that case, there are two documentaries I would love for you to

1) The Greatest Story Never Told (the true story of Hitler and the

2) Communism by the Backdoor (

Keep an open mind.

Peter Köhlmann

Sep 2, 2017, 10:16:33 AM9/2/17

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 10:17:56 AM9/2/17
A shadow of false cognition, projected wisely, at the wrong time. "Well, that wasn't hard" said Marek Novotny's girlfriend. Marek Novotny does not know if there is a free open source solution or not. I am happy the person you are attacking is in my KF.

I am not angry, to the contrary, I am enjoying watching because Marek Novotny's nonsense is so juvenile. He purposefully didn't mention all the criteria that he would inevitably mock... and we all know why, Marek Novotny made that much clear. At least he has his own socks to back him. How is a universal consciousness tied to flatlining brain waves in any way going to lead to improved usenet discussion? These morons get their enjoyment out of provoking annoyed reactions to their crap, which is the very definition of a troll.

I have known voices in my head who argue better than you do.

Live on Kickstarter
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB

Russian Election Hacker

Sep 2, 2017, 10:32:45 AM9/2/17
Let me ask... Do you by any chance spend a lot of time listening to
Alex Jones?


Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 10:33:35 AM9/2/17
I have worked for the computer industry for 25 years. I've had a contract with large OEMs working with the robotics industry and the insurance industry. Never, with even a hint, was I on any account under a contractual obligation not to install any OS we wanted. We sold Linux, Amiga, OSF/1, and so on in addition to MS OSs with no issues.

What The Flying Spaghetti Monster does is certainly more productive.

I am a total supporter of System76, because that's where all the stimulating usability improvements are happening.

I Left My Husband & Daughter At Home And THIS happened
Jonas Eklundh


Sep 2, 2017, 11:40:41 AM9/2/17
On Sat, 02 Sep 2017 16:16:29 +0200, Peter Köhlmann
There's that world-reknowned Peter the Klöwn open mind everyone keeps
talking about!


Sep 2, 2017, 11:41:51 AM9/2/17
Of course and proudly so. However, neither of these two documentaries
is in any way associated with Alex Jones so I wonder what the point
you will eventually make is.

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 11:52:24 AM9/2/17
Perhaps you use it like Malcolm 'The Fool' McLean. Do you not understand the use of https?

Malcolm 'The Fool' McLean gets off on that Steve Carroll is on the other end. Imagine if Malcolm 'The Fool' McLean walked up to a footstool and delivered the punch line. It wouldn't be amusing in any way. That is the problem with millennials and uneducated instructors don't understand why older people are better; people from earlier generations SHOULD know better than to fall for the New World agenda.

Habits change. Perhaps the idea of a website is getting to be old fashion. He is as incompetent as Malcolm 'The Fool' McLean.

It was Malcolm 'The Fool' McLean who was openly asking how better to mask his flooding.

Eight things to never feed your dog!
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB


Sep 2, 2017, 12:25:02 PM9/2/17
On 9/2/17, 6:10 AM, in article,
"Doomsdrzej" <.m@nsn.s> wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Sep 2017 19:41:25 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom
> <> wrote:
>> chrisv wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>> owl wrote:
>>>> "Coming to a head" is usually preceded by a period of increasing
>>>> tensions, not the decades decreasing tensions that we have seen.
>>> It's social media. Communication is much faster and more democratic,
>>> now. Any idiot can make a video and show it to the world.
>>>> This is a manufactured crisis.
>>> There's truth in that. A couple weekends ago in Chicago, 11 were
>>> killed and 45 wounded. In _one_ weekend. It was barely worthy of
>>> mention in the news. But if one black guy killed by a non-black, OMG,
>>> it's national news for the next fscking year!
>> To me, a bunch of white assholes marching chanting anti-Jewish slogans
>> and carrying torches reminiscent of KKK "round-em-up" marches looks
>> like a suppuration of pus.
> Tell me, Chris: have you ever actually TALKED to a supposed "nazi" or
> "KKK member" and understood things from their point of view? I have,
> and let me tell you that they argue their case very well,
> respectfully, WITH evidence, with arguments and that in general, they
> are just kind and friendly people.

I have as well... and their claims are unsupported crap... much like the
stuff you believe from Alex Jones and other conspiracy sites. Only a
complete and utter moron who knows NOTHING of history or, frankly, logic
could accept their racist crap as being a well argued position.

> Meanwhile, you and your kind operate without evidence of any kind,
> don't have an argument, immediately judge and dismiss and are overall
> despicable people who _think_ that they are kind and friendly.

He and his kind. What does that even mean?

> Unlike you, I've listened to both sides and as it is, the "nazis" are
> a lot more convincing.

Gee, Slimer, there was a time when you tried to pretend to not be overly
bigoted, racist, and anti-Semitic. As I have noted, your whole world view is
that YOU should get special entitlements others should not.


Sep 2, 2017, 2:16:40 PM9/2/17
There's plenty of scumminess to go around. A huge number of the so-called
liberals (control freaks) are also super-scum.

And there's a huge difference between Neo-Nazis, White Supremists and plain
Southerners who want to honor their ancestors who died in the Civil War.

The more I see of Windows, the more I like Linux

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 2:18:33 PM9/2/17
Steve Petruzzellis is the outcome of the fact that Marxists have been appointed to take the lead in instructing the next generation. It's not a coincidence that he is a senseless socialist.

But Steve Petruzzellis feels the need to mock the herd. So be it.

Sandman blames Steve Petruzzellis for what others do. Here is a list of names Jonas Eklundh has admitted he attributes to Steve Petruzzellis "Cactus Pete", "Donald", "Donald Miller", "Horace McSwain", "Hymen", "meat","Mike Weaver", "Modena IV Drid", "Omar Murad Asfour", "Rhino Plastee", "Soapy", "SopwithCamel", "Sunny Day", "Takuya Saitoh", "The Letter Q", "tmelmosfire", "zevon". Most of those are names of his buddy Steven Petruzzellis.

What Every Entrepreneur Must Know
Jonas Eklundh


Sep 2, 2017, 2:58:52 PM9/2/17
On 9/2/17, 11:12 AM, in article ooes9t$hpp$, "RonB"
<> wrote:

>>>> To me, a bunch of white assholes marching chanting anti-Jewish slogans and
>>>> carrying torches reminiscent of KKK "round-em-up" marches looks like a
>>>> suppuration of pus.
>>> Tell me, Chris: have you ever actually TALKED to a supposed "nazi" or "KKK
>>> member" and understood things from their point of view?
>> I have. And the "best" one could say about them ist that they are scum.
>> Without any exception
> There's plenty of scumminess to go around. A huge number of the so-called
> liberals (control freaks) are also super-scum.
> And there's a huge difference between Neo-Nazis, White Supremists and plain
> Southerners who want to honor their ancestors who died in the Civil War.

Honoring them by erecting symbols of slavery and oppression is STILL not
acceptable, even if they really, really want to.

Jonas Eklundh

Sep 2, 2017, 3:15:25 PM9/2/17
Time to blame anything but Linux! Steve Petruzzellis created at least 20 KVMS in the last year or so. I bet nobody else has ever done that.

You're seven seconds away from being in everyone's kill filter. For all the big talk Marek Novotny's done on this topic, the 'Front End Designer' does not understand how to do this. It seriously takes a couple seconds to click and drag across a range and 'orient' it.

Sandman blames Marek Novotny for what others do. Here is a list of names Jonas Eklundh has admitted he attributes to Marek Novotny "Cactus Pete", "Donald", "Donald Miller", "Horace McSwain", "Hymen", "meat","Mike Weaver", "Modena IV Drid", "Omar Murad Asfour", "Rhino Plastee", "Soapy", "SopwithCamel", "Sunny Day", "Takuya Saitoh", "The Letter Q", "tmelmosfire", "zevon".

Lying sack of shit does it every time. Then the torrent begins. Because the milquetoast just has to run to other groups in an effort to get attention from someone. Anyone. Awhile back I did work on and showed some Objective-C for the front end which is the only thing you can do when trying to avoid Marek Novotny's kiddie crap while reading with Google Groups.

One Smart Penny!
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB


Sep 2, 2017, 3:23:19 PM9/2/17
And then there's the irony of those parading in Charlottesville under
Stalin's flag calling out the "Nazis".

Jonas Eklundh

Sep 2, 2017, 3:23:51 PM9/2/17
Desk Rabbit's reverse compiled Linux with (I'd guess) the Borůvka's algorithm to produce texts which are in the form of ones from those of one particular legit member. "VM God" Marek just wiped his ass with Desk Rabbit. This is truly a pastime of mine. Desk Rabbit doesn't have any clue what he is sniveling about.

This is something the mainstream media never covers. Just look at your posts and look at mine, there is nothing for anyone to learn from a small time player like Desk Rabbit. But hey, let him keep making an idiot of himself. He can make another sock to pat himself on the back.

You can say I am Madonna for all I care.

Desk Rabbit is just thrilled that "VM God" Marek is on the other end. Imagine if Desk Rabbit walked up to a dog and delivered the punch line. It wouldn't be amusing.

Puppy Videos
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB


Sep 2, 2017, 3:25:04 PM9/2/17
On Sat, 2 Sep 2017 18:12:13 -0000 (UTC), RonB <>
People keep forgetting that history is written by the victors and in
the case of Robert E. Lee and other "racists," they weren't completely
erased from history and were thankfully recognized for their
contributions to the American story and their military prowess. From
what I know, he was a superior military leader to anything the North
had to offer and was actually completely against slavery. He only
fought for the South because he loved his state which, to me, seems
like one of the most honorable reasons to volunteer.

It's very unfortunate that liberals want to 1) erase people in history
and 2) dismiss anyone who disagrees with their political views as
racists but I don't expect intelligent discourage or even a
conversation in general from the left.


Sep 2, 2017, 3:29:09 PM9/2/17
Yeah, the liberal "hero" – Bernie Sanders – used to have a Soviet flag
hanging in his office.

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 3:34:08 PM9/2/17
Who are you even talking to? It was owl who was publicly asking how better to mask his flooding. He is as incompetent as owl. Fool! Steven Petruzzellis has been here to understand the depths of the guy's narcissism.

What GIMP looks like is what it is and easily remedied, especially if it's better than the competition. What do you get out of lying?

"You'll notice how quickly he loses interest when everything is about him. He clearly wants the attention"
Steven Petruzzellis, making the dumbest comment ever uttered.


Sep 2, 2017, 3:39:20 PM9/2/17
On 9/2/17, 12:24 PM, in article oof0hq$o6$, "RonB"
My town has a "sister town" in Mexico... we have the Mexican flag hanging in
places to recognize that. Does not mean we want to be Mexico.

But, hey, attempt at a dodge. :)


Sep 2, 2017, 3:45:51 PM9/2/17
On 9/2/17, 12:25 PM, in article,
"Doomsdrzej" <.m@nsn.s> wrote:

>>>> Tell me, Chris: have you ever actually TALKED to a supposed "nazi" or
>>>> "KKK member" and understood things from their point of view?
>>> I have. And the "best" one could say about them ist that they are scum.
>>> Without any exception
>> There's plenty of scumminess to go around. A huge number of the so-called
>> liberals (control freaks) are also super-scum.
>> And there's a huge difference between Neo-Nazis, White Supremists and plain
>> Southerners who want to honor their ancestors who died in the Civil War.
> People keep forgetting that history is written by the victors and in
> the case of Robert E. Lee and other "racists," they weren't completely
> erased from history and were thankfully recognized for their
> contributions to the American story and their military prowess.

It has nothing to do with them being racists (there were racists on both
sides of the war). It has to do with the CAUSE of the war: which was
primarily for the "right" to keep slaves. That is NOT a "right" we should be

And Lee, himself, did not want statues of him erected. But they were...
often times as symbols of slavery and oppression.

> From what I know, he was a superior military leader to anything the North had
> to offer and was actually completely against slavery. He only fought for the
> South because he loved his state which, to me, seems like one of the most
> honorable reasons to volunteer.

The primary cause of the war was for the "right" to own slaves. THAT is what
he was fighting for.

> It's very unfortunate that liberals want to 1) erase people in history

Nobody is suggesting that. He SHOULD be remembered. If we are to avoid the
sins of the past we MUST remember them. Your claim is an out-and-out lie.

> and 2) dismiss anyone who disagrees with their political views as racists

Again: there is absolutely NO truth to this. What is being noted is if you
want to keep monuments to slavery and oppression then you are backing the a
racist cause. And that is true by definition.

> but I don't expect intelligent discourage or even a conversation in general
> from the left.

Notice how your "arguments" are based on falsehoods and twisting of facts.

Why not actually try to refute what I have noted. I am more than happy to
show multiple sources to back it... including the official statements as to
why the Southern states said they wanted to secede, the timeline of when
these monuments were erected (not as much of a correlation as some say, but
there is a clear one to civil rights movements), comments from Lee where he
says he does not want such statues erected, comments from at least some of
his living descendants, etc.

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 3:52:35 PM9/2/17
Despite all the bragging Melzzz has done on this topic, the 'Front End Designer' doesn't understand how to do this. It only takes a couple seconds to highlight text and 'reverse' it.

It's Melzzz's problem and he has to want to deal with it. Obviously he would rather attack than face reality. Steve Petruzzellis and Melzzz had their failures and their embarrassments. One presented it cool and didn't do anything too horrendous that could not be obfuscated with a larger scandal.

I Left My Husband & Daughter At Home And THIS happened!

Steven Petruzzellis

Sep 2, 2017, 4:31:31 PM9/2/17
On Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 5:34:37 PM UTC-7, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> chrisv wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
> > Doomsdrzej wrote:
> >
> >>The people who
> >>start the violence, whether it is at Berkeley or in Charlottesville
> >>are ALWAYS antifa. If the mainstream media claimed that it was the
> >>right, it was because they did so without evidence of any kind.
> >
> > They certainly come looking for a fight, screaming and in a frenzy.
> >
> > It's one of the few things that I agree with Trump about. He's the
> > only one who had the guts to blame both sides for what happened in
> > Charlottesville.
> >
> > People (should) have the right to speak and to march. It's also OK to
> > protest. It's not OK to scream in someone's face, because you don't
> > like what they are saying.
> Apparently some provocation was involved.
> I think some of our heritage belongs in a museum, not on display in publics
> as a way to celebrate "the way things are" (although the last few months
> have pointedly emphasized "the way things are" :-( ).
> > --
> > "THE EPITOME OF HYPOCRISY!" - some piece of shit that calls itself
> > "GreyCloud", attacking Free software advocates who wanted a place to
> > discuss things away from disruptive, insulting assholes (like
> > "GreyCloud").
> --
> Q: How many WASPs does it take to change a light bulb?
> A: One.

How is Firefox on Linux doing anything above the lowest common denominator?

Was that meant to be clever? A shadow of false causation, projected foolishly, at the wrong time. Gee, imagine VPN Egomaniac Marek Novotny trying to pin his balderdash on Chris Ahlstrom and me, no one has ever seen that before < @_@ >.

Top Six Ways VPN Egomaniac Marek Novotny Trolls!
Jonas Eklundh

Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 2, 2017, 4:47:16 PM9/2/17
Peter Köhlmann wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
I grew up in a very redneck area outside of Chicago, and was exposed to a
lot of that crap, both from seeing the marches in Skokie, and from friends
and people at school talking about "the niggers".

> I have. And the "best" one could say about them ist that they are scum.
> Without any exception

Jesus Christ, does this "Slimer" asshole really think that these people are
only "supposed" racists and bigots?

Hint: If you revile people because of their race or religion, you are scum.

You will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize... posthumously.

Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 2, 2017, 4:47:42 PM9/2/17
Peter Köhlmann wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
And racist k00k.

You have taken yourself too seriously.

Chris Ahlstrom

Sep 2, 2017, 4:49:15 PM9/2/17
RonB wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
What gives you the right to claim that Sanders is a "liberal 'hero'"?

Bridge ahead. Pay troll.


Sep 2, 2017, 5:02:58 PM9/2/17
On 9/2/17, 1:36 PM, in article oof549$d4n$, "Chris Ahlstrom"
<> wrote:

>>> Tell me, Chris: have you ever actually TALKED to a supposed "nazi" or
>>> "KKK member" and understood things from their point of view?
> I grew up in a very redneck area outside of Chicago, and was exposed to a
> lot of that crap, both from seeing the marches in Skokie, and from friends
> and people at school talking about "the niggers".
>> I have. And the "best" one could say about them ist that they are scum.
>> Without any exception
> Jesus Christ, does this "Slimer" asshole really think that these people are
> only "supposed" racists and bigots?
> Hint: If you revile people because of their race or religion, you are scum.


It is insane: these people are not "really" racist, they merely fight to
have racist symbols maintained and otherwise act like racists... just like
Carroll who claims to not "really" be obsessed with but merely pretends to
be to... um... uh... see if he can fool Marek and then blame me?



Sep 2, 2017, 5:03:40 PM9/2/17
On 9/2/17, 1:38 PM, in article oof580$d4n$, "Chris Ahlstrom"
<> wrote:

>>>> There's plenty of scumminess to go around. A huge number of the so-called
>>>> liberals (control freaks) are also super-scum.
>>>> And there's a huge difference between Neo-Nazis, White Supremists and plain
>>>> Southerners who want to honor their ancestors who died in the Civil War.
>>> And then there's the irony of those parading in Charlottesville under
>>> Stalin's flag calling out the "Nazis".
>> Yeah, the liberal "hero" ­ Bernie Sanders ­ used to have a Soviet flag
>> hanging in his office.
> What gives you the right to claim that Sanders is a "liberal 'hero'"?

He is the most popular politician in the country right now... but the flag
was about their tie to a sister city, something right wingers leave out when
they tell their stories.

Steve Carroll

Sep 2, 2017, 5:29:40 PM9/2/17
From what I've seen (which is none of it lately), it looks like the Gnome ecosystem is getting better. Sadly there are too many "it just works" Gnome users and not enough users with the patience to help the people with Android. Everyone is Marek Novotny -- the oldest gag in the book.

Marek Novotny and Chris Ahlstrom both lie repeatedly and flagrantly and continue to do so. So no motivation in showing any further civility or judiciousness.

He's incontrovertibly trolling, he got called out on it and he's doing the expected rubbish taught in as he knocks himself out to regain a hint of legitimacy... but it won't work. Just baloney from him. But he has left technology behind and is holding me guilty for the deeds of himself.

Marek Novotny wants to punish us: If he and his shills can't be the focus here then his flooding crap will. Frankly I do not really think you understand.

Do not click this link!
Jonas Eklundh Communication AB
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