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How Net Applications statistics are derived!

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Mar 2, 2011, 5:53:08 PM3/2/11

Yea gods! It's all down to the CIA!

It seems that NetApplications "weights" statistics according to the number
of users in each country, and the CIA has just decided that there are a lot
more Internet users in China than they thought, so this month's figures have
been "adjusted"!

Amongst other things, this means that:-

- Global use of I.E.6 increased by 0.7% last month(!)

- There is a statement in there that Internet Explorer went UP by 1.13%,
which really should have been 1.31% because....

"As Roger Capriotti, Microsoft’s director of Internet Explorer Product
Marketing, wrote, “We saw share of both Internet Explorer 8 and 9 grow.”
Specifically, “When adjusted using the older weighting, IE8 and 9 actually
show even stronger growth on Windows: up 1.31% (versus 1.13% using the new
February weighting) - or over three times Chrome’s 0.42% growth.

....but ....oops! .... no mention in that statement of the fact that I.E.7
might have come DOWN a tad!

Oh boy oh boy..... just make your own numbers up - they'll probably be more
accurate anyway!!

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